Let’s Make a Deal — for Illegal Aliens (Open Thread)

Long_border_fence - CopySo the Gang of Eight has reportedly made a deal. [Emphasis added to quotes.]

Senate Agreement to Bolster Border Security [Note: “Bolster” is not the same as “SECURE” or “CLOSE”.  Nor is “strengthen.”]

An agreement to strengthen border security is expected to be announced today around 11:00 AM with broader support, including from the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” senators who drafted the original legislation.

ABC News has confirmed that the Senate “Gang of Eight” along with other senators have reached an agreement to strengthen border security provisions in their bill that they hope will deliver the 70 crucial votes needed for the measure.

According to a high ranking Senate aide, a formal announcement is expected to be introduced on senate floor around 11:00 AM, but no immediate vote is expected. As of now, no press conference on the deal is scheduled either.

A second capitol hill source tells ABC News the agreement will include a major border [sic, intiative?], with a key change being a nearly doubling of border agents, completion of 700 miles of fence, and specific plan for border security–all that must be fully implemented before green cards are available to undocumented.

Attaching the amendment could bring the larger piece of legislation closer to the goal of 70 votes that some members of the Gang of Eight have envisioned.

The gang includes, four Republicans: Marco Rubio (Fla.), John McCain (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), [RINOs] and four Democrats: Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), Bob Menendez (N.J.), Michael Bennet (Colo.), and Dick Durbin (Ill.). …

Note the change from “legalization” to “green cards”. There’s a reason for that. Rubio was caught flat-footed when he told a friendly crowd IN SPANISH that legalization is first and nothing’s stopping it:

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) gave a Spanish-language interview to the Univision network in which he said the following: “Let’s be clear.  Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization.  The legalization is going to happen.  That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization.  Then come the measures to secure the border.  And then comes the process of permanent residence.”

He got creamed for going back on his previous statements (lies) that BORDER SECURITY comes first.  Writer John Hayward continued:

That’s exactly the opposite of what he’s been saying to conservatives ever since the beginning of the comprehensive immigration reform debate.  Time and again we’ve heard that border security would be an ironclad prerequisite for amnesty.  Rubio has occasionally made noise about walking out on the Gang of Eight immigration bill, if security was not addressed.

No doubt he would explain his very different posture before the Univision audience by stressing the difference between “legalization” and “permanent residence.”  The impression he gives conservatives is clearly that fresh waves of illegal immigration will be decisively repelled before we start handing out citizenship to the illegals on the U.S. side of a secure border.  The impression he strove to give his Spanish-language audience was the polar opposite: we’ll get that legalization process humming along, putting every illegal on the fabled “pathway to citizenship” immediately.  Later we’ll do something or other about the border.

So now they’re changing their terminology from legalization to green cards (aka permanent residence) to make you think that illegal aliens are NOT going to be given amnesty immediately. There is a distinct difference in these terms.

Legalization means allowing the person to stay (like the DREAMers were amnestied illegally by Obama, who allowed them to stay without fear of legal repercussions). Green cards are the granting of permanent residence with an inevitable “path to citizenship.”  Once someone gets a green card, 5 years later the person can apply for citizenship.

Legalization or green cards–both are AMNESTY for illegal aliens.

This is an obvious ploy to make people believe that Rubio’s going back to border security first and that nobody’s going to be legalized until the border is secure and 700 miles of wall are built.  NOT TRUE.

The “Gang of Eight” wants to fool uninformed, low-information people into believing that illegal aliens are NOT going to be given a pass (aka amnesty) until the border is secure.  They want to fool the public into believing that illegal aliens will still be at risk of being caught and deported. That they’ll still be considered to be ILLEGALLY trespassing in our country, taking our jobs, receiving our benefits, until that border is locked down.  NOT TRUE.

It’s all a matter of semantics and careful parsing.  The illegal aliens will get AMNESTY from day one, if the Gang of Eight’s bill passes.

Do illegal aliens care if they’re U.S. citizens or not? Maybe, maybe not. But what a deal!  They will get to stay here, anyway, work here (out of the shadows), take jobs that belong to U.S. citizens and LEGAL immigrants, all without any fear of being caught and deported.  Depending upon what loopholes are written into the bill, amnestied illegal aliens may be allowed to collect all of the social welfare benefits that U.S. citizens receive.

Good deal for them. Good deal for the businesses that currently ILLEGALLY hire and EXPLOIT them. Sucks for unemployed U.S. citizens whose jobs these illegal aliens take. Sucks for U.S. taxpayers, who fund the social programs illegal aliens exploit. Sucks for U.S. citizens whose votes are cancelled out when illegal aliens illegally vote in our elections.

The Gang of Eight never planned to hand out green cards on day one, but they’re still going to instantly legalize (allow to stay, give AMNESTY to) all the illegal aliens currently trespassing here and taking jobs (or worse, public benefits, maybe even illegally voting), as soon as that bill is passed.

What will happen next?  During the conferences to reconcile the House and Senate bills, they will take out completion of the fence.  You can bet on it.  Then those who voted earlier for the stricter bills will have political coverage and the more lenient bill will be rammed through.  The People stopped amnesty in 2007, so Democrats and RINOs have tried to figure out a way to do an end run around the People this time, with help from the complicit progressive mainstream media.

Finishing a plan for “border security” is meaningless.  Doubling the number of border agents? That’s fine for Democrats and  RINOs:  more public employees, more government spending, more bloated big government, more public employees dependent upon big government (who will vote to maintain the status quo of big government forever), more soldiers for Obama’s civilian army. What’s for a socialist not to like?

It’s not as if these new border agents will do anything.  They aren’t currently ALLOWED to enforce the border or deport anyone, anyway. What’s to say they’ll be allowed to after this bill is passed?

The Obama administration doesn’t follow or enforce current laws. Where’s anything in this bill to force this president and future presidents to enforce the laws?

How is the Gang of Eight, but especially Rubio, going to force Obama to obey and enforce THIS new law?

Will the citizens fall for this, or will they see through the scam and “melt the phone lines,” as they did the last time around?

The Democrats and RINOs rammed through Obamacare against the will of the People.  Will they manage to ram through AMNESTY with no border security against the will of the People, too?

Time to melt the phone lines.


172 responses to “Let’s Make a Deal — for Illegal Aliens (Open Thread)

  1. Lord Snowden has fled to the arms of Vlad: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/23/us-usa-security-flight-idUSBRE95M02H20130623

    Snowden leaves Hong Kong, frustrating U.S. extradition effort

    An aircraft believed to be carrying Edward Snowden landed in Moscow on Sunday after Hong Kong let the fugitive former U.S. security contractor leave the territory, frustrating Washington’s efforts to extradite him on espionage charges.

    The anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks said Snowden was heading for a “democratic nation” which it did not name, although a source at the Russian airline Aeroflot said he would fly on within 24 hours to Cuba and then planned to go to Venezuela. …”

    • He’s in league with Wikileaks: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/06/sarah-harrison-edward-snowdens-travel-companion-is-top-wikileaks-legal-defense-activist/

      Sarah Harrison – Edward Snowden’s Travel Companion – Is Top WikiLeaks Activist

      Wikileaks announced earlier that Harrison was traveling with Edward Snowden today on his flight from Hong Kong to Moscow. …”

      ASSange, you may remember, is hiding out in an Ecuadorian embassy; Snowden is offered asylum in Ecuador, according to a story on Drudge, but reports are that he’s going to end up in Venezuela. Either will make it easy for Sean Penn to visit him. 🙂 Looks like it’s Ecuador, according to a Wikileaks press release: http://wikileaks.org/WikiLeaks-Statement-On-Edward,253.html?updated

      This all comports with my theory that this is a progressive/socialist thing. Since Barry’s also a commie/progressive, can we rule out that this was a plan?

      • Concerning Snowden, did you know that the Feds could have pulled his passport weeks ago? Guess they didn’t want to.

        Very interesting:


        • Papoose, from your link –

          Via NY Times:

          David H. Laufman, a former federal prosecutor in the United States, said it appeared that the Obama administration had flubbed Mr. Snowden’s case in at least two ways.

          “What mystifies me is that the State Department didn’t revoke his passport after the charges were filed” on June 14, Mr. Laufman said. “They missed an opportunity to freeze him in place.”

          He also expressed puzzlement at the decision to unseal the criminal charges on Friday, possibly prompting Mr. Snowden to flee. The standard practice in such cases is to unseal the charges only after the defendant is in custody, he said.

          wow, small “w”…I’m so totally shocked, NOT!

          Not sayin’ a word…just posting a couple of link’s, with a wink, wink, humm, possible hint, hint 😉

          Research goe’s all the way down this link –

          Is Obama Lazy? John Sununu Says So, and So Does Obama! (Open Thread)

          You have to scan down a “bit” on this link for the info. that co insides with the above link –


          China is not Hong Kong…but so close. Just sayin’, one of those thing’s that just make’s you go hummm…..

          • There ARE no coincidences in the Obamanation. He’s China’s stooge? Remember what Mark said, “Little by little.”

        • Yep. I wonder why. More “flubs” and “mistakes” and “errors”. What difference, at this point, does it make?

          They don’t want him caught. They don’t want here him, under oath. They don’t want him to “spill his guts” about who, what, when, where, and especially WHY.

  2. While the press is talking about Snowden they are NOT talking about Bo and his SCANDALS. 😆

  3. i am clare daly


    • It’s great to hear it in her own words. I love to hear that accent, too. She ridicules Mooch for calling Ireland “home”–“home a country that she’s been in less than a week and of course that her husband has VERY TENUOUS links in.” (I’ll say!)

      “Is this person going for the hypocrite of the century award?” (I’ll say!)

      She stands up for women in Syria and the Middle East. HOORAY! It’s about time SOMEBODY did (besides Laura Bush).

      I’m glad Clare stands with us, the American people, in criticizing our POtuS. TY, Clare. I like to think that this Irish outspokenness was a precursor to the American spirit. There’s a long tradition of strong women in Ireland–a matriarchal society in olden days.

      I am Clare Daly, too! A few stories elaborating on this: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/g8-summit/republic-of-ireland-prostituted-to-obamas-says-irish-politician-clare-daly-29357659.html (You have to expect that the lib Brits wouldn’t like her “astonishing” speech.) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/21/clare-daly-obama-war-criminal_n_3479158.html

      I particularly liked this: Daly “asked if Kenny was going to ‘deck the Cabinet out in leprechaun hats decorated with a bit of stars and stripes to really mark abject humiliation.'”

      They do have a way with words, don’t they?
      Clare …

      An tsíocháin a bheith in éineacht leat.

        • OMG, Zenway. Where do you find this stuff? It does look like him AND, if so, it couldn’t have happened to a better guy.

          Watcha think?
          larger Why can’t we see his tat?

          I wonder what else (or who else) might be behind this?

          ‘Kill Whitey’ Panther is held on gun rap

          The tattoo on his face says, “Kill Whitey” in block letters, and cops say the gun he carried was loaded and unlicensed.

          But that didn’t stop Maruse Heathhead of the Philadelphia chapter of the New Black Panther Party — from claiming that he’s really all about charity and outreach as he was arraigned on a gun-possession charge in Manhattan last night.

          “It is my understanding that the New Black Panther Party is the functional equivalent of the KKK,” Assistant District Attorney Christopher Ryan countered as Heath, 41, was ordered held in lieu of $75,000 bail for getting busted allegedly with a gun in Harlem Thursday night.

          Heath, aka “King Salim Shabazz,” was arrested on Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard as he left a meeting of New Black Panther Party members. The group had gathered to plan a 15th-anniversary Million Man March commemoration, scheduled for Harlem on Sept. 7.

          Heath was unjustly “jumped” by cops as he left the meeting and walked near Seventh Avenue, said his lawyer, Brad Foster, in arguing unsuccessfully for low bail. …

          Heath faces a mandatory minimum of three and a half years if convicted of possessing the .25-cal. gun. He is due back in Manhattan Criminal Court on June 26, when he will be informed if he has been indicted on charges of gun possession and the illegal wearing of body armor.

          Sources told The Post that Heath’s first call while in custody was to Malik Zulu Shabazz, who is the national chairman of the New Black Panther Party, considered by the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to be a Black supremacist hate group.”

          “unjustly!” What does this fool know about justice? Now Wikipedia says the perps at the voting place were “King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson,” so who knows? King Samir Shabazz or King Salim Shabazz–same guy or not?

      • isn’t she grand? absolute courage. lilting outrage is a beautiful dialect!

        hope she and sarah chat!

        • They’d make a good team but I think Daly’s secularism might rub the Governor the wrong way.

        • They’d make a good team but I think Daly’s secularism might rub the Governor the wrong way. It was very amusing to see Clare take those guys to task. The gasps were great! If Daly’s a “progressive” then we could use some of them on our side of the Pond. Compare her type of courage in protest to the likes of Medea Benjamin.

  4. drkate
    June 23, 2013 at 12:38 am
    hmmm…today is june 23…but remember LC has spoken about Biden being President and being a lousy one when O and Barry Jinn are both gone. Barry Jinn will be removed by God’s hand…would Biden choose her as VP, then he goes “TU”, and then she’s on to 2016?

    They may have got it… the LC puzzle?… what if…?
    also …Ann Barnhardt …has part 2 on cowardice & courage… +
    Ann Rand & why she turned atheist…. also .. Edward Snowden
    I hear the Sun is just 220,000 miles away tonight…. I might just hitch
    me a ride else where…. want 2 come along? Can’t be any HOTTER
    than it is HERE! It’s now becoming a disgusting place to hang your hat!

  5. Nelson MANDELA…. in critical condition. So here is some
    of his story….. I wish him a peaceful sleep when his time comes.


  6. I said it before, most recently here: https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2013/06/11/one-more-time-who-is-this-man-open-thread/comment-page-1/#comment-115626

    This guy was on a MISSION from somebody and they allowed this to happen. Now Lord Snowden has admitted that he deliberately infiltrated at Booz Allen Hamilton in order to steal the documents and spy:

    Snowden Admits Taking Booz Hamilton Job to Gather Evidence on NSA Surveillance

    … Edward Snowden secured a job with a US government contractor for one reason alone – to obtain evidence of Washington’s cyberspying networks, the South China Morning Post can reveal.

    For the first time, Snowden has admitted he sought a position at Booz Allen Hamilton so he could collect proof about the US National Security Agency’s secret surveillance programmes ahead of planned leaks to the media.

    “My position with Booz Allen Hamilton granted me access to lists of machines all over the world the NSA hacked,” he told the Post on June 12. “That is why I accepted that position about three months ago.

    During a live global online chat last week, Snowden also stated he took pay cuts “in the course of pursuing specific work”. He said: “Booz was not the most I’ve been paid.” …”

    SO WHO PUT HIM UP TO IT? And what was happening 3 months ago?

    • Sure did divert the media and the conversation. I guess we’re not supposed to notice all the countries mentioned as to where the spy may land are all good friends of barky and his emissaries who constantly travel to these places. Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Russia, China, etc. There are connections and comings and goings all the time. think WU and Hollywood Friends, galore. These would be the last places he’d go if he weren’t a spook. so transparent. duping.

      BENGHAZI and SYRIA, the IRS, and all the other “scandals”, crimes! are ignored. Its so easy to see and the destinations give the plot away.

      • Little Lord Snowden is simply a DISTRACTION from the core issue of this scandal: Obama’s administration SPYING on all of us ILLEGALLY AND his minions LYING UNDER OATH TO OUR REPRESENTATIVES. WHAT is Congress going to do about BOTH of THOSE issues?

    • No, we didn’t talk about that yet. They are doing the old Alinsky OVERWHELM tactic. There’s too much to see in order to focus on anything. The hits come fast and furious. OBAMACARS!!! Are you kidding me? Of course, the only thing in the “news” is that the Senate will pass this bill with an “overwhelming” majority and Paul Ryan (newly baptized RINO?) says immigration “reform” is more likely to pass in the House.


  7. Joe+The+Electrician
    When amnesty passes, the working black men that support the democratic party will be doomed. The illegals will eventually displace them in the work force. It’s been obvious for quite some time especially in the construction trades such as brick laying, sheetrock, highway labor, concrete, and similar labor jobs. Little did they realize they were cutting there own throats by allowing immigrants to take there jobs in supporting a party they thought that cared for there well being. … from AT

    • I read somewhere that because these amnestied illegal aliens will be EXEMPT from Obamacare, then employers will give THEM jobs ahead of U.S. citizens OF ANY COLOR.

  8. Prominent BLACKS DESERTING the liberal PLANTATION…


  9. Foreign investments in Sodo raise questions[WA][EB-5 Visas-Green Cards for Investing]

    Seattle Post-Intelligencer 31 July 2007 DAN RICHMAN

    Sodo landlord Henry Liebman, that area’s largest single landowner, says he couldn’t have amassed as much property and wealth without money from foreigners. Those investors use a little-known government program to gain citizenship in exchange for their money, with which Liebman is buying up industrial real estate.

    The EB-5 visa program, launched in 1990, grants foreigners conditional citizenship upon their investment of either $500,000 or $1 million in an American business venture. The smaller investment is sufficient if the venture is in a high-unemployment area, defined as one with 1.5 times the national average unemployment rate.

    Areas in which EB-5 investments are permitted are known as regional centers. Liebman’s regional center is by far the largest of the 15 currently active, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. In 2006, it raised $120 million and created 2,500 jobs directly and indirectly, the agency said.

    But there seems to be some difference of opinion between Liebman and immigration officials on what the EB-5 program was designed to do, and how.

    Liebman says the program’s function is to create jobs — but not necessarily in areas of high unemployment.

    “There’s absolutely no intent to direct the money to low-unemployment areas at the expense of high-unemployment areas,” he said.

    In fact, he said, in order to qualify as areas in which EB-5 investments may be made, regional centers don’t really have to meet any fixed criteria.

    The law implementing the EB-5 program “doesn’t discuss the characteristics of the regional center,” he said. He said regulations governing the program leave “wide open” what can qualify as a regional center.

    That’s not how federal immigration officials see it.

    The EB-5 program “focuses on urban areas that are depressed and have high unemployment,” said an Immigration Services official, who cited agency policy in declining to let his name be used.

    “It’s basically an attempt to put enterprises into those areas, to stimulate opportunity and employment for the residents of those areas.”

    The Immigration Services Web site says a regional center “seeks to promote economic growth through increased export sales, improved regional productivity, creation of new jobs, and increased domestic capital investment.”

    One concern of Dave Gering’s, who heads the Manufacturing Industrial Council of Seattle, is that a regional center can promote speculative investments in an area that has no trouble attracting its own private investment.

    Sodo has a vacancy rate of only 2 percent, he said, and during the depth of the recession, that climbed only to 5 percent.

    “My understanding is that (the EB-5 program) was intended to operate in areas that suffered from a lack of investment,” he said. “The Duwamish doesn’t suffer from disinvestment. I don’t think it ever has. So to me, it seems like a disconnect.”

    By one measure, Sodo does suffer from high unemployment. In the single census tract making up the Sodo area, the unemployment rate was 18.6 percent in 2005, the latest number for which data are available, Washington Employment Security Department economist Cristina Gonzalez said.

    The national average unemployment rate that year was 5.1 percent. That means Sodo’s unemployment rate in 2005 was not just 150 percent of the national average, but 365 percent.

    But Gering rejects using unemployment numbers to assess joblessness in Sodo.

    “No one lives in Sodo, so there is no unemployment there,” he said.

    Liebman said in June that federal approval to require Sodo investments of only $500,000 was established “probably (in) August 1996.” He also said that “it’s been updated annually since then.”

    But “under the regs, there’s no provision … for requiring an update” to unemployment numbers, said the same immigration official. He expressed surprise when told some people in Seattle take issue with Liebman’s continued ability to provide green cards with investments of only $500,000.

    “What we’ll probably do, we’ll request an update of that unemployment data,” he said. “Where the rubber meets the road is based on … the more recent official unemployment data for that geographic area.”

    The agency has not requested such data, Liebman said. But, he said, “we provide them with unemployment data every time we do a project, so I don’t know why they would ask for anything more.”

    One clearer aspect of the EB-5 program is that it’s intended to create jobs. To qualify under the program, every investment must create 10 jobs that are new not just to the regional center, but to the U.S.

    As of May, Liebman’s program had received investments from 303 investors under the EB-5 program. That means it should have created 3,030 jobs.

    When asked whether that’s how many jobs he has created to date, Liebman replied that that number “seems high to me.” Yet his earliest projected job-creation numbers were far higher.

    In 1999, Liebman projected a typical development project would create, per investor, 20 new jobs directly. In addition, he said, it would create another 111 jobs indirectly — for example, by letting a nearby deli take on a new counter clerk to serve newly hired workers at a tenant business. That’s a total of 131 jobs per investment.

    By those projections, with 303 investors to date, he should have created 39,693 jobs.

    “He used ridiculous job multipliers,” Gering said of those projections. “Nobody would think that that’s happened.”

    But a recent report by local economist Paul Sommers suggests that, although Liebman’s program creates far fewer jobs than his early projections anticipated, it does tend to spawn more positions than are required by the EB-5 program.

    The report, written in response to a request by Immigration Services, estimated the number of jobs that would be created by the investment Liebman undertook in March 2006 at 4746 Ohio Ave. S. With 52 immigrant investors, that project should have created 520 jobs. Sommers estimated it would create roughly twice that number: 1,041 positions statewide, most of them in King county.

    Liebman said he has a similar report prepared for every property he buys.

    So, though the numbers are all over the place, Liebman may be fulfilling the program’s job-creation requirements.

    Another difficult aspect of the EB-5 program is its unsavory appearance.

    Maurice Berez, the program’s chief adjudications official, defended it, while acknowledging that the EB-5 program “leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth, the idea — which is inaccurate and unfair — that people can ‘buy a green card.’ ”

    The program between 1995 and 1998 was frequently abused when would-be immigrants were allowed to pay a small amount in cash for a green card, signing a promissory note for the balance. The note didn’t come due for several years — long after the two-year conditional period built into the EB-5 visa had ended and permanent residency had been granted.

    “The program has a checkered past,” Berez said. But he was quick to point out its reformed state. He said many EB-5 visa holders have worked themselves up from poverty in their native countries before coming to the U.S., proving that they are the same sort of achievers that immigration law has traditionally sought to attract.

    Allegations that the EB-5 visa lets people buy citizenship — that it favors yacht people over boat people — is “a simple answer that doesn’t reflect the truth nor the facts of the program reflected in the people who have come through it seeking a life in America,” he said.


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