Category Archives: Biographies and Selected Persons

Here We Go Again?

First it was Barack Hussein Obama. Now it’s Kamala Devi Harris. Is either Democrat a natural born citizen? Obama ran for the presidency without anyone affirming that he was qualified to be president. The Constitution requires a person to be a natural born citizen.

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The First Birther and Other Prevaricating Democrats

Just this past week, former president Barack Obama made reference, yet again, to the “wild conspiracy theory” that he doesn’t have a valid birth certificate. In fact, Obama lumped the issue of his birth certificate (credibly alleged to be forged) together with what he calls another “wild conspiracy theory” — the one “surrounding Benghazi,” as if facts about what really happened in Benghazi are not true.

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Hitler and Presidents

The future President of the United States, after visiting the site of Adolf Hitler’s home in Bavaria, wrote: [emphasis added]

You can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. … He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.

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Dreams of His Destiny

Another biography of Barack Obama is soon to be published. Many and various are the articles exposing some of the “bombshells” in the apparently semi-authorized book. (Obama sat for long but off-the-record interviews with the author.) If we look at some of what’s been revealed so far, it’s hard not to notice the hypocrisy of those who today excoriate President Donald Trump for being who he is while lionizing Barack Obama, despite who he is.

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Another Book About Obama

David Garrow, Pulitzer-prize winning author of a book on Martin Luther King Jr., has written a book about Barack Obama–Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama–to be released May 9, 2017. Garrow began writing his book in 2008, working on it over the past 9 years. The book, 1460+ pages long, covers Obama’s history from the point where his father allegedly came to the U.S. in the late 1950s through 2016 (but with scant coverage after 2007).  Garrow spoke recently on Jamie Weinstein’s radio show:

I think that people irrespective of their political views or partisan identification will be astonished—I cannot say that too strongly—will be profoundly astonished by how much important substance of Barack Obama’s life has not previously been known. [emphasis added to quotes]

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Chuck Berry, RIP

Chuck Berry died today. He shall be missed.

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Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday 2017

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President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Honest Abe was the very first Republican president, and today is his birthday.

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Elizabeth Warren and “Rich Guys Like” Herself

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Elizabeth Warren (aka Fauxcahontas) gave the keynote speech on the first night of the Democrat National Convention in Philadelphia. She spoke from behind the safety of a wall that you can see at the top of this post. The wall was hastily constructed after the minions got rowdy and rudely booed erstwhile DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the stage and out of the convention entirely, and after said minions also (threateningly?) chanted “lock her up” whenever Hillary Clinton’s name was mentioned.

A reminder: Hillary is supposed to be the DNC’s annointed one. Dare I say it?

The natives were restless, my friends.

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What Is True Social Justice?

BrookingsFromJanuary - CopyIn an article entitled Why Trump frightens the GOP Illuminati, author Lee Cary quoted Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution–a political think tank that claims to be independent and non-partisan. Here’s a sample of their non-partisanship, in which Trump supporters are analyzed in the most arrogant, insulting way, adding selfishness and a dearth of empathy (i.e., sociopathy) to the usual descriptors applied by the elite to Trump supporters:

racism and nativism and xenophobia and misogyny and homophobia and anti-Semitism.

And they wonder why folks in flyover country support Trump.
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The Strange Career of Barack Hussein Obama II

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Have you ever heard of William Ellis, aka Guillermo Eliseo? (That’s not his image above, but it looks like him.) A new book documents Ellis’s amazing, fabulous life story. The Strange Career of William Ellis: The Texas Slave Who Became a Mexican Millionaire was written by Karl Jacoby, a historian, and it sounds utterly fascinating. [emphasis added to quotes, in blue]

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