Crossing Obama Can Be Deadly!

Posted by Bridgette  (In other words, reblogged from other sites. )

Mysterious Deaths Surround Obama! 



Obama’s “Dead Pool”
Deaths connected to the Obama White House

Andrew Breitbart  –  Died of a massive heart attack, walking outside late at night, alone, in the dark approximately one week before he was to produce tapes of Obama’s extremist activities in college.  More speculation: Breitbart: “Wait ‘Til They See What Happens March 1st”,  Breitbart’s Footage Shows Obama ‘Palling Around’ With Terrorists….. Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I Spoke with Andrew Breitbart Shortly Before he Died ……An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart’s Death Scene… Breitbart’s skin color described as bright red. … Was Andrew Breitbart assassinated?…More murder speculation: Was Andrew Breitbart Murdered?  Los Angeles Coroner:   Breitbart Died of Heart Failure.

Steve Bridges Dies At 48  – Impersonator Who Offended 0bama …Steve Bridges as President Obama – August 2011 ….It appeared that he died of natural causes

The deaths of Seal Team Six …who never would fly an entire company in one helicopter alone.

Kam Kuwata –   was found dead inside his Venice home after friend — concerned that they had not heard from him for a few days — alerted police. Political consultant in California.  Democratic insider.  Possibly the Obama consultant referred to in the Ulsterman Report: Allegedly viewed bizarre drug induced behavior from Obama during the the 2008 campaign: “The Troubling Timeline”…. The Death of a Political Operative – The Troubling Timeline… (UPDATED)

Did Obama Assassinate Clinton delegates? Bill Gwatney and Stephanie Tubbs Jones?………… Hollywood Producer Bettina Viviano: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible – ….Caucus death threats (audio)… also reported by Jerome Corsi at WND: Hillary supporter’s untold Obama horror stories Allegations of intimidation, manipulation, sudden death

Bill Gwatney, a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a Clinton super delegate at an upcoming convention in Denver and was fatally shot in 2008.  Shooter had a post-it note with a mystery phone number.

Stephanie Tubbs Jones: found brain dead in 2008.  Democratic Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Cleveland, a super delegate and one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent black supporters, was found in her car unconscious

Obama’s grandmother, [Madelyn Payne Dunham], died 2 days before the general election.  Flew up to see her for one hour – alone.

Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.- A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church

Christopher Kelly -Committed suicide, under pressure to testify against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich

John Wheeler III–  former presidential and Pentagon aide John Wheeler III was found in a Delaware garbage dump. Wheeler’s cell phone discovered – Cause of death released in Wheeler case, blunt force trauma — Wheeler’s cell phone found in a taxi — His family wants information – John Wheeler was assassinated by a hitman in a targeted killing, his widow has claimed – Who killed Jack Wheeler?

Donald Young– Openly gay friend of Obama’s at  Murdered at Trinity Church in Chicago-…Key Witness In Obama Passport Fraud Case  –  Video report: Obama-Donald Young murder (December 24, 2007)……….All 3 Homosexual Members Of Obama’s Trinity Church Murdered Within 6 Weeks.

Larry Bland and Nate Spencer: Two other black members of Trinity Church Murdered at the same time – Report: Mother Of Obama’s Murdered Gay Lover Speaks Up – With Video

Beverly Eckert,  Continental Flight Victim, Was 9/11 Widow (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW), was at the White House with Barack Obama, part of a meeting the president had with relatives of those killed in the 2001 attacks

Michael Scott – Although Chicago school board president Michael Scott’s death had been ruled a suicide by the Cook County medical examiner’s office, Chicago police characterized the case as a death investigation, and have not concluded that Scott’s death was a suicide- was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury looking into the admissions practices of Chicago’s elite schools.  -also was under scrutiny over Olympics-related real estate dealings.
David Koschman, murdered in a Chicago Rush Street brawl by Richard J. “R.J.” Vanecko, a nephew of Mayor Daley and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley-  Homicide case involving Daley nephew closed without charges, Witness to Killing Involving Daley Nephew: Deceased Didn’t Start It

Ashley Turton, wife of the Obama administration’s House of Representatives liaison, Dan Turton, was found dead in a burning car Monday morning, Roll Call and other news outlets are reporting. Fire officials said it appeared the car crashed as it was pulling in or out of the garage behind a rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., at about 5 a.m. Neighbors dialed 911 after spotting the fire. The body was discovered after fire crews doused the blaze. The fire also charred part of the garage. Nobody in the house was injured, fire officials said.  Ashley Turton worked as a lobbyist for the utility giant Progress Energy, according to Politico. She was a former staffer for U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn. The Rahm Emanuel Connection to the Deceased Ashley Turton, — The ATF investigates – Ashley Turton Crashed Under the Influence

Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz,   Obama’s First Dog Trainer Dies At 52.  Rumored to be salaried at over $102,000 per year at tax-payer expense

“Mama Lois” Anderson, 79, and her 52 year old daughter Zelda White:  Two US women aid workers were shot dead in Nairobi in Kenya (2008) were the retired Presbyterian Church missionaries of Pennsylvania (USA), known to thousands of Africans.  The suspected killers of the US women, who were travelling in a car with diplomatic license plates, allegedly shot dead by police later.  They were well known for their work.  There is speculation that they possibly had knowledge of the birth and care for Barack Obama in Kenya and were later murdered to cover the trail. When murdered, the Husband had his full wallet which the thieves/car jacker didn’t take, and there was never a connection made to the said attackers the police later shot dead, but blamed for the double homicide/car jacking.  Their church was burned in 2008, possibly to destroy any possible birth records there. Then police chief Mohammed Hussein Ali was later removed from office by Obama supported Kenyan strongman Odinga.  All possible witnesses ended up dead, all possible records of the care of infant Obama burned in the church fire, and the public official responsible out of office.

The Rumor Mill….

Obama Death List

“SARAH BERKLEY – Author of “The Jihad at the Ballot Box” – a book examining Obama’s relationship with radical Islam. Died in a mysterious car crash in 2003.

RUSSELL MCDOUGAL – Former FBI operative, January 23rd, 2007. McDougal was known to hold sensitive information about meetings Barack Obama had with arms smugglers. His wife was murdered March 2006 after he went public with his initial reports. His father died July 8, 2006 four hours after McDougal presented his findings on the Savage Nation.  Suffered administrative retaliation after reporting discussions by jihadist groups concerning Obama to his superiors.

RODRIGO VILLALOPEZ, a television news camera man who shot the footage of Obama describing small town voters as “bitter” and “clinging to their guns during the primary season.

BRIAN GORING – A defense attorney for Obama patron Antoin Rezko during his trial for extortion and bribery. Died of apparent “natural causes.”

MERCEDES HUGLEY, one of Obama’s many white, female conquests while at Harvard.  Filed sexual assault charges against Obama for date rape in 1990. Because “date rape” was not considered a crime like it is today, she ended up dropping the charges. Two years later, she was found dead of an apparent cocaine overdose.

TAMIKA HILL – A former secretary for Obama’s office in Chicago was murdered July 6, 2005 at a rib shack in the south side. Hill had spoken off the record with a reporter from the Chicago Sun Times about meetings Obama had with black militants in the city. She was murdered before she could ever be properly interviewed.

HASAD AL SHAREEZ – FBI informant.  Reported to his handler in January 2001 that he had a tape of a person named simply “B. Hussein” meeting with 9/11 hijacker Mohatma Atta in Prague. Was found shot in the basement of a mosque in Dearborn, MI in October, 2001.

DARSANO RAHARDJO – Childhood classmate of Barack Obama when he attended a madrassa in Indonesia. Was found with his head cut off in a Jakarta alley way in 1970. Many children at the school attributed Rahardjo’s murder to the young Barack Obama. It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since Islam demands that a boy spill another’s blood before the age of ten to prove their loyalty to Allah.

REVEREND DAVID MANNING – Former head of the Trinity Baptist Church in Chicago. Was murdered during the apparent robbery of a catfish restaurant in 1972.   Shortly afterwards, Rev. Jeremiah Wright took over as head of Trinity and a many parishioners (who later left the church) suspected Wright in having a hand in Reverend Manning’s death.    Decades later, Manning’s son JAMAL MANNING was found dead of an apparent crack overdose in 2004. It was rumored he was going to bring evidence of Wright’s complicity in his father’s death. His testimony was timed to coincide with Obama’s first senate race.

CHRISTOPHER HARGROVE, a former lover of Larry Sinclair. Found dead in a hotel room of apparent auto-erotic asphyxiation in January 2001. Was said to have been enraged when he found out that Sinclair had cheated on Jackson with Obama in the back of a limousine. To get revenge, Jackson planned to release digital pictures Sinclair had taken of the encounter on the Internet.

PAUL ROTHCHILD – Democrat National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Washington DC in 2003. A “friend and trusted advisor” to senatorial candidate Barack Obama. Dead of an apparent suicide.

CURTIS “POOKIE” JACKSON – Chicago drug dealer. Was the subject of a police investigation in which he was suspected of funneling money to Obama’s many various community projects. Killed in 1998 in an apparent gang murder.

HARVEY KENYON – Head of Obama’s senatorial security team in Chicago. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside of Grant Park in 2005. Kenyon’s son said his father was building a dossier on Obama. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

SHEILA BAUGH – A Washington DC madame.   Died from a gunshot wound. Reported to have a black book of people containing names of influential people who visited the prostitutes in her brothel. One of those names was allegedly Barack Obama.

KEYSHAWN “SPOON” CALWORTH – Was found dead of an apparent heroin overdose May 18, 1997. Was reported to have ties to Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

LAWSHAWNA MARTIN– 26 year old mother of five, a Cabrini Green resident with a history of substance abuse. Told two of her co-workers at the Blue Peppermint Gentleman’s Club that she would have to quit work because she was pregnant again. Strongly implied that the “baby daddy” was Barack Obama. The next week, she was reported missing. No body was ever recovered, but Lawshana has not resurfaced since making those remarks.

BILL FERGUSON– Senior aide to Barack Obama. Found dead of an apparent heart attack.

GANDY BAUGH – Attorney for Obama friend Antonin Rezko died by falling out an eightieth story window of the Hancock Tower, January, 2003.  His client was a convicted Chinese spy.


God Rest Their Souls.


Before Obama is shellacked in November, will more people be added to this list ?

Can you add anyone’s name to this list?

UPDATE 12/12/13:  Loretta Fuddy, head of the Hawaiian Dept. of Health, which was involved in the creation of the Obama “long-form birth certificate”, has been killed in a small-plane crash; she alone among the 9 on board died in the crash off the island of Molokai. Deputy Director Keith Yamamoto was aboard, but survived.  Some survivors got out of the plane, wearing life vests, and were picked up from the sea.  The sole casualty–Fuddy–remained in the plane.

Also today, the son of Obama’s spiritual advisor committed suicide: “Isaac Hunter, the son of megachurch pastor and Obama spiritual counselor Joel Hunter, was found dead Tuesday (Dec. 10) in an apparent suicide, local police say.”

Links to information about these deaths are available at the title’s  links above.

H/T Kathy
Drawing Source

265 responses to “Crossing Obama Can Be Deadly!

  1. Tim Russert

    • I think this may be part of what silenced the press.

      • Kathy, its what turned the screw.

        in April, before he was struck dead in mid June retuning from Rome the Imus thing started which brought us Mika in the morning with her moron Joe. Tim was all eyeballs in that campaign he knew everything. he was dead within the week that HRC met with barky at Feinstein’s DC house and “suspended” her campaign that Saturday morning. Same reason Stephanie got it. It was the shot heard all around Congress and the Media… be afraid. be very afraid. Tim Russert knew everything and everyone and he was an expert in the American voting process.

        at least they gave him a double rainbow the minute they closed their week long service live on MSNBC. it was a hologram, no doubt. the Chinese did it, too, at the Olympics that summer.

        Tim Russert. the first clue and the answer to Stephanie and Breitbart.
        Its amazing that Larry is still breathing.

        • Papoose,

          Larry, Sheriff Joe and Mike Zullo are still breathing. Are they too high profile to take out? It seems that the more obscure people who have an ‘inside track’ on some aspect of this criminal enterprise are the ones who are most likely to be meeting their maker.

          Pray for them and America.

      • that guy said you kill the first 5 the rest is easy. 😯

  2. Mysterious death category – Madelyn Payne Dunham – Granny who died 2 days before the election and yet no funeral information or medical information can be found. Yet supposedly her dust was tossed into the ocean.

    Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro – no medical records and no hospital records are available for showing she bore the bad seed, and there are none showing she died in a hospital due to cancer or other causes.

    Neither had a funeral. Both were allegedly turned to dust.

  3. pen·to·bar·bi·tal sodium  (pnt-bärb-tôl, -tl)n.

    A white crystalline or powdery barbiturate, C11H17N2O3Na, used as a hypnotic, a sedative, and an anticonvulsive drug. Also called pentobarbitone.

    This drug in large doses causes myocardial infarction aka heart attack, it is used in large doses to euthanize animals.

    Pentobarbital has also been used for physician-assisted suicide. In the US state of Oregon, “oral doses of a barbiturate” have been used for this purpose.

    Pentobarbital has been approved or considered for use in executions in various U.S. states.[8]

    The Danish manufacturer of pentobarbital, Lundbeck, expressed displeasure at this use of their product, and on July 1, 2011, announced they would block sales of the drug to U.S. prisons that carry out the death penalty.

    The last excerpts are from wiki; however, I have used this drug in healthcare and with a high metabilization rate and a drug that in the end would look like myocardial infarction, it’s the prefect crime. The only issue would be that SPB is a recorded and controlled substance, so it would be hard for me to get probably the 20-25cc it may take to insure you stop a heart. A 60lb animal takes between 5-10cc to stop the heart. I guess it may be easier for the presidential staff to get a bottle of SPB. FYI the substance looks weird, consistancy of water and it was blue (I don’t know if they are all blue). I, personally, have listened to this drug make hearts stop.

  4. Excellent and timely reminder for everyone. Keep these victims in your prayers.

  5. Stephanie Tubbs JONES RIP

  6. Donald YOUNG RIP

  7. Bill Clinton’s friend

    Arkansas Democratic Party Chair Murdered

    Aug 13, 2008 … Bill Gwatney, the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party, has been murdered. A man barged into the Arkansas Democratic headquarters …


  8. Holiyah Soetoro Sobah, aka Lia Soetoro, Obama’s adopted sister. Lia died under mysterious, sudden, and very unusual circumstances just as she was getting ready to be reunited with her childhood companion and adopted brother. She spoke of many specific incidences in the household, where she grew up with Barry in Indonesia. She saved many items that Barry used during childhood. She was looking forward to seeing him, because she’d seen him on TV and was told that was “Barry”, her little brother; however, Lia had reservations about it and so was anticipating seeing the scars he had from falling out of the mango tree and the limp she said he walked with. That was not to be because she up and died. Read about it here and watch video of her here.

    • “Our” Lia was added to NACHUMLIST’s list at their site! She deserved to be remembered. Her death is the most suspicious because she could have identified whether the guy playing Steve, BHO, and Harrison J. Bounel, et al., was the Barry Soetoro that she lived with and knew so well.

      • Wow. Good deal. This needs to get out there. I found the link to the pdf referenced at NACHUMLIST. It came from Bridgette’s original Lia post. It no longer works, but is at the Wayback Machine for the time being. Not to worry. Original pdf saved. They can disappear but not when everybody saves screenshots and other files! I’ll put a comment on the Lia post with some other things I found today. Here’s the correct link for the pdf:

        NACHUMLIST had only the link to the basic organization, not to the specific pdf. They’ve apparently removed all the press cables from their site. I searched their domain and find nothing mentioning Lia.

        • I hope I didn’t misremember details of the Lia story. I never expected my off-the-cuff comment to be copied and pasted. Wasn’t it true that she mentioned his scars and his limp? I clearly remember that she wasn’t sure he was the same person and wanted to see for herself. I wonder where that vomit-stained (DNA?) blanket is today.

          • Found the comment and a quote from Lia about the limp:

            “He was referred to as fat also. Then I finally found the sentence about his foot.

            ”I want meets to him, more than anything else I hear he wants to become President USA. I miss get if meeting, I remember to the mischief. President cancel to also I want meets, more than anything else Maya, his sister, “ Mbak Nun flux also by confesses sure Barack Obama recognizes with himself, because she knows in left foot bent Obama is hurt ex- fall to got at the time of climbing mango tree.”

  9. Did Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz, Obama’s dog trainer, go on the junket to Spain with Michelle, Sasha, and their friends?

    “Secret Service records, meanwhile, show that the costs to the agency for the vacation were $254,461.20. This total includes $26,670.61 for a chauffeur tour of Costa del Sol and $50,078.78 for a travel planning company SET P&V, S.L. (George Soros is 50% owner of the travel company.) Taxpayers also paid the bill for separate lodging for a dog and its handler.

    In August 2010, Michelle Obama, her daughter and friends embarked on what the press described as a “whirlwind tour of Spain,” which included visits to the coastal towns, shopping and a lunch date with the country’s King and Queen. While the White House claims the Obamas “paid their own way” for the vacation, the records detail some of the required security and other costs to taxpayers for the private trip.”

    Dawn died in Jan. 2011. The trip was in August, 2010.


    Richard Holbrooke, veteran US diplomat, dies

    Veteran US diplomat Richard Holbrooke has died following a second round of surgery to treat a torn aorta.

  11. ok, somewhere on here someone posted today the story of the adult man that found he was a missing chile. I only left for a short while, come back and ya all got conversing so much (a good thing) it was bumped off the recent commenter list — So what post is it located on? Thanks!

    • What A Hoot–I don’t recall this comment but if you can remember anything that I can use as keywords to search, I’ll look for you. I searched “missing child” and turned up nothing like what you’re looking for. I searched “missing” and again turned up nothing. Are you sure this was on our blog?

      • Well, maybe it was not here. Here is the story. The guy was adopted from a HI orphanage and his bc lists him as half native Haiwanian. He found himself to be a missing child.

        • He has three bc’s. One from his natural parents, one from his adoptive parents, and the one created when he was a year old listing this very non-native as half native.

          • I watched it and I find it incredibly coincidental that this story is coming out NOW. Missing child. Mother who changed his date of birth, name and father’s race on his birth certificate. (One of them, presumably his original one.) Then they say he has 10 names with multiple credit ratings and an “identity” problem. It just happens to have happened in HAWAII. It doesn’t happen “often enough” for authorities to be of any help for him in resolving his identity crisis. His birth certificate was created a year after his birth. So don’t you think this is odd that CBS is featuring this guy who didn’t know who he really is or the circumstances of his birth or who his real parents were NOW? And it just happens to be a story about HAWAII. And it’s right when Arpaio’s results and stories about Obama’s multiple SS#’s and “identities” are hitting the lamestream (somewhat). I smell a huge rationalization coming on. I always figured that if caught, he’d pretend that he knew none of this. It all happened when he was a baby. It’s all his dead parents’ fault and he didn’t believe he should be “punished” for their actions so we all should forgive him for forging records to match what he, poor baby, always believed. What say u?

            • Miri, I think you live in my head.

              • Well, we’ll know if we’re right if we start seeing obots citing this story. Say, at Dr. C’s? 🙂

                • Highly covered in the lamestream media. 47 stories found, via a quick search. That was is said to be “highly cited.” Here you have another possible parallel that obots could cite: He was “kidnapped” by his own mother shortly after birth. That’s when she had his name and birthdate changed. So, you see, although Barry never says so, documents prove his mother took him to Seattle (if he was there, as Mary Toutonghi claims) within three weeks of his birth. Her high school chums claim to have seen him in late August, 1961. “Kidnapped by his own mother?” And if his race turns out not to be as he always thought? Then he can use this guy’s narrative, too. How freaking pat.

                  • I have a question. How did this guy pry copies of THREE birth certificates out of Hawaii? Where did he get the three to KNOW he has three? To KNOW that his mother changed his name, birth date, and race? How did he get his original BC, presumably the one where his mom changed his father’s race to Native Hawaiian? Wouldn’t it have been SEALED on account of his subsequent adoption at age 4? Barry has claimed that HE could not get copies of his birth certificate and needed a special waiver. Did this guy have to get one, too?

                    Did his mother use that process they used to have to get a certificate of Hawaiian birth? Why would she want his birth father to “be” Native Hawaiian? Did she game that system so he would have some kind of paperwork that didn’t match his birth documents, so that when she gave him up for adoption, nobody would know who he really was? Sounds like it.

                    He was born in 1977? Gee, we could use somebody to check the Honolulu Advertiser to see if HIS birth was announced a year later, when he first got his BC.

          • I think he had one when born with birth mommy and daddy. Next he got left at the orphanage in HI. Follow the money from here; don’t know where that is, though. The native HI thing had either to do with money the orphanage received for native children or Native law supersedes American law (Indian rights/nation?) and says tribe decides if child can be adopted without a parent signing off parental rights. Or not knowing the father’s identity, the state (Native) becomes the parent. It is obviously I don’t know what I am talking about; just thinking aloud. The third cert would be his adoption cert. So how come he could get his “sealed” records? Again, maybe because he is “Native”? and laws different.

            This whole thing has a funny smell to it. Wonder how long before this guy’s name is on this list?

            • What smells funny to me is the whole story and the timing of it coming out. I wonder if it’s even true. It certainly sounds oddly exactly like Barry’s circumstances, SHOULD he decide to pull the plug, if ever cornered, and come up with a rationalization. NOW it may suit them to expose how lax Hawaii was with records and how easy it was for a wayward (now conveniently deceased or missing) mother to game the system and create new identities for the child. This guy knew he was adopted, but Barry can claim he hadn’t a clue. That he believed he WAS born in Hawaii, so how can we racists hold it against him? Now, we would immediately see that it doesn’t make sense because if he didn’t know, then he would have been perfectly up front all along and have produced his bc. However, the fawning media and the hypnotized masses who WANT to believe in him, like a deranged cult, will accept ANY narrative he comes up with. This guy won’t need to disappear because, if anything, he might help Barry get away with it, once again. On the other hand, IF anybody should realize that his case PROVES how nothing coming out of Hawaii is proof without a good deal of supporting documentation …

          • Smelly story and timing ? LOL ! so obvious.

        • Why would he not know the name of his mother? Surely his father would know the mothers name…………………

        • I was thinking about this in my sleep, apparently, because I woke up wondering how his mother managed to get his name, birthdate, and RACE changed without any kind of evidence. Obviously, she filed an amendment to his original birth certificate, but how can it be that easy? Either she changed the birth father’s name or it was never on the bc in the first place. But to change a child’s race, especially to Native Hawaiian, with the benefits that come with it–how did that work? Didn’t she need to provide ANY proof? How can SHE unilaterally decide to remove the birth father’s name (and race) from the bc after it’s been put on the bc, IF it was? Wouldn’t they need the birth father to sign off on giving up his parental rights? And to change the birth date? This seems very fishy to me. In addition, they said he got his birth certificate a YEAR after he was born. So that seems to indicate that he must have been born elsewhere and so got a HAWAIIAN bc as a “late bc” or maybe a certificate of Hawaiian birth when he had one from somewhere else OR he was born at home and never got a birth certificate at all until his mother decided to put him up for adoption. Then sounds like she got a late bc. BUT if so, how did she change his name and dob if he never had a bc to start with?

          This case PROVES how lax Hawaii was in those days. To allow a woman to kidnap a child, put him into an orphanage when he’s being looked for, and adopt him out when he’s being looked for? Amazing. He was four years old when adopted.

          • Wonder if it was the orphanage laundering money or babies or something. How did they get the baby? Why do we assume she put him there? In order to adopt out a baby of native descent, do they need that parent to sign off or is it under some tribal law/sayso that supersedes federal law; like American Indians can settle crimes themselves (very basic description, I know). So instead of finding the father, who mommy could have said was abusive, orphanage took things into own hands? All very strange. What did the orphanage do with the mother?

    • Los Angeles police detectives, with the help of the Los Angeles County coroner’s office, are investigating the death of Michael Cormier. Officials said he might have died of poisoning, but they have not provided further information.

      Cormier, 61, died last week after being taken to Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Burbank from his North Hollywood home. Earlier he had complained of pain and vomiting.

      Hospital staff notified police about concerns surrounding the cause of Cormier’s death.

      “At this point we haven’t ruled out foul play,” said Lt. Alan Hamilton of the Los Angeles Police Department. “It is one of the things being considered. We are waiting for the coroner’s results.”

      Ed Winter, deputy chief coroner, said that Cormier’s autopsy has been performed but that a cause of death has been deferred pending further tests. … The sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that finding the presence of poison does not necessarily mean the death was a homicide, because the substance could have accidentally entered his system.

      Hamilton cautions that such investigations are standard practice when there is even a suggestion of anything other than natural causes.

      It unclear if the death could also be related to his work or hobbies.

      Cormier, who also worked as a coroner’s photographer, registered MAC Autopsy Services as a small business at the home.”

      What did he see and when did he see it? Where are his photographs? I’m thinking cherry red.

      • I’m sure the L.A. coroner’s office will be a HUGE help to the detectives. I would suggest the family ask for a change of venue.

    • More about Cormier:

      “BURBANK (CBS) — An official with the Los Angeles County coroner’s office may have been poisoned with arsenic, police said Friday.

      KNX 1070′s John Brooks reports investigators are taking a closer look at the death of 61-year-old Micheal Cormier.
      Cormier, a respected autopsy and forensic technician who also was a photographer with the special operations response team, was rushed to St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Burbank from his North Hollywood home one week ago.

      Hospital staff eventually advised police that there may be “suspicious circumstances” surrounding Cormier’s death, said LAPD Lt. Alan Hamilton.

      “We have information that could potentially include foul play,” Hamilton said.

      After Cormier’s body was back at the county morgue where he worked until last week, toxicology tests are being run to determine the cause of his death. [Seems to be a conflict of interest. Why would co-workers investigate his death?]

      Police along with a hazardous materials team have also reportedly searched his home on Auckland Avenue.”

      There are two videos. The second says that he had stomach pains and checked himself into a hospital. Two days later, he was dead. He died at home; the hospital kept him overnight and released him the next day. [Why did they release him?]

      He was a “meticulous” investigator “determined to find the cause of death” so that “families could have peace.” His friend, Armand Belderain (sp?), says he was a devout Christian (Catholic?) which seems to argue against suicide (I said that). “Real answers” won’t come until toxicology is finished–one or two months from now.

    • Is this for real? How unbelievable! This is shocking. It gives me chills. Are all his reports and notes missing? Yes, do send this man’s body elsewhere to be autopsied!

  12. yep, he was a geek at what he did…like bartbreit, like russert…

    if you don’t join ’em, then bam. its seems.

    will we remember our sacrificed Seals this year? or will they be a blip in American History forevermore? Commemoration is in order, Patriots.
    what were there names and from where did they hail? RIP

  13. This story explains how things work in the Obamanation, via thuggery. It explains how they threaten and get their way, not unlike the Mafia:

    “Try this thought experiment: You decide to donate money to Mitt Romney. You want change in the Oval Office, so you engage in your democratic right to send a check.

    Several days later, President Barack Obama, the most powerful man on the planet, singles you out by name. His campaign brands you a Romney donor, shames you for “betting against America,” and accuses you of having a “less-than-reputable” record. The message from the man who controls the Justice Department (which can indict you), the SEC (which can fine you), and the IRS (which can audit you), is clear: You made a mistake donating that money.

    Are you worried?

    Richard Nixon’s “enemies list” appalled the country for the simple reason that presidents hold a unique trust. Unlike senators or congressmen, presidents alone represent all Americans. Their powers—to jail, to fine, to bankrupt—are also so vast as to require restraint. Any president who targets a private citizen for his politics is de facto engaged in government intimidation and threats. This is why presidents since Nixon have carefully avoided the practice.

    Save Mr. Obama, who acknowledges no rules. This past week, one of his campaign websites posted an item entitled “Behind the curtain: A brief history of Romney’s donors.” In the post, the Obama campaign named and shamed eight private citizens who had donated to his opponent. Describing the givers as all having “less-than-reputable records,” the post went on to make the extraordinary accusations that “quite a few” have also been “on the wrong side of the law” and profiting at “the expense of so many Americans.” …

    We don’t tolerate presidents or people of high power to do these things,” says Theodore Olson, the former U.S. solicitor general. “When you have the power of the presidency—the power of the IRS, the INS, the Justice Department, the DEA, the SEC—what you have effectively done is put these guys’ names up on ‘Wanted’ posters in government offices.”

    Mr. Olson knows these tactics, having demanded that the 44th president cease publicly targeting Charles and David Koch of Koch Industries, which he represents. He’s been ignored.

    The real crime of the men, as the website tacitly acknowledges, is that they have given money to Mr. Romney. This fundraiser of a president has shown an acute appreciation for the power of money to win elections, and a cutthroat approach to intimidating those who might give to his opponents.

    He’s targeted insurers, oil firms and Wall Street—letting it be known that those who oppose his policies might face political or legislative retribution. He lectured the Supreme Court for giving companies more free speech and (falsely) accused the Chamber of Commerce of using foreign money to bankroll U.S. elections. The White House even ginned up an executive order (yet to be released) to require companies to list political donations as a condition of bidding for government contracts. Companies could bid but lose out for donating to Republicans. Or they could quit donating to the GOP—Mr. Obama’s real aim.”


    • And who is going to stop the Left from targeting people? I saw Bob Beckel on FOX’s Five when they were talking about wanting to know the names of all donors and they should be released. This was over a week ago. The conservatives said that if those names were released, the Left would publicly humiliate them and try to destroy their good names. And so they found out some names and are doing it. May there be revenge by them as they donate even more to stop these thugs.

      The Left can’t win except by using every dirty trick in the book. This is beyond appalling. I am glad to see that the Koch’s did something and put them on notice. Guess the Left wasn’t too worried if they ignored the lawsuits. Of course, they have the corrupt DOJ on their side.

    • This is an excellent article that follows up on the WSJ article about Obama’s enemies list. But it contains a good summary of his history of dirty political tricks and his small-minded thuggery based upon his thin quasi-black skin.

      What amazes me is what he says about the New Yorker magazine being an arm of the Obama campaign and one publication that Barry loves. Well, of course. It’s where Remnick the propagator of the bogus biographical data lives.

      “Is it a coincidence that one of the few magazines Obama praises and says he reads is the New Yorker — mentioned above? Under the leadership of David Remnick (who wrote a hagiographic biography of Barack Obama), the magazine has turned into an organ of Obama’s re-election campaign. The periodical has published many unflattering articles on those considered to be Obama’s “enemies.” For example, Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee was subject to a hit-job article by then-New Yorker political columnist Ryan Lizza because, apparently, he “makes life difficult for Obama.” How? Issa has been very busy investigating an administration he considers the most corrupt in history. Hence, he has certainly moved up in the rankings of Obama’s enemies. Sheldon Adelson, billionaire political donor to Republicans and a man who has made it quite clear that he wants to see Barack Obama defeated, was also the subject of a scathing article in the New Yorker, and to top it off, that reliable adjunct to the Democratic National Committee joined the “fun” at Adelson’s expense, revealing painful personal details of his life that had no possible bearing on his political activities and portrayed him in a very unflattering light. … The Center for American Progress released a report that cherry-picked the people who were purportedly promoting “Islamophobia” in America. Not only did the “blacklist” include the names of these people, but it also made sure to identify many of them as also supporting Jewish or pro-Israel causes. In other words, this was a target list of “enemies of Islam.” It is shameful that officials of this group routinely meet with Obama and other White House officials and that its former head once headed up Barack Obama’s transitional team before he became president. The Center’s current leader used to work in the Obama White House. This group — that can fairly be accused of spreading anti-Semitism and inviting attacks on prominent Jews — should be shunned and not embraced. … The hoi polloi that Barack Obama might characterize as “bitter clingers” are not slighted. The Obama campaign has plans for them, too. The campaign has asked its supporters to send them contact information on people they may know who do not support the president. The campaign would then have a list of people who oppose Barack Obama. What is next? Cameras in the voting booth?”

  14. Got the report on Cormier’s death early this morning.

    Was he connected with Breitbart’s autopsy and if so, what did he see; perhaps something he wasn’t supposed to see? Did his opinion on AB’s death differ from the ‘official’ report of cardiac arrest by ‘natural causes?’

    If there is indeed some ‘evidence’ of foul play, it may be that arsenic is suspected because it leaves a VERY strong odor of garlic on the breath and in the urine. Urinalysis is the confirmatory clinical test for it and a rapid urinalysis can be performed without waiting weeks for a complete Toxicology panel.

    Sorry, but I never bought AB’s death by ‘natural causes;’ perhaps the truth will come out of the L.A. Coroner’s office now that one of their own has been taken out.

    It’s no wonder that people are afraid to come forward; they’ve seen what happens when they do.

    • Kidding me Sue ?…my God, it is an every day thing now days.

      • Seems to be, Renee, and getting worse. This is making the Clintons’ list look tame by comparison.

        You defy them in some way and you’re taken out yet, I see ‘Obama 2012’ bumper stickers out there every day.

        WTH is wrong, here?

    • Your mention of the Clinton List reminds me to put up the URL of the Clinton Chronicles. It is long, but so worthwhile to listen and watch. I have posted it before, but it mirrors Obama’s administration in so many ways. This Obama administration has done many of the things that were done during the Clinton era, and even with all this information there are still so many Hillary fans. They should watch it, it might change their mind about her and her husband.

      The New Clinton Chronicles

      An investigation into the alleged criminal activities of Bill Clinton and his circle of power. Discusses the high-jacking of America.

    • he dropped dead on a dime due to natural causes, alright. he had the scoop. the fly poop in pepper bad bye.

    • Oh, good one. I forgot all about the President of Poland. That one is HUGE and involves Barry’s particular friend Vladimir.

  15. Add Matt Simmons (BP Oil Spill whistleblower – insider), Breitbart and now Breitbart’s coroner Cormier – “arsenic”. yeah, bullshit!! death squads!

    • Was Comier actually Breitbart’s coroner?

      • We don’t know. News stories say he worked at the LA coroner’s office and also as a photographer on some special team. People speculate that maybe he photographed Breitbart’s body. It’s certainly suspicious. The hospital notified police of the possibility of arsenic poisoning. Why would they release him, though? Maybe they suspected, ran tests, and results not back yet; but something I read on Free Republic seems to indicate that a simple test shows it. Or maybe it indicates the possibility but further tests needed? In any case, they sent him home and two days later he died. Somebody over there found a reference to him being in a documentary. The story I found said he was dogged in his research and wanted to find answers for families, so …

        • Miri,

          There is a rapid test to diagnose arsenic; there is also the characteristic garlic odor on the breath and in the urine. A simple rapid urinalysis can detect whether or not arsenic is present.

          • So if the hospital personnel suspected it and told the cops so, then why did the hospital release him the day before he died? It makes no sense.

        • I read that he was having severe abdominal pain and vomiting in the morning and went to hospital and then died later that same night.

          • That’s not what the news stories I saw this morning said. They interviewed a friend of his. It’s linked here somewhere. Here it is.
            The second video. A friend of his who is a cop said he talked to him after he had admitted himself to the first hospital with stomach pains. They kept him overnight and let him go the next morning. Apparently, “a couple days later” there was a 911 call and he was transported to a hospital where he apparently died. So maybe it was the second admission when they suspected arsenic? I misunderstood, I guess, and thought he had died at home.

            This is getting weird. The first video, I think, said that he died “last Saturday”. The WND story says he died on the 20th. That was a Friday. But he went to a hospital, was kept overnight, and released. Then he died at home. While it’s possible that “Friday night” was the “early morning hours” of Saturday, and he died “late” Saturday NIGHT, his friend said it was a couple days later that he died, after being hospitalized. He talked to him on the phone while he was at the hospital. But it seems clear that whenever he went to the hospital with the stomach pains, they released him because he did die at home. Why did they send him home if they suspected poisoning?

            There’s another LA Times article linked above, where we first started talking about this. In that story, they said he died “after being transported” to a hospital for stomach pains. But he died at home! So, technically, I guess it was after he was “transported” somehow to the hospital when his friend said he admitted himself, but his friend clearly said they released him and other stories say he died AT HOME. So what’s going on? Is this CYA time and the hospital’s going to pretend they didn’t release him too early, leading to his death from whatever he died from?

          • WND clearly says he died at home. This story clearly says he was “unresponsive at home” and was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead there. So was he DOA? Was he dead at home? If so, they wouldn’t have rushed him to the hospital. Were there two admissions? There must have been IF his friend talked to him on the phone when he was in the hospital! Let me know if you listen to that video where his friend speaks. Am I losing it? Doesn’t the guy, a cop, say he talked to his friend on the phone when he was at the hospital? Cops don’t make mistakes with facts.,0,1201364.story Ok. I listened to the friend again. He said 2 days before he died he had admitted himself to KAYSER (sp?) in Panama City. So there were two hospitals involved.

          • I can’t see the video of the friend – my flashplayer is acting up, but sounds like he went to one hospital, was released, a few days later was found unresponsive at his house, ambulance was called, took him to St. Joseph’s in Burbank.

            I don’t see any reference in the stories to Kaiser. Are you sure it was Panama City? That’s Florida – Maybe Pacoima or Panorama City? Kaiser is an HMO in southern california that doesn’t have the best rep – typical HMO, wanting to cut costs by not ordering “unnecessary” tests, too many people waiting for too few doctors, etc. would be the last hospital I would choose to go to except maybe King’s in Lynnwood.

            • There is a Panama City, California. I thought it was Florida, too, but I searched and found a reference to a Panama City in CA. I didn’t pay attention to where it was in the state. Maybe I misheard and he said Panorama City, which I’ve never heard of. There’s a hospital by the name of Kaiser there; I saw that on the search, too. My point was that there were two different hospitals caring for him in his “final illness”, as funeral directors like to call it. The first hospital isn’t mentioned in the stories. His friend the cop said it in the interview.

      • Coroner officially murdered was ready to submit report on Breitbart?

  16. I think Federal Judge John Roll should be added to this list. I think he was supposed to be killed and Gabby Gifford’s got in the way. It probably had something to do with his immigration cases. It was noticeable that there was little news about him. The media cover quickly accused the Tea Partiers and Sarah Palin of somehow influencing that guy to shoot people. I think something else was going on. No reporters investigated the Judge or what cases he was working on at the time in Arizona. Who were Loughner’s real targets?

    Federal Judge John Roll Among Victims in Arizona Congresswoman Shooting
    Jan. 8, 2011

    Judge John Roll Was a Hero: Why Didn’t We Know This?

    Jan 21, 2011 – Federal Judge John Roll was killed in Tucson trying to save another man’s life. As soon as madman Jared Lee Loughner finished his attempt to murder Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, he turned his gun on the people to his left, then the people to his right. Recently released video shows his first target to the right was Ron Barber, Gifford’s district director, who was standing next to Justice John Roll. Recently released video shows his first target to the right was Ron Barber, Gifford’s district director, who was standing next to Justice John Roll.

    Barber was shot in the arm. Judge Roll then pushed him down and, shielding Barber with his own body, steered him to shelter under a nearby table. While under the table, Loughner aimed for Roll’s exposed back and pulled the trigger. The video continues as Judge Roll looks up over his right shoulder, lies back down and dies at the scene.

    Why don’t we know that? ….

    • absolutely. Judge Roll was assassinated. eliminated. must have been a geek at what he does. one who does for the love of doing. and cannot be swayed.

    • Thanks for the reminder, Bridgette — used on the site that started as just a funny for the moment but have been adding to Pallor Parlor.

  17. the list is growing by the day 😯

    • Really. We should make an amendment to that story. Add our own list to make the longer, most complete dead pool.

  18. Yeah, name the 11 blown up bodies in the Gulf of Mexico that fateful day in April 2010. who are these men? not as important as Chilean miners?

  19. Can we add Lori Starfelt to the list of conveniently deceased people? She died within a day of when Trump first began looking into the birth announcement that Lori allegedly was the first to find. I say within a day because, as is usual in the Obamanation, facts are fungible and Lori has various dates of death. Near the Ides of March, suffice it to say.

  20. I didn’t see the names of Bill Ayers parents on here. They are both dead. Tom Ayers, who appears to have been a Marxist socialist, also, died conveniently in June, 2007, as the Obama campaign for nomination was cranking up, right? How did he die? Mary Ayers died in 2000, the year Obama was running for, and lost, a seat in Congress. I’m sure (wink) both deaths were from natural causes.

  21. Michael Cormier, possibly be added to the list. Death April 29, 2012. Coroner Tech (possibly) worked on Andrew Breitbart (autopsy).

    • Welcome, Fran. Thanks. We discussed him yesterday. I did notice this morning that Nachumlist added him to his list, along with Lia Soetoro. Don’t know if Bridgette is updating our copy of the list as Nachumlist changes his. That would be a task–to keep them in sync.

      I found some candidates this morning, too:

      Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, killed in a small plane crash as he was being falsely accused of corruption by the DemocRATS. They needed another vote for Obamacare.

      Saleh Abdul Omar Oketch was shot twice in the forehead and in the cheek and died instantly. … Mr Saleh is the son of Mr. Abdo Omar, who is the brother of Sen Obama’s surviving stepgrandmother Mama Sarah Obama.

      Although the family is treating the incident as common robbery, Sarah Obama who attended the funeral of the late Saleh at Kendu Bay Muslim Cementry in Kendu-Bat Town, Rachuonyo district broke her silency and said the family was targeted.”

      I wonder if we should consider BHO Sr. and DAVID, too? Both conveniently dead under mysterious circumstances. BHO Sr. in the typical Kenyan assassination–a car “accident”. And David in a motorcycle accident that, however, doesn’t seem to have been reported in the news, although he was the son of prominent people. Was Ruth married to the record producer at the time?

  22. RIP

    Deepwater Horizon oil spill – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Similarto Deepwater Horizon oil spill – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the BP oil disaster the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the Macondo blowout) is an oil spill in the …

  23. We must not forget about Obama’s Crow Adoption to make him a native American and the sudden demise of Chief Carl Venne as the result of a sudden heart attack. The Crows gave Obama another “adopted” name – Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuxshish Lots of information as to what what happening and what the Crows were involved in is at the URL below.

    Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuxshish

    Coroner says heart trouble claimed Venne
    By Associated Press

    HARDIN, Mont. (AP) — The Big Horn County coroner in Hardin says heart complications caused the death of Carl Venne, chairman of the 11,000-member Crow Tribe.

    The 62-year-old Venne was found dead Sunday in his sister’s home. Coroner Terry Bullis says an autopsy in Billings determined that Venne died between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. Big Horn County Sheriff Lawrence Big Hair says Venne had coronary artery disease.

    Arrangements for services Thursday are pending. Venne was first elected chairman of the Crow Tribe in 2002.

    Obama’s Movable Features …His Newest Scar! (Open Thread)

  24. We should add Christopher Kelly who died from an aspirin overdose. He was linked to Blagojevich, Obama and Rezko here in Chicago.

    His girlfriend dropped him off at one hospital, and that hospital transferred him to Stroger hospital.

    • Thanks for the link. He is listed already, but it only says he committed suicide. Not much detail. An aspirin overdose? I wonder how many aspirin one has to consume to die?

  25. It always amazes me at how many deaths are due to ‘suicide’. This one is probably not a direct link to Obama or his administration, but I’ll let others decide:

    David Kellerman – Freddie Mac

  26. How about the Leader of the Nine Eleven Families? meeting, kaboom.
    over a housetop in NY on her way back to discuss her conversation. February-March 2009. First Things First. crash, how ironic?

    Beverly Eckert

  27. ” Apocalypse Now ” ….1979 movie quote …(while flying in a helicopter with Air Cavalry Soldiers)

    Chief: why do you guys sit on your helmets?
    Soldier: so we don’t get our balls blown off…..

    mind blowing… powerful list above … ~ the stench is killing me ~ & OUR media smiles & naps… Bo & Mo also had a list of folks… remember that?

    • That movie is full of great quotes. It’s a chilling movie, but full of great acting (Robert Duvall is the man!) and great writing. Although Martin Sheen is a loon, he was great, too. But anybody would shine in the presence of one of our greatest actors of all time–Marlon Brando. Can you tell I’m a fan? One Eyed Jacks. See it!

  28. Who was Christopher Story? what happened to him?

    lest we forget.

    • Who she vows to destroy! I’ll bet that’s a great article. I was reviewing videos yesterday, for some reason, and can’t remember WHERE I saw it, but within one of the clips I watched was video of MO saying that line about how SOME KIDS still believe in the American Dream. It was simply CHILLING to watch her face and hear her voice as she said it, eyes shooting daggers, voice dripping with hatred and sarcasm and ridicule. She and her husband are well matched in that regard. She does indeed hate America. AND the American Dream. They are BOTH committed commies. They showed us that with their election night garb. Red and black. Hmm. Why would this writer say that about the Globe being a tabloid and how readers should know it’s probably “all lies?” Didn’t they say that about the John Edwards story until it was shown that The Globe was spot on? Or was that the Enquirer? In any case, the tabloids were RIGHT and the lamestream was wrong, because they have their heads firmly up their rears. They need a glassectomy in the worst way, so they can SEE the evil that’s right in front of them. (btw, that must be an old story because it’s talking about William and Kate getting married on Diana’s birthday.)


    Way down in the comments at this blog somebody else has a similar list, and they have included many names I have not seen before. Evidently other people have been watching closely, too!

  30. Another interesting site that lists four people (including Chris Kelly) that committed suicide within 48 hours of each other:

  31. CHICAGO — Real-estate executive Steven L. Good was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound Monday in his Jaguar in a forest preserve outside Chicago, said the Kane County Sheriff’s Department.

    • wow, and barky was just talking about being a “renter” today and the benefits (he can’t hammer a nail in the wall). which made me think… then what are you to the Georgian Mansion in Farrakhan/ Wright’s neighborhood?

      according to the records I’ve seen here, the barkys’ do not own it.

      today, he’s a “renter” in the White House. how much a month?

      • Speaking of that Georgian Mansion–is that really a wine cellar or a dungeon? Oooh. Thinking now of an S&M playpit. Nasty of me, huh? It’s taqiyya, more likely. Maybe the previous owner had wine, but I doubt these two do. Unless it’s MO. She doesn’t strike me as a Muslim lady. Oh, if only she would veil. That’s the one thing that mitigates against him being Muslim, unless, of course, there’s something WE don’t know about MO. Isn’t it odd that Lia said several times that she thought Barry was a girl when she first met him?

    • GOOD(E) ?
      Creeping me out…Leza, have you seen this ?

      • I’ve been rereading comments made by Marty Didier through the years. He mentions , ……….”their part involved laundering Drug and Gun Running money straight into property using high Administrators in Big Banks.”

        Was Mr. Goode one of the Real Estate Executives helping them?

  32. Netanyahu’s father dies…. (and much more scary …news)

    • I saw that this morning. RIP. Read that Mitt Romney sent condolences but BARRY DID NOT. (He will now, as it hits the news that he did not. But it’s his first instinct that counts. It was NO oversight. He doesn’t feel any remorse or sympathy. Did he even feel remorse when granny died? Doesn’t seem so. It’s not in his nature.)

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