Tag Archives: ACORN

Waiting on the Grand Jury Decision

In light of the allegedly pending decision by the St. Louis Grand Jury, which will determine the fate of Officer Darren Wilson, consider this police chief’s take on violence in the black community and police response:

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PRYING Eyes Are Watching YOU!

Kathryn Watson of Watchdog.org writes from Alexandria, Virginia:

The police know exactly where my car has been — and when — during the past few months.

They could have the same information — or more — about you.

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Ms.Tutu Farcical Revisits 2009 for “Answers”

©Bridgette @WTPOTUS 2012

The Mysteries as Voiced by Ms. TuTu Farcical

Pythian Oracle

As the year began  in  2010,  Ms.  Tutu Farcical of the Oracle wrote an article that we thought should be revisited.  We thought it would be interesting to see if any of the questions plaguing us at the time from 2008 – 2009  were answered during the last two years.   Not only have  most of them not been addressed, but we could easily add more questions that have arisen since her initial publication.

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Spring Offensive for the Obama Campaign: Fight State Laws That Ensure Fair Elections

© Miri WTPOTUS November 04, 2011

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has published a very interesting article about what Robert Bauer is up to lately. You remember Bob, don’t you? 

Former White House (WH) counsel.  He who introduced the world to the real, authentic, three-dimensional, certified, long-form Obama birth certificate.  He who’s married to the lovely and mysterious, I-have-no-backstory, Mao-loving, former WH director of communications Anita Dunn.  He who belongs to that law firm, Perkins-Coie, that also employs as a partner Barack Hussein Obama II’s personal lawyer, Judith Corley, who is the only person [outside the HDOH staff] known to have actually possibly seen whatever it was that the Hawaiian Department of Health produced in April, which later on Bauer and other WH flunkies implied was scanned and placed on the White House blog as Obama’s birth certificate.  Yeah, that guy. Bob. Continue reading

American Spring or American Nightmare?

© Miri WTPOTUS 2011

Blowhard!  This would be amusing if we didn’t know that it just may be something that Barack Obama and most of his Marxist/progressive/domestic terrorist friends (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dorhn, Van Jones, etc.) have been community organizing for, for years.  Global-warming guru Al Gore calls for an “American Spring”, such as the Middle East experienced over multiple “Arab Springs“–orchestrated, Internet-community-organized, George Soros-funded, astroturfed revolutions in the streets of their cities.  But we’re not alone.  Some have suggested recently that Israel, too, needs such a “Spring”.  Continue reading

Anita Moncrief is the Thorn that Won’t Stop Pricking

Posted by Bridgette

Anita Moncrief  is the Thorn that Won’t Stop Pricking

ACORN Whistleblower Co-founds 1st Black Tea Party in Sheila Jackson Lee’s Backyard

By: MataHarley
January 20, 2011

Yet another tea party movement forms, and this group will provide more than the usual pride in citizens, standing up against a government they demand be reined in.   Why? This tea party movement is made up of those supposed non-existent black Americans. And what gives me yet another smile is that this group is formed right under the nose of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, [D-TX]  who made news in the past two days demonstrating her lack of Constitutional knowledge when she proclaimed any repeal of O’healthcare was unConstitutional.

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Gangsters Masquerading as Politicians – Mayor Richard M. Daley

By Bridgette

Richard M. Daly

Chicago’s “Illustrious” Mayor

Our Illinois Rogue Gallery of Gangsters is presenting those who masquerade as honest politicians. Today’s Illinois politician, Richard Michael Daley, deserves a serious look because of the family’s historical significance in Chicago.

Richard M. Daley, born in 1942, is the oldest of 7 children born to Former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley and his wife Eleanor. He was brought up in the Irish Catholic neighborhood of Bridgeport that is on the southwest side of Chicago. He received his law degree from DePaul University.

Richard and his wife Margaret had four children, Nora, Patrick, Elizabeth and Kevin who is deceased. He started his career with the help of his father’s machine’s backing. He was in the Illinois Senate for 8 years. After that he won the election to become Cook County’s State’s Attorney where he remained for 9 years from 1980 – 1989. Daley ran for mayor and won in 1989. The previously elected mayor, Harold Washington, died in 1987 of a heart attack. (He was allegedly one of Obama’s mentors).

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Justice Department Halted ACORN Investigation

Posted by Bridgette

Friends of Obama and Holder Don’t Get Prosecuted even if there is overwhelming evidence of criminal activity. Examples are the Black Panthers, ACORN, and Kevin Johnson, Mayor, Sacramento, CA. Who prosecutes the prosecutor? Can Holder recognize crime? We need a definition of crime according to the corrupt Democrat’s Dictionary.

Obama “Justice” Department  Shut Down Federal ACORN Investigation Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch

Washington, D.C.  – March 11, 2010
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) detailing federal investigations into the alleged corrupt activities of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The documents reference serious allegations of corruption and voter registration fraud by ACORN as well as the Obama administration’s decision to shut down a criminal investigation without filing criminal charges.

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The Show-Me State Shows Obama

by Miri

The St. Louis Arch

Some snippets from yesterday’s appearance in MO, as heard on radio and gleaned from newspapers and TV reports:

About 400 invited guests attended O’Bobblehead’s event; over 5 times as many citizens turned out for the Republican townhall the same day.

Four hundred astroturfed minions versus over 2225 concerned American citizens who came out on their own, in grassroots fashion, to oppose O’Bobble’s socialist schemes.

Then you have the fundraiser last night:  A [generously counted] 200 paid 0bot/HCAN reform advocates were there to picket, versus 2500 O’Bobblecare Opponents/Tea Partiers who filled the streets of St. Louis.

Way to go, St. Louis! People came from all over the bi-state area (IL and MO).

Of course, the lamestream media made it sound as if the groups were equal in number. They had a very tight shot of the Tea Party protesters on one corner (but they stretched way down the street) and then they panned over to the tiny pro-O’Bobble contingent of paid minions on the opposite corner. They reported “hundreds” for each side, when in actuality, it looked like no more than 40 Obot minions versus over two THOUSAND O’Bobble opponents (aka patriots).

There was one photo of the protest in the St. Louis Post-Disgrace: A cropped photo of ONE Tea Party protester carrying “Don’t Tread on Me” flags. They made it a point to say that he declined to be identified. See more at: http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2010/03/2300-turn-out-to-protest-obama-in-st-louis/

It will warm the cockles of your heart.

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What is ACORN’s Trade Secret of Corruption?

Posted by Bridgette

“GOP Lawmakers Hit ACORN With New Report Alleging Misconduct. The Republicans’ latest report contains documents that they say confirms previous findings that ACORN is responsible for thousands of fraudulent voter registrations across the country and has used taxpayer money to support a partisan political agenda.”  FOXNews.com

A second report issued by Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and his fellow Republicans on the US House Oversight Committee further accuses ACORN, a non-profit organization, and its partner SEIU of multiple crimes. Among them are voter-registration fraud, using taxpayers’ money for political purposes, and violating election laws by having an unlawful partnership between a major labor union and ACORN and its many affiliates. The report says ACORN operates as a “Criminal Conspiracy” in conjunction with SEIU. Not only do they share the same the same office space in many cases, they also co-mingle monies that transfer from one arm to another. According to an audit, one organization, American Institute for Social Justice transfers federal funds to ACORN’s national organization for political purposes. The report also states that the Department of Justice (Eric Holder, Attorney General) and the FBI should be investigated for not delving into this issue of corruption and criminal activity. This is a 68 page report and the following are some of the salient points.

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