Tag Archives: Mitt Romney

Forecast: Strong Probability of Mendacity

How many votes does Pelosi need to impeach President Trump?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Democratic caucus members in a closed-door meeting on Tuesday that the body will vote on sending the articles of impeachment against President Trump to the Senate on Wednesday.

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On the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing Testimony (Updated)

The Christine Blasey Ford saga doesn’t seem to be ending soon. While we await further word from the FBI, here follow some thoughts on her testimony, her various statements, and questions raised during the Senate hearing:

Ford testified that she didn’t know that the Judiciary Committee had offered to send investigators to take her statement, in private, anywhere that she wished. Either she’s not telling the truth or her own lawyers deliberately kept these facts from her, even though Ford’s avowed preference was to not testify in public. Ford has not fired the lawyers, which must mean that she’s okay with their deception, if it was deception. If it was not deception, then she misled the committee, at best. Which is it? It would seem to be malpractice for lawyers to work against the best interest of their client in order to further the interests of their political party. Will there be repercussions for these lawyers?

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Very Stable Genius, Indeed!

While everyone else is playing checkers, President Trump is playing chess; and he’s always three moves ahead.

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Are You Kidding Me?!!!! “Mittens” Romney …

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… has the unmitigated GALL to lecture the American people on the presumed and imminent danger of a Trump presidency?  This, from a man who could not bring himself to recognize and warn against the very real danger to this country brought about by the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama?

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Compare and Contrast

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Sorry! I couldn’t resist. And now …

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The IRS Is Not Off the Hook

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Acting IRS commissioner Danny Werfel, whose surname, quite appropriately, means “whirl” in German (my first thought was that it meant weasel) has engaged in an awful lot of whirling for the Obama administration recently.  As much as Werfel and whiteAfrican-American-who-identifies-as-black Barack Obama would like the IRS scandal to disappear, it’s not going anywhere, thanks to our representatives in Congress.

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The Day After… (Open Thread)

Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2012


God Bless You, Mitt Romney

You Would Have Made a Great President



With Class and Graciousness…


(AP)   Mitt Romney’s concession speech, Boston, MA.
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Today America Tells Obama – “You’re Fired!”



We the People are Determining America’s Future!



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October Surprises! Witches, Goblins and Ghosts!


Witches, Goblins and Ghosts!



Today,  many October  surprises are to be revealed.  There may be a few ghosts mentioned from an alleged lawsuit between Michelle and Barack Obama.  Who was planning on divorcing whom in 2000 and why? Oh my!

A California demoncRat snitch witch, Gloria Allred,  rode into Boston on her broom a day ago.  Her reputation precedes her.  She has  plans to get a Boston court to unseal records from a lawsuit involving Mitt Romney from years ago.  She  wants those who were  silenced in the lawsuit to be given an opportunity to speak whatever secrets they hold.    So frightening!

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Of Waivers and Waste. It’s the Economy, Stupid! (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS October 20, 2012

Here are two related stories. Both involve the waste of U.S. taxpayer money.  One story involves assisted waste; the other involves simple incompetence on the part of government. Continue reading