Tag Archives: Occidental University

Barack Hussein Obama II – Child of Privilege

© Miri WTPOTUS October 12, 2011

Barack Hussein Obama II introduced himself to the American public as the son of a single “white mother” from Kansas and a black “immigrant” from Africa.  During the 2008 campaign, and since, Obama has presented himself as someone who grew up without privileges–a man whose mother sometimes had to rely on food stamps to get by.

“Barack Obama would be the first president in U.S. history to have grown up in a family that used food stamps,” says Joel Berg. … executive director of New York Coalition Against Hunger… Obama grew up in poverty and I believe he can combat poverty,” Joel says. 

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Obama CIA Agent During Afghan-Soviet War

Posted by Bridgette


Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

By Deanna Spingola
Edited by Ken Freeland
March 13, 2010


I recently had the pleasure of talking with Dr. James David Manning who has been ministering to the people of Harlem since 1981. He is now the Senior Pastor at ATLAH which stands for All the Land Anointed Holy, Manning’s inspired name for Harlem as of September 14, 1991.

Dr. Manning heads the Columbia Obama Treason Trial which is scheduled for May 14-19, 2010 at the ATLAH building at 38 West 123rd Street in ATLAH, New York, 10027. Unfortunately, the Department of Justice and the Supreme Court have failed in their duties to uphold the Constitution and address the legitimacy and other questionable issues surrounding the White House’s current resident. So, Dr. Manning, being a longtime resident of the Columbia University area, the school that Obama allegedly attended, began an intense investigation into Obama’s educational background and discovered some profound discrepancies.
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