Shrink Says Obama’s “A Strange Bird!”

Posted by Bridgette

A Shrink Asks:

What’s Wrong with Obama?

By Robin of Berkeley

So what is the matter with Obama? Conservatives have been asking this question for some time. I’ve written a number of articles trying to solve the mystery.

Even some liberals are starting to wonder. James Carville railed about Obama’s blasé attitude after the catastrophic oil spill. The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd revamped Obama’s “Yes We Can” motto into “Will We Ever?”

The liberal women of the TV show “The View” have expressed sympathy for Michelle Obama’s living with a man so out of touch. Peggy Noonan, hardly a vehement Obama foe,  recently pronounced him disconnected.

Obama’s odd mannerisms intrigue a psychotherapist like me. He also presents a serious diagnostic challenge.                                  

For one, Obama’s teleprompter and the men behind the Blackberry keep him well-scripted. We know so little about the facts of his life.

But it’s more than just a lack of information. Obama himself is a strange bird. He doesn’t fit easily into any diagnostic category.

Yet a personality disorder like narcissism does not explain Obama’s strangeness: his giggling while being asked about the economy; his continuing a shout-out rather than announcing the Ft. Hood shootings; or his vacations, golfing, partying and fundraising during the calamitous oil spill.

Take also Obama’s declaring on the “Today Show” that he wants to know whose ass to kick. Consummate narcissists would never stoop to this vulgar display of adolescent machismo.

Obama is flat when passion is needed; he’s aggressive when savvy is required. What’s most worrisome is that Obama doesn’t even realize that his behavior is inappropriate.

So if it’s not just simple narcissism, what is wrong with Obama? Since I’ve never evaluated him, I can’t say for sure. But I can hazard some educated guesses.

If I saw a client as disconnected as him, the first thing I would wonder: Is something wrong with his brain? And I’d consider the following theoretical diagnostic possibilities.

Physical problems: There are a multitude of physiological conditions that can cause people to act strangely. For instance: head injuries, endocrine disturbances, epilepsy, and toxic chemical exposure.

It makes me wonder: Did Obama ever have a head injury? His stepfather in Indonesia was purportedly an alcoholic abuser. Was Obama subject to any physical abuse?

Drugs and alcohol: Damage to the brain from drugs and alcohol can also cause significant cognitive impairments. Obama once said that there were 57 states — and didn’t correct himself. Memory problems can be caused by both illicit and prescription drug use.

Obama admits to a history of drug use in his youth. Did his usage cause some damage? Does Obama still use?

Asperger’s Syndrome: Also known as high-functioning autism, Asperger’s causes deficits in social skills. A person with Asperger’s can’t read social cues. Consequently, he can be insensitive and hurtful without even knowing it.

Could Obama have Asperger’s? He might have some mild traits, but certainly not the full-blown disorder. In contrast to Obama, those with Asperger’s get fixated on some behavior, like programming computers. Obama lacks this kind of passion and zeal.

–Mental Illness: Obama’s family tree is replete with the unbalanced. His maternal great-grandmother committed suicide. His grandfather, Stanley Dunham, was particularly unhinged: He was expelled from high school for punching his principal; named his daughter Stanley because he wanted a boy; and exposed young Barry to not just drunken trash talk, but unrestricted visits with alleged pedophile Frank Marshall Davis (who might or might not be Obama’s biological father). Barack Sr. was an abusive, alcoholic bigamist.

Since mental illness runs in the family, does Obama have any signs? Yes and no. No, he is not a schizophrenic babbling about Martians. But there are red flags for some other conditions.

While Obama doesn’t appear to hallucinate, he seems to have delusions. His believing he has a Messiah-like special gift smacks of grandiose delusions. His externalizing all blame to conservatives, George W. Bush, or the “racist” bogeyman hints at persecutory delusions.

Along with a delusional disorder, Obama may fit for a mild psychotic disorder called schizotypal disorder. It may explain some of Obama’s oddness.

People with schizotypal disorder hold bizarre beliefs, are suspicious and paranoid, and have inappropriate and constricted affect. They have few close friends and are socially awkward. A schizotypal is someone like your strange cousin Becky who is addicted to astrology, believes she is psychic, and is the oddball at social gatherings.

Schizotypal Disorder does ring some bells vis-à-vis Obama. One way the diagnosis doesn’t fit, however, is that schizotypals are generally harmless, odd ducks. Not so with Obama.

Trauma: My gut tells me that Obama was seriously traumatized in childhood. His mother disregarded his basic needs, dragged him all over the place, and ultimately abandoned him.

But I think there may be something even more insidious in his family background. While I can’t prove it, the degree of Obama’s disconnect reminds me of my sexually abused clients.

With serious sexual abuse, the brain chemistry may change. The child dissociates — that is, disconnects from his being — in order to cope. Many adult survivors still dissociate, from occasional trances to the most extreme cases of multiple personality disorder.

Apparently, young Barry was left in the care of Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who admitted to molesting a 13-year-old girl. As a teenager, Obama wrote a disturbing poem, “Pop,” that evoked images of sexual abuse — for instance, describing dual amber stains on both his and “Pop’s” shorts.
Would trauma explain Obama’s disconnect? In many ways, yes. A damaged and unattached child may develop a “false self.” To compensate for the enormous deficits in identity and attachment, the child invents his own personality. For Obama, it may have been as a special, gifted person.

Let’s return now to my original question: What is wrong with Obama? My guess is a great deal. The answer is complex and likely includes some combination of the above.

Along with the brain issues are personality disorders: narcissism, paranoia, passive-aggressiveness. There’s even the possibility of the most destructive character defect of all, an antisocial personality. Untreated abuse can foster antisocial traits, especially among boys.

If my assessment is accurate, what does this mean?

It means that liberals need to wake up and spit out the Kool-Aid…and that conservatives should put aside differences, band together, and elect as many Republicans as possible.

Because Obama will not change. He will not learn from his mistakes. He will not grow and mature from on-the-job experience. In fact, over time, Obama will likely become a more ferocious version of who he is today.

Why?  Because this is a damaged person. Obama’s fate was sealed years ago growing up in his strange and poisonous family. Later on, his empty vessel was filled with the hateful bile of men like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers.

Obama will not evolve; he will not rise to the occasion; he will not become the man he was meant to be. This is for one reason and one reason alone:

He is not capable of it.

American Thinker

Head Injury?

Obama kissing Carla Bruni-Sarkozy at G-20 Summit

The Nasty Scar
Another  close-up view of the scar on Obama’s head.

H/T Insane Photo:  Free Republic

57 responses to “Shrink Says Obama’s “A Strange Bird!”

  1. Way back in ’08 many of us posting on Texas Darlin’s site pointed all these psychological anomalies. Obama=High Creepy Factor. Too bad nobody who could do anything about it, did anything. It’s like when you are driving along and hear a funny noise coming from your car’s engine or you smell electrical smoke. You might as well pull over and investigate. This kind of thing just doesn’t get better on its own!

  2. Found thru CW:

      • CW:

        Jonah // June 12, 2010 at 10:17 am

        • Bob // June 12, 2010 at 8:24 am
        Why are the Republicans silent? Perhaps this is another reason — Senators Lugar (Indiana) and Hagel (Nebraska) — detained in Russia in 2005 because of Senator Obama (Illinois).
        A real incident, described here accurately –

        Russia Holds Obama For Suspicion Of Being a British Spy Back In 2005! Investigator In Chicago Fingers Obama For Being A British Spy As Far Back As 2004!

        Let me see if I got this right.

        Back in 2005, Russian President V. Putin ordered U.S. Senator Barack Obama, to be held in custody under suspicion of being a British operative illegally spying in Russia at off-limits secret facilities.

        A US delegation headed by Republican Senator Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in the Siberian city of Perm, Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine in a diplomatically chaotic incident Sunday.

        Now fast forward to Sept. 2009, Obama is the U.S. President and he decides to abandon missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.

        President Obama scrapping European missile shield for Czech Republic, Poland
        WASHINGTON – The White House fought off accusations of caving in to Russia Thursday after announcing it would scrap a Bush-administration plan for a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe.

        Read more:

        Uh, do the Russians have something on Obama? I hesitate to think that blackmail may be in the works, but Congress should be looking into this. It appears our country is in serious jeopardy.

        • From above:
          For Being A British Spy As Far Back As 2004!
          Jump to Comments

          When I heard this the other night it hit me like a ton of bricks! I remember the plane with the US Senator being held at the airport in Russia! I remember thanking it was crazy that they believed the Senator on the Plane was a Spy for the British!

          So, for the last 24 hours I have been looking for news articles on this! This is what I have been able thus far! I also want to ask you this… Why would Russia way back in 2005 thank that this Senator was a spy for the British? Could it happen to be that they new he had a British pass port at some point in his life. Hummmmmmm Guys it just got stranger!

          It was kind of odd how Chicago investigator Sherman Skolnick *just happened* to pass away just before Barack Obama announced his run for President. Skolnick was founder and chairman of the Citizens Committee to Clean Up the Courts, which nailed two Illinois Supreme Court justices, Roy J. Solfisburg Jr. and Ray Klingbiel, who had accepted bribes of stock from a defendant in a case on which they ruled. The scandal catapulted John Paul Stevens, special counsel to the resulting investigating commission to a seat as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.

          Skolnick had indeed uncovered so many links between plots and participants in conspiracies that he may have come to see some where none existed…but he also uncovered others that noone else had noticed, and Obama was right in his back yard.


          Insiders Report It Was Accomplished With The Assistance of the Clinton Mob

          Filed 8/28/05

          Posted on Tuesday, September 15, 2009


          Co-host Sherman Skolnick prior to the 2004 Election fingered Barack Obama running in Illinois for the U.S. Senate as a British Intel agent born in Kenya. Skolnick, as a co-spy watcher unmasked Obama on his regular CLOAK program, Shop Talk From Plot H.Q.

          Today Russian President V. Putin ordered U.S. Senator Barack Obama, who is also tight with MOSSAD, to be held in custody under suspicion of being a British operative illegally spying in Russia at off-limits secret facilities.

          Spying with Obama, who was locked up, was U.S. Senator Richard Lugar,pro-Bush, was detained by Putin but unlike Obama, quickly released.

          Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar and Committee member Barack Obama at a base near Perm, Russia. This is where mobile launch missiles are being destroyed by the Nunn-Lugar program.

          Lugar delegation detained for three hours in Perm after inspecting nuke weapons facility US Senator Richard Lugar, who was briefly detained with a US delegation in Perm, Siberia, after inspecting the site, which is being dismantled with US funding.

          Nils Båhmer/Bellona

          A US delegation headed by Republican Senator Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in the Siberian city of Perm, Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine in a diplomatically chaotic incident Sunday. Charles Digges, 29/08-2005

          US officials were nonetheless anxious to downplay the incident in an apparent effort to avoid diplomatic fallout with the increasingly hard-line regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has publicly expressed dismay over a number of US-Russian disarmament programmes.


          A U.S. delegation headed by Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine.

          Russian border guards at the airport in the Siberian city of Perm demanded to search the U.S. government aircraft carrying the delegation, which also included Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who was making his first foreign trip since becoming a senator. Obama is also a member of the Foreign Relations Committee.

          American officials, citing a U.S.-Russian agreement that does not allow such inspections, refused to allow the search, leading to a three-hour standoff at the airport, …
 Report Read More


  3. I remember him being detained also for several hours in Russia, but it had to be through research because I sure wasn’t interested in the con-man in 2005. Yet I don’t remember the part of him being a British spy. The only spy that I recall was in the article
    “Obama CIA Agent During Afghan-Soviet War.”

    Obama CIA Agent During Afghan-Soviet War

    Judge Skolnik bit the dust ..that’s interesting.

    Why is this just now being reported? Why did he only find one article regarding O being a spy?

    I can’t see the Clinton’s helping Obama during this time. It was Bill Clinton that made reference to whether or not Obama was constitutionally eligible to be president. Also the Clinton’s had filed a RICO lawsuit against Obama. I thought that went away when he appointed Hillary as Secretary of State. I also thought that Obama was going to help pay off her debt for dropping that suit. I never saw anything more about their RICO suit.

  4. The Alien in the White House
    The distance between the president and the people is beginning to be revealed.

    JUNE 9, 2010 By Dorothy Rabinowitz Snips

    A great part of America now understands that this president’s sense of identification lies elsewhere, and is in profound ways unlike theirs. He is hard put to sound convincingly like the leader of the nation, because he is, at heart and by instinct, the voice mainly of his ideological class. He is the alien in the White House, a matter having nothing to do with delusions about his birthplace cherished by the demented fringe.

    The truth about that distance is now sinking in, which is all to the good. A country governed by leaders too principled to speak the name of its mortal enemy needs every infusion of reality it can get.

    A good article, other than her comment about the demented fringe. Those two words are interesting after reading what she says and calling him an alien.

    • If Ms. Rabinowitz was any kind of reporter, she would have learned a lot of these items she now so condescendingly opines upon from that very same “demented fringe” who have REPORTED these TRUTHS about Obama, Brennan, Holder, Posner, et al, FOR OVER TWO YEARS NOW. Had she paid one iota of attention to we “demented” ones, she might have learned something that might have saved this country from this “Alien in the White House.” Thanks for nothing, Dorothy. Go back to Oz where your Wizard will tell you more lies. We already know the truth. Apparently, you can’t handle the truth, even yet. Who’s demented here? We the People or You, the Eejit Lamestream Media?

      • Even so, she mighta, kinda, sorta, be gettin’ it! It is after all in the Wall Street Journal, owned by FOX. So rather than say “it” is , she tiptoes around what we have known. But for those who aren’t in the know, it is a slight awakening. We have a dictionary meaning for alien..and the word does have several meanings that are appropriate and can be attributed to O. Thus, the truth wrapped in innuendo.

    Filed 8/28/05


    CLOAK Co-host Sherman Skolnick prior to the 2004 Election fingered Barack Obama running in Illinois for the U.S. Senate as a British Intel agent born in Kenya. Skolnick, as a co-spy watcher unmasked Obama on his regular CLOAK program, Shop Talk From Plot H.Q.

    Today Russian President V. Putin ordered U.S. Senator Barack Obama, who is also tight with MOSSAD, to be held in custody under suspicion of being a British operative illegally spying in Russia at off-limits secret facilities.

    Spying with Obama, who was locked up, was U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, pro-Bush, was detained by Putin but unlike Obama, quickly released. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar and Committee member Barack Obama at a base near Perm, Russia. This is where mobile launch missiles are being destroyed by the Nunn-Lugar program.

    Lugar delegation detained for three hours in Perm after inspecting nuke weapons facility. US Senator Richard Lugar, who was briefly detained with a US delegation in Perm, Siberia, after inspecting the site, which is being dismantled with US funding.

    Nils Båhmer/Bellona

    A US delegation headed by Republican Senator Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in the Siberian city of Perm, Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine in a diplomatically chaotic incident Sunday. Charles Digges, 29/08-2005

    US officials were nonetheless anxious to downplay the incident in an apparent effort to avoid diplomatic fallout with the increasingly hard-line regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has publicly expressed dismay over a number of US-Russian disarmament programmes.


    A U.S. delegation headed by Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine.

    Russian border guards at the airport in the Siberian city of Perm demanded to search the U.S. government aircraft carrying the delegation, which also included Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who was making his first foreign trip since becoming a senator. Obama is also a member of the Foreign Relations Committee.

    American officials, citing a U.S.-Russian agreement that does not allow such inspections, refused to allow the search, leading to a three-hour standoff at the airport,

    Russia Holds Obama For Suspicion Of Being a British Spy Back In 2005! Investigator In Chicago Fingers Obama For Being A British Spy As Far Back As 2004!

      • Pretty much a re-post of your info. above. Just trying to find what ever I can on this. Great catch you wonderful researchers! I found this info. had been posted at one time at the Washington post. WHY did they not bring this up during the election? Why was it not looked into more then?

        • It was kind of odd how Chicago investigator Sherman Skolnick *just happened* to pass away just before Barack Obama announced his run for President. Skolnick was founder and chairman of the Citizens Committee to Clean Up the Courts, which nailed two Illinois Supreme Court justices, Roy J. Solfisburg Jr. and Ray Klingbiel, who had accepted bribes of stock from a defendant in a case on which they ruled. The scandal catapulted John Paul Stevens, special counsel to the resulting investigating commission to a seat as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.

          Skolnick had indeed uncovered so many links between plots and participants in conspiracies that he may have come to see some where none existed…but he also uncovered others that noone else had noticed, and Obama was right in his back yard.


          Insiders Report It Was Accomplished With The Assistance of the Clinton Mob

          Filed 8/28/05



          CLOAK Co-host Sherman Skolnick prior to the 2004 Election fingered Barack Obama running in Illinois for the U.S. Senate as a British Intel agent born in Kenya. Skolnick, as a co-spy watcher unmasked Obama on his regular CLOAK program, Shop Talk From Plot H.Q.

          Today Russian President V. Putin ordered U.S. Senator Barack Obama, who is also tight with MOSSAD, to be held in custody under suspicion of being a British operative illegally spying in Russia at off-limits secret facilities.

          Spying with Obama, who was locked up, was U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, pro-Bush, was detained by Putin but unlike Obama, quickly released. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar and Committee member Barack Obama at a base near Perm, Russia. This is where mobile launch missiles are being destroyed by the Nunn-Lugar program.

          Lugar delegation detained for three hours in Perm after inspecting nuke weapons facility US Senator Richard Lugar, who was briefly detained with a US delegation in Perm, Siberia, after inspecting the site, which is being dismantled with US funding.

          Nils Båhmer/Bellona

          A US delegation headed by Republican Senator Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in the Siberian city of Perm, Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine in a diplomatically chaotic incident Sunday. Charles Digges, 29/08-2005

          US officials were nonetheless anxious to downplay the incident in an apparent effort to avoid diplomatic fallout with the increasingly hard-line regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has publicly expressed dismay over a number of US-Russian disarmament programmes.

          [Full Article at:]

          A U.S. delegation headed by Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was detained Sunday for three hours at an airport in Russia before being allowed to leave the country for Ukraine.

          Russian border guards at the airport in the Siberian city of Perm demanded to search the U.S. government aircraft carrying the delegation, which also included Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who was making his first foreign trip since becoming a senator. Obama is also a member of the Foreign Relations Committee.

          American officials, citing a U.S.-Russian agreement that does not allow such inspections, refused to allow the search, leading to a three-hour standoff at the airport, …

          Above posted in comment section of this FreeRepublic link –

            • Obama Part of Group Locked Up at Russian Airport
              Monday, August 29, 2005

              WASHINGTON, DC — Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) were not allowed to leave a Russian airport Sunday and were locked in a room briefly.

              The incident prevented their departure for about three hours, but Obama told the Sun-Times “it ended up not being a very big deal.”

              The senators had their passports seized by local officials at an airport in Perm. Obama said the officials demanded, unsuccessfully, to inspect the DC-9 military aircraft being used by the congressional delegation for the trip.


              ‘Blagojevich of Perm’ helps out

              “The Russian Federation only allows [international] departures from three airports in the country, not from Perm,” Obama said.

              Documentation that the senators had permission “had not trickled down” to Perm, Obama said. He said the matter was resolved with the intervention of the region’s governor, the “Rod Blagojevich of Perm.”

              Source: Chicago Sun-Times


              • Interesting………!!

                He said the matter was resolved with the intervention of the region’s governor, the “Rod Blagojevich of Perm.”

  6. Obama’s father and the origin of Muslim name
    (Story courtesy of The Standard 5/11/08)
    Published on 04/11/2008
    By Joe Ombuor

    Barack Obama Senior, an economist at the Treasury in the late 1960s, rubbed officials of Kenyatta’s Government the wrong way when he angrily demanded an explanation on Tom Mboya’s death, moments after the Minister for Economic Planning and Development was assassinated.

    “I was with Tom only last week. Can the Government tell me where he is?” a distraught Obama Senior fulminated as he abandoned work in protest. An incensed official immediately handed him a sack.

    US airlifts

    Obama was emotionally attached to Mboya who made it possible for him to further his education in the US. “It was courtesy of Mboya’s famous airlifts that Obama landed at the University of Hawaii ,” says Mr Hezron Ogembo, who like Obama Snr’s father, Onyango Obama, is a native of Kanyadhiang near Kendu Bay , Rachuonyo District.

    Ogembo says Obama Snr was a close friend. “We met at social places. Barack loved his whisky. We often drank together”.

    After his sacking, Obama Snr worked with Shell/BP as a senior accountant until after Mzee Kenyatta’s death in 1978 when his long time friend, Mwai Kibaki, who was then Finance minister returned him to the Treasury.
    Ogembo says the friendship between Kibaki, now President, and Obama Snr started at the treasury where they worked together

      • Political life
        Mboya’s political life started immediately after he was employed at Nairobi City Council as a sanitary inspector in 1950. A year after joining African Staff Association, he was elected its president and immediately embarked at molding the association into a trade union named the Kenya Local Government Workers Union. This made his employer suspicious, but before they could sack him, he resigned. However, he was able to continue working for the Kenya Labour Workers Union as secretary-general before embarking on his studies in Britain. Upon returning from Britain, he contested and won a seat against incumbent C.M.G. Argwings-Kodhek. In 1957, he became dissatisfied with the low number of African leaders (only eight out of fifty at the time) in the Legislative council and decided to form his own party, the People’s Congress Party.

        On the low number of African leaders, it is of interest to note that history has now indicated that his death earlier in the same year, attributed to a road accident, may not have been such. An exhumation of the body of C.M.G. Argwings-Kodhek, who was later to become a powerful minister in the Kenyatta cabinet and a close confidant of Kenyatta’s, suggested that his death was actually the result of a gun shot fired from a police-issued rifle. Many close to the family actually believe that this was President Kenyatta’s first political assassination. Closely held family records indicate that former cabinet minister Paul Ngei actually identified the police vehicle that carried the assassins to the ambush point on Hurlingham Road (now Argwings-Kodhek Road). The vehicle in question was part of Vice-President Moi’s Vice-Presidential Escort detail. The testimony of former cabinet minister Andrew Omanga, then C.M.G.’s Permanent Secretary indicate that when Omanga met him lying in the road shortly after the ‘accident’ C.M.G. stated that he had a ‘shock’ and that he heard a ‘gun shot’. Formerly powerful Attorney-General Charles Njonjo confirmed as C.M.G. lay dying the next morning that the ‘wounds are consistent with gun shot wounds’. It is commonly known that Kenyatta, frustrated with Oginga Odinga, had already notified Argwings-Kodhek that he was going to be appointed Vice-President—a position C.M.G. had turned down and suggested that it be given to Moi, instead of Mboya—to become the first African to join the colonial Legislative Council.
        At that time, Mboya developed a close relationship with Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana who, like Mboya, was a Pan-Africanist. In 1958, during the All-African Peoples’ Conference in Ghana, convened by Kwame Nkurumah, Mboya was elected as the Conference Chairman at the age of 28.

        In 1959 Mboya organized the Airlift Africa project, together with the African-American Students Foundation in the United States, through which 81 Kenyan students were flown to the U.S. to study at U.S. universities. Barack Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a friend of Mboya’s and a fellow Luo; although he was not on the first airlift plane in 1959, since he was headed for Hawaii, not the continental U.S., he received a scholarship through the AASF and occasional grants for books and expenses. In 1960 the Kennedy Foundation agreed to underwrite the airlift, after Mboya visited Senator Jack Kennedy to ask for assistance, and Airlift Africa was extended to Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar (now Tanzania), Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and Nyasaland (now Malawi). Some 230 African students received scholarships to study at Class I accredited colleges in the United States in 1960, and hundreds more in 1961-63. [2]

        In 1960, Mboya’s People’s Congress Party joined with Kenya African Union and Kenya Independent Movement to form the Kenya African National Union (KANU) in an attempt to form a party that would both transcend tribal politics and prepare for participation in the Lancaster House Conference (held at Lancaster House in London) where Kenya’s constitutional framework and independence were to be negotiated. As Secretary General of KANU, Mboya headed the Kenyan delegation.

        • Some letters from O Sr. to Mboya:

          Any guess as to what O meant by finishing his (hon.) B.A.? Does this mean that his B.A. was an honorary degree and he got a fast track for the Masters? How could he write that letter in May ’62, as if he already had his masters degree? Didn’t he (supposedly) start college in Hawaii in ’59? If you believe the mythology, Stanley Ann met him in Russian class, when SHE would have been a freshman. Do masters candidates usually take classes with lowly freshmen?

          • Interesting Miri…good points

          • Stanley Ann met him in Russian class, when SHE would have been a freshman

            O Sr…From an airlift from a country with a coup, to Russian classes..

            O Jr. is detained when in Russia…

            Paul Robeson’s son educated in Russia..

            All gotta learn Russian huh ?

            • I doubt she, a freshman, met him in a Russian language class. Graduate students don’t usually share classes with freshmen. Since BO Sr., lied about getting his Ph.d., who knows what classes he really took. Would like to see documents showing they shared a class.

              Would be nice to hear from Lugar as to what he was told by Obama after being interrogated by the Russians. No doubt they shared stories on their return trip…like, what did they ask you, did they tell you why we were detained?

    • President of Kenya
      In office
      12 December 1964 – 22 August 1978
      Vice President Jaramogi Oginga Odinga
      Joseph Murumbi
      Daniel arap Moi
      Preceded by Office created
      Succeeded by Daniel arap Moi


      Prime Minister of Kenya
      In office
      1 June 1963 – 12 December 1964
      Monarch Elizabeth II
      Governor General Malcolm MacDonald
      Preceded by Office created
      Succeeded by Raila Odinga (2008 – present)


      Born 1894[1]
      Ichaweri, Gatundu, British East Africa
      Died 22 August 1978 (aged 83)
      Mombasa, Kenya
      Political party KANU
      Spouse(s) Grace Wahu (m. 1919), Edna Clarke (1942-1946), Grace Wanjiku, Mama Ngina (1951-1978)

  7. As Bridgette’s linked post shows, we’ve discussed those scars and his potential head injury before. What’s up with those scars?

    Robin of Berkeley writes interesting stuff, but as YankeeGirl points out, we’ve been on this since long before the 2008 election (and we’re not even psychologists/psychiatrists)!

    Remember how Obama’s mother is said to have lived in Laurelhurst (supposedly in student housing) even before she moved into that apartment on Capitol Hill in Seattle in August 1961?

    There’s a children’s orthopedic hospital in Laurelhurst that professed to always, since its inception, treat children without regard to race. Could he have had a birth defect, such as the sutures of his skull closed too soon, requiring surgery? Was he in that hospital in Laurelhurst, while his mother lived nearby, in student housing? Does this explain why Stanley Ann was in Seattle, registered for college, only weeks after his birth (if you accept that birth date)?

    Before his birth, was she living in a home for unwed mothers? There are such places in or near Seattle.

    Remember his story about the time that his mother spent on food stamps, as a single mother? How Michelle said Stanley Ann was single when he was born? Did her parents cut her off? Did she return to Washington state where she had friends who could help her through this dilemma?

    Was he actually born shortly after she left the U of Hawaii, early in 1961, instead of in August?

    Does that explain why nobody knows where she was between January ’61 and August ’61, when she popped up for college in Seattle? Does it explain why her babysitter mixed up the dates when she babysat for him and/or his age when she babysat for him? If the babysitter was correct on her ORIGINAL statement, he would have been born in early ’61 instead of August ’61.

    Enquiring minds want to know the TRUTH.

    What IS wrong with Obama (other than the obvious)?

    • If Obama can be president without credentials…we can be shrinks! We are all NBC’s we have him beat!

  8. Suppose Stanley Ann’s parents wanted her to give the child up for adoption and she didn’t want to. They argued. She went “home” to Washington, where friends could help her deal with the situation.

    Maybe she even lived with one of them, instead of in a home for unwed mothers, which might explain why all her close friends help with this mythological biography.

    If he was born in Washington, there’d be a BC, but it might say “Steve Dunham” (hat tip to someone else’s theory).

    The baby is born with health issues. Her parents relent. They take the baby back to Hawaii to care for him while Stanley Ann goes to college.

    The grandparents file for a Hawaiian BC, in order to facilitate just about everything. As a cover story, they recruit BHO Sr. as the stand-in dad. Stanley Armour knew him already, after all.

    If the birth announcements are real, they result from her parents calling in the announcement to the newspapers, in order to explain the sudden appearance of this black grandchild.

    Does this sound at least as plausible as Obama’s own “creation myth?”


    Aaron Klein’s Egyptian sources are speaking of a July strike upon the Persian communists from the Jews, and the most telling example of why July is a window is the presence of Israeli nuclear submarines which being diesel powered have a rotational presence there in crews need rest and those boats need service. They can not be on station forever.
    Either one uses them or one brings them home and the window of strike once again closes until they are brought on line again.

    This post is not so much about this, as Obama will be safe, Jews are preparing for the most part in drills to deal with a WMD retaliation by the regional communists, but the one group who has no idea in Obama retreating on this, and forcing Jews to protect themselves from nuclear incineration, are the people of New York.

    Pastor Jack Van Impe actually explained why the these communist and fascist Muslim terrorists target New York City. The reason is quite simple is New York City is the largest concentration of unprotected Jews in the world.

    The gossip had it that the Jewish nation did it’s best on 9 11 to protect it’s own. Then again Willie Brown of California was warned off flying on commercial jets which shows a black man with Clinton patrician connections was warned while Bush people were allowed to be ploughed into the Pentagon.
    The point being numerous connected people knew what was being initiated, and some nations protected their people, and the Joe the Plumber American went up in a concrete and kerosene plume.

    There is not in any way that the Jewish Government can warn all the Jews to evacuate New York City when a Persian communist retaliation comes for actions they are forced into. I have warned since 9 11 for people to get out of the major population centers and as they are still there, voted for halo head, the time is coming when another Jewish holocaust is going to be carried out in New York City.
    There is no secret about what that event will be as Iran has been practicing this in the Caspian for several years. When New York City Jews are finally facing the final solution from Obama dithering, it will be a sea launched Shahab missile. I will be a dual warhead for a nuclear “slap” as this blog exclusively has outlined based upon seer information in what was “seen”. It will be be an advanced Dr. Kahn design out of Pakistan.
    It will be targeted at the Jewish center in these United States and be successful.

    This is one reason I tried to get John McCain and Mitt Romney to start backing my security plan for disaster shelters for all Americans, as it would have recovered the American economy, but all those Obama urbanites would have been saved in Connecticut, New Jersey, most of New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, as is one has a bunker which is stocked, one does not get radiation poisoning, does not need the government, and in a week the gophers can come out and as long as they are not eating milk or eggs from the region or stealing gold (metals pick up radiation and are hot), they will be fine to rebuild their lives, as some responsible Navy Officer who is not an Obamite responds militarily.

    This should have been done, as it was posted in 2008 in detail, but it has not as Obama exposed America naked to the worst of dithering.

    The connected folks always are protected, always get warned to flee and always survive. It is the common people who always end up eating the bullet from bad policy gone disaster.

    It is as this blog predicted in bad if action is taken and bad if action is not taken. There will be nuclear and terror wars from Muslims in the American hemisphere. I do not want Jews in the Israeli State blamed when New York City is attacked, as this is all Obama’s doing in his retreat, his lying to the Philistines about getting Jerusalem and his bashing Jews which sends the impression that terror states can nuke Jews.

    The problem is as I predicted and has started is Obama has dragged all this tribal Muslim terrorism into America, after George W. Bush put the gen back into the bottle.
    Obama already deliberately polluted the Gulf in tar balls. Those black tar balls in New York will be due to nuclear incineration. If Obama can get a major earthquake in California, he will have destroyed not just Rome while diddling, but have destroyed a nation that took 250 years to build in just one season.

    If the Jews act, the Jewish Government had better not strike with Colin Powell kinder and gentler love thy terrorist policy. They must decapitate the Persian communists and the Persian terror forces in Qud. They must nuclear pollute every nuclear site with polonium so to forever bar their salvage again, and, the real gen out of Pandora’s box is they had better have the entire Iranian arsenal accounted for, because I would wager an Iranian harem girl that Syria, Turkey and perhaps even Brazil have a Dr. Khan warhead and missile already on station as Iran’s “Trident” security of MAD.

    No one is speaking of this, as the fiction pervades in Iran will get the bomb soon. Iran has been getting the bomb soon of it’s own manufacture for 10 years. They purchased Soviet warheads. They build Hiroshima bombs and they have been constructing Shahab Dr. Khan advanced cone shaped warheads for several years now.
    Iran two years ago tried to sell weapons grade uranium to FARC is South America. That means they have it and it came from Russia. That proves Iran is past planning stages and Iran will have already smuggled out in diplomatic envoys nuclear warheads, EXACTLY as their Soviet mentors accomplished in prepositioning weapons in Europe and these United States.

    None of this is a stretch, no more than two Muslims reported after 9 11 dying in New York detention from bleeding gums, which is from radiation poisoning.
    Those bombs were found, but more in logic have been prepositioned now as Iran smugly pisses on Obama as he dithers.

    This is the roll of the dice and none of this has been covered except here in public. The experts in the military and intelligence run the war games and deal with these events, but they are all silent on this.

    Who warns the regular Citizen except here? No one does and processes are in play now which is going to ruin masses of people’s lives immediately and for a generation.


    PS: Happy Birthday to Mark Levin’s 85 year old dad, Jack. May all of them have not have the future Obama has dithered them into. Amen
    Posted by Lame Cherry at 10:05 AM

  10. When New York City Jews are finally facing the final solution from Obama dithering, it will be a sea launched Shahab missile. I will be a dual warhead for a nuclear “slap” as this blog exclusively has outlined based upon seer information in what was “seen”. It will be be an advanced Dr. Kahn design out of Pakistan

    Kahn, Cahn, Cain, Coen,Cohen,Cain etc..??

    The name game !

  11. Rosemary Woodhouse

    I have expressed my admiration for Lame Cherry on numerous occasions but this, “The gossip had it that the Jewish nation did it’s best on 9 11 to protect it’s own.” is complete and total bull$hit. I, personally know several people who perished in the Towers, most of whom were Jewish!

    • Lame Cherry always has an anti-Jewish
      anti-Israel slant to his/her rants ( in addition anti almost everything)
      Other than than some of her perceptions seem to be right on………
      Just difficult to separate the fact from the fiction
      ( or the hate from the speech)

  12. Rosemary Woodhouse

    Thanks A-1! I just needed to vent. Yes, LameCherry is usually spot on. I wonder how one who is usually so prescient could ignore the facts that Jesus, himself, was Jewish (borne of a Jewish mother) ; all of the disciples were Jewish, all of the early Christians were Jewish; and lastly, Jews transcribed/recorded the word of God- the Holy Bible- both Old and New Testaments.

    I am firmly convinced that anti-semitism is Satanic, so when one who is usually so erudite goes off the rails on anti-semitic rants, the record needs to be set straight. Thanks for “listening” (reading).

    • And a giant AMEN to Rose and A-1 !

      God Bless the USA and Israel

      My Father Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be His Name

  13. Not getting into all of that but I am staying in the country next month,
    There are echoes in more sources, Debka, London Times, Iran has just sent their own aid convoy to break the Gaza blockade,

    Here’s a less loaded LC story, about the Gulf Oil Mess,
    timely for tonight:

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010
    The Political Insects

    In monitoring the lies which from Day One came out about the Obama Gulf Gusher, there is an interesting trend in this that methane ice blow outs which was an absolute lie, now has Lindsey Williams, the connected preacher to big oil is parroting this propaganda that this homicidal explosion was not planned from his sources in big oil.

    Faulty equipment, a BP exec showing up replacing salt water for heavy drilling grease, BP American execs and drillers just happening to be on the rig when it blew to silence witnesses, non stop “propaganda experts” at the beginning blaming cement and ice, and this was all not a planned event which was to keep American crude reserves from being tapped while America keeps pouring out money going into debt buying crude from terror and communist nations.

    If one observes carefully what Lindsey Williams was revealing, it mirrors in a great part what this blog has proved in analyzing this Obama Gusher.

    There is though a huge problem in this as this gusher is spreading, and this is no longer a matter of well pipe having fractured. There are now apparently plumes of this gas and crude appearing a mile from the well.

    What appears to have happened is what this blog noted in a spiraling of the North American plate beginning with the Haitian quake, which is twisting the continent. A current weak point is in the Gulf at the spot that this gusher was cut loose deliberately.
    We know the pressures involved there were releasing methane gas which was driving ocean wildlife from areas making them void. This well structure is now venting in the tens of thousands of pounds per square inch compared to normal flowing wells.
    That kind of pressure in normal Texas gushers would end in a short period of time in shallow wells, but what was tapped here is deep earth, where these massive quakes are located and in symbiotic effects, this entire crude and natural gas well is acting like an aneurysm on the earth.

    What the explanation is, if you have ever performed surgery or observed, when an artery has an aneurysm it can indeed weep. The danger is under such pressure if one pokes a small hole in it, as it increases more blood flowing to that spot, Yes the pipe will blow out, but other areas start giving way as the flow starts seeking easier roots to release the pressure.

    By replacing the heavy drilling oil with saltwater, it caused the pressure to convulse up that pipe and in that area of the ocean, by staging this, other fissures in the crust started being conduits for this massive pressure release.
    This is what is now causing the additional plumes beyond the fractured pipe as this blog explained days ago.

    What is even more interesting is the massive escape of embedded gases which are quite deadly. These gases from hydrogen sulfide to benzene are gases related to volcanic activity. The essence of this is, this high pressure pocket deep in the earth has been overfilled by earth natural production of hydrocarbons, but somewhere in this there is a superheat magma source which is embedding those chemicals which appear in volcanoes inside this gusher.

    The insanity of “experts” considering a nuclear blast or high pressure detonation to seal this well would only exasperate the situation there, as the bedrock is already fissured and over exerting it would only make this crude and gas vent in larger jets.
    In theory, if these oil plumes are of size, they could in a blast transform into a geyser or in effect a crude oil caldera making a sort of tidal wave mushroom cloud bubble out in the Gulf, releasing a swell which would literally raise the water by several hundred feet for several minutes.
    That would be a geyser spot which would be seen from space and an even larger Obama disaster than the one he planned in this.

    In reality, this interesting problem should have a hundred wells sunk into this as it appears to be massive in the pressure it is under, and there is no alleviating that pressure after weeks.
    This will not stop leaking until the pressure is released and the only way to release the pressure is to drill baby drill.

    There is not in any way that these folks did not know the pressure, strata or size of this pool with the technology currently. Past history in gushers have revealed the nightmare scenario.
    This was a deliberate act, and it might sound strange, but thankfully they would have gotten away with it if Obama had not been playing this for passing draconian laws and BP had not caused the original fracturing.
    The very dithering and focusing of attention on it, created the mix in these Obamite globalists meant to wag the dog with this, but they did not comprehend the dog they just bit was the size of a whale.
    That is what I mean in they would have gotten away with this in managing it as they intended, but this well is so huge, under such pressure, that it literally needs to be tapped into more just to stop this hemorrhage.

    Two Obama pressure relief oil wells are not going to make the slightest difference as when one factors in containment, earth pressures, well size, this thing is enormous.
    To explain, Old Faithful at Yellowstone erupts due to pressure and when the water pressure reservoir is empty it stops. This Obama Gusher has been blowing for over a month and will blow for months if not years in it’s present status. It has vented millions of gallons of oil, and the oil industry has figured out how huge this thing is, and are not revealing what it all means.

    The meaning is this pool is probably the largest oil and natural gas well ever discovered, and under this kind of pressure. This means it is bigger than Saudi Arabia wells which flow nicely, bigger than Alaskan wells which flow nicely, and in fact this well in the Gulf appears that it alone could fuel American, Japanese and European energy needs for 100 years.

    That fact if made public, in one well generated by earth would fuel the world’s energy needs would sort of implode crude oil to a few dollars a barrel and would end the cartel monopoly, and destruction of America, with the implosion of the Eurasian terror states.
    America would in fact be energy independent again forever and the attack on her would end.

    This is what that nation rapist Barack Hussein Obama knows, it is what the oil industry knows and it is what the press might know as they are as stupid as tomatoe in most cases. This Gusher should be a cause of mass celebration in America and the west, but they have turned it into a plague in trying to hide the revelation of how much oil and gas is in this one well deep in the earth.

    That is one of the many crimes of B. Hussein Obama in this deliberate act of sabotage which in God’s amusement has earth biting back, as these tar ballers try to manipulate the story again that all that oil is a disaster.

    Hey people, there could not be all those millions of gallons of oil coming through a little pipe if there were not hundreds of billions of gallons of oil and gas forcing that same product to the surface.

    There is no doubt about this in what these political insects are attempting to hide.

    Obama shutting down all drilling in the Gulf is not just protecting his Muslim oil mafia and European banking cartel benefactors, but he is desperately trying to hide the reality of “What happens when a dozen of these gushers go off proving there is a trillion gallons of crude and gas which does not have to be pumped, but only collected?

    That is the renewable energy which is coming from earth and must have people burning it to release that water and carbons back into nature for the earth’s health.
    The earth has been consuming water and carbons in making crude oil, methane ice and natural gas. This glut must be burned off in balance.

    God and His world are screaming a message out to the people if they will simply stop looking at everything as a bad thing. Obama the fraud is seeking to cover up a discovery which will return the balance of power to America.

    Wake up people, there is freedom in those oil plumes. Help yourselves and mother earth out in releasing this pressure to protect the Gulf and drill baby drill.

    Oh and use some of that oil to make a nice orange rayon suit for B. Hussein Obama as he belongs in prison with the 9 11 terrorists and Nazis over this one.

  14. The meaning is this pool is probably the largest oil and natural gas well ever discovered, and under this kind of pressure. This means it is bigger than Saudi Arabia wells which flow nicely, bigger than Alaskan wells which flow nicely, and in fact this well in the Gulf appears that it alone could fuel American, Japanese and European energy needs for 100 years.

    That fact if made public, in one well generated by earth would fuel the world’s energy needs would sort of implode crude oil to a few dollars a barrel and would end the cartel monopoly, and destruction of America, with the implosion of the Eurasian terror states.
    America would in fact be energy independent again forever and the attack on her would end.

    This is what that nation rapist Barack Hussein Obama knows, it is what the oil industry knows and it is what the press might know as they are as stupid as tomatoe in most cases. This Gusher should be a cause of mass celebration in America and the west, but they have turned it into a plague in trying to hide the revelation of how much oil and gas is in this one well deep in the earth.

    Wow DaveM !

    • Wow ! Oil for America for 100 years ! Shout it out everywhere !!!

      God and His world are screaming a message out to the people if they will simply stop looking at everything as a bad thing. Obama the fraud is seeking to cover up a discovery which will return the balance of power to America.

      Wake up people, there is freedom in those oil plumes. Help yourselves and mother earth out in releasing this pressure to protect the Gulf and drill baby drill.

      • Ole George Sorrows makes a mint either way!!! His money is all around our land and water and most definitely very south of US…Brazil, isn’t it? His latest huge venture ?

  15. Live blogging O’s speech on the gulf oil spill:

    Bla bla bla bla, um, ah, um, ah, ah, sssss, I, I , I ……..

    Beach. Failed philosophy, industry, oil companies, Lobbyists, gifts,!!!

    We’ve talked and talked.

    Children and future national mission seize control of our own destiny.

    People are going back to work installing energy efficient windows.

    Recover from recession we can rally together workers and entrepreneurs.

    Land a man safely on the surface of the moon!!
    We’ll get there.

    Each year st the beginning of shrimping season blessing of the fleet and took place after Katrina and last week .

    The oil spill is not the worst. Bla bla bla….

    Storm leads us towards a brighter day!!

    • Thanks Sleuth for that quick review of what was said. I ran thru the house as soon as I heard ‘that voice’ and switched the remote to the Weather Channel and what did I find….oh, yes; that’s right…he bought that too ! Changed to NRB and watched Creation Live Magazine, something true, gentle and strong !

    • News
      wow ….. You got it word for word!!!!
      Not only did you capture every word that was said but you captured the essence!

    • Live blogging O’s speech on the gulf oil spill:

      Bla bla bla bla, um, ah, um, ah, ah, sssss, I, I , I ……..

      Beach. Failed philosophy, industry, oil companies, Lobbyists, gifts,!!!

      We’ve talked and talked.

      I ssss love it !

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