Tag Archives: Stanley Armour Dunham

Obama Mystery Theater: Stanley Ann’s Passport Renewal of 1968

Ann Dunham Soetoro Passport photos  4 of them CWe’re going to look at a few pages from Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro’s alleged passport files, which were released under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.  We have many questions about these pages, especially because requests concerning “White House equities”, ever since 2009, “need” to be routed through the White House, as revealed by a recently disclosed memo.

In 2009 the FOIA was effectively rewritten or extra-legally “amended” by former White House Counsel Greg Craig to ensure the White House has hands-on oversight.  One wonders, then, why these particular pages were released to the public and not redacted, as so many other documents have been heavily redacted out of alleged concern for the “privacy” of living people (that being Barack Obama, among others, such as his sister).

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Obama Mystery Theater: A Curious Child

Scott Inoue and Barack, Noelani Elementary School, 1969  Ducky
Above is a photo of Barack Obama (right) with his friend Scott Inoue. This photo was said to be taken in December 1969, at Noelani Elementary School in Hawaii, when little Barry was supposed to be (according to the official story) in school in Indonesia. Continue reading

Choom Gang Blindness (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS August 14, 2012

In high school, Barry Obama was a leader of the “Choom Gang”, a cabal of drug-abusing wealthy losers.  Photo at this link.  Today, Barry is locked in a race for the presidency of the United States.  What a country!

The Obama campaign tweets and the lapdog, complicit lamestream media repeats. Continue reading

Obama Mystery Theater: Vernon, Texas – Weekend Open Thread

© Miri WTPOTUS November 18, 2011

With a huge hat tip to kittycat77 and Bridgette, here’s a montage of images from a news story about Stanley Ann Dunham’s days as an elementary school student in Vernon, Texas, circa 1951-1952.

First, in the interest of educating the people of the USA about Barack Hussein Obama’s family, here’s the text of the story in full: Continue reading

Barack Hussein Obama II – Child of Privilege

© Miri WTPOTUS October 12, 2011

Barack Hussein Obama II introduced himself to the American public as the son of a single “white mother” from Kansas and a black “immigrant” from Africa.  During the 2008 campaign, and since, Obama has presented himself as someone who grew up without privileges–a man whose mother sometimes had to rely on food stamps to get by.

“Barack Obama would be the first president in U.S. history to have grown up in a family that used food stamps,” says Joel Berg. … executive director of New York Coalition Against Hunger… Obama grew up in poverty and I believe he can combat poverty,” Joel says. 

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Kissing Cousins: Who Do We Think He Is? Open Thread!

By Miri

Recently, Ancestry.com announced that President Barack Hussein Obama II is related to Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and President George W. Bush. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101013/ap_on_re_us/us_obama_and_palin

What’s interesting is the firmness with which they state their findings:

A genealogist at the Utah-based Ancestry.com, Anastasia Tyler, said Obama and Palin are 10th cousins through a common ancestor named John Smith, a pastor and early settler in 17th-century Massachusetts. Obama is related to Smith through his mother, as is Palin, Tyler said. . . . As for Limbaugh, he’s also a 10th cousin of the president — one time removed — through a common ancestor named Richmond Terrell, who Tyler said was a large landowner in Virginia, also in the 17th century. ‘His history is a little more nebulous,’ Tyler said. Continue reading

What Say U? Same Person or Not?

© Miri WTPOTUS 2010

Composite of Barack Obama Photos © Miri WTPOTUS 2010


Above is a composite of photos purportedly of the POTUS (with one exception).  These are photos taken at various stages of his life, in various settings.

If you click on the composite, you’ll see a larger composite image.  If you want to see the photos larger still, change the zoom level on your computer display from 100% to 200%, or more; however, the photos will lose resolution as they become larger.  You will have to enlarge to see the numbers I assigned to each photo.  Continue reading

Shrink Says Obama’s “A Strange Bird!”

Posted by Bridgette

A Shrink Asks:

What’s Wrong with Obama?

By Robin of Berkeley

So what is the matter with Obama? Conservatives have been asking this question for some time. I’ve written a number of articles trying to solve the mystery.

Even some liberals are starting to wonder. James Carville railed about Obama’s blasé attitude after the catastrophic oil spill. The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd revamped Obama’s “Yes We Can” motto into “Will We Ever?”

The liberal women of the TV show “The View” have expressed sympathy for Michelle Obama’s living with a man so out of touch. Peggy Noonan, hardly a vehement Obama foe,  recently pronounced him disconnected.

Obama’s odd mannerisms intrigue a psychotherapist like me. He also presents a serious diagnostic challenge.                                   Continue reading

The Magnificent Creation .. Embarakonic Stem Cell

Embarakonic Stem Cell

Was He the Creation of Malignant Minds?

By Bridgette

Those of our readers who aren’t familiar with the investigative work of Don Nicoloff  and his series “The Three Stooges Go to Washington” should supplement their reading with his revealing articles.  His work was exhaustive and enlightening to those of us who have hunted, researched, and exposed the fraud, lies and cover-up about Barack Obama’s background, family, colleges, and all records including his faux Certificate of Live Birth.   We know he isn’t a Natural Born citizen.  How is an Embarakonic cell classified according to our Immigration Service?  How does someone magically appear out of nowhere?    The questions remain; who is he and where is he from?            Continue reading

WTPOTUS’s “No Fly List”


Takin’ Out the Trash

©Bridgette WTPOTUS 2010

On this thread we will begin watching the refuge, trash, and litter as it is being discarded along the Progressive’s green-lined roadside. Rubbish got in and it is getting rolled up and tossed out in those old brown paper wrappers and black plastic bags like the garbage it is. Like all unwanted waste and debris, it is headed straight for the progressive/communist dumpster. The signs are all pointing right, as that Obamabus keeps turning left and barreling down that super communist highway.

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