Tag Archives: Jesse Jackson Jr.

2012 “Most Wanted” Corrupt Politicians – Judicial Watch

Posted by Bridgette

Shocking? Obama and Holder are Listed Again!

Six Consecutive Years for the Usurper Obama!


Barack Hussein Obama Wanted Poster


How many of those listed have been indicted for crimes since WTPOTUS began showing their faces and advertising Judicial Watch’s list in 2009? How many have  faced any real consequences for their corrupt activities?  Unbelievably, these people, whose activities border on criminal  keep getting reelected by their constituencies and by the citizens at large.  These “criminals” should be branded as corrupt by their opponents the next time they run for office.  It should be made known they were listed by Judicial Watch as one of the top ten most corrupt politicians.  When will something stick to these seemingly teflon-coated thugs?   Why are these people above the law?

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Judicial Watch’s “Most Wanted” Corrupt Politicians for 2011

Posted by Bridgette

Surprise, surprise, surprise…

Obama and Holder Made the List Again!


Judicial Watch Announces Washington’s

“Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2011

December 26, 2011

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption,  released its 2011 list of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.”   The list, in alphabetical order, includes:

Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain was not “Tone Deaf”, it was Pitch-Perfect…

Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain was not “Tone Deaf”, it was Pitch-Perfect…

…to the Cordoba Initiative.

Many in the media are calling Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain “Tone Deaf”, but consider how Michelle was Pitch-Perfect when it comes to her intended audience, and meeting the following two objectives:

1) A distraction from Barack’s trip to Chicago.

2) An endorsement of the Cordoba Initiative.

We may not like either one of those objectives, but she accomplished them.

Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain was not “Tone Deaf”, it was Pitch-Perfect…

…to Marxists and Islamists…

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Gangsters Masquerading as Politicians –Alexi Giannoulias

By Bridgette

Welcome to the Illinois Rogue Gallery of Gangsters who masquerade as honest politicians, “friends” of politicians, associates of politicians, union officials and their notorious thugs, underground criminals, and the endless parade of their debtors or creditors.  Their mentality of  “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine”  has led to a mafia type organization with corruption to match.  Opposition leads to usual/unusual consequences including  suspect suicide and deaths.  Although their game  increased profits for Chicago and state morticians, their gangland stronghold kept the city from thriving.   Knowledge about the inner workings and connections in Illinois are the backdrop to the shenanigans we are watching on the Washington, D.C. stage.   Continue reading