Tag Archives: Israel

Moratorium on State of Union Address by the Usurper (Open Thread)

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013

Turn Off the Radio and TV on Tuesday Night! 

9:00 pm EST

We Have Heard it All Before – Ad Nauseum

I, I, I, me, me, me, and Uh, uh, uh, Ugh!

TV with BHO - Broken



The Usurper’s  face and voice will blanket the TV networks on Tuesday evening for “his” propagadized take on the State of the Union.   We don’t need any more of his lies to tell us how our country is coming out of the economic recession – a recession that he and his administration have prolonged because of their failed Keynesian economic policies.  FIVE Years is the telling of how he has done.

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Clinton Sent to Israel to Broker Peace

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2012

 Middle East Crisis

Hillary Clinton Sent to Israel



Surprisingly, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton left Cambodia and flew  to Jerusalem, Israel today to meet  separately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,  Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi Isa El-Ayyat in Cairo.   The leaders are meeting to attempt to bring about a diplomatic solution to this crisis and a cease fire between Israel and the Palestinians.

I said surprisingly because I don’t believe Hillary has been involved in any Middle East talks before.  According to Wiki,  “Obama appointed several Special Envoys including a Special Envoy for Middle East peace (George Mitchell) and a Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan (Richard C. Holbrooke).”  Holbrooke died unexpectedly in 2010 and Mitchell resigned in 2011.   Marc Grossman succeeded Holbrook,  and Mitchell was succeeded by  David Hale.  Perhaps these men are also involved, but there is no mention of them.

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“Jerusalem Is Not Your Capital” states Obama

Posted by Bridgette

Obama Wants to Teach Netanyahu and Israelis a Lesson!

Oppose Me, Will You!

Upstage Me, Will You!

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Obama

The Dictator in Chief at Work – Shoving another Ally under  Obama’s proverbial bus!  Now we are aligned with the PLO!


Obama Signs Document That Tells Israel Jerusalem Is Not Your Capital!!


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Obama Sides with Palestine/Hamas Over Israel!

By Bridgette


In Obama’s Middle East Speech one half ago…

Obama sides with the Palestinians over Israel!  He called for the  borders of Israel to be based on those from 1967!    I bet  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is thrilled to hear this since  he  is vehemently opposed to changing their borders to those  from 1967.   How will Congress react to this news?  Will they stand for Israel against Obama’s new “foreign” policy?  What will be the Israeli’s reaction to this news?  The Prime Minister will be in the US to address Congress tomorrow.

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Obama Administration’s Anti-Israel Policy

Posted by Bridgette

Flag of Israel

Obama’s Anti-Israel Agenda

By Jeffrey Kuhner
February 18, 2011

President Obama is siding with Israel‘s enemies. He is slowly fracturing America’s long-standing alliance with the Jewish state and leaving it isolated on the world stage.

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Who is Responsible for the Middle East Meltdown?

Posted by Bridgette

Click on the Map to Enlarge It!



Obama, Clinton, Piven, Ayers, Dohrn and Soros behind Middle East Meltdown

By J. B. Williams

Aside from the systemic government waste of private resources the world over, why is the entire free world in economic collapse while the entire Middle East is in total meltdown, promising to place the most dangerous region of the globe under radical Islamic rule?

And with every western nation on economic suicide watch, is it a coincidence that the Middle East is imploding at just the moment in history when it could force every free nation to live under the boot of international Marxists?

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The Drip, Drip, Drip of Wikileaks

Posted by Bridgette

Important Cable Releases by Wikileaks

Days 1 – 6

The Drip, Drip, Drip of Wikileaks

This is a  composite of the most important  information that was released by Wikileaks to various news outlets.  This references  Days  1 – 6  by the UK’s Guardian. Of the reported 250,000 downloaded cables, only a fraction have been released.   These serve as insight into our government’s relationships with other countries.   They also may permanently damage our image throughout the world, highlight our inability to maintain our secret documents, and otherwise inhibit a trusting relationship with many countries.   This doesn’t  cover the danger that those who divulged their opinions  ” in secret”  may now face in the countries they represent.

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Muslim Goals to Infiltrate and Destroy the U.S.

©2010 Bridgette WTPOTUS

” The Muslim Brotherhood’s Goals “

Much like the “Communist Goals for U.S.A. Takeover” that were written  January 10, 1963,  the Muslim Brotherhood also developed their own strategic goals or Master Plan in 1991 for their cultural invasion of the United States and their intention to turn the U.S.  into a Muslim nation.

After  reading the Communist Goals and then these developed by the Muslim Brotherhood, we notice their many similarities.    The reason for that is explained in the 17th Muslim Project tactic,  “Instituting alliances with Western “progressive” organizations that share similar goals.” The Progressive’s support of the Muslims fits right into this sequence, as does their support of Palestine’s Hamas regime over Israel’s democratic nation.

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Turkish “Union of Good” is Up to No Good

Totally Provocative Attempt to Storm Israel’s Gaza Blockade Creates International Incident

One of the Free Gaza Movement Ships

The Terror Finance Flotilla

The convoy of ships allegedly trying to bring aid to the Gaza Strip was organized by a group belonging to an officially designated terrorist organization.

By Jonathan Schanzer
May 31, 2010

The Turkish organizers of the Gaza Strip-bound flotilla that was boarded this morning by Israeli commandos knew well in advance that their vessels would never reach Israeli waters. That’s because the organizers belong to a nonprofit that was banned by the Israeli government in July 2008 for its ties to terrorism finance.

The Turkish IHH (Islan Haklary Ve Hurriyetleri Vakfi in Turkish) was founded in 1992, and reportedly popped up on the CIA’s radar in 1996 for its radical Islamist leanings. Like many other Islamist charities, the IHH has a record of providing relief to areas where disaster has struck in the Muslim world.

However, the organization is not a force for good. The Turkish nonprofit belongs to a Saudi-based umbrella organization known to finance terrorism called the Union of Good (Ittilaf al-Kheir in Arabic). Notably, the Union is chaired by Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, who is known best for his religious ruling that encourages suicide attacks against Israeli civilians. According to one report, Qardawi personally transferred millions of dollars to the Union in an effort to provide financial support to Hamas.

In 2008, the Israelis banned IHH, along with 35 other Islamist charities worldwide, for its ties to the Union of Good. This was a follow-on designation; Israelis first blocked the Union of Good from operating in the West Bank and Gaza in 2002.

Interestingly, the Union of Good may not only be tied to Hamas. Included in the Israeli list of 36 designees was the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO). In 2006, both the U.S. government and the United Nations designated the IIRO branch offices in Indonesia and the Philippines for financing al Qaeda. French magistrate Jean-Louis Brougiere also testified that IHH had an “important role” in Ahmed Ressam’s failed “millennium plot” to bomb the Los Angeles airport in late 1999.

The U.S. government, it should be noted, also views the Union of Good as a terrorist organization. On November 12, 2008, a press release from the U.S. Treasury announced the umbrella group’s leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT), stating that the group was “created by Hamas leadership to transfer funds to the terrorist organization.”

“Terrorist groups such as Hamas continue to exploit charities to radicalize vulnerable communities and cultivate support for their violent activities,” said Treasury Undersecretary Stuart Levey.

According to Treasury, Hamas’s leadership actually created the Union of Good in 2000—just after the launch of the armed campaign against Israel—as a means to transfer funds to Hamas. At the time of designation in 2008, the Treasury believed that the Union of Good was transferring “tens of millions of dollars a year” to Hamas-controlled entities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

As the Treasury release explained, “The Union of Good acts as a broker for Hamas by facilitating financial transfers between a web of charitable organizations—including several organizations previously designated… for providing support to Hamas—and Hamas-controlled organizations in the West Bank and Gaza. The primary purpose of this activity is to strengthen Hamas’ political and military position in the West Bank and Gaza.”

It gets worse. The Treasury, drawing from declassified documents, stated unequivocally that the Union of Good “compensated Hamas terrorists by providing payments to the families of suicide bombers. One of [the charities], the Al-Salah Society, previously identified as a key support node for Hamas, was designated in August 2007… The Society employed a number of members of the Hamas military wing and supported Hamas-affiliated combatants during the first Intifada.”

Then there’s the leadership. Apart from the aforementioned Qardawi, Union of Good’s top officials include Hamas members, as well as Yemeni national Abd al-Majid al-Zindani, who was designated by the U.S. Treasury as a terrorist in 2004 for providing support to al Qaeda.

Thus, the convoy of ships allegedly trying to bring aid to the Gaza Strip could never be characterized as a “peace flotilla.”   With ties to Hamas and other dangerous groups, the IHH can only be described as a dangerous organization. Its members only underscored this fact when they attacked Israeli naval personnel with iron bars and knives, ultimately leading to the regrettable deaths this morning on the Mediterranean Sea.

Jonathan Schanzer is a former terrorism finance analyst at the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the vice president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Photo: AFP

The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda

Transcript of a speech given by John Loftus at a Holocaust Memorial Observance on August 1, 2004

Posted By Newssleuth

I had an unusual education in the Holocaust.  When I was working for the Attorney General, I was assigned to do the classified research about the Holocaust, so I went underground to a little town called Suitland, Maryland, right outside Washington, D.C., and that’s where the U.S. government buries its secrets — literally.

There are twenty vaults underground and each vault is one acre in size. Anyone see the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark”? The last scene of that movie is what the underground vaults are really like, only not as organized as they are in the movie. And in those underground vaults I discovered something horrible.

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