Tag Archives: Loretta Lynch

Inspecting the Inspector General

The Senate and the House of Representatives this week are poring over the OIG report on the Clinton email “investigation.” Committee hearings featuring Inspector General Horowitz and/or FBI Director Wray took place yesterday and today.

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Mueller’s Questions

So now the most ethical, professional, and honest lawyer in Washington DC has allowed another leak from his “team” of persecutors prosecutors.

[An update in the interest of fairness: A NY Times story reads, “The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, recently provided President Trump’s lawyers a list of questions he wants answered in an interview. The New York Times obtained the list …”. That story makes it seem as if the list came from Mueller. Now, however, erupts a dispute over where the NY Times got a list of the questions. Some stories say the list was or may have been compiled by Trump’s lawyers or even “the White House,” although it’s reported that the list did not come from Trump’s “legal team.”]

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Hillary is Simply Unbelievable

Hillary Clinton has made some amazingly hypocritical and clueless comments lately. Even for the typically far-from-self-aware Clinton, she’s outdone herself in exhibiting her hypocrisy and, especially, her myopia.

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Rep. King Calls for Wider Investigations

Following is a transcript of comments made by U.S. Representative Steve King (R, Iowa) to the Judiciary Committee in support of “wider investigations of [the] Obama, Clinton, Comey, Soros, Lynch, Abedin, and Weiner Scandals.” Unsurprisingly, King’s comments and his call for further investigations into the Obama administration did not receive much exposure in the mainstream media last week. King’s speech is well worth watching at the link, or you can read the transcript below. [Emphasis added.]

Mr. Chairman, listening to this debate, it strikes me that there’s a few things that have been left out of this discussion, and I do support the gentleman from Florida’s amendment and I follow the ideology of this and the process.

One of the things I would say to that is that as I listen to the gentleman from Tennessee address this subject matter, and raise his voice pretty strongly about the allegations of Obama versus Russians, versus Putin, I would make a couple of points on this: One is, it’s pretty clear that the Obama administration sent their people over to Israel to work against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pretty much openly, significant dollars invested in that campaign over there.

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As the Tables Turn: Lynch Goes Under the Microscope

Several recent developments will be interesting to follow in the mainstream media. It’s their turn to squirm now. An article in the New York Post says that a special counsel may “probe Team Obama’s obstruction of justice.”

Whether or not an investigator is appointed, Congress itself intends to investigate former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her potential obstruction of justice and politicization of the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server.

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Where’s the Smoking Gun?

Representative Devin Nunes is now going to have a closed door session with FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers, as the House Intelligence Committee looks into “topics” that include whether the Obama administration used the guise of “legally authorized top-secret surveillance of foreign targets” to spy on the Trump transition team and spread throughout the government, far and wide, “unmasked” information concerning what the Trump team was doing and to whom they were talking between the November election and Trump’s inauguration.

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Evidence of Mendacity


You’d have to be living in a cave not to know that President Trump has called out the activities of Obama’s “shadow government” on Twitter. The reaction of the mainstream media has been predictable and totally laughable.

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