Category Archives: ACORN

Waiting on the Grand Jury Decision

In light of the allegedly pending decision by the St. Louis Grand Jury, which will determine the fate of Officer Darren Wilson, consider this police chief’s take on violence in the black community and police response:

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PRYING Eyes Are Watching YOU!

Kathryn Watson of writes from Alexandria, Virginia:

The police know exactly where my car has been — and when — during the past few months.

They could have the same information — or more — about you.

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Truth, Lies, and Hate

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Above is a screen print from a video in a story at The Gateway Pundit.  This video was edited out of the film Hating Breitbart, for reasons of length and saliency; but it’s being released now in response to a continuing false attack on the late Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe.  The Southern Poverty Law Center published an article accusing Breitbart and O’Keefe of “hobnobbing with white nationalists.”

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Obamacare: Take Your Medicine, and Like It! (Open Thread)

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Tomorrow the Obamacare exchanges are supposed to open for business.  Whether they will function or not is yet to be seen.  Word is that the software has glitches (see here, also) and is vulnerable to determined hackers and identity thieves.  All the crack software developers are probably working for Barack Obama’s spying NSA, so it’s likely that software development for Obamacare was farmed out to well-connected progressive friends of Obama’s–like ACORN community organizers, “minority” contractors, and former hackers who quickly created startups with a little help from the taxpayers via the Stimulus.

Like this president, prior experience and a record of accomplishments not required. Continue reading

Here’s Evidence of Voter Fraud (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS March 12, 2013

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Democrats and leftists are wont to say, emphatically, that there’s no evidence of voter fraud, as they continue to argue against photo identification laws or efforts to purge voter registration lists of dead people and dogs.  They repeat this lie over and over again, sometimes qualifying it while moving the goalposts, as evidence appears:

There’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud.  


There’s no evidence of an organized effort to commit voter fraud.

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James O’Keefe, Warrior for the People, and the Suppression of Free Speech (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS March 13, 2012

The progressive forces attack our constitutional rights on a daily basis.  The free speech rights of a MAJORITY of Americans–those who invest in or own companies, including union workers–are under attack by the forces of the progressive left.   The voting rights of the MAJORITY of Americans are under attack by the forces of the progressive left.  Continue reading

Spring Offensive for the Obama Campaign: Fight State Laws That Ensure Fair Elections

© Miri WTPOTUS November 04, 2011

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has published a very interesting article about what Robert Bauer is up to lately. You remember Bob, don’t you? 

Former White House (WH) counsel.  He who introduced the world to the real, authentic, three-dimensional, certified, long-form Obama birth certificate.  He who’s married to the lovely and mysterious, I-have-no-backstory, Mao-loving, former WH director of communications Anita Dunn.  He who belongs to that law firm, Perkins-Coie, that also employs as a partner Barack Hussein Obama II’s personal lawyer, Judith Corley, who is the only person [outside the HDOH staff] known to have actually possibly seen whatever it was that the Hawaiian Department of Health produced in April, which later on Bauer and other WH flunkies implied was scanned and placed on the White House blog as Obama’s birth certificate.  Yeah, that guy. Bob. Continue reading

Obama and OWS: Clear and Present Danger

© Miri WTPOTUS October 19, 2011

Wondering what’s going on with these Occupy protests around the world?  This video posted by Trevor Loudon explains some of it.  Please watch, if only the first few minutes.

Listen carefully to how Louis Farrakhan warns Barack Obama against attacking “peaceful” protesters, as Obama himself instructed tyrants in other countries. Farrakhan says that OUR world is going to be destroyed and all of Farrakhan’s enemies will be killed

To a one. Exterminated.  Continue reading

American Spring or American Nightmare?

© Miri WTPOTUS 2011

Blowhard!  This would be amusing if we didn’t know that it just may be something that Barack Obama and most of his Marxist/progressive/domestic terrorist friends (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dorhn, Van Jones, etc.) have been community organizing for, for years.  Global-warming guru Al Gore calls for an “American Spring”, such as the Middle East experienced over multiple “Arab Springs“–orchestrated, Internet-community-organized, George Soros-funded, astroturfed revolutions in the streets of their cities.  But we’re not alone.  Some have suggested recently that Israel, too, needs such a “Spring”.  Continue reading

Of Hypocrisy, Arrogance, and Mendacity; Open Thread


© Miri WTPOTUS 2011

Hypocrisy, thy name is Obama.

 Drudge is reporting that in today’s presser, President Barack Hussein Obama II criticized Congress for taking vacations during this debt crisis.   (Warning, don’t stay there too long or you’ll hear his annoying voice, comparing Congress to his own school-aged children, in one of his usual, finger-wagging, preachy anecdotes/metaphors, as if Congress has “homework” that he assigns.  Talk about respect for co-equal branches of government.  Somebody ought to remind Obama that the Founders considered Congress the most important of these co-equal branches, because they represent We the People, who in this Republic RULE, not the POTUS.) Continue reading