Tag Archives: amnesty

Again, It Goes Without Saying …

Yes, we do; indeed we do, Mr. President.
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President Trump Will Speak Today on the Shutdown and Illegal Immigration

President Trump will address the nation this afternoon on the topic of the shutdown and the “humanitarian crisis” at the border. Despite much speculation, nobody knows for certain what he intends to announce. Will he declare an emergency and have the wall built immediately? One can only hope.

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Illegal Aliens and Birthright Citizenship

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With his illegal amnesty action, Barack Obama is predicted to bestow as much as $1.7 BILLION on illegal aliens over the next decade, mostly in the form of earned income tax credits, which in some cases “returns” more money to a recipient than the person ever paid in taxes (if any).

If that’s not bad enough, the head of the IRS has confirmed that illegal aliens who benefit from Obama’s illegal “amnesty” program by obtaining Social Security numbers will be allowed to file tax returns going back years, which may net an illegal alien family as much as $35,000 in one fell swoop, emphasis on fell (at least for the citizens and legal immigrants who paid the taxes that are being redistributed to people who have no legal or moral right to be in our country in the first place, much less to collect a tax “return”).

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Obama Speaks Some Truth?

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Barack Hussein Obama II has announced his executive order action to illegally give “legal” status to millions of illegal aliens, against the wishes of the majority of U.S. citizens. In a speech extolling the wonders of himself for doing this illegal end run around the Congress and the Constitution, he may have skated rather close to a truth when he said:

You hear stories about young people who were brought here when they were two or three years old – are as American as any of us in attitude and love of country but don’t have the right papers and as a consequence they can’t apply for scholarships or they can’t travel because they are fearful that it might mean that they were deported …

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Some News for Today – June 9, 2014

newsies                                  Paper boys taking a smoke break circa 1900.

The news for today is typical of what we’ve come to expect in the Obamanation. Chaos. Misdirection. Cloward and Piven. Alinsky. Lies.

More of the same old, same old.

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Round Up Illegal Aliens and Deport Them (So Says Saudi Arabia)

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Now we hear that Obama is “pivoting” away from the debacle that is Obamacare as well as the many scandals in his administration.  One issue to which he plans to pivot is “immigration reform”.  In other words, amnesty–preferably for all “undocumented immigrants”, preferably with citizenship included so that all former illegal aliens can vote, preferably without having to secure the border, so that more and more potential voters can invade our country and turn the whole place “blue”.  You might wonder what that photo up there has to do with “immigration reform”.  Well, I’ll tell you:

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If Obama Had a Mother, Would She Look Like Louise Sollowin?

We don’t yet have a photo of  Louise A. Sollowin; but we do know that, like Stanley Ann Dunham, she was a mother who was beloved by her family.

Louise Sollowin spent 50 years helping her sister fire up the oven at Orsi’s Italian Bakery [in Nebraska], where her love of the family business kept her going well into her 80s.

Sollowin baked and cleaned, chatting almost exclusively in Italian with her sister, Frances Orsi, whose husband, Claudio, ran the bakery for decades. Sollowin’s husband, Joe, did the books.

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Let’s Make a Deal — for Illegal Aliens (Open Thread)

Long_border_fence - CopySo the Gang of Eight has reportedly made a deal. [Emphasis added to quotes.]

Senate Agreement to Bolster Border Security [Note: “Bolster” is not the same as “SECURE” or “CLOSE”.  Nor is “strengthen.”]

An agreement to strengthen border security is expected to be announced today around 11:00 AM with broader support, including from the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” senators who drafted the original legislation.

ABC News has confirmed that the Senate “Gang of Eight” along with other senators have reached an agreement to strengthen border security provisions in their bill that they hope will deliver the 70 crucial votes needed for the measure. Continue reading

Uncle Omar Onyango Obama: Deportation Hearing Scheduled (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS January 31, 2013

Barack Obama’s illegal alien uncle is in the news again. Onyango Obama was scheduled to face a deportation hearing, right after his nephew made an important speech about immigration enforcement, as well as a “path to citizenship” for illegal aliens. Continue reading

I Have a Dream That We Have a President Who Enforces the Law (Open Thread)

Illegal aliens line up for “deferred” deportation at Navy Pier in Chicago

© Miri WTPOTUS August 20, 2012

Whose jobs will they take?  Those Dreamers.  The illegal aliens being illegally handed de facto amnesty (and work permits) by President Barack Hussein Obama II, in apparent violation of his oath of office, according to Judicial Watch and Representative Steven King.   As many as 1.7  MILLION of them, according to a conservative estimate by the Pew Center.  There could be millions more, because there seems to be no way to prevent fraud, perhaps by design, as suggested by some ICE officers.  Whose jobs will they take? Continue reading