Tag Archives: Stanley Ann Dunham

Obama Speaks Some Truth?

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Barack Hussein Obama II has announced his executive order action to illegally give “legal” status to millions of illegal aliens, against the wishes of the majority of U.S. citizens. In a speech extolling the wonders of himself for doing this illegal end run around the Congress and the Constitution, he may have skated rather close to a truth when he said:

You hear stories about young people who were brought here when they were two or three years old – are as American as any of us in attitude and love of country but don’t have the right papers and as a consequence they can’t apply for scholarships or they can’t travel because they are fearful that it might mean that they were deported …

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Projection and Unconscious Confession

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There’s an interesting series of articles by Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., who is a forensic profiler. Hodges

works with words and analyzes the “see-all, tell-all unconscious mind” of people. He calls it the “super intelligence” and through psycholinguistics observes “how a person’s words reveal deeper unconscious messages.” …

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Obama Mystery Theater: Stanley Ann’s Passport Discussion (continued)

 Stanley Ann Dunham  to Philipines April 6 1986  Passport File Page 14, Signature

Stanley Ann Dunham to Philipines April 6 1986 Passport File Page 14, Signature

Because there are so many comments on the topic, we’ve had a request for a new thread, where we can continue our discussion of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro’s passport records, which began here, here, and here.
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Obama Mystery Theater: Stanley Ann’s Passport Renewal of 1968 (Part Three)

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This is the third article in a series that looks at some passport records related to Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro (Ann), with special emphasis on an application she made to renew her passport in August 1968. In part two, we determined that it’s likely that Ann did have a passport that predated the passport she was renewing. Since her then-current passport was issued in July 1965, if she had a preexisting passport, then that passport may have been issued in July 1960, right after Ann allegedly graduated from high school and around the time that her family moved to Hawaii.  It’s also possible, however, that the earlier passport had been issued in July 1962, provided that she didn’t extend the expiration date for another two years.

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Obama Mystery Theater: Stanley Ann’s Passport Renewal of 1968 (Part Two)

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This is the second part of a closer look at Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro’s passport records. In part one, we examined a portion of a passport renewal application dated August 13, 1968, nearly two years before her passport, issued July 19, 1965, would have expired. We looked into the background of the “vice consul” who processed this passport-renewal: Mr. Alphonse F. La Porta. Because no passport records for “Ann”  Soetoro dated before 1965 were found or released, we speculated about whether the 1965 passport was the first-ever passport for Ann, or whether she had a previous passport, perhaps one issued five years before July 19, 1965.

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Obama Mystery Theater: Mark Ndesandjo Speaks

markandbrother - CopyIn a recent Newmax article, there’s audio of an interview with Mark Ndesandjo, Barack Obama’s half-brother by another mother.  A partial transcript appears below, of what seems most interesting, at least to me. [emphasis added]

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Fun with Signatures

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Above are various signatures from the INS records that were released to Mr. Kenneth Allen, pursuant to an FOIA request.  Dates of the signatures by Lolo Soetoro are included in the snippets.  Click the image to enlarge it.  The earliest signature was from 1963, top left corner.  The bottom image is from the Soetoro/Dunham marriage record.  Oddly enough, signatures of some of the INS employees resemble Lolo Soetoro’s handwriting.

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Beating a Dead Horse, Again.

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So, having exhumed the dead horse, I’m going to beat it some more.

Even though the obfuscators want us to be bogged down in contradictory details, I nevertheless have some comments on Nick Chase’s articles. (See here and here; some background on him here, and a list of all of his articles for American Thinker here.)

I won’t address all of his articles, but will take issue with a few. First of all, Chase believes that Obama’s short-form certification of live birth (SFCOLB) is “genuine” and that the information on it is “true“.

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Obama Mystery Theater: A Curious Child

Scott Inoue and Barack, Noelani Elementary School, 1969  Ducky
Above is a photo of Barack Obama (right) with his friend Scott Inoue. This photo was said to be taken in December 1969, at Noelani Elementary School in Hawaii, when little Barry was supposed to be (according to the official story) in school in Indonesia. Continue reading

Obama Mystery Theater: Adventures in Babysitting (Open Thread)

Cassatt_Mary_Nurse_Reading_to_a_Little_Girl_1895 - CopyOur theme for this episode of Obama Mystery Theater is babysitting. Several strange and disturbing stories revolve around the Obama family and its babysitters.  There are also some very interesting connections.

First, we have Mary Toutonghi, the woman who claims that she babysat for the future U.S. president Barack Hussein Obama II when he was just a wee “pink” lad.  Trouble is, just months prior, Toutonghi didn’t mention that amazing connection when she spoke to an Alaskan reporter about vandals trashing her Obama-for-president yard signs.  Continue reading