Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain was not “Tone Deaf”, it was Pitch-Perfect…

Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain was not “Tone Deaf”, it was Pitch-Perfect…

…to the Cordoba Initiative.

Many in the media are calling Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain “Tone Deaf”, but consider how Michelle was Pitch-Perfect when it comes to her intended audience, and meeting the following two objectives:

1) A distraction from Barack’s trip to Chicago.

2) An endorsement of the Cordoba Initiative.

We may not like either one of those objectives, but she accomplished them.

Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain was not “Tone Deaf”, it was Pitch-Perfect…

…to Marxists and Islamists…

First: Michelle’s travels as a distraction from Barack’s trip to Chicago.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s latest overseas jaunt is getting all the headlines. But President Obama’s money-grubbing junket to Chicago may cost taxpayers far more in the long run.

Who else did Barack Obama meet with in Chicago? Inquiring minds want to know…

It’s interesting that while Barack Obama may or may not have met with a “person of interest” in the Blago trial, Michelle Obama did in Spain! More on that further below.

Second: Michelle’s travels as an endorsement of the Cordoba Initiative.

More and more people are starting to stand up to the Ground Zero mosque, which even some courageous, truth-telling Muslims admit:

We Muslims know the Ground Zero mosque is meant to be a deliberate provocation

Who is behind the Ground Zero mosque?

The “Cordoba Initiative”, whose stated mission is (or was, until they scrubbed it!  See update below)

to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, bringing back the atmosphere of interfaith tolerance and respect that we have longed for since Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in harmony and prosperity eight hundred years ago.

“Eight hundred years ago” was 1210. What were things like in Cordoba in 1210? It was part of the Almohad Dynasty, a Muslim dynasty which conquered all of northern Africa as far as Libya, together with Al-Andalus (Moorish Iberia, now southern Spain and Portugal).

The Cordoba Initiative’s stated mission is “to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, bringing back” the conditions of Cordoba during the period of Muslim domination, when they “coexisted” with Christians and Jews who lived in a condition of Dhimmitude.

On the Cordoba Initiative’s “About Muslim-West Engagement” page, they state:

Despite what many think, Islam and the West have a long history of coexistence and harmony. For nearly 800 years, the city of Cordoba in Spain endured as a shining example of tolerance among the three monotheistic religions. Muslim, Christian and Jew cohabited in prosperity during a period known for its outstanding literary and scientific productivity.

Also misunderstood is the nature of religious warfare. Many so-called religious conflicts instead result from wealth inequality, tribalism, politics, or other non-religious issues. Conflicts such as these develop a religious appearance only when extremists hijack religious terminology to justify violent acts.

“For nearly 800 years” refers to the period 711–1492, when Muslims invaded and occupied the Iberian peninsula and called the occupied land “Al-Andalus“.

(There’s a reason for the name of the Spanish Reconquista… it was the re-conquest of lands that had been conquered by the Muslims.)

“Many so-called religious conflicts instead result from wealth inequality”.  For those with eyes to see, this is a Socialist/Communist statement, that blames the 9/11 attack on capitalism and “wealth inequality”. I believe the World Trade Centers were targeted in both 1993 and 2001 because they were arguably the most globally recognized symbol of U.S. Capitalism.  Supposedly, if we “spread the wealth around”, then the “so-called religious conflicts” wouldn’t happen.  That is absurd.  ‘There Is No Islam Without Jihad’.  And the connections between Jihadists and Marxists are clear to those with eyes to see:

“Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States,” the communist revolutionary and convert to Islam wrote in his book.

See also: A Different “9/11 Truth”.

Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain may have been “Tone Deaf” to non-Muslim Americans, but it was Pitch-Perfect to many (if not most) Muslims… it was an extremely symbolic trip to areas of former (and intended future) Muslim conquest.

Michelle Obama publicly went to both Marbella (a la the Saudi King) and the Alhambra in Grenada.

BOTH of these are very significant to Muslims. Especially when it comes to the topic of Muslim vs. Christian conflict and conquest.

Michelle’s trip was an endorsement of the Cordoba Initiative. And to that audience, her trip was Pitch-Perfect.

Now, returning to something I touched on above:

It’s interesting that while Barack Obama may or may not have met with a “person of interest” in the Blago trial, Michelle Obama did in Spain!

This does not appear to have been reported in the American media, but the Spanish media reported (translated):

First Lady also could meet with another American politician, which these days is hosted on a private house in Marbella: Jesse Louis Jackson Jr., D-member House of representatives from U.S., son of activist and former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson and also national coordinator of Barack Obama presidential campaign.

Several Arab Royal houses also spend their summers in Marbella for years. Thus, there will be an encounter between Michelle Obama and Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz, Governor of Riyadh and brother of the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia; … another meeting of the first lady with … son of the Interior Minister of Qatar and member of the Royal family Qatari, Abdullah Al-Thani.

Again, to her intended audience, her trip was Pitch-Perfect.  Michelle is not “Tone Deaf” to them.

Rather, it is many Americans who are “Tone Deaf” to past, present, and future Muslim conquest and subjugation of Christians and Jews.


The Cordoba Initiative has scrubbed their web site, and now their stated mission has been reduced to just the following paragraph:

Solving some of the most intractable conflicts in the world today requires innovative strategies for cross-cultural engagement. Cordoba Initiative tackles this mandate with forethought, expertise and the ability to leverage contacts in influential positions within the Muslim World and the West. Thinking outside the box about international and intercultural conflict resolution also means thinking introspectively about each side’s place within its own historical narrative with a view to devising internally oriented solutions.

Gone is the prior language which included

to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, bringing back the atmosphere of interfaith tolerance and respect that we have longed for since Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in harmony and prosperity eight hundred years ago.

I’m kicking myself for not capturing a WebCite of that page as I did with others, such as with the “About Muslim-West Engagement” page… a page which while still exists on the Cordoba Initiative site, but all menu paths and links to that page have been removed.

While I didn’t capture a WebCite of the mission page before the scrubbing, I have now captured a WebCite of what the Cordoba Initiative site looked like in 2008, which includes the following:

The Cordoba Name

For hundreds of years during the middle ages, Cordoba was the capital of Muslim Spain. During much of its “golden age” from the 8th to 12th centuries, the Cordoba Caliphate witnessed a great flowering of culture, art, and philosophical inquiry amid a remarkable climate of religious tolerance. Religious freedom, while not perfect, was sufficient that many Jewish and Christian intellectuals emigrated to Cordoba, where they lived, wrote and flourished side by side with their Muslim counterparts in a strikingly pluralistic society. The Cordoba name reminds both Muslims and non- Muslims that a great Islamic civilization was once the most open and tolerant of its era.

The Cordoba Caliphate operated under Sharia Law.  Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims were not treated as equals with Muslims.  Rather, under Sharia Law, they had to pay a special tax that Muslims did not pay.  At least it was “tolerant” in that the “infidels” were not murdered!

This is the world that the Codoba Initiative seeks… a world-wide Caliphate.  Perhaps you don’t believe me?  Take a look at this other activity of the Cordoba Initiative:

In addition to producing The Shariah Index book, comprised of the essays and deliberations of these scholars, and which provides the Index’s theoretical foundation, Cordoba will present the Annual State of the Muslim World Index. This index, which involves a partnership with the Gallup Organization, polls people from 44 Muslim-majority nations (and members of the Organization of Islamic Conference) on how well their nations comply in practice with this Islamic legal benchmark of an Islamic State.

They seek a worldwide Muslim nation.

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is the main organization representing the whole Muslim Ummah. It consists of 57 member states.

What would someone say if they wanted to publicly say that they intend to make the United States the 58th member state of the OIC, but do it in a “coded” manner, such that Muslims “in the know” would get the message, but most Dhimmis would not?

I think it would go something like this…

“57 states, with one left to go…”

UPDATE: Barack Hussein Obama took Shahada


Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, September 03, 2010…

Muslim Ideological Council: Obama should be named “Caliph of Muslims” “Mullah Barack Hussain Obama” “Allama Obama”


I have been able to isolate the window of time when the Cordoba Initiative changed the outward-facing text of their Mission.

As early as 4/5/2009, their mission stated:

Our Mission: Cordoba Initiative aims to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, bringing back the atmosphere of interfaith tolerance and respect that we have longed for since Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in harmony and prosperity eight hundred years ago.

Solving some of the most intractable conflicts in the world today requires innovative strategies for cross-cultural engagement. Cordoba Initiative tackles this mandate with forethought, expertise and the ability to leverage contacts in influential positions within the Muslim World and the West. Thinking outside the box about international and intercultural conflict resolution also means thinking introspectively about each side’s place within its own historical narrative with a view to devising internally oriented solutions.

On 7/15/2010, their mission still stated:

Our Mission: Cordoba Initiative aims to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, bringing back the atmosphere of interfaith tolerance and respect that we have longed for since Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in harmony and prosperity eight hundred years ago.

Solving some of the most intractable conflicts in the world today requires innovative strategies for cross-cultural engagement. Cordoba Initiative tackles this mandate with forethought, expertise and the ability to leverage contacts in influential positions within the Muslim World and the West. Thinking outside the box about international and intercultural conflict resolution also means thinking introspectively about each side’s place within its own historical narrative with a view to devising internally oriented solutions.

By 8/19/2010, the Cordoba Initiative had scrubbed what they told the outside world about their mission:

Our Mission

Solving some of the most intractable conflicts in the world today requires innovative strategies for cross-cultural engagement. Cordoba Initiative tackles this mandate with forethought, expertise and the ability to leverage contacts in influential positions within the Muslim World and the West. Thinking outside the box about international and intercultural conflict resolution also means thinking introspectively about each side’s place within its own historical narrative with a view to devising internally oriented solutions.

They had removed the text about their aim to “achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade“, but their mission has not changed.  They want to see the Caliphate re-established by 2019 (“within the next decade” starting April 2009, or earlier.)

So, while Muslims want to re-establish the Caliphate in the next 5 years, the U.S. Commander in Chief is someone who repeated the Islamic confession of faith in Arabic and is now significantly cutting our military to pre-WWII levels.


162 responses to “Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain was not “Tone Deaf”, it was Pitch-Perfect…

  1. What gets me is this.

    A muslim vacations in Cordoba to spread the islamic cult idea and to say anything against it your deemed a hateful evil person not worthy to be alive.

    However, refer to istanbul as Constantinople and they wish for your head on a silver platter.

    Not to mention, how many Christian churches are in arabia? Christians are allowed to visit arabia, but are segregated and many places that Christians are forbidden to enter or even set foot on over there.

    Yet they demand we respect them and see them as “equal”?

    Here comes objectivism once again. Have muslims earned the right for our respect in the first place?

    It would actually be so comical it would qualify for a late night talk show skit if this wasn’t so close to home if one thinks about it. muslims want to project this image of how macho and masculine they are; yet they are the first to scream and whine like little school girls because something hurts their precious tender feelings.

    • Not to mention, how many Christian churches are in Arabia? Christians are allowed to visit Arabia, but are segregated and many places that Christians are forbidden to enter or even set foot on over there.

      Yet they demand we respect them and see them as “equal”?

      Ironic is it not Kristy ?
      Double standards.That is how they work.

    • approval rating going down for micHELLe 0by? Thats as shocking as rosie o’donnel coming out of the closet. However, her approval rating can sink to the lowest depths of negative integers on a Cartesian line and I will still think the numbers are fudged to try and make her look good.

  2. With this trip, Michelle Obama endorsed and actively participated in the “Cordoba Initiative”.

    And now, Barack Obama does the same… at a Ramadan “iftar” dinner he hosted at the White House!

    Obama defends Ground Zero Mosque to Muslims
    at White House “Ramadan dinner”

  3. Why is the left wing of the WH covered with a tarpaulin? To hide Ramadan guests, festivities, renovations to the WH to include a mosque on the site?

    • Freee…where did you read that about the renovations? Or are you making it up? We know they were renovating certain offices. I would have to review our map of the WH to see if there is/was a chapel that has been demolished and changed. A Muslim victory mosque in the WH?

  4. Also MO wears outrageous clothes because she knows that they will distract the public from what she’s actually doing. Wake up people!

  5. RedPill, thank you for an exceptional post — you never fail to enlighten and educate.

  6. 2004 May: What’s Right with Islam – A New Vision for Muslims and the West

    HarperCollins published Imam Feisal’s book, What’s Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslim and the West. Chapter 6 of this book, Toward a New Cordoba, presents the Cordoba Initiative’s strategies for healing the relationship between the Islamic World and the West. The Christian Science Monitor named What’s Right With Islam to its list of the five “Best Nonfiction Books of 2004.”

    According to Amazon.com, Chapter 6 is now called “A New Vision for Muslims and the West”.

    And from a 2006 version of the Cordoba Initiative web site:

    The Cordoba Name
    For hundreds of years during the middle ages, Cordoba was the capital of Muslim Spain. During much of its “golden age” from the 8th to 12th centuries, the Cordoba Caliphate witnessed a great flowering of culture, art, and philosophical inquiry amid a remarkable climate of religious tolerance. Religious freedom, while not perfect, was sufficient that many Jewish and Christian intellectuals emigrated to Cordoba, where they lived, wrote and flourished side by side with their Muslim counterparts in a strikingly pluralistic society. The Cordoba name reminds both Muslims and non- Muslims that a great Islamic civilization was once the most open and tolerant of its era.

    Put those two together, and you get…
    Toward a New Cordoba Caliphate

    • Visit http://www.islamicity.com/ and you’ll see how conversions to Islam are scrolled as follows (“Br.” is for “Brother”, “Sr.” is for “Sister”)

      Sr. Kathy from Kentucky, United States took Shahada at IslamiCity on August 18, 2010.
      Br. Jarad from California, United States took Shahada at IslamiCity on August 17, 2010.
      Br. Dakota from Georgia, United States took Shahada at IslamiCity on August 12, 2010.
      Sr. Vernetta from Alabama, United States took Shahada at IslamiCity on August 11, 2010.

      When Barack Hussein Obama publicly confessed the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, he “took Shahada“.

      The confessions of Obama’s own mouth reveal him to be a Muslim, not a Christian.

  7. In fact, the proposed structure is known in Islamic history as a rabat — literally a connector. The first rabat appeared at the time of the Prophet.

    The Prophet imposed his rule on parts of Arabia through a series of ghazvas, or razzias (the origin of the English word “raid”). The ghazva was designed to terrorize the infidels, convince them that their civilization was doomed and force them to submit to Islamic rule. Those who participated in the ghazva were known as the ghazis, or raiders.

    After each ghazva, the Prophet ordered the creation of a rabat — or a point of contact at the heart of the infidel territory raided. The rabat consisted of an area for prayer, a section for the raiders to eat and rest and facilities to train and prepare for future razzias. Later Muslim rulers used the tactic of ghazva to conquer territory in the Persian and Byzantine empires. After each raid, they built a rabat to prepare for the next razzia.

    It is no coincidence that Islamists routinely use the term ghazva to describe the 9/11 attacks against New York and Washington. The terrorists who carried out the attack are referred to as ghazis or shahids (martyrs).

    Thus, building a rabat close to Ground Zero would be in accordance with a tradition started by the Prophet. To all those who believe and hope that the 9/11 ghazva would lead to the destruction of the American “Great Satan,” this would be of great symbolic value.

    Faced with the anger of New Yorkers, the promoters of the project have started calling it the Cordoba House, echoing President Obama’s assertion that it would be used to propagate “moderate” Islam.

    The argument is that Cordoba, in southern Spain, was a city where followers of Islam, Christianity and Judaism lived together in peace and produced literature and philosophy.

    In fact, Cordoba’s history is full of stories of oppression and massacre, prompted by religious fanaticism. It is true that the Muslim rulers of Cordoba didn’t force their Christian and Jewish subjects to accept Islam. However, non-Muslims could keep their faith and enjoy state protection only as dhimmis (bonded ones) by paying a poll tax in a system of religious apartheid.

    If whatever peace and harmony that is supposed to have existed in Cordoba were the fruit of “Muslim rule,” the subtext is that the United States would enjoy similar peace and harmony under Islamic rule.

    A rabat in the heart of Manhattan would be of great symbolic value to those who want a high-profile, “in your face” projection of Islam in the infidel West.

  8. FYI, I also had a bunch of material in comments I added to Michelle Malkin’s August 5, 2010 post:

    Video: “Welcome Obama Family: Thank you for choosing Marbella!”

  9. Saudi Arabia bans the practice of any religion aside from Islam.

    Saudi police raided a secret Catholic mass in Riyadh last week and arrested a dozen Filipinos and a Catholic priest, charging them with prosyletising, a local daily reported on Wednesday.

    • Saudi Arabia bans the practice of any religion aside from Islam.

      They are one sided and need to be treated as such. They want a mosque at ground zero and at the same time this ????
      What a turn OFF…
      We are too nice it seems…

      Again, I am offended… why do they keep offending Christians and other religions but expect others to suck down Islam through a straw ? RUDE and CRUDE…are they at all fair ?
      No, not at all..

      • Islam is not fair. By definition, you “submit” or you die. No room for fairness or tolerance. No room for women, either, except as little more than herd animals to be used for procreation and recreation and little else. The WOMEN of the free world had better wake up, and soon. They’d better be prepared to fight for their freedom.

        On a similar note, Illinois, the very last state that forbids concealed carry, just MIGHT join the rest of the Republic, if those in the state legislature let the bills come to the floor.

      • I followed this way back too and found jesse jacson jr. there as well. Hey didn’t MO and the children go for ice cream during their visit? I am pretty sure they did. That’s my cue for , “they accomplished what they went to do”. I know it doesn’t seem important, but I think their icecream fetish is the signal that all went well. could be crazy but I don’t think so.

  10. Pamela Geller, Front Page Magazine Interview:
    Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

  11. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2855354/posts

    Judicial Watch is requesting the records from this fabulous trip to Spain. A little late, but well worth the effort, is my guess. 🙂 Check out comment 16 at the FR link.

  12. Let’s make it a package deal; Let’s try obama AND his ugly wife for treason.

    • As previously noted in the post above…

      This does not appear to have been reported in the American media, but the Spanish media reported (translated):

      First Lady also could meet with another American politician, which these days is hosted on a private house in Marbella: Jesse Louis Jackson Jr., D-member House of representatives from U.S., son of activist and former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson and also national coordinator of Barack Obama presidential campaign.

      Several Arab Royal houses also spend their summers in Marbella for years. Thus, there will be an encounter between Michelle Obama and Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz, Governor of Riyadh and brother of the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia; … another meeting of the first lady with … son of the Interior Minister of Qatar and member of the Royal family Qatari, Abdullah Al-Thani.

    • Still trying to find out the cost of that luxury trip: http://www.wnd.com/2013/08/obamas-have-sweet-tooth-for-luxury-travel/?cat_orig=us

      “The latest lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch is trying to pry loose from the Secret Service the costs of protection for family members as they visited South Africa, Europe and Asia.

      The suit alleges that the Secret Service has stonewalled efforts through the Freedom of Information Act to seek the costs of family’s trips to Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, Spain, Mexico and one daughter’s spring break trip to the Bahamas.

      Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Christopher Ferrell told WND that while critics of their investigations argue that other presidents have traveled freely, the nature of the trip makes a difference.

      “There is a major difference between the president flying in an official capacity and if a president flies back to his home state and his private residence,” Ferrell said. “Did they go back to their own home, or did they go to a resort? There is obviously a cost difference there.””

  13. Jails ….ARE GOOD THINGS! And his wife also will spend some time…
    BUTT’ she want to go one at a time to be able stay with the youngin’s
    WHY did they NOT ….THINK of that BEFORE…… the CRIMES???

    • I noticed that. The rich and connected are certainly different, aren’t they? Can’t Jesse Sr. look after the grandchildren? You’d think he could afford, at least, a transgender nanny. (Btw, did you hear that now Manning is transgender, which is why he couldn’t fit into the “hypermasculine” military which caused his traitorous behavior? Whatever.) Not only are they getting to serve their sentences at different times, but they also were deliberately NOT charged with the federal crime of filing false tax returns. Why? Because they have children! That’s exactly what the officials in Chicago said. How many single crack mothers go to prison, despite having children who are then left alone in the world (hopefully, for granny to rear? Otherwise, it’s “the system” for them. Why can’t Jesse Jr.’s kids go into the system?) How many poor or middle class folks DON’T get charged with the most serious crime (or at least the one with the bigger penalties) that they have allegedly committed, just because THEY have children?

      Some animals are more equal than others in the Obamanation.

  14. Cordoba Initiative (CI) aims to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, steering the world back to the course of mutual recognition and respect and away from heightened tensions. To do this, we need a coalition of leading individuals and organizations committed to promoting positive interaction between the Muslim World and the West. Cordoba Initiative does just that: it brings together leaders across the Muslim-West divide to speak out for innovative, proactive, and positive solutions to challenges we share.

    Archived to

    Archived to

    So, their partners still show the original aims of the Cordoba Initiative (to “achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade”), but the Cordoba Initiative itself has scrubbed that text from their web site:


    What are they trying to hide?

    Quotes of the former text still appear elsewhere on the web…


  15. https://web.archive.org/web/20100819010654/http://www.cordobainitiative.org/?q=content/our-mission

    Archived to


    At some point between 7/15/2010 and 8/19/2010, the Cordoba Initiative changed what they told the outside world about their mission. But their mission has not changed.

  16. Currently at http://www.cordobainitiative.org/our-mission/

    Through the Shariah Index Project we have created a blueprint for how democracy will take root in the Muslim world.

    Raymond Ibrahim was exactly right:

    Depending on whether Islamists address Americans or fellow Muslims, the same exact words they use often relay diametrically opposed meanings. One example: when Americans hear Muslims evoke “justice,” the former envision Western-style justice, whereas Muslims naturally have Sharia law justice in mind.

    The “Cordoba Initiative” is all about reaching a “tipping point”, where Shariah law is implemented throughout the world, “within a decade” of April 2009… meaning within about the next 5 years.

    Think about what a believer in the “Cordoba Initiative” would do with the powers of the U.S. Presidency. Think about what new friendships they would foster, and what old friendships they would intentionally harm. Would they want the U.S. military to be strong, or weak? Think about what they would do to U.S. oil and natural gas production… would they want the U.S. to be independent and strong, or would they want the U.S. to be dependent upon Arab oil?

    Then examine the actual policies of Barack Hussein Obama, and realize that they are completely consistent with the “Cordoba Initiative”…

  17. The “Cordoba Initiative” in Syria…

    As linked by the Drudge Report

    Under threat, Syria’s Christians sign accord with Islamists…

    Pay tax, convert to Islam or risk death…

    “Christians opt for a medieval-style ‘protection agreement’ and tax over conversion or death”

  18. https://twitter.com/anjemchoudary/status/554298017000718336

    Anjem Choudary @anjemchoudary

    The only time Muslims, Christians & Jews lived together peacefully in Europe with their lives, wealth & honour protected was under Shari’ah!

    10:25 AM – 11 Jan 2015

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