Obama’s Slick Upper Lip; Open Thread


© Miri WTPOTUS 2011 

Barack Obama has perfected the strategic sneer, from long practice.

It comes, frequently, when he answers a reporter’s question about something House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has said:  Obama’s lip curls up on the left side and a look of disgust and arrogance washes over his face. This week, he has been coupling the sneer with lines such as:

“How in the world can you even accept that notion?”
And, “That is laughable on its face.”
And, “That doesn’t make sense. . . . That again is just nonsensical.”
And, “Eat your peas.”
And, “Pull off the band-aid.”
And, “Don’t call my bluff. I’m leaving.”
Obama, who is establishing himself as a preeminent socialist dictator wannabe who pretends to negotiate with Congressional leaders as the bogus Aug. 2 default deadline approaches, is answering calls for compromise with contempt. He shook his fist, pointed a long index finger, and scratched his face with his middle finger when Cantor’s name came up during a news conference, saying that Cantor’s thinking is “unfathomable to me.” As indeed it probably is.

Obama draws out his vowels in a style that is part phony southern black and part smarty-pants. He lisps as if English is his second language or he wears ill-fitting dental appliances.

Had young Obama spoken like this at his very expensive prep school in Honolulu, the bigger boys may well have wiped that sneer off his face. Yet even then, Obama was accustomed to having things his way. According to Obama’s hometown newspaper, he demonstrated early on his philosophy of “I want what I want when I want it” and “I should RULE because I’m The One” by carving “King Obama” in fresh cement on his elementary school playground.

Further proof: As a child growing up in Indonesia, he avidly watched Dictator Suharto’s speeches on TV, writing notes, which he later used to reenact the events: Himself playing Suharto the tyrant, while forcing his adoptive sister Lia to stand behind him for hours on end, play-acting as his requisite henchman/bodyguard.

What Obama wants now is absolute power — and he is prepared to risk destroying the full faith and credit of the United States to get it (or perhaps that destruction is his goal in the first place).

In a primacy struggle with House Speaker John Boehner, he has done a deft job of aligning himself with Marxists, Communists, far-left progressives, avid followers of Saul Alinsky, and anyone else who hews to the idealogy of tearing down the economy of the USA, by any means necessary, in order to recreate this country into a progressive wet dream: the (imaginary) ideal socialist state, with Obama as Dear Leader for Life, of course.

He shot down the outline of any compromise that Boehner attempted to negotiate. Now Obama, after pretending to lead by holding command performances, aka talks or negotiations at the White House, has called the whole thing off–sending the process back to Congress (where it always belonged). But only after “dressing down” his equals and storming out like a spoiled, willful brat, in essence picking up his marbles and running away, because he didn’t like how this “game” was going.

Obama flashed the trademark facial expression even before taking the podium at a recent news conference. Asked whether he would offer any concessions, Obama responded by saying that the tax increases he demanded were in fact concessions by him.

“Nobody relishes the opportunity to go and raise these taxes,” said the man who famously told Joe the Plumber,

It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance at success, too… My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody. … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.

Since that telling encounter with Joe, now-president Obama grabbed the power to turn budget-cutting into a Marxist game. Like an evil bad-seed-of-a-child who gleefully pulls the wings off flies, he now owns the aptly-named bully pulpit, which he adroitly employs. From his pulpit, he can terrorize elderly voters by threatening to cut off Social Security checks upon which they survive. A lie, of course, but one he can use to demand tax increases, which he claims are necessary to avoid a terrible orchestrated crisis.

The search for an Obama concession continued. “In terms of shared sacrifice across the country, do you see that one as necessary?”

Obama thrust his chin into the stratosphere and raised his upper lip. “I think behind this notion of ‘We want shared sacrifice’ that they continue to say really means, ‘We want to throw elderly ladies off a cliff, starve (obese) children, make more veterans homeless, and make IED-disabled heroes do without prosthetics,’ ” he said.

Claiming that there have been “concessions made already” by his side, Obama was pressed to name some of them. “I don’t want to get into specifics now,” he said.

Leaving the White House one morning, Obama approached the microphones, flashed the cameras a good-morning sneer, chin in air, smug look on his face, and demanded to know “why in the world” Boehner wants to kill old ladies.

NBC’s Luke Russert asked what “sacred cows” (or bulls) Obama would be willing to sacrifice. Obama repeated his call for new “investments”, meaning more taxes on the wealthy, the top 10% of whom already fund 70% of entire US budget, while fully 49% of “taxpayers” actually pay no income taxes at all (just like GE).

“Where do the Democrats feel pain here, though?” Russert persisted.

After a long and contemptuous day, the president probably feels it most in his upper lip and a weary neck, forced to hold his head up in that unnatural pose.

He feels no emotional pain, certainly.

NOTE: Only some quotes in this article are real. Most incidents happened, but to another person–Eric Cantor. Editorial positions are mine. This is a parody/satire of a recent column by Dana Milbank. No disrepect to my distinguished colleague/opinion columnist intended.

183 responses to “Obama’s Slick Upper Lip; Open Thread

  1. Anyone here on Twitter?

    I just started, even though that is totally contrary to my desire to spend less, not more, time online!


  2. Loved your satire! You have nailed Obama! His news/press conference this morning (one of one too many – he has gone months without them and now he is in campaign mode so his nose will be in the air daily it appears.) was filled with sarcasm and once again the old beating down of his predecessor and the republicans. I drifted in and out as his sssssss’s took over. The man speaks in platitudes, and is playing the CYA game. Blame for everyone but himself. If he said it once, he said it a dozen times that he knows what Americans want.

    One reporter asked him if he regretted any of his actions this past week. He said something like, The American people don’t want to hear about that..they want to hear what we’ve gotten done. No doubt that question had to do with his childish antics of walking out on Cantor. Dodge of a bullet there for the bully in chief. Again, he wants a plan given to him..and once again he has none nor do the democrats. They like tearing apart anything offered to them as a solution by the Republicans, so they can rip it apart, but they themselves offer nothing. Nancy is taking to the podium again as well. Sure haven’t missed her incoherent speeches.

    • He said this morning, ” It turns out we don’t have to do anything radical to solve this problem. Contrary to what some folks say, we’re not Greece, we’re not Portugal. [There go a few more European ALLIES.] It turns out that our problem is we cut taxes without paying for them over the last decade. [Blame Bush and the Republicans. Remember that Barry increased the deficit by 300% since taking office.] We ended up instituting new programs, like a prescription drug program for seniors that was not paid for. [He mentions one Bush program, but NONE of HIS unpaid for new programs.] We fought two wars, we didn’t pay for them. [No mention of his wars, Libya and now Yemen, which he didn’t pay for.] We had a bad recession that required a Recovery Act and stimulus spending and helping states, accumulated, and there’s interest on top of that. And to unwind that, what’s required is that we roll back those tax cuts on the wealthiest individuals. [Who already carry 70% of the US on their backs. Take more, and they’ll leave.] That we clean up our tax codes so we’re not giving out a bunch of tax breaks [like to his friends at GE?] to companies that don’t need them and are not creating jobs. [There ya go! His friends at GE are creating “green” jobs, with OUR money, though, and even though they pay no taxes. Like the 49% who pay no taxes, GE GETS money from the Treasury.] We cut programs that we don’t need[anything Republicans like] and we invest in those things that are gonna help us grow. [Anything that will get Democrats more votes. Redistribute even more to the non-taxpaying voters.] And every commission that’s been out there has said the same thing and basically taken then same approach within the margin of error. So my general view is that if the American people looked at this they’d say, “Boy, some of the decisions are tough, but they don’t require us to gut Medicare or Social Security. [No, they don’t; because those programs are paid for by premiums or dedicated taxes on the recipients, who paid in over time. They’re not part of the “budget” unless he intends to STEAL the money.] They don’t require us to stop helping young people to go to college. They don’t require us to stop helping families who have a disabled child. They don’t require us to violate our obligation to our veterans. [Who’s proposing any of that? But you might means test the “help” for college and disabled people.] And they don’t require us to stop, quote/unquote, ‘job-killing’ tax cuts. They require us to make some modest adjustments to get our house in order. And we should do it now.” With respect to Senator McConnell’s plan, like I said, I think it is a … it is constructed to say that if Washington operates as usual and can’t get anything done, let’s avert Armageddon.”

      Armageddon. What a card!

  3. Also heard that the government mistakenly sent the ACLU all their files on a prison in Iraq and the government wants them back. Would that be military files or CIA files? Oooops, the ACLU wants to publish the information and doesn’t want to give them back.. Now who would want to have prison information delivered to the ACLU? A mistake, really?

    Will look for an article about this.

  4. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2011/07/15/breaking_republicans_to_vote_on_$24_trillion_in_cuts_with_debt_ceiling_increase

    Townhall reports that the House will vote on a Cantor-inspired bill next week. Raise the debt limit by $2.4 trillion with offsetting cuts over ten years for the same amount. But I also heard on TV that Barry will hold a command performance at Camp David this weekend for the selected few. Don’t know if that’s true or not but it sounds like it. They’ve been trying to sideline Cantor. Saying he shouldn’t even be involved. Barry and Boehner had their secret meeting at the WH already, earlier. They’re trying to drive a wedge between Cantor and Boehner. Cantor’s more in line with what the people want–know this from a focus group that Frank Luntz had on Hannity the other day. MOST people there thought deficit and debt was out of control. iirc, most thought Barry was acting like a whining baby.

    I wonder why they haven’t enlisted Bill Clinton to lean on Barry to have some common sense.

    Harry Reid was calling CANTOR a baby. So is the lamestream media. They see how Barry’s walking out in a snit played with the people, so now they want to rewrite history and make it look as if it were Cantor who was childish.

    I can’t believe Milbank ridicules Cantor for being a smart-ass elitist who went to prep schools, where he honed his smarty-pants, sneering attitude. When will they ever tell the American people the truth? That Barry is and always was a child of privilege?

    • Funny you should say ,Miri, that they’re trying to drive a wedge between Boehner and Cantor. Boehner sure looked very tan on his last interview. What, has he been playing golf with Barry. Wish he’d whip out his nine iron and whip his skinny …s.

  5. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2749071/posts

    That story has a graph that shows the 29 companies that have more money than the US Treasury. Guess who? I bet you can guess! They “bring good things to life.”

    You got it! GE. And they’re extracting money from the US Treasury and the US taxpayers. Isn’t THAT special? It pays to be friends of Barry.

  6. I just looked at the picture again, and sneer doesn’t accurately describe his look to me. I think he is snarling.

    • You’re probably right. No surprise that I looked and looked for a picture of his trademark sneer, but the Web and the media do a good job of putting out only nice photos of Barry. Of course, I was limited to finding pics that are “free to use”, so I had to be selective. This was the best one I could come up with. MANY, many of him with nose in air, though. Looking so much like Kurtz, don’t you think? Appropriate, considering Barry speaks today of Armageddon and Kurtz was a character in “Apocalypse Now”. Doubtless one of Barry’s favs, for all the wrong reasons.

  7. While the lamestream media gleefully reports the investigation into Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., the Wall Street Journal (also owned by Murdoch but seldom mentioned in the lamestream, which prefers to tie Hackergate to FOX News) ran an VERY interesting article called “Budget Shell Games Are Contrary to Law”. http://gsalca.com/2011/07/13/michael-mcconnell-budget-shell-games-are-contrary-to-law-%E2%80%93-wsj-com/

    “Wise or foolish, this budgetary game of chicken is contrary to law. In 1974, Congress enacted the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, which sets specific deadlines and procedures for raising revenue, setting spending priorities, and adjusting the debt limit—all in the sunshine of public scrutiny, with objective evaluation of all plans by the CBO.

    The president must submit a proposed budget “on or before” the first Monday in February. The CBO then has until Feb. 15 to score the proposal in accordance with criteria set by the statute. Those criteria are somewhat arbitrary, but their virtue is to apply the same metric to all competing proposals.

    President Obama met the deadline, but his proposed budget was so out of touch with economic and political realities that the Senate rejected it by a vote of 97-0. In April, the president changed course and made a speech in which he proposed a new “plan” he claimed would decrease the deficit. The terms were so vague that CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf told Congress he could not score it. In effect, then, the process started off without the presidential budget required by law.

    The Budget Act requires the Budget Committees of both the House and the Senate to hold hearings on the proposal, allowing testimony on the budget from the administration, “national organizations” and the “general public.” This guarantees transparency and democratic accountability, which have been sorely lacking in the recent closed-door negotiating sessions.

    By April 1, according to the Budget Act, the House and the Senate must either adopt the president’s budget or put forward an alternative. They cannot just hide in the weeds. The House and Senate reports must detail any differences from the president’s budget and explain the “economic assumptions” underlying them. By April 15, Congress must adopt a concurrent resolution embodying a congressional budget. Appropriations bills must stay within this budget or be subject to a point of order.

    The House of Representatives complied with the law, passing a budget that would reduce spending by an estimated $5.8 trillion over 10 years (according to the CBO). The Senate has not passed a budget. In fact, the Senate has not passed a budget since 2009.

    This defiance of the Budget Act is responsible for the current blamefest in Washington. The law was intended to bring transparency and timeliness to debates over taxing and spending. All proposals are public, and all are scored by the CBO according to the same metric. This makes it difficult for politicians to shift blame. This year, without a genuine presidential budget, or any Senate budget, the negotiations are shrouded in fog. The president may tell press conferences that he proposed $3 trillion in spending reductions, but there is no way to know what that means without a budget.”

    I didn’t know that! Turns out that Michael W. McConnell has found YET ANOTHER LAW that BARRY and the DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED SENATE IGNORE.

  8. Did you hear that California passed a bill requiring the teaching of gay/lesbian HISTORY in their schools? I swear I’m not making this up. It’s a “landmark”.

    Did you know that Barry has put “off limits” from any proposed cuts the rest of the stimulus money (his slush fund) that he hasn’t yet spent? Ha! Knew you’d love that one.

    I know you’re going to love this one. PETA has found a solution! Artificial meat. Are you going to line up to eat petri-dish-created muscle fiber? YUM! http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/article_73e782ac-3b41-5c8c-a621-1c57c62bde03.html

    This one’s going to be good to follow. Consider the possible controversies and try to guess where the progressives will group themselves.

    Embryonic stem cells, fair to use, even if from animals?

    Petri-dish-grown non-animals that never had a chance to romp in the sun!

    Vegan or not?

    Quasi-abortion of God’s creatures?

    Ghoulish or not?

    Respectful of Mother Earth?

    Oh, I can see it now. Save me a ring-side seat.

  9. The puppet masters
    Bilderberg Political Pawns
    Published July 14, 2011 constitution , elected cowards , New World Order , obama , usurper 32 Comments
    Tags: 2012, Bilderberg, NWO, presidency, Rick Perry

    ©2011 drkate

    Perry is a globalist not much different than Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney or Herman Cain. There is so much more I could write about Perry’s governorship, but it would take a book. Texan Robert Morrow states, “Rick Perry is a Trojan Horse of statism cloaked in Tea Party rhetoric and Bible Buzzwords.” ~Newswithviews

    The narrative is building; the negative stories ‘disappeared’ or spun favorably; debates are delayed for proper entry of the new one; the necessary bribes identified…

    …and its Rick Perry for President!!!

    All the republicans fall in line; select democrats ‘believe they can work with him’, Obama calls him a ‘long time friend’…

    Find out who Rick Perry is. (h/t Drew)

    Make no mistake, the Bilderbergers and their stooge individuals/organizations know Obama is going down, no matter how much voter fraud and republican party complicity they can create. They have chosen a humiliating fall for Obama only because it will distract Americans and Congress in sorting out or covering up the mess while they continue the behind-the-scenes placement of their puppets into government.

    So they will be looking for someone to replace Obama on the republican ticket. Rick Perry fits the bilderberger bill. Kelleigh Nelson writes: (h/t Jan)

    Gov. Rick Perry may not be the spider, but he certainly has become one of the strands in the web of international conspiracy for those who see a stealth plan to merge the United States with Canada and Mexico.

    There is no conspiracy about the Texas-Oklahoma transportation corridor and the globalist’s intent to capture the people of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Perry has also allowed Agenda 21 to creep into Texas schools, state and county environmental, land use and resource management plans, and the state’s protection of private property rights.

    As the 2012 election looms we are focused on removing Obama from office, the ballot, and the white house; and making sure Article II is not violated by the republicans nominating a non-NBC for the president or vice-president. Is it likely that we will be able to have viable Constitutional presidential candidate in 2012? In 2016?

    The Bilderbergers know and fear the American awakening…but they are still in control, and have the power to squeeze the American public by preventing a true Constitutional candidate from becoming President.

    What are the strategic implications of this reality?
    maybe rupert will have a change of heart and reveal the LFBC forgery?

    I hope so
    but like the Boy Scouts say

    “Be Prepared”

  10. Herman Cain gets it.
    “This debt ceiling thing should not have become a crisis,” Cain said on the Steve Gill Show. “This president allowed it to become a crisis so he could use it as leverage to get what HE wants … which is to raise taxes and keep on spending. The American people are saying ‘no’.”


  11. oh please don’t let me say it… okay, I’m restraining myself.



    • Way to restrain yourself! I’ll give you one stupid and raise you one state…58!


      In acknowledgement of the President’s landmark 50th birthday, the St Louis Tea Party Coalition has announced they will be throwing a “Tea Party for Obama” Rally. The event will take place on President Obama’s actual birthday, August 4th, from 6-8 pm at Keiner Plaza in downtown St. Louis.

      President Obama has been formally invited as the keynote speaker, along with a host of several celebrity speakers across the political spectrum. “The point is to unite as Americans” explained St Louis Tea Party Coalition Co-Founder Bill Hennessy. The organization will be providing birthday cake at the event, and a special musical guest will lead participants in singing “Happy Birthday” to the President.

      For More Information:

      Jen Ennenbach: Jen.Ennenbach@stlouisteaparty.com

    • Surprise! Obama can’t remember his birthday
      President may need to check birth certificate to know date
      July 17, 2011

      As WND reported last August, Obama’s age on his own official MySpace page has been fluctuating erratically, with him actually getting four years younger on his last birthday in 2010. In 2009, the president’s authorized page on the social-networking site indicated he was a whopping 52 years old, when it should have read 48, if he were indeed born on Aug. 4, 1961, as the White House maintains.

      Ironically [IRONICALLY?] today, Obama’s MySpace page has removed all references to Obama’s birthday.


      • Here ya go, Anderson. Start there. WTF is his TRUE AGE? Hmmmm? Can we trust his fake, fantasy, Bill Ayers-written “auto”biography? Or his MySpace page? Or his own website? Or his own memory, when he said he was 3 months old during the Bay of Pigs fiasco? Can we trust his forged SFCOLB and his forged LFCOLB? Why don’t you look into that passport file breach? What was “cauterized” and WHY? How about looking into where Barry was between the time he left Occidental and showed up a year later at Columbia? How about pinning down just why and how Mary Toutonghi the babysitter was “confused” about the age of her own child and the fact that she was pregnant when she babysat “baby Barry”? Just for starters. Please. Then find out when, where, how, and WHY he traveled to Pakistan in 1981. What was he doing there? Who did he see there? What passport did he use?

        We don’t care about Walid Shoebat’s biography. Why should we? The POTUS is far more of a danger to this country, if he is not as he seems. While you’re at it Anderson, answer us why you are a toady for CAIR.

  12. Does anybody really know what day it is? 🙂

    So was he born July 21, 1961? He doesn’t know Malia’s age, so why should he know his own birthday, especially since it’s invented? What a tangled web!

    • Obama did say he was only three months old when the Bay of Pigs Invasion took place in April of 1961. Its also a truth that turkeys will drown if caught out in the rain since they tend to point their beaks upward.

      • 🙂 You’re too funny, Harv!

        He doesn’t know WHEN he was born, perhaps because he was hatched? Is that what they call a clone grown in a test tube, like so much vegan “artificial meat”?

        • Now I know Obama is not Muslim for certain because when he dies he doesn’t want 29+ virgins. He only wants 29+ more COLBs. Hey, he may have been hatched, that’s what snakes do. Just a matter of which snake, asp, viper, rattler, copperhead???????? He has more beginnings than genesis.

          Obama’s birth record reminds me of the laundry detergent commercial and the disappearing spot on the recruits shirt and the DI.

          “OH NO! What did they do send us a dead gum HOO DEE NEE”???

          • That’s funny, Harv. You did it again! Made me laugh. I love those commercials. How about the one where the psychiatrist tells his patient, “Maybe we should chug on over to namby-pamby land where maybe we can find some self confidence for you ya jackwagon?!”

  13. Or it could be July 18th, 1961. A few old posts in Nov. of 2008, a couple of people discussing July 18 birth date. Look at posts 2140, 2141 and 2150.


    I used to have another one from FR that said that 7/18 date was in an African journal about BO.

  14. Or it could be ….

    Obama’s MySpace page: I’m 52 years old, not 48
    Would place president’s birth during time Hawaii was a territory
    August 17, 2009

    ….appeared today when Obama’s official MySpace page declared his age is 52, thus placing his birth year at 1957 instead of 1961 as has been claimed. That would mean he would have been born during the archipelago’s time as a territory of the U.S., the islands’ status from about 1900 until statehood in 1959.

    The birth year also conflicts with campaign and other White House information that have discussed his 48th birthday this month.

  15. House Republicans move to thwart lighting efficiency rules
    Federal energy legislation passed in 2007 phases out incandescent light bulbs starting next year. The GOP has made the rules a symbol of regulatory excess.
    July 16, 2011

    The House Republican majority moved Friday to keep old-style incandescent light bulbs around a bit longer, voting to block enforcement of new lighting efficiency rules and setting up a high-wattage fight with the Democratic-controlled Senate. After failing earlier in the week to repeal the new standards, the House passed a bill that would bar the Energy Department from spending money next year to enforce them.

    “If a manufacturer should choose to continue to make 100-watt bulbs, they would be permitted under this language, as there is clearly a market based on the thousands of consumers who have contacted Congress upset about their inability to buy 100-watt light bulbs,” said Rep. Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas), author of the measure, which passed on a voice vote. “This is about the consumer driving the market, not the federal government deciding the market.”

    But the Senate version of the energy appropriations bill will be written by a committee chaired by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), whose state has already implemented the new rules. [Will Feinstein see the light?]


  16. A couple of articles from the past –

    Barack Obama’s Stealth Socialism

    Posted 07/28/2008 07:20 PM ET

    Election ’08: Before friendly audiences, Barack Obama speaks passionately about something called “economic justice.” He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in code – socialist code.

    During his NAACP speech earlier this month, Sen. Obama repeated the term at least four times. “I’ve been working my entire adult life to help build an America where economic justice is being served,” he said at the group’s 99th annual convention in Cincinnati.

    And as president, “we’ll ensure that economic justice is served,” he asserted. “That’s what this election is about.” Obama never spelled out the meaning of the term, but he didn’t have to. His audience knew what he meant, judging from its thumping approval.

    It’s the rest of the public that remains in the dark, which is why we’re launching this special educational series.

    “Economic justice” simply means punishing the successful and redistributing their wealth by government fiat. It’s a euphemism for socialism.

    In the past, such rhetoric was just that – rhetoric. But Obama’s positioning himself with alarming stealth to put that rhetoric into action on a scale not seen since the birth of the welfare state.

    In his latest memoir he shares that he’d like to “recast” the welfare net that FDR and LBJ cast while rolling back what he derisively calls the “winner-take-all” market economy that Ronald Reagan reignited (with record gains in living standards for all).

    Obama also talks about “restoring fairness to the economy,” code for soaking the “rich” – a segment of society he fails to understand that includes mom-and-pop businesses filing individual tax returns.

    It’s clear from a close reading of his two books that he’s a firm believer in class envy. He assumes the economy is a fixed pie, whereby the successful only get rich at the expense of the poor.

    Following this discredited Marxist model, he believes government must step in and redistribute pieces of the pie. That requires massive transfers of wealth through government taxing and spending, a return to the entitlement days of old.

    Of course, Obama is too smart to try to smuggle such hoary collectivist garbage through the front door. He’s disguising the wealth transfers as “investments” – “to make America more competitive,” he says, or “that give us a fighting chance,” whatever that means.

    Among his proposed “investments”:

    – “Universal,” “guaranteed” health care.

    – “Free” college tuition.

    – “Universal national service” (a la Havana).


  17. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0703300121mar30-archive,0,2491692,full.story


    Barack Obama: Portrait of a pragmatist
    As a raw community organizer in Chicago in the ’80s, Obama preached reaching out to attain goals

    By Bob Secter and John McCormick Tribune staff reporters
    March 30, 2007

    Still, work on the ground floor of activism also was limited. The young Obama yearned to do something on a bigger stage, he confided to Gerald Kellman, the organizer who had brought him to Chicago.

    It became a term of endearment. Obama’s poise quickly grabbed their attention and respect, said many who worked with him back then. “The guy was just totally comfortable with who he was and where he was,” said John Owens, who Obama eventually hired as an assistant.

    The man who brought Obama to Chicago was a frumpy, soft-spoken New Yorker. Gerald Kellman hoped to organize churches to fight fallout from the rapid decline of the steel industry, the main economic engine for the South Side and south suburbs.

    But Kellman and his organizer buddy Mike Kruglik were both white and Jewish, and some black church members couldn’t warm up to them. So Kellman shifted Kruglik to the suburbs and found Obama to replace him.

    It might not have happened at all. Kellman was looking for an African-American, but the rsum he received in the mail was from a Hawaiian native with a name hard to place. “What is this guy, Obama, is that Japanese?” Kellman asked his Japanese-American wife. “Actually, it could be,” was her answer.

  18. check out this picture of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro, a girl from Kansas.

    An inverted photo to show some of the inconsistencies.

    • Check out this one, Papoose. It was supposed to have been taken the same timeframe, 1988-1992. Why the change? She sure aged and got much fatter in those 4 years. And eating an Asian diet, too!

      • I know – you are what you eat… guess that’s why the one from Janney Scott’s biofiction she appears to have morphed into an Asian…

        2 different people.

        • Is that the same brick wall in the background of both picture’s? sure looks like it. Not only did they put 80 pds on her in the one pic they gave her lobster claw’s for hands!

          • Hadn’t noticed that Leza, but it sure looks like the same wall. They cropped it so the same flowers don’t show up. I lost the comment where Miri said she never looks straight into the camera, but there is the one in Photos above where she is doing so, but they had to give her new arms to hold the duck. I did notice they attached a head to the overweight body as well. You can see the attachment of both limbs and head and the discoloration. Honestly we have no idea what Ann Dunham really looks like. One has to wonder who was chosen as her stand in.

    • Those heads look like they were put on the bodies. Why is Ann’s neck so dark in the photo of her with the green blouse? Note the face shape changes –pointed chin to no chin, oval to a round face.

      • What I can’t believe is how far back Janny Scott goes with creating the “story” of Barry and his “mother”. I found other stories, some of which we’ve discussed before, but especially the Grandparents and Barry on the Park Bench story. I can’t believe her name didn’t ring a bell with me before. Osnos is associated with all these “biographies” AND Soros. The thing is, I know we’ve seen those articles before but NOT the photos, so they updated the pics as they went along. I never saw that one of “Ann” in the batik-like pants outfit before. See how young she is and in the next photo, she’s looking much older, although both are captioned as being from 1988 to 1992.

        • yeah, she sure was a free spirit. born in Wichita one minute, on an army base in Fort Leavenworth the next…

          did you know that barky’s daddy returned to Kenya the year after he was born?

          amazing how these people can be in more than one place at any given time…


          • Funny, in the same review paragraphs later the dreamy father went to Harvard…

            … In 1962, Obama Sr. left Hawaii to study economics at Harvard. In 1964, Ann filed for divorce. In 1965, he returned to Kenya…
            Has the question ever been asked as to where the happy Soetoro family lived from 1964 through 1967?

            Her attraction to Lolo, whom she married in 1964, may well have had a strong idealistic component too. ….

            ..In her carefully researched and perceptive book, Janny Scott points out how this affected the young Barack (“Barry”) Obama, who went to two Indonesian schools while he was in Jakarta from 1967 to 1971. She quotes from Dreams from My Father:..

            ~~~ betcha barky isn’t even African, after all.

    • The sunglasses look added. There’s a Freeper who points out that seldom do we see a color photo of Ann where she’s looking straight on at the camera and we can see the color of her eyes. Too often, she’s looking down or has sunglasses on (or photoshopped on).

    • Miri, you can use this photo as THE Ghost Of Stanley ANN and then follow up with all the places she may still be lurking with all her bogus names.

  19. What are they snarling at?

    • It’s sad. Really. The heartbreak of defeat. They’re supposedly watching the Women’s World Cup soccer game from Germany. Heard it on TV. OUR PLUCKY GIRLS LOST. It’s sad. Told my husband that when I heard Barry was watching, I figured they were cursed. And they were. The Japanese beat them in a shoot out at the end of a tied game. America was pulling for them. They never gave up. They’re still our heroines!

      I do think they were jinxed by you know who. Look at MO’s face.

      Malia really does look disappointed.

  20. Saddam’s Half-Brothers to be Executed
    07/16/11 Snips

    Five Saddam-era officials, including two of the late dictator’s half-brothers, will be executed within a month after being handed over to Iraqi authorities by the US military, Gulf News reported Friday. The group, transferred to Iraqi custody on Thursday morning, were among 206 high-value detainees still being held by American forces ahead of a US military pullout expected by the end of the year.

    “They include Watban Ibrahim Hassan and Sabawi Ibrahim al-Tikriti,” Saadi said, noting they were half-brothers of former dictator Saddam Hussein. Also among the group handed over and slated to be executed were former defense minister Sultan Hashem Ahmad, and ex-generals Hussein Rashid al-Tikriti and Aziz Saleh Numan. The five had been sentenced to death in separate trials


  21. Obama saw his tanking poll numbers and they decided it was time for another church visit and for a photo op. Is this his quarterly or bi annual event? It is about time for a photo of him romping with the dog too. From a comment…”This a beautiful wholesome family… This picture is a very positive representation of America for the world to see.” Beautiful and wholesome aren’t adjectives I’d use. BHO tweeted good luck to the national Soccer team…and they lost; Japan won the Woman’s World Cup. I bet athletes wish that he wouldn’t get involved for when he does, they lose.

    Obama’s Sunday
    Obama’s sked: Church, soccer
    By POLITICO STAFF | 07/17/11


    • I don’t believe it for a minute. There aren’t many black women, if any, on that team. Not in the starting lineup. Since when do they watch soccer? I did hear a lamestream media guy say something to the effect that “even if people don’t understand the game”, they were rooting for our team. I assumed he was talking about Barry. They know how much that team united America so they’re going to PRETEND they were rooting for them. Ask me if I think progressives wanted the USA to win or the “poor” Japanese who have been through so much this year?

      “Prior to Sunday night’s World Cup championship game, the mood was light and upbeat at an informal gathering at the U.S. Consular General’s residency in Frankfurt.

      Hope was definitely in the air against Japan, the other finalist.

      “We can’t talk shutout before the game, because Hope says that’s bad luck,” said Susan Karnesky, U.S. goaltender Hope Solo’s aunt. “I’m hoping it’ll be 3-0, but I think we’ll win 2-1.”

      Joining Karnesky and her brother Frank Shaw were other family and friends of the U.S. Women’s Soccer team. They and a small group of U.S. Marines were invited to the residency to mingle with the official U.S. presidential delegation, led by Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Ambassador to Germany Philip D. Murphy and Chelsea Clinton.

      The event was a quick and quaint affair. There were drinks, finger food and brief remarks about Sunday night’s title match between the United States and Japan.”

      Now we have Chelsea the ambassadoress. It never ends. http://www.stripes.com/news/europe/germany/jill-biden-chelsea-clinton-mingle-with-marines-ahead-of-women-s-world-cup-final-1.149446

    • I heard about the tweet from Barry while watching the game and, I swear, their luck changed right about then. The Japanese tied it and then beat them on penalty shots. Jinx. Hex. Whatever. What would you expect from a ssssssssnake?

  22. Herman Cain on ‘Fox News Sunday’ with Chris Wallace
    July 17, 2011


    • I’ll raise you a Raul Labrador!

      “In this video clip, ABC’s Cokie Roberts – a real Obama apologist – looked at Rep. Labrador and parroted Democrat talking points in asking him “how it worked politically” to be against “raising taxes on billionaires.” As he answered, Roberts had a very smug look on her face – obviously please with herself in asking the question that pressed Obama’s favorite line these days.

      Labrador, meanwhile, hammered her question out of the park by going right at Obama, mocking the idea that he has been “the adult in the room,” when actually he has been unwilling to put forward any plan to cut spending.

      Labrador also responded to Roberts’ call for “compromise” by asking, “Why is it that compromise always means increasing taxes today and doing cuts in ten years from now?””

      Raul said that Obama pretending to be a “deficit hawk” is A JOKE! Roberts claims that Labrador was elected to compromise. NO, that’s not WHY he was elected. He was elected to STOP the SPENDING and the predations of Obamanomics. Labrador is of Puerto Rican extraction and represents Idaho. I hope he’s not yet another rising star who’s NOT a NBC.

  23. Barack Obama accused of crimes against humanity for Osama bin Laden killing
    A Spanish lawyer has formally accused Barack Obama of crimes against humanity for ordering the assassination of Osama bin Laden.

    July 18, 2011

    Daniel Fiol lodged a written complaint at the International Criminal Court accusing the US president of breaching the Geneva Convention. Navy Seals acting on Mr Obama’s orders shot the al-Qaeda leader dead on May 2 after storming his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

    In his written complaint, the Majorca-based lawyer said bin Laden should have been “pursued, arrested, tried and convicted” on behalf of “the victims of some terrible and appalling atrocities”. The killing of bin Laden was even worse as it took place in foreign territory, Pakistan, without the permission of that government, he said. “I am not being paid by al-Qaeda,” Mr Fiol joked.

    Former prime minister Tony Blair has said he would not have hesitated to order the assassination of bin Laden if the decision had been his.


  24. http://news.yahoo.com/police-phone-hacking-whistleblower-found-dead-181711003.html

    What do you make of this? The plot thickens. Conveniently dead? For whom? Was this a progressive sting/plot to bring down Murdoch’s empire? Laughably, the progressives in the UK believe that Murdoch’s media is TOO cozy with the conservative government. Gee, you won’t hear anything like that over here. Complaints about certain media outlets being TOO COZY with the Obamanation. They also arrested the big players in Murdoch’s UK business over the weekend. On suspicion of conspiring to pay police for information. Tell me that doesn’t happen EVERY DAY here.

    “Police say Sean Hoare, the whistleblower reporter who alleged widespread hacking at the News of the World, has been found dead.

    Police said Hoare’s death at his home in England was not considered to be suspicious, according to Britain’s Press Association news agency.

    Hoare was quoted by The New York Times as saying that phone-hacking was widely used and even encouraged at the News of the World tabloid under then-editor Andy Coulson.

    Coulson — who most recently served as Prime Minister David Cameron’s communications chief, was arrested as part of the widening investigation into phone hacking and police corruption.”

    Hmm. Now he can’t testify. Can prior statements be admitted as evidence even when the speaker is dead? Wouldn’t happen here but can it happen there? They have some weird rules in the UK.

    • http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jul/18/news-of-the-world-sean-hoare

      More background on this now conveniently deceased fellow. History of substance abuse. Fired for it. THIS is their whistleblower and now he’s dead, but the death isn’t “suspicious”. Right, and the Pope’s not Catholic. How ridiculous. I read that there’s one progressive Labour Party guy who’s pushing this story to the max. As I said, the libs hate Murdoch and want to bring him down by any means necessary. It’s interesting that these “hacks” took place early this decade! They were supposedly investigated and nothing came of it. NOW they’re Drudging it all up again. Why? For the upcoming UK election? (There’s always an upcoming UK election!) This will become more and more interesting.

      The WSJ ran a story today explaining how different their legal system is. An “arrest” isn’t the same as an arrest in the US. It’s an opportunity to grill the potential suspect and if the person doesn’t say today what he or she MAY say later on, if charges are filed, then THAT can be used against them. Too bizarre. The arrested redhead has already been released. They want her to testify (be grilled, but not under oath) by UK lawmakers tomorrow. Don’t know if she’ll do it or not. Sound familiar? Even if in the end there are no charges filed, all the damage to the reputations done and can’t be recalled. Can’t unring that bell! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304567604576452171656734948.html

  25. http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/jjmnolte/2011/07/18/did-anyone-notice-bill-maher-trashing-sarah-palins-children-as-family-of-inbred-weirdos/

    Bill Maher: “Now, I’m not saying that sexism doesn’t exist and isn’t real. And we can’t, but we can’t throw around the word “sexist” just to stop people like me from pointing out that Michele Bachmann, now running second for the Republican presidential nomination, isn’t a dangerous nincompoop. And when I point out that Sarah Palin is a vainglorious braggart, a liar, a whiner, a professional victim, a scold, a know-it-all, a chiseler, a bully who sells patriotism like a pimp, and the leader of a strange family of inbred weirdos straight out of “The Hills Have Eyes,” that’s not sexist. I’m saying it because it’s true, not because it’s true of a woman.”

    Need I say more? I suspect the transcript is incorrect and that he did call Bachmann a nincompoop. Just sayin’. He’s a sexist pig. IMHO. Just sayin’, Bill. Prove me wrong.

  26. He says both women are not “bright”, “are boobs,” and are “crazy people”, like GWB, for example. I’m sure he misspoke and meant that Michele is a nincompoop, in his sexist opinion. Check out, for sure, the person on the panel who so enjoys when Maher insults Sarah. S/he has a lot of room to talk. One would hope that the people in the audience who disagreed with Maher had the guts to boo instead of just sitting there quietly. Sadly, not.

  27. http://dailycaller.com/2011/07/18/new-o%E2%80%99keefe-investigation-uncovers-medicaid-fraud-video/

    James O’Keefe strikes again. This time it’s Medicaid fraud. And it’s a doozy.

    • Wow, he has done it again! He even got the employees business cards. Ohio …you have a problem!

      • wasn’t that nasty!!!

        no water-boarding for massive death schemers to elicit the plan, but violently raping your wife in your shared marital bed is okay punishment when one has a political view opposed to yours… hate speech? nah,

        These are Americans? Yes, very rich and privileged American hired to entertain the duped.

  28. It is far past time for Bill Maher to be fired. Consider what he said about Sarah Palin’s family resembling the inbred weirdos in “The Hills Have Eyes.” Then remember the details about her last precious child, Trig. Would a conservative be able to make such a comment about ANY OTHER DIFFERENTLY ABLED CHILD ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH AND GET AWAY WITH IT?

    It gets worse, though. I heard more clips on Hannity tonight. Another comment was suggesting that Bachmann’s husband would be doing well (how to put this?) if he forceably raped and beat his wife in order to get his due and to teach her a lesson she well deserves. That’s what I took from the heavily bleeped, most disgusting, most SEXIST comment that I’ve ever heard on TV. THAT THESE MEN CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS IS BEYOND BELIEF. WHERE IS THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN? WHERE IS THE UNIVERSAL OUTCRY FROM ALL AMERICAN WOMEN?

    • I heard it too.. absolutely appalling. I couldn’t believe Mark Cubin was on his show and said nothing or I don’t think he said anything. Yet what does one say when they are surrounded by such classless gutter rats as Maher and his other guests. Time for his vulgar self to be put out to pasture..he is one sick despicable human. I can’t imagine being in a room with him and his followers. Yes, he should be off the air.

  29. Someone at the Newark airport stole Laura Ingraham’s baptism crucifix out of her checked luggage. Either TSA (the bag was rifled/searched) or baggage handlers. Disgusting.

  30. Will Elena Kagan be Outed as a Liar and a Fraud, Just Like Her Former Boss?


    (Jul. 18, 2011) — One of Obama’s faux U.S. Supreme Court Justice appointees appears to have intended, in her previous position as Solicitor General, to defend the health care law passed last year despite what she told the U.S. Senate during her confirmation hearings, with her staff members agreeing among themselves that she “would be brought in as needed” to do so.

    The evidence was released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit which has been combined with a second lawsuit.

    Forty-nine members of the U.S. House of Representatives have called for an inquiry into the inconsistencies in Kagan’s responses to the Senate during her confirmation hearings and the emails recently revealed by Judicial Watch and the Media Research Center.

    Will Elena Kagan be Outed as a Liar and a Fraud, Just Like Her Former Boss?

    • I’d like to know how much she was involved in not allowing any of the eligibility lawsuits to reach the Supremes while she was Solicitor General.

  31. RNC Chairman Priebus Calls For DOJ Investigation Of Fundraising Activity In The White House
    July 19, 2011

    A waste of time, because let’s face it we are talking about Holder the corrupt, incompetent. But at least the RNC demand is on record.

    (RNC) WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus today called on the Department of Justice to investigate whether or not President Barack Obama broke federal election laws by conducting illegal political fundraising activity in the White House. A fundraising video featuring the President appears to have been recorded in the Map Room which is not part of the White House residence, but rather “occupied in the discharge of official duties.”….

    Below are excerpts from Chairman Priebus’ letter to Attorney General Holder:…


    • I cringe every time I read or hear that name: Reince Priebus. Sounds like something F. Scott Fitzgerald would invent. Little Lord Fauntleroy and all that. Sheesh! Talk about a walking stereotype.

      The Map Room. Is that where they watched the soccer game? I had heard that the vid was filmed in the residence.

  32. It’s bad enough that conservative women have to deal on a daily basis with the sexism of the progressive left, but now they must deal with it from their “own” side, IF they’re standing in the way of, out fund-raising, and out-polling the RINO chosen one. Now Tucker Carlson is going after Michele Backmann in a sexist way in a story with ANONYMOUS sources claiming that she is subject to frequent, STRESS-RELATED migraine headaches (the vapors?) that incapitate her for days, making her unfit to command.

    • You know what? We have a NOT-anonymous source (Larry Sinclair) who reported that this POTUS engaged in unsafe sex acts and drug use. In the recent past. We also have anonymous sources who allege that this POTUS abuses alcohol and possibly prescription drugs. We have the evidence of our own eyes that he’s emaciated. We see that “friend” (aka bodyguard) who goes everywhere with him. We have the evidence that he will not release his medical records, only a one-page summary by a doctor who’s more of a long-time political supporter and family friend. We can also see those moles popping up on his face. That’s concerning, given John McCain’s diagnosis and how many considered that a reason (besides his age, which at least is KNOWN) to wonder whether he was medically fit to serve. When will the lamestream VET Barry’s health?

      IF Sarah Palin’s differently abled child is “fair game” for the likes of Maher to call “inbred” and compare to creatures in “The Hills Have Eyes” and if Michele Bachmann’s migraines and her husband’s POV are “fair game”, then so are Barry’s proclivities and HIS health. Tucker Carlson (or his peeps) lamely rationalized doing this smear job on Bachmann by saying this is something that should be aired lest it come up towards the end of the campaign, destroying her chances. Tucker, it doesn’t matter. If they don’t have this, they will MAKE SOMETHING UP. Or they will STAGE something. At the last minute. When there’s no time to respond. The damage done for the election. The “correction” later. It’s an old story and an old ploy with these people. But we’re not fooled, Tucker. You, O’Reilly, Brit Hume, even, have made it clear that y’all don’t like Bachmann and wish she were out of the running. Too bad, fellas. We the People (many of us women) LIKE the woman. And so does Iowa. Deal with it.

      I’m not saying I wouldn’t support Perry or someone of his ilk. I don’t care for Romney or Huntsman. Whatever the powers decide, they’d better not do to Bachmann what the Dems did to Hillary. That, if nothing else, brought the women of this country together, no matter their political persuasion. We are sick and tired of being dissed by sexist, insecure men. Women of this country are the majority and we’re ready and ABLE to govern. Not rule. Govern.

  33. Is it sexist? This story believes so and points out why:

    Menopause or PMS. Gee, we have never heard THAT argument before, have we, ladies? Stay in the kitchen. Don’t get “hysterical”. Check the etymology on that word. This is O’Reilly’s FAVORITE thing to say to the women on his show. SEXIST PIGS. Got it?

    But the lamestream is ALSO going after Michele’s husband, just like they went after Palin’s.


    Twisting his words. What a surprise. It matters not, actually, because if they don’t have something, they’ll just MAKE IT UP. Who’s going to fact-check them? Nobody.

    The Republican Party better step carefully. While they’re being so deferential to Barry, for fear of being called bigots, they’re stepping on the toes of a heck of a LOT of independent WOMEN.

    • We need a cabinet with about four or five menapausal ladies and maybe a few PMSers in the administration. We’d get more done and wouldn’t take all the bullcrap that exudes from the walls of that place on capital hill. Sure, theres women there but I think most of em have had their hormones removed, the sort of androgenous types (I’m thinking Hillary),Kagan,Reno types.

  34. Who vote.

  35. My, oh my. Maybe I wasn’t hearing things. hmmmm

    pssssst, spssssspspsssspsssspsss


    • Odd, ain’t it? Some hackers/leakers are heroes whilst others (Murdoch’s employees) are criminals. How does that make for justice? btw, read today that Lulzsec attacked/hacked the Murdoch computers recently. So does that mean Parliament and Labour and Scotland Yard will do their “due diligence” and track them down as doggedly as they go after Murdoch’s reporters? btw, that guy is still conveniently dead. Nothing suspicious here, folks. Move on.

  36. Added a feature to the research blog, for your researching pleasure. Trying it out. Let us know what you think. A tab on the header that goes to research questions for which we would like answers.

  37. 2001, how convenient, in 2011.

    How about March 2008 and the Passport breach. Now that is interesting and it matters.

    or how about the Rezko/Obama purchase in 2005, whooo doggie! Do tell.

  38. Watching the testimony of the Murdock’s (FOX News) in the so called “hacking scandal” is amazing. Amazing that the people who are questioning them in the hearing are so uninformed as to how major companies operate, and what the CEO”s might know. They were asking them as to how people are paid, as if the CEO’s would know how invoices or checks are distributed. The questions they ask should be directed at the editors, or managers of specific departments. The only job of the Chairman is to bring in the money..i.e., investments. They manage, they aren’t in control of day-to-day operations at specific news outlets. One woman believes that they should read through the entire investigative files that are being compiled… rather than delegating the work to attorneys and others. One woman wants to know if Murdock has considered resigning because of this fiasco, and he said no. Those who were involved should and would be held accountable, he said. He wasn’t involved in any wrong doing, and those involved operated outside the standards of the corporation. They also tried to get the Murdocks’s to impune other news organizations, and they refused.

    There are 52,000 employees of News Corp. Mr. Rupert Murdock was almost attacked by a protester during the 3 hours of testimony, they cleared the room and resumed again. Lack of security? They didn’t show what was happening, the camera went to a modern art picture on a wall. Wendy Murdock jumped on the protester.

    • Maybe this exercise will set precedent for what barky knew and when did he know it. as well as his wife.

      No excuses Mr. Big F. Deal.

    • Sept. 11 Families Seek Meeting with FBI on Hacking
      18 Jul 2011

      * Request also made of Justice Department, Congressman
      * US probes whether News Corp reporters hacked 9/11 phones

      NEW YORK (Reuters) – Relatives of victims of the Sept. 11 attacks have asked to meet the FBI and the U.S. Justice Department to discuss the agencies’ preliminary inquiry into reports that News Corp reporters may have tried to hack the phones of 9/11 victims.

      U.S. authorities have acknowledged they are looking into a report by Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper that reporters with the rival News of the World offered to pay a New York police officer for private phone records of some 9/11 victims.


      • My radar went off as soon as I heard the first of this Drudged up story. Now GP is reporting on that near-attack on Murdoch during the hearings. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/07/murdoch-grilled-by-parliament/

        A known-leftist loon tries to throw shaving cream on Murdoch. His wife slaps the guy down! Way to go. We are Woman; hear us roar! 🙂

        But now we can be sure this is yet another orchestrated bit of Kabuki theater. The hackings took place years ago and were investigated years ago. SUDDENLY, the allegations arise again. The guy who claimed that the execs KNEW about the hackings/bribes is now conveniently dead.

        The “report” of the supposed hacking of 9/11 victims was on a self-identified GOSSIP page in a TABLOID. Anonymous sources, of course. Second hand allegations by someone who claimed that a PI told him that a reporter asked him to get phone RECORDS, not to hack into phone CALLS or voice mail. The PI CLAIMED that he refused the job. So what have you? No proof. The guy didn’t take the job. The guy didn’t obtain phone RECORDS. The guy didn’t name the so-called reporter, that I know of. It’s the word of this anonymous source on HEARSAY from another anonymous source about something that might have happened, he presumed, IF he’d taken the job and got the phone RECORDS. NOBODY HACKED 9/11 VICTIMS PHONE CALLS.

        But they throw out the allegation and see if it will stick, all to damage the reputation of Murdoch and his company, to KEEP him from buying that company and getting more power to REPORT FACTS IN AN UNBIASED MANNER. These people do not, at all cost, want FAIR AND BALANCED news. They want to control what everyone sees, feels, does, hears. They want to have absolute control over the propaganda the LEFT wants to put out there. Murdoch stands in their way. So they make things up, throw things at him, hoping that anything sticks. Serves another purpose, too. Wastes the resources of the British people. Remember, the entire WEST is the enemy of these commie/Marxist/progressives who want a NWO based upon THEIR IDEOLOGY, by any means necessary.

        • Check it out: The hackers from Lulzsec stole emails from Murdochs company, say they will publish them today, and put out a bogus story that Murdoch died. Will Scotland Yard pursue THEM? http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/07/lulzsec-leftists-hack-into-news-corp-website-say-they-will-release-emails-this-afternoon/

          Will or can anyone BELIEVE whatever these admitted criminals put out there on the WEB? I wouldn’t believe anything that comes from them, any more than I would believe that a digital image on the Internet is proof that Barry was born where he says, when he says, to whom he says. Liars all. By any means necessary.

          • Do they not think that this international group of vandals is far more a danger to civilization than Murdoch’s underlings who were going after GOSSIP about Lady Di?

        • From what I can tell, this is information from 10 years ago, and was information garnered from a book written by someone that CNN reported on, and that has already been investigated once. I must be missing something in the reporting of this incident as I hadn’t paid much attention to it. Rupert Murdock said today that he knows of no investigation occurring in the US, but then he is in London, and hasn’t read the news today.

          I did see that a group of anonymous hackers put out a false report that Rupert died, and this same group hacked into the AZ police network. There was a report that several homes were invaded and some guys arrested for this incident. They did it because they were against the immigration laws that AZ wanted. They are all young..late teens to early 20’s. Welcome to the world of cyber criminals.

          • http://bigjournalism.com/rb/2011/07/18/mmfa-propaganda-watch-piers-morgan-daily-mirror-blackout/

            What I said. Media Matters is leading the charge on this “scandal” in order to tar Murdoch. Even giving them talking points to use when they stake out Murdoch’s home:

            I’m guessing that Piers Morgan is exempt because he works for CNN? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piers_Morgan

            Selective outrage. And consider the irony: Assange, Manning, Wikileaks, Lulzsec applauded but selected alleged hackers who did the “crime” years ago, persecuted!

          • I wonder how the heck this protestor who hit Murdoch with the shaving cream pie got through security. What if it were a gun or knife instead of a pie? Metal detectors? I’ve seen plastic pizza knives that would foil metal detectors and kill a person. What the heck kind of security do they have for Members of Parliament, not to mention invited “guests”? I could see it at a college lecture, a la what happens to Ann Coulter, but when somebody’s testifying to members of Parliament? WTF? This HAS TO HAVE BEEN ORCHESTRATED AND ALLOWED. They’re firing Scotland Yard guys for taking bribes or hiring ex-journalists? Are they going to FIRE ALL THE SECURITY THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT MURDOCH AND ALL PRESENT? How does somebody get into a hearing like that, without a pass? Carrying a shaving cream PIE? Kabuki theatre. What else explains it? Are they THAT inept in the UK? What if it had been a plastic knife? Or a ceramic one? IF they searched him or patted him down, how’d he get that pie through? Hidden in his pants? Ridiculous.

  39. And so it starts…the US departs and enemies advance again!

    ALERT: Iranian Troops Attack Kurdish Camps in Iraq

    Tuesday, 19 Jul 2011
    By Ken Timmerman Snips

    Thousands of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) troops crossed into northern Iraq over the weekend, bombarding Iraqi Kurdish villages.

    The Iraqi government has quietly acknowledged the Iranian military operation on Iraqi soil, but has not called it an invasion.

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the prime minister of the Kurdish regional government, Dr. Barham Salih, left for Beijing as the Iranian invasion began, for a long-planned trip aimed at encouraging Chinese investment in Iraq.

    The Iranian military offensive is targeting bases controlled by the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK), the largest and best-organized Iranian opposition group currently operating inside Iran. Sherzad Kamangar, a PJAK spokesman in northern Iraq, told Newsmax that by Monday evening PJAK forces had pushed the Iranian troops out of Iraqi.


  40. Clinton: I’d Invoke 14th Amendment to Raise Debt Limit
    Tuesday, 19 Jul 2011 09:31 AM snips

    Former President Bill Clinton contends that raising the debt ceiling to avoid a U.S. default on its bills is so essential that he would invoke the 14th Amendment to do so — “without hesitation, and force the courts to stop me.”

    Clinton, who battled Republican House leadership during two government shutdowns when he was president, sharply criticized Republicans in the debt debate racking Washington. Recalling his own presidency, he said he didn’t invoke the 14th Amendment, which states that “the validity of the U.S. public debt shall not be questioned,” because Republicans then didn’t threaten to use the debt ceiling as a weapon in their budget fights with him.


    • Of course he would. And here I was hoping that Bill could talk some sense into Barry. NOT. I cannot imagine how LAWYERS can imagine that the 14th amendment gives the president the power to unilaterally BORROW MORE MONEY, when the US government has MORE THAN ENOUGH COMING IN TO SERVICE THE DEBT. IF there’s a default, it’s BY BARRY’S CHOICE. HE WILL CHOOSE TO DEFAULT RATHER THAN TO PAY THE DEBT SERVICE AND INSTEAD CUT HIS PRECIOUS PROGRAMS. He is the one who must prioritize. If he doesn’t pay Social Security recipients, or the troops, or Medicare/Medicaid bills, then that’s BY BARRY’S CHOICE because HE CHOSE TO STIFF THE ELDERLY INSTEAD OF DUMPING PROGRAMS LIKE HIS NEW CONSUMER WATCHDOG BUREAUCRACY OR FIRING HIS TOO-NUMEROUS CZARS.

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