Tag Archives: 14th Amendment

Natural Born Citizenship: What Does It Mean?

We the people American Constitution with feather pen

Natural born citizen. Our Constitution requires presidents to be natural born citizens. “NO PERSON” can become president unless that person is a natural born citizen. Let’s parse the phrase.

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Illegal Aliens and Birthright Citizenship

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With his illegal amnesty action, Barack Obama is predicted to bestow as much as $1.7 BILLION on illegal aliens over the next decade, mostly in the form of earned income tax credits, which in some cases “returns” more money to a recipient than the person ever paid in taxes (if any).

If that’s not bad enough, the head of the IRS has confirmed that illegal aliens who benefit from Obama’s illegal “amnesty” program by obtaining Social Security numbers will be allowed to file tax returns going back years, which may net an illegal alien family as much as $35,000 in one fell swoop, emphasis on fell (at least for the citizens and legal immigrants who paid the taxes that are being redistributed to people who have no legal or moral right to be in our country in the first place, much less to collect a tax “return”).

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Natural Born Citizen Discussions in the Late 1800’s

© Bridgette WTPOTUS 2010

“Looking Back at History”

Natural Born Citizen Discussions in the Late 1800’s

Over 2 1/2 years ago when the subject of Obama’s eligibility or his ineligibility was brought to the forefront during the election cycle in 2008,  I was amazed that he would qualify.   I remembered what I was taught in civics classes in high school;  the President and Vice President must be natural born citizens. Those are the only two jobs in the United States that have the requirement that those persons must be natural born citizens.   According to the United States Constitution,  Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, there are only three  requirements that a person must meet to be eligible  for the office of  president:

  1. Be a “Natural Born Citizen of the United States”
  2. Be at least thirty-five years old;
  3. Have been a permanent resident in the United States for at least fourteen years.

To satisfy my recollection and to dispute what the Left was touting as the requirements by using the 14th amendment as Obama’s qualifier,  and Black’s Law Dictionary’s limited definition of natural born citizen, I researched newspaper sources from the late 1800’s.   Famous constitutionalists  and scholars of their time answer questions that we have had about both  Obama’s  and John McCain’s eligibility to run as presidential candidates.   The examples of certain situations about others can be applied to these two men who were nominated by their respective parties in 2008.

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