Tag Archives: corruption

Two Videos about Our Once and Future President

Respected attorney Alan Dershowitz responds to the indictment of President Trump. (Watch at least the first five or six minutes:

Please watch President Trump’s attorney replying to Jack Smith’s spite-filled indictment at The Gateway Pundit:

“We Got to Show Them All the Facts” – President Trump’s Attorney Addresses Media Outside DC Courthouse – PROMISES DISCOVERY in the Case (VIDEO)

Peace, out!


Stand with President Trump, Girt with the Truth

And that explains the witch hunt. Here is the truth about what we face today, in our country.

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The Last Tetrimino Clicks Into Place


If you, like so many of us, have come to the realization that the Jan. 6 incident (I won’t use “insurrection”) was pre-planned, but not by the usual suspects blamed by the media (“right wing MAGA/Trump supporters), then read in full and digest the article at this link. Then you will understand not just the “how” but the “why.” When you’re done reading, that last tetrimino will click into place.

A coup by any other name would be as vile.
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Third World Style Corruption

Hunter Biden is waging lawfare against those who exposed the disgraceful and perhaps criminal contents of his forfeited laptop, in what Jonathan Turley calls a “dirty political trick.”

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The Lawyers Speak

Time for President Trump and We the People to have our day in court. Today, the lawyers for the plaintiffs present their opening statement to the public. Soon enough, we learn whether or not we still have a democratic republic with equal justice under the law and not a banana republic. This is as serious as it gets. Watch …
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Here We Go Again?

The country is abuzz (or would be, sans partisan social media censorship) about the contents of a laptop and external hard drive that apparently belonged to former vice president Joseph Biden’s son Hunter and that have become the subject of a “bombshell” report by the New York Post.

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Remember This Whistleblower?

Recent circumstances call to mind the case of Jeffrey Alexander Sterling.

Jeffrey Alexander Sterling is an American lawyer and former CIA employee who was arrested, charged, and convicted of violating theEspionage Act for revealing details about Operation Merlin (covert operation to supply Iran with flawed nuclear warhead blueprints) to journalist James Risen.

Sterling was a “whistleblower” who was  arrested, tried, and convicted during the Obama administration. He was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison and was released in January 2018.

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Senator Grassley’s Referral Memo

Senator Grassley has released the memo that was sent to the DOJ and the FBI, referring Christopher Steele for investigation. However, the memo is heavily redacted, which means that We the People will have to wait to see what Senator Grassley knows that we’re not being allowed to know.

Update 2/6/18: This link goes to a less-redacted version of the memo, approved for release today.

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We Knew They Wouldn’t Go Quietly


The progressives have been in control of the presidency for the past eight years. It would have been stupid of us to believe that they would go quietly after Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump.

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Of the Godmother, Connected Guys, & Made Guys

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In the movie Donnie Brasco, Mafia hit-man Lefty explains mob lingo to Donnie:

Okay, when I introduce you, I’m gonna say, “This is a friend of mine.” That means you’re a connected guy. Now if I sez that “this is a friend of ours,” that would mean you’re a made guy. Capisci?

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