Tag Archives: Natural Born Citizen

Revisiting the Passport Breach

It’s reported that an Inforwars reporter by the name of Millie Weaver has been arrested, allegedly because an Ohio grand jury referred her and her significant other on a burglary charge, about which the reporter herself seems to know nothing.

What’s of interest to this blog is that the reporter was on the verge of releasing a documentary about the Deep State “Shadow Government.”

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Here We Go Again?

First it was Barack Hussein Obama. Now it’s Kamala Devi Harris. Is either Democrat a natural born citizen? Obama ran for the presidency without anyone affirming that he was qualified to be president. The Constitution requires a person to be a natural born citizen.

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The First Birther and Other Prevaricating Democrats

Just this past week, former president Barack Obama made reference, yet again, to the “wild conspiracy theory” that he doesn’t have a valid birth certificate. In fact, Obama lumped the issue of his birth certificate (credibly alleged to be forged) together with what he calls another “wild conspiracy theory” — the one “surrounding Benghazi,” as if facts about what really happened in Benghazi are not true.

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Dual Citizenship and Public Office

Recently, the topic of dual citizenship became a thing in Australia: [emphasis added to quotes]

First two Australian senators resigned on learning they held citizenship of New Zealand and Canada.

Then a third stood down from his cabinet post on discovering that although he had never even been there, he was a citizen of Italy.

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Natural Born Citizenship: What Does It Mean?

We the people American Constitution with feather pen

Natural born citizen. Our Constitution requires presidents to be natural born citizens. “NO PERSON” can become president unless that person is a natural born citizen. Let’s parse the phrase.

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Obama Speaks Some Truth?

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Barack Hussein Obama II has announced his executive order action to illegally give “legal” status to millions of illegal aliens, against the wishes of the majority of U.S. citizens. In a speech extolling the wonders of himself for doing this illegal end run around the Congress and the Constitution, he may have skated rather close to a truth when he said:

You hear stories about young people who were brought here when they were two or three years old – are as American as any of us in attitude and love of country but don’t have the right papers and as a consequence they can’t apply for scholarships or they can’t travel because they are fearful that it might mean that they were deported …

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Beating a Dead Horse, Again.

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So, having exhumed the dead horse, I’m going to beat it some more.

Even though the obfuscators want us to be bogged down in contradictory details, I nevertheless have some comments on Nick Chase’s articles. (See here and here; some background on him here, and a list of all of his articles for American Thinker here.)

I won’t address all of his articles, but will take issue with a few. First of all, Chase believes that Obama’s short-form certification of live birth (SFCOLB) is “genuine” and that the information on it is “true“.

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An Insoluble Problem?

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He can only have wanted it as a way of creating a mystery. Then I saw that this applied to all the other outrageous details. They were devilish enough; but it wasn’t mere devilry; there was a rag of excuse; because they had to make the mystery as contradictory and complicated as possible, to make sure that we should be a long time solving it — or rather seeing through it. …

They had to give us an Insoluble Problem.

G.K. Chesterton

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Welcome HOME, Mr. President (Open Thread)


The Obama family is in Africa–the immediate family, as well as Mrs. Marian Robinson and her son’s daughter.  The trip is said to cost taxpayers $100 MILLION.  In the meantime, the White House remains closed to visiting citizens, because the president alleges that the government can’t afford to pay for tour guides and security (not even when the resident family is in Africa).

Look closely at the photo above. Those African children’s t-shirts read:


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Here’s Evidence of Voter Fraud (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS March 12, 2013

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Democrats and leftists are wont to say, emphatically, that there’s no evidence of voter fraud, as they continue to argue against photo identification laws or efforts to purge voter registration lists of dead people and dogs.  They repeat this lie over and over again, sometimes qualifying it while moving the goalposts, as evidence appears:

There’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud.  


There’s no evidence of an organized effort to commit voter fraud.

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