Tag Archives: wokeness

Dear AB: It’s about Womanface. Got It?

To women, THIS:

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What? Only 60%?

Jonathan Turley reported on an interesting poll about college students and their fear of openly speaking their minds, especially in classrooms.

The Buckley annual survey found that almost 60 percent of college students fear sharing an opinion in classrooms or on campuses. That tracks other polls by different groups.  Yet, colleges and universities continue to exclude Republican and conservative faculty members and maintain environments of speech intolerance.The poll shows a sharp increase from just last year with 63% reporting feeling intimidated in sharing opinions different than their peers. That is almost identical to the 65 percent found in other polls.

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Hodgepodge of News

A hodgepodge of stories that stood out recently. First, the Republican campaign flyers just write themselves, don’t they?

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Happy Halloween Weekend

You know what? I don’t give a bat’s nether regions whether or not Halloween “marginalizes” anyone. It’s fun. It’s nostalgic. It’s at least a quasi-religious holiday that has special meaning to many. As such, it deserves respect. Halloween also has cultural connotations for certain ethnic groups and cultures. As such, it deserves respect–as much as Juneteenth, Ramadan, MLK Day, Cinco de Mayo, Chinese New Year, Diwali, and many other holidays, memorials, or celebrations. This, after all, is America, the melting pot of the world.

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