Tag Archives: Barack Hussein Obama

Third World Style Corruption

Hunter Biden is waging lawfare against those who exposed the disgraceful and perhaps criminal contents of his forfeited laptop, in what Jonathan Turley calls a “dirty political trick.”

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Puppet and Panderer

Ok. I’ve had it with Democrat politicians and the media hiding facts from the public so they can pursue a false narrative. Their blatant lies divide our nation along racial lines and they don’t care because their goal is to defeat President Trump by any means necessary.

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Mueller Report Released Today

The long-awaited Mueller Report will be released by Attorney General William Barr today. Next will come the Democrat “analysis” of the report.
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Here We Go Again?

First it was Barack Hussein Obama. Now it’s Kamala Devi Harris. Is either Democrat a natural born citizen? Obama ran for the presidency without anyone affirming that he was qualified to be president. The Constitution requires a person to be a natural born citizen.

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Spy Spin

There’s a narrative developing around the Steele Dossier, and it’s not a promising one, from the perspective of those who want and expect truth and transparency. An op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal lays out this narrative, which has been hinted at before. So what’s the new spin?

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Presidential, and Former Presidential, Behavior

What is appropriate behavior for a president? That topic is much in the news lately. Consider these excerpts from a most-excellent article by Victor Davis Hanson, on the topic of President Trump’s tweets: [emphasis added to quotes]

Start with the given that there are now regrettably few accepted norms of presidential behavior. Trump’s occasional uncouthness is a symptom, not a catalyst, of the times. Bill Clinton redefined presidential behavior when he had sexual relations with a 22-year-old, unpaid intern (so much for power imbalances as sexual harassment) in the presidential bathroom off the Oval Office, lied about his recklessness to his family and the country, smeared Monica Lewinsky, and then wheeled out to the Rose Garden feminist cabinet officers like Madeline Albright and Donna Shalala to deny and defend his unsavory predatory behavior. After that sordid episode, the apologetic Left lost all credibility as an arbiter of presidential norms. …

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Dreams of His Destiny

Another biography of Barack Obama is soon to be published. Many and various are the articles exposing some of the “bombshells” in the apparently semi-authorized book. (Obama sat for long but off-the-record interviews with the author.) If we look at some of what’s been revealed so far, it’s hard not to notice the hypocrisy of those who today excoriate President Donald Trump for being who he is while lionizing Barack Obama, despite who he is.

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Trump Tomahawk Chops Assad

Yesterday, U.S. President Donald J. Trump ordered a Tomahawk missile attack on an airbase in Syria, in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack against Syrian civilians, allegedly perpetrated by forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

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Evidence of Mendacity


You’d have to be living in a cave not to know that President Trump has called out the activities of Obama’s “shadow government” on Twitter. The reaction of the mainstream media has been predictable and totally laughable.

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Attacking the Messenger; Ignoring the Message


The mainstream media, the Democrat Party, the erstwhile losing Clinton campaign, and progressives everywhere are still hyperventilating about the Russians allegedly interfering in the 2016 election. There’s no proof, of course, and this is not an opinion shared by all of our intelligence agencies. The FBI, for instance, does not agree on Russia’s alleged motive, even if Russia were behind the hacks of the DNC and John Podesta’s email. As might be expected after all this brouhaha, the CIA apparently now denies the entire scenario.

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