Tag Archives: Rush Limbaugh

RIP Rush Limbaugh, Great Patriot

Condolences to the family and friends (millions and millions of them) for the loss of The Great One.

Rush will be immensely missed. The world will never see his like again.

Our loss; heaven’s gain.

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Offensive Appropriation

Been thinking lately about Halloween, self-identification, and cultural appropriation. Along with Megyn Kelly, I’ve been trying to understand “cultural appropriation” and, more specifically, “identity appropriation” as “explained” to us by progressives who apparently now believe that some people (but only some) should be able to choose their age, race, sex, “gender”, and even species, forcing the rest of us to acknowledge their new reality.

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The War on White Males

After the past few weeks, who doesn’t have PTSD? The Kavanaugh confirmation process has left everyone in the country stressed, whether they were for Kavanaugh or against him. At least those of us who support the rule of law, the Constitution, and our Republic have the satisfaction of knowing that justice has prevailed (as the Justice has prevailed).

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Busy Bees in the Deep State Swamp

Peter Strzok. Now there’s a name that may live in infamy, at least in the minds of some citizens of these United States. History will tell.

This week brought enlightenment to the masses of We the People. Peter Strzok–the FBI counterintelligence agent who was removed this past summer from the Robert Mueller investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election–got reassigned, demoted, fired (take your pick) because he allegedly sent anti-Trump and pro-Clinton messages to his lover, who was also working on the Mueller team, at one point. A lawyer with whom Strzok was allegedly having an extramarital affair, Strzok’s lover was also moved or reassigned when their messages came to light.

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An Insoluble Problem?

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He can only have wanted it as a way of creating a mystery. Then I saw that this applied to all the other outrageous details. They were devilish enough; but it wasn’t mere devilry; there was a rag of excuse; because they had to make the mystery as contradictory and complicated as possible, to make sure that we should be a long time solving it — or rather seeing through it. …

They had to give us an Insoluble Problem.

G.K. Chesterton

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“Stray Cats and Dogs … Some of the Provisions That Got Snuck In Might Have Violated That Pledge”

Obama’s “stunning admission” runs from the beginning of this video to about 50 seconds in.  The video was uploaded in January 2010.  (The date of his admission is unknown.  Emphasis added to quotes.)

If you look at the package that we’ve presented–and there’s some stray cats and dogs that got in there that we were eliminating, we were in the process of eliminating–for example, for example, we said from the start that it was gonna be important for us to be consistent in saying to people:

“If you can have your, if you want to keep the health insurance you got, you can keep it.”

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Ain’t Misbehavin? (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS June 3, 2013

Christie-Lautenberg-and-Menendez (2) - CopyGovernor Chris Christie has the power to appoint someone to serve out the remainder of the term of the late Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, who died on June 3, 2013, of pneumonia, at the age of 89.  May he rest in peace.

Governor Christie, allegedly a Republican, is amazingly popular with Democrat Barack Hussein Obama II.  Why, they’re carrying on a regular bromance, according to Rush Limbaugh.  Now we learn that progressives are literally throwing money at Christie.

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Sequestration Blues (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS March 9, 2013

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The Sequestration Blues. That’s what Barack Hussein Obama II has got to be singing these days.  Things didn’t go quite as planned.  Obama hoped to rile up the populace against those evil Republicans; instead, he came off looking petty, petulant, and peeved, not to mention bewitched, bothered, and bewildered.

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Don’t Listen to the Liars: Obama’s Sequestration Lies (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS February 22, 2013

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This week, we were “treated” to the ridiculous spectacle of a grandstanding president of the United States giving a campaign-like speech against his own ideas and policies.  Barack Hussein Obama II referred to the upcoming “sequestration“, which was his idea, as like taking a “meat cleaver” to the economy.

The sky is falling!  People will DIE!  Millions will lose their jobs!  Meat won’t be inspected!  Children will have nobody to watch over and care for them!  National security will be at risk!  The border will be overrun! (As if it’s not overrun now, by design of the Obama administration.) Airplanes won’t fly! Unemployment will necessarily skyrocket!  Mind you, $44 billion is what our government spends about every 9 days. Continue reading

Te’o, Te’o, Daylight Come an’ … (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS January 26, 2013

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Daylight’s shining on Manti Te’o, and he might wish that he were at home, out of the public eye.  By now, almost everyone knows about the purported hoax pulled on Notre Dame’s star linebacker Manti Te’o.

Te’o was allegedly taken in by a woman with whom he had an Internet romance.  She faked her death, but he apparently believe it happened.  As a result, he received much publicity and sympathy from fans and the media, until the truth came out. A refresher, with emphasis added:

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