Monthly Archives: February 2013

MOSCA: The Obama Drone (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS February 28, 2013   Spoof alert.

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Thanks to an anonymous tip, WTPOTUS has breaking news about the MOSCA (Morphable Obama Stealth Cybernetic Agent)–the very first miniature drone developed by the Barack Obama administration. This fly-like drone actually flies and, exactly like a regular housefly, “drones” (on and on and on, like the president).

Unlike some other drone technology (e.g., Darpa’s Hybrid Insect Micro Electromechanical Systems), which inserts mechanics inside of a real insect, the MOSCA was designed to be a totally self-replicating cybernetic organism (or cyborg). Thanks to nano- and bio-technology, a MOSCA can thrive on crap (again, like the president), gathering all the raw material it needs to replicate from sewage. Groundbreaking technology allows the drone to lay “eggs” that develop into cyborg-maggots and then into full-sized MOSCAs, whenever necessary.  Continue reading

“Get the Hell Out of the United States of America Obama!”

©Bridgette @WTPOTUS 2013

Allen West Tells Obama to Take His Ideology  Anywhere…but

“Get the Hell Out of the USA!”


Allen West - GOP Lincoln Day Dinner


Allen West, the former Florida representative,  is a true patriot and his words resound with truth and clarity whenever he speaks.  We are all aware of how the election was fraudulently won by the Democrats in his district.   It appears, West is not going to be silent even though he reluctantly gave up the fight during the election mismanagement and voter fraud allegations.   The GOP didn’t assist in helping him and they should hang their heads in shame.  This man has honor and integrity, and should be the voice of the GOP!  In fact, many of the cowards could learn a thing or three from listening to him.   He IS the voice of the people! He IS the voice of true blue, patriotic Americans!

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Don’t Listen to the Liars: Obama’s Sequestration Lies (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS February 22, 2013

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This week, we were “treated” to the ridiculous spectacle of a grandstanding president of the United States giving a campaign-like speech against his own ideas and policies.  Barack Hussein Obama II referred to the upcoming “sequestration“, which was his idea, as like taking a “meat cleaver” to the economy.

The sky is falling!  People will DIE!  Millions will lose their jobs!  Meat won’t be inspected!  Children will have nobody to watch over and care for them!  National security will be at risk!  The border will be overrun! (As if it’s not overrun now, by design of the Obama administration.) Airplanes won’t fly! Unemployment will necessarily skyrocket!  Mind you, $44 billion is what our government spends about every 9 days. Continue reading

President’s Day 2013 – Celebrating Two Famous Presidents

By Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer, Patriotic Action

President’s Day: February 18, 2013

Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer, Patriotic Action, put together an exceptional series of photos revealing George Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s  words.  His work is being posted here for our readers.  The wisdom of our former presidents as seen in their words are as pertinent today as they were in their time.   Indeed, they are timeless.  Let us celebrate President’s Day.

Let their words serve as a reminder of America’s exceptionalism, and its  traditions and values that are currently being destroyed by the Left’s determination to transform our nation.  During these days of a rogue and corrupt  Anti-American administration, the wisdom of our forefathers will renew our spirit and fight to keep what they fought for… freedom and liberty for all.

The man serving as our president today will never have his words repeated years from now,  nor will his words ever inspire like those of Washington and Lincoln whose heads were carved into the side of a mountain, Mt. Rushmore.   In time, Obama’s words will do the opposite. Obama’s words will  be used like those of other tyrannical leaders such as Mao, Hitler, and Stalin.  His legacy and words will be relegated to the dustbins of history where they belong. As George Washington said, they are “bad company.”

May the words of these great men continue to inspire us, and renew our determination to fight to maintain all that we hold near and dear.  God Bless America!

Thank you Larry.


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Obama Made No Calls to Anyone September 11, 2012 (Open Thread)

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013


Obama Called No One after Benghazi Was Attacked!

Pure and Simple – It was a Dereliction of Duty!

Four Americans Perished


The “Washington Times” reported  yesterday that Obama Made No Phone Calls the Night of the Benghazi Attack!

“President Obama didn’t make any phone calls the night of the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, the White House said in a letter to Congress released Thursday.” 

“During the entire attack, the president of the United States never picked up the phone to put the weight of his office in the mix,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, who had held up Mr. Obama’s defense secretary nominee to force the information to be released.

Mr. Graham said that if Mr. Obama had picked up the phone, at least two of the Americans killed in the attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi might still be alive because he might have been able to push U.S. aid to get to the scene faster.

A copy of the entire letter appears not to have yet been released to the public. Yet doesn’t that say it all, NO calls to his advisers, NO calls to government officials in Benghazi, NO calls to his military or intelligence officers.  Instead he probably went to bed, he surely needed his rest for he had a big day ahead of him.

The next day with people having been evacuated from Libya, was he concerned?  Was he trying to get all the details about the attack?  Hell no,  he jetted off to Las Vegas for a campaign fundraiser.  Priorities? He had them, but as usual, campaigning was his number one priority.   American were killed and 30 unknown people were evacuated, and Obama did the only thing he knows how to do, campaign.  His actions are a clear  Dereliction of Duty by this alleged Commander-in-Chief, and this should not be ignored by Congress.  It is enough to bring him down.  Someone should pay for this total fiasco, and the buck stops at the top.

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Obama’s SOTU Drival is Proven By the Numbers (Open Thread)

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013

America “Tuned Out” Obama for State of the Union!

The Numbers Prove He is Already a Cooked Goose!


Goose and Obama


So How Did He Win Reelection?


Last year’s State of the Union in 2012 had a total audience of 37.75 million across 14 broadcast and cable networks.  That was down 12 percent from his SOTU speech in 2011 that had 42.79 million viewers.  There were 48 million viewers in 2010, and 52.4 million in 2009.  The Chief  Bloviator Obama wins the prize for the second-lowest rating since Nielsen began recording viewership in 1993.  Bill Clinton is still the winner with the lowest number of views in 2000.

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Moratorium on State of Union Address by the Usurper (Open Thread)

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013

Turn Off the Radio and TV on Tuesday Night! 

9:00 pm EST

We Have Heard it All Before – Ad Nauseum

I, I, I, me, me, me, and Uh, uh, uh, Ugh!

TV with BHO - Broken



The Usurper’s  face and voice will blanket the TV networks on Tuesday evening for “his” propagadized take on the State of the Union.   We don’t need any more of his lies to tell us how our country is coming out of the economic recession – a recession that he and his administration have prolonged because of their failed Keynesian economic policies.  FIVE Years is the telling of how he has done.

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California’s Rambo: Christopher Jordan Dorner (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS February 08, 2013

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We haven’t yet discussed the case of Christopher Jordan Dorner, who’s the subject of a manhunt in California. Here’s some background: [emphasis added to quotes]

Arguably the most wanted man in America, fired police Officer Christopher Jordan Dorner may well be in hiding — plotting his next move after allegedly killing three people. Officers toting high-powered weapons fanned out Friday across thousands of square miles, searching for their former colleague. …

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Monkeyshines: Ahmadinejad in Space? (Open Thread)

© Miri WTPOTUS February 04, 2013

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News from or about Iran caught my eye today.  First, Iranian President Ahmadinejad, unafraid of martyrdom, has proclaimed:

I am ready to be the first human to be sent to space by Iranian scientists.

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America’s Sniper: Chris Kyle Murdered. WHY?

© Miri WTPOTUS February 04, 2013

Iraqi Freedom

The murders of former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle and his friend Chad Littlefield this past weekend raise many unanswered questions.  The facts: [emphasis added]

From his perch in hide-outs above battle-scarred Iraq, Chris Kyle earned a reputation as one of America’s deadliest military snipers. The Pentagon said his skills with a rifle so terrorized Iraqi insurgents during his four tours of duty that they nicknamed him the “Devil of Ramadi” and put a bounty on his head.

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