Author Archives: Bridgette

The Past Meets the Present (Open Thread)

Posted by Bridgette

Absolutely Heartwarming!

Photo of the Day: You Just Can’t Fake Decency!

Pres. Bush and wounded-soldier

Barack Obama, Former Pres. George W. Bush,
First Lieutenant Melissa Stockwell U.S. Army ( Ret.)


Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, posted the photo above on April 29, 2013.  It was too good not to share with our readers.

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Islamic Jihad in America (Open Thread)

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013


Is It Really Over?

Were We Watching Martial Law Being Tested?

Boston Jihad

Drudge Jihad

Drudge Headlines on April 19, 2013


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FBI Raids Blogger Over Obama Ineligibility Evidence

 ©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013

Al Hendershot, ObamaHustle blogger, Raided By FBI!!

His Computer Containing Evidence of  Obama-Fraud 
Was  Removed and  Taken For Days!
Our friend and diligent researcher and the person responsible for exposing several of  Obama’s fraudulent activities  in several venues was interviewed, hand-cuffed and had his property removed by the FBI.     Al Hendershot  found Obama’s alias of  Harrison J. Bounel ,  Obama’s non-payment of taxes on a home in Chicago that he does not own, and the  Obama’s use of multiple social security numbers.   In addition, he  has worked with Jerome Corsi and the Cold Case Posse on the ineligiblity issue related to the Usurper.

Terrorism in Boston – Americans Killed by Bomb Blasts! (Open Thread)

Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013

Two Bombs Blast the

Boston Marathon!

Chaos Ensues…


Marathon blast Getty photo


Prayers for those who lost their lives and for the wounded, their families, and friends.



Getty Photo


He Has Risen! Happy Easter!

Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013

The “Cross in the Woods”

The Cross in the Woods, Indian River, Michigan

The Cross in the Woods, Indian River, Michigan


During this Holy Week that began on Palm Sunday, we commemorated the death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. Jesus died upon the cross to bring salvation to all who believe in him. Today, this Easter Sunday, we celebrate his rising from the dead. To my fellow Christians, I say, He is Risen!  Hallelujah!

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (Open Thread)

Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013

March 17, 2013


St. Patricks Day


St. Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of  Ireland.  He was born circa 387 and died on March 17  c 460 or 492 AD depending upon which historian is believed.  From a website about St. Patrick, “He is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland.   He wrote two works for which he was known; the Confessio, a spiritual autobiography, and  Epistola,  which was a denunciation of  the British mistreatment of Irish Christians.”

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McNaughton’s Painting and Query (Open Thread)

Posted by Bridgette


“What Will It Take to Mend the Nation?”

New McNaughton Painting 

Mending the Nation

Click images to enlarge

In his new release, “Mending the Nation,” artist John McNaughton sees a nation in “disarray.” The artist wonders what it will take to rebuild America in the wake of our current financial crises, a compromised military, attacks on our constitutional rights and the decline of the moral fabric of our society.

Each family member featured in “Mending the Nation” represents a different value: courage, family, hope, faith and love. McNaughton says those five are the keys to rebuilding America: “Each value is required to make it work. Remove one and the whole system fails.”

“What will it take to mend the nation?” McNaughton asks.

“I think that the American spirit is alive, and if we muster enough courage and commitment, it can be done.”


Source:  Grassfire

Interactive – Mending the Nation 

About Mending the Nation by the Artist

I had a vision of a family gathered around an American flag. Not just any flag, but that of a fallen serviceman, a father, a son, a daughter; the kind of flag that would be laid over a casket with great reverence. But upon examining the flag, one can see that it is in horrible condition. Its colors are faded, the edges are torn and there are many holes. It has been trampled and has not been treated with the honor and respect, which it deserves.

Today, our nation is in disarray. Our Constitution has been trampled, our financial solvency is in question, our military is compromised, and the decline of the moral fabric of our society is in question. Our government has lost the trust of the people. Our courts do not uphold the Constitution and the American people are afraid for the future of their children. What will it take to mend the nation?

I think that the American spirit is alive and if we muster enough courage and commitment it can be done. . The last time I saw such courage was after 9/11 when the country came together for a common good. If we are going to rebuild America I believe it will take FIVE VALUES. Courage, Family, Hope, Faith, and Love; each value is required to make it work—remove one and the whole system fails. In this painting, each member of the family represents a different value.


Does This Make Sense? (Open Thread)

Posted by Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013


If we lie to the government




Black Leader Calls Obama a “Borderline” Communist! (Open Thread!)

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013

Black Leader Labels Marxist Obama!


Harry Alford on Hannity


The following was all transcribed from the video shown below.  It is important to not only listen to the words of another prominent black, conservative leader, but to read them.

Finally, people in the spotlight are using labels for Obama and his ilk’s ideology that are correct.  Allen West stated he believed that “80 House democrats are communists,”  (members of the Black Caucus), and he also said, “Obama is a “Marxist, socialist, rigid ideologue.    Now we have  the CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce calling Obama’s actions, borderline communist.

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“Get the Hell Out of the United States of America Obama!”

©Bridgette @WTPOTUS 2013

Allen West Tells Obama to Take His Ideology  Anywhere…but

“Get the Hell Out of the USA!”


Allen West - GOP Lincoln Day Dinner


Allen West, the former Florida representative,  is a true patriot and his words resound with truth and clarity whenever he speaks.  We are all aware of how the election was fraudulently won by the Democrats in his district.   It appears, West is not going to be silent even though he reluctantly gave up the fight during the election mismanagement and voter fraud allegations.   The GOP didn’t assist in helping him and they should hang their heads in shame.  This man has honor and integrity, and should be the voice of the GOP!  In fact, many of the cowards could learn a thing or three from listening to him.   He IS the voice of the people! He IS the voice of true blue, patriotic Americans!

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