Tag Archives: Mueller investigation

Attorney General Summarizes Mueller Report

Attorney General William Barr sent his summary of the conclusions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to Congress this afternoon. Of note:

The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

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Injustice against the Justice

On Monday, if things go as planned, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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Fake News, Russian Style

This is the epitome of fake news, showing the gullibility of the media in reporting such fake news (false flags) as real; our media’s susceptibility to accepting at face value narratives that fit their own views or biases (or fears); and the impossibility of trying to determine who’s a “white hat” and who’s a “black hat,” especially when it comes to Russia.

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Senator Grassley’s Referral Memo

Senator Grassley has released the memo that was sent to the DOJ and the FBI, referring Christopher Steele for investigation. However, the memo is heavily redacted, which means that We the People will have to wait to see what Senator Grassley knows that we’re not being allowed to know.

Update 2/6/18: This link goes to a less-redacted version of the memo, approved for release today.

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The FISA Memo

The highly anticipated memo documenting potential FISA abuses by the Obama administration’s FBI and DOJ is out. This link goes to the memo itself, with a two-page introductory before the actual memo.  If it doesn’t work, there’s another link within this article.

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