Tag Archives: Harry Reid

Attacking the Messenger; Ignoring the Message


The mainstream media, the Democrat Party, the erstwhile losing Clinton campaign, and progressives everywhere are still hyperventilating about the Russians allegedly interfering in the 2016 election. There’s no proof, of course, and this is not an opinion shared by all of our intelligence agencies. The FBI, for instance, does not agree on Russia’s alleged motive, even if Russia were behind the hacks of the DNC and John Podesta’s email. As might be expected after all this brouhaha, the CIA apparently now denies the entire scenario.

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Illegal Aliens and Birthright Citizenship

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With his illegal amnesty action, Barack Obama is predicted to bestow as much as $1.7 BILLION on illegal aliens over the next decade, mostly in the form of earned income tax credits, which in some cases “returns” more money to a recipient than the person ever paid in taxes (if any).

If that’s not bad enough, the head of the IRS has confirmed that illegal aliens who benefit from Obama’s illegal “amnesty” program by obtaining Social Security numbers will be allowed to file tax returns going back years, which may net an illegal alien family as much as $35,000 in one fell swoop, emphasis on fell (at least for the citizens and legal immigrants who paid the taxes that are being redistributed to people who have no legal or moral right to be in our country in the first place, much less to collect a tax “return”).

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Random Thoughts and News for a Monday Morning

Michele Obama

Following are some random thoughts concerning issues in the news:

Whatever became of our girls in Nigeria? Their cause fell off the front pages fast, didn’t it? The girls are still in captivity, and now have been joined by others. Where’s Michelle Obama now? Off to California, on the taxpayers’ dime, to visit Malia, an aspiring filmmaker.

When “mass shooters” who happen to be white strike, the media always report how many guns were involved, the types of guns, how much ammo, what type ammo, and the source of the weapons, as well as whether or not the person had a permit or had legally purchased the weapon(s). Why don’t they do the same for inner-city shootings perpetrated (mostly) by “persons of color”? See here, here, and here for a reports about how at least 16 were killed and 82 were shot in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend. How’s that strict gun control working out for the people of Chicago?

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MAD Libs vs. Vulture Conservatives

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According to Scott Whitlock of NewsBusters, [emphasis added to quotes]

Chris Matthews appears to have a Mad Libs-style list of the worst insults he hurls at conservative. On Wednesday, he chose “verbal terror” to smear everyone on the right who disagrees with all of the “great things” Barack Obama wants to do. The Hardball anchor opened his show by hyperbolically warning, “Political armageddon!” According to Matthews, the fight between the President and conservatives is not a conflict of ideas.  h/t Gordo

No, it’s much more than a conflict of ideas, alleges Matthews.  Watch the video of him, salivating like a mad dog, at NewsBusters. Continue reading

Who Is Patricia Ann “Pattie” Millett?

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Last week, the Republicans blocked the nomination of Patricia Millett to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia because Obama is trying to pack the court that has the most to say about his policies and the tactics used by his administration to do end runs around the law and the Constitution.

As a result, Harry Reid (who voted against Millett) is once again threatening the nuclear option, which, of course, if ever invoked will come back to bite the Democrats big time, if and when Republicans ever control the Senate again. [emphasis added to quotes]

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Law of the Land? It All Depends. (Open Thread)

jpg_law_justice_003Lately, the Democrats and Obama supporters in the media (aka the JournOlist) have settled on a new meme that’s been repeated by Senator Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton, among others.   Sayeth Senate Majority Leader Reid:

Obamacare is the law of the land, and will remain the law of the land as long as Barack Obama is president of the United States and I am Senate Majority Leader.

There’s the meme:

Obama care is the “law of the land.” Continue reading

2012 “Most Wanted” Corrupt Politicians – Judicial Watch

Posted by Bridgette

Shocking? Obama and Holder are Listed Again!

Six Consecutive Years for the Usurper Obama!


Barack Hussein Obama Wanted Poster


How many of those listed have been indicted for crimes since WTPOTUS began showing their faces and advertising Judicial Watch’s list in 2009? How many have  faced any real consequences for their corrupt activities?  Unbelievably, these people, whose activities border on criminal  keep getting reelected by their constituencies and by the citizens at large.  These “criminals” should be branded as corrupt by their opponents the next time they run for office.  It should be made known they were listed by Judicial Watch as one of the top ten most corrupt politicians.  When will something stick to these seemingly teflon-coated thugs?   Why are these people above the law?

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Is Obama Springing a Communist Surprise Come November?


© Miri WTPOTUS June 4, 2012  

In an article recommended by Bridgette, Ion Mihai Pacepa warns about what is happening to our country [emphasis added]:

History usually repeats itself, and if you have lived two lives, as I have done, you have a good chance of seeing that re-enactment with your own eyes. In 1978, I paid with two death sentences from my native Romania for helping her people rid themselves of their Marxist dictatorship, carefully disguised as socialism. Continue reading

Draining the Progressive Swamp

By Bridgette

CLEAN OUT THE Red Progressive SWAMP!

East Coast "Red Bellied" Swamp Snake

Is Your Incumbent  Senator or Representative or the person who is running for election a Progressive/Democrat/Marxist/Socialist/Communist?   Does  the person running for office in your state or district align with them?  Do they believe our US Constitution is flawed and should be a fluid document?  Do they want to  transform our country into the likes of Third World Countries?

Since the Pelosi-Reid regime took control in 2006, and then added Obama in 2008, we have seen Democrats deeply tied to corruption and ethics violations. If these people weren’t in government and protected by their peers, these ethic violators would be facing criminal charges.  They still might.

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Snow White and the Seven Dorks .. Open Thread.

Snow White and the Seven Dorks!

At Your Service!

Snow White, Skanky, Sleazy, Fishy, Queeney, Dopey,  Cheaty, and Gaffy!



Tea Party Sign.. It’s A Winner!

By Bridgette

Just a few pictures of the “elites” that inhabit the WH Elementary School’s Juvenile Halls of Slime and Crime in Dork City, USA.   A few of these are tooted as the best of the rest…and I say, “Put it to rest.”    They’ve lowered the bar so far, that it now only takes a baby step to reach their level, ground level.  Dirt.  

This  radical group and their supporters and associates with their  “pie in the sky transformational ideas” are so out of touch with “normal” Americans that they can only be described as pathetic.  Yes, sick, pathetic, delusional, and dangerous.   They need to be permanently reeled in.   Taking advice from their Alinsky, Marxist playbook, let’s reel them in, slice ’em, and dice ’em!
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