Category Archives: National Policy

Father of the Pregnancy?

By now, the entire world knows about the 10-year-old Ohio girl alleged to have been raped and who then traveled to Indiana for an abortion. Because the story was sourced to a single person–an OB-GYN who is active in pro-abortion politics–many citizens, some politicians, and even some in the mainstream media were skeptical.

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The Peasants Are Revolting!

“Peasants” around the world are revolting, but in a good way. People are waking up and refusing to comply with vaccine mandates. The mainstream media in the U.S. (and probably elsewhere) don’t cover these uprisings very often, no doubt so as not to give peasants in other places ideas.

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Everything’s Fake, a Shell Game

Misinformation and disinformation, especially regarding COVID-19, is a frequent topic of discussion.

According to the Biden administration, false or misleading information about COVID-19 or vaccines is

an urgent threat to public health.

In the video at the link, an activist called Imran Ahmed says misinformation is a “biosecurity threat” that “kills” people. Anthony Fauci calls disinformation an “enemy of public health.”

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We Agree: This HAS Gotta Stop

Eric Clapton, who suffered severe side effects from COVID-19 “vaccination,” has released a new song entitled “This Has Gotta Stop.” A UK online news site reports:

While the song does not directly mention lockdown measures or vaccines, the musician has performed on anti-vaccine songs in recent months. His latest offering has been interpreted by some as an attack on the measures recommended by health officials.

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It took a while, but I finally found someone who’s keeping a list of Joe Biden’s lies. Biden recently made this claim:

Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated.

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White Supremacist Xenophobe Closes Border

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Joe Biden’s administration announced recently that the border with Mexico is “closed,” which is news to most Americans who are incensed about the thousands of illegal aliens who pour over the border every day. Continue reading

Here We Go – Impeachment 2.0

The Democrats are going to meet today to decide on impeaching President Trump, with a statement by House Speaker Pelosi to follow.

Impeachment. Not over the Russian collusion/obstruction fiasco but, this time, over a “whistleblower” complaint that is based upon hearsay. A complaint that nobody in Congress has even seen. A complaint that has already been determined by Department of Justice lawyers to not fall under the law concerning intelligence community whistleblowers, simply because the person who made the complaint is not complaining about anyone within the intelligence community and the person the complaint allegedly concerns is not under the purview of the intelligence community.

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Damned Lies and Statistics


The far left and their minions in academia and the media love to play with and distort statistics. Given the recent spate of “mass shootings” across the nation, it behooves us to examine what critieria were used for the lastest claim–that there have been more than 250 “mass shootings” so far this year. An astounding figure! Continue reading


White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders forced to leave a restaurant because she works for President Trump. DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen harassed at a restaurant and harassed at her home by “protesters” because she’s enforcing our immigration laws and, by so doing, protecting our country.

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MAGA or Betrayal?

Today there is little joy in Magaville, as President Donald J. Trump signs the RINO/Democrat $1.3 trillion “omnibus” spending bill. (Yes. Trillion!)

Puzzlement, maybe, at best. A sense of betrayal. There’s that, too. What exactly is or was he thinking?

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