Category Archives: Immigration

Life Has Never Been Better?

The elites of the world, who style themselves our betters and thus believe themselves to be born to rule the hoi polloi, are meeting (aka conspiring) in Davos, Switzerland. Make no mistake, they consider themselves to be masters of the future, in other words, masters of us all.

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We Are All Immigrants Holiday Weekend

This coming Monday is to some Columbus Day and to others Indigenous Peoples’ [sic] Day.

Since there appears to be much debate and controversy about the history of this country as well as the entire hemisphere, let’s stick with science:

We are all immigrants or descended from immigrants to this hemisphere.

Therefore, we unilaterally declare this weekend to be

We Are All Immigrants Holiday Weekend.


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Hodgepodge of News

A hodgepodge of stories that stood out recently. First, the Republican campaign flyers just write themselves, don’t they?

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Father of the Pregnancy?

By now, the entire world knows about the 10-year-old Ohio girl alleged to have been raped and who then traveled to Indiana for an abortion. Because the story was sourced to a single person–an OB-GYN who is active in pro-abortion politics–many citizens, some politicians, and even some in the mainstream media were skeptical.

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Everything’s Fake, a Shell Game, Part 2

Our last post focused upon how (alleged) President Joe Biden has issued a COVID vaccine mandate for private companies with over 100 employees. As we pointed out, the “mandate” is completely fake, even though mainstream news media continue to report it as if it’s real. It’s not real. Prove it yourself by trying to find the new standard on OSHA’s website.

What else is fake? The Biden administration’s claim that they’re sending “massive numbers” of the illegal aliens pouring over our border back home.

FAKE. A lie. A shell game. Continue reading

Central America First?

Much has been said and written about the current crisis (surge, emergency, influx, invasion) at our southern border, so we won’t belabor those points. However, the Biden/Harris administration must explain to We the People exactly why they seemingly place the welfare of Central American “unaccompanied” minors ahead that of U.S. citizens.

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White Supremacist Xenophobe Closes Border

Long_border_fence - Copy

Joe Biden’s administration announced recently that the border with Mexico is “closed,” which is news to most Americans who are incensed about the thousands of illegal aliens who pour over the border every day. Continue reading

Again, It Goes Without Saying …

Yes, we do; indeed we do, Mr. President.
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Damned Lies and Statistics


The far left and their minions in academia and the media love to play with and distort statistics. Given the recent spate of “mass shootings” across the nation, it behooves us to examine what critieria were used for the lastest claim–that there have been more than 250 “mass shootings” so far this year. An astounding figure! Continue reading

President Trump Will Speak Today on the Shutdown and Illegal Immigration

President Trump will address the nation this afternoon on the topic of the shutdown and the “humanitarian crisis” at the border. Despite much speculation, nobody knows for certain what he intends to announce. Will he declare an emergency and have the wall built immediately? One can only hope.

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