Tag Archives: PTSD

The War on White Males

After the past few weeks, who doesn’t have PTSD? The Kavanaugh confirmation process has left everyone in the country stressed, whether they were for Kavanaugh or against him. At least those of us who support the rule of law, the Constitution, and our Republic have the satisfaction of knowing that justice has prevailed (as the Justice has prevailed).

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Obama’s Executive Actions to Take Guns from Social Security Recipients?

Social_Security_Cards - Copy

I couldn’t and wouldn’t watch Barack Obama’s town hall about his recent executive actions concerning guns. (Note: They are actions, not executive orders. To date, there’s no officially published executive ORDER on this topic at the White House website.)

In the course of the town hall, did anyone mention the Obama policy to  encourage the Social Security Administration to rat out beneficiaries who have others handling their financial affairs, for any reason? I’ll bet not.

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America’s Sniper: Chris Kyle Murdered. WHY?

© Miri WTPOTUS February 04, 2013

Iraqi Freedom

The murders of former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle and his friend Chad Littlefield this past weekend raise many unanswered questions.  The facts: [emphasis added]

From his perch in hide-outs above battle-scarred Iraq, Chris Kyle earned a reputation as one of America’s deadliest military snipers. The Pentagon said his skills with a rifle so terrorized Iraqi insurgents during his four tours of duty that they nicknamed him the “Devil of Ramadi” and put a bounty on his head.

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