Tag Archives: Michelle Obama

Gaps. We Got Gaps.

Another tempest in a teapot blew over this past week, when mainstream media, without evidence, falsely accused President Trump of hiding White House phone records from the corrupt Jan. 6th Congressional “investigation,” which is actually just another partisan witch hunt and “insurance policy” designed to, they hope, abort the next Trump presidential candidacy.

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The Strange Career of Barack Hussein Obama II

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Have you ever heard of William Ellis, aka Guillermo Eliseo? (That’s not his image above, but it looks like him.) A new book documents Ellis’s amazing, fabulous life story. The Strange Career of William Ellis: The Texas Slave Who Became a Mexican Millionaire was written by Karl Jacoby, a historian, and it sounds utterly fascinating. [emphasis added to quotes, in blue]

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Does This Watermelon Remind You of Anyone?

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Compare and Contrast

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Sorry! I couldn’t resist. And now …

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Truth and Transparency (Open Thread)

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We’re having some fun with a photo recently touted by the White House, in light of comments by Joan Rivers. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to death of these staged “iconic” photographs, which resemble propaganda from communist regimes like North Korea or China.

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Random Thoughts and News for a Monday Morning

Michele Obama

Following are some random thoughts concerning issues in the news:

Whatever became of our girls in Nigeria? Their cause fell off the front pages fast, didn’t it? The girls are still in captivity, and now have been joined by others. Where’s Michelle Obama now? Off to California, on the taxpayers’ dime, to visit Malia, an aspiring filmmaker.

When “mass shooters” who happen to be white strike, the media always report how many guns were involved, the types of guns, how much ammo, what type ammo, and the source of the weapons, as well as whether or not the person had a permit or had legally purchased the weapon(s). Why don’t they do the same for inner-city shootings perpetrated (mostly) by “persons of color”? See here, here, and here for a reports about how at least 16 were killed and 82 were shot in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend. How’s that strict gun control working out for the people of Chicago?

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Michelle in China

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Michelle Obama, her daughters, her mother, and goodness knows who else are flying to China today on the taxpayers’ dime. But of course!

The Chinese built the Great Wall to keep out “barbarians”.  Does it work?  Apparently not all the time.

The 8-day junket is described by the White House as “official” business in order to justify making We the People foot the bill: [emphasis added to quotes]

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Happy Birthday, Michelle! Let’s Mooooooove!

Today Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama II (aka the First Lady, aka FLOTUS, aka Michelle Robinson Obama) is officially a senior citizen Don’t look so worried, Michelle.  Chin up!

Today is Michelle’s 50th birthday.  She can join AARP!  If she acts fast, she can use her AARP discounts to buy some cheap eats to feed guests at tonight’s tommorow night’s White House birthday bash.

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Shut ‘R Down: Rescind the White House Occupancy Permit (Open Thread)


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In keeping with this policy enacted by the Obama administration — [emphasis added]

The government shutdown is being felt close to home for some … They say they’re being forced out of private homes … because they sit on federal land.

The Spencers [aged 77 and 80] never expected to be forced out of their Lake Mead home, which they’ve owned since the 70s, but on Thursday, a park ranger said they had 24 hours to get out. —

We the People DEMAND

that the Obamas, and all other residents, be similarly evicted from the White House, which also sits on federal land. 

They have 24 hours to vacate.

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Obama: Young Love (Open Thread)

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In honor of the 21st wedding anniversary of the First Couple, we reprise this story  (h/t Papoose):

A Chicago neighborhood has erected a granite boulder with a plaque as a monument to the Obamas’ first kiss. As Obama related: [emphasis added to quotes]

On our first date, I treated her to the finest ice cream Baskin-Robbins had to offer, our dinner table doubling as the curb. I kissed her, and it tasted like chocolate.

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