Tag Archives: illegal immigration

Hodgepodge of News

A hodgepodge of stories that stood out recently. First, the Republican campaign flyers just write themselves, don’t they?

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Father of the Pregnancy?

By now, the entire world knows about the 10-year-old Ohio girl alleged to have been raped and who then traveled to Indiana for an abortion. Because the story was sourced to a single person–an OB-GYN who is active in pro-abortion politics–many citizens, some politicians, and even some in the mainstream media were skeptical.

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Central America First?

Much has been said and written about the current crisis (surge, emergency, influx, invasion) at our southern border, so we won’t belabor those points. However, the Biden/Harris administration must explain to We the People exactly why they seemingly place the welfare of Central American “unaccompanied” minors ahead that of U.S. citizens.

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White Supremacist Xenophobe Closes Border

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Joe Biden’s administration announced recently that the border with Mexico is “closed,” which is news to most Americans who are incensed about the thousands of illegal aliens who pour over the border every day. Continue reading

President Trump Will Speak Today on the Shutdown and Illegal Immigration

President Trump will address the nation this afternoon on the topic of the shutdown and the “humanitarian crisis” at the border. Despite much speculation, nobody knows for certain what he intends to announce. Will he declare an emergency and have the wall built immediately? One can only hope.

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Annoying Progressives

Here’s something I read today that struck a note and which seems altogether necessary to share with you all. Hopefully the author, Kurt Schlicter, will not mind. Schlicter advises us to “Annoy Liberals By Refusing To Care About Their Stupid Fake Outrages.” I couldn’t agree more.

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Astroturfed Mob Mentality

While the progressive left blames President Trump for the actions of one unhinged man who shot newspaper employees because of a personal vendetta, members of the progressive left, apparently following the advice of Rep. Maxine Waters, are attacking young female reporters.

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Fake News and the Illegal Alien Caravan

As an army of 1000 to 1500 illegal aliens heads towards the U.S. border in an attempt to instigate a confrontation with the Trump administration, the mainstream media is curiously complicit in promoting the pro-illegal-alien, anti-Trump narrative. For days, the mainstream media studiously ignored the impending invasion, after the story broke at BuzzFeed at the end of last month:

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Extreme Parsing


The mainstream media is on a tear, ever since President Donald J. Trump’s inauguration.

Day after day they publish slanted negative story after slanted negative story about President Trump, alienating the over 60 million Americans who voted for him and probably others, too. Their dishonesty is unrelenting and never ending, to the point that some admit that there is actually a campaign of organized psychological warfare, intended to destabilize the President, to  get “under his skin,” and perhaps even to prompt him to quit or to have him removed from office because of alleged mental illness.

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Pelosi Calls Illegal Aliens “Our People” and “Citizens”


Recently, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was challenged by a mother whose son was brutally murdered by an illegal alien.

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