Obama Mystery Theater: Mark Ndesandjo Speaks

markandbrother - CopyIn a recent Newmax article, there’s audio of an interview with Mark Ndesandjo, Barack Obama’s half-brother by another mother.  A partial transcript appears below, of what seems most interesting, at least to me. [emphasis added]

At the beginning of the interview, Mark says,

The story actually begins about fifty years ago, when Barack Obama Senior, uh, went to Hawaii, as a, as a, a student and met Sally Ann Dunham, and shortly after that conceived Barack. A few years later, they divorced and, uh, he met my mother (pauses, utters “whi”) Ruth Baker, when she was at Harvard Universi, uh, uh, at Harvard. And, uh, shortly after that they went back to Kenya, uh, where I was conceived.  We’re both, uh, we both have white mother, uh, white American mothers; we’re both Americans; uh, we’re both multi-r, uh, mixed race; uh, we also went to, uh, we’re also born just a few years apart; and we have a lot of similarities and also a lot of differences.

Mark Ndesandjo’s speech has the same inflection, the same cadence, the same lisping “s” as does his half-brother’s. Quite odd, for men raised by different women, at different schools, in different countries, and, in fact, on different continents.

Curiously, Mark describes his first meeting with Barack “in 1988.”  He says that was “about 20 years ago.”  By my reckoning, that was 26 years ago.  (Mark holds degrees in physics and mathematics.)

Also curiously, while recounting Barack’s 1988 visit to Kenya, Mark refers to Auma as “my” sister, instead of our sister, and he refers to their father as “my” father, instead of our father.

The “mistake” concerning Stanley Ann Dunham’s name (Mark calls her Sally) is compounded in the accompanying Newsmax article, which refers to Barack’s mother as Sydney Ann Dunham.

We’ve had fun with the ever-morphing names for Barack Obama’s mother over the years. First she was Shirley, then Mary Ann, then Stanley, now Sally or Sydney!  See this post for a history of her shifting nomenclature.

About five minutes into the audio, Mark refers to himself and Barack as “the two, only two, mixed race kids in the Obama family.”  This is curious because, according to the official story, Mark had a full brother–David Obama–also the son of Ruth Baker and Barack Obama Sr.  This brother, although now allegedly deceased, was of mixed race, too.  He allegedly lived into his late teens, and so would have shared the same problems as his brother and half-brother, with trying to fit into more or less racially homogenous cultures while growing up.

The interviewer asks whether Mark believes that someone else wrote Barack’s books for him, like Bill Ayers. Mark replies, “I don’t know enough about that.”  Then Mark goes on to talk about how the Obamas are “proud” and wouldn’t want others to write their books for them.

This is quite amusing, given that there’s hardly an Obama who hasn’t “written” a book, and it’s likely that most were ghost written.  What an Obama “wants” is not necessarily what’s true.  I have little doubt (some, but just a little) that Mark wrote his own book. He says so, and he seems like a very intelligent and talented man, perfectly capable of writing a book.

What is missing from Mark’s “story” about Barack Obama Sr. in the USA?  There’s no mention of a marriage to either white American mother.  Mark does, however, mention Sally’s (snark) divorce from Barack Sr.

Mark declines to answer whether or not he perceives Barack as a Marxist.  He doesn’t answer “political” questions.  He does say that when they first met in 1988, Barack was very influenced by African nationalism.   Mark then again refers to the present time as being 15 to 20 years after their first meeting.  Do the math.

By the way, in the mid-1980s, Mark attended college in the United States, graduating in 1988.  He went to Stanford for his master’s degree and then spent 15 to 20 years, he says, working in the States in the field of telecommunications. See our O Timeline for some details.

Mark rather slickly avoids addressing questions about why Barack didn’t financially help his struggling family members, such as Zeituni (who lived in the projects in Boston) and George (who lived in a tin shack in Nairobi).  Mark responds that Barack paid for the extended family to fly to the 2009 Inauguration, as if that’s comparable to helping them on a day-to-day basis.

Mark addresses the curious claim that Barack made, when he falsely stated that he and Mark had met for the first time only a few years ago.  Mark can’t explain the discrepancy, other than to suggest that Barry rather hypocritically distances himself from all things “Kenya”, for political reasons, and this is the fault of his advisors.

In the second video, the interviewer asks whether Mark knows Malik. He brings up the anti-Israel scarf that Malik was shown wearing recently. Mark says he speaks only for himself, but he believes that Malik was “made to wear” the “controversial neckband” and that it was “ill judged” and was “something that should not have happened.” Obama spin if I ever heard it!

Mark believes that Barack has done an “exemplary job” in supporting Israel. Mark says that his own mother is Jewish and he’s “extremely proud” of that.  He refers to himself as a “secular Jew”; Jewish, because his mother is Jewish.  By so saying, Mark implies that he’s not a “practicing Jew.”

Mark reiterates that he won’t talk about politics, and laughs when asked if a white Republican could have been elected if he had the “pot-smoking” and drug using history that Barack has.  Mark won’t give his opinion about media bias with regard to favoritism towards black or Democrat candidates.  He believes that there was “a lot of scrutiny of Barack” but that Barack’s books still have factual problems that need to be clarified.

Mark was asked if Barack was born in Hawaii. He answers that

(1) Barack was born “in the United States, ”

(2) Barack is “not Muslim, ” and

(3) “we have the same dad.”

Read the article and watch the videos.  Let us know what other curiosities you notice.  To regular readers: Does the photo at the top of this post remind you of another photo?


h/t alfy (and Papoose, too)

380 responses to “Obama Mystery Theater: Mark Ndesandjo Speaks

  1. New open thread. Thanks so much for the tip, alfy. (And Papoose.) I needed a topic for a post and these kind always bring the readers and commenters! We started discussing this article at this comment on the previous post. Alfy mentioned the other mixed race brother–Joseph. And there was, of course, a man named Richard Ndesandjo, who played tennis and after whom his mother’s kindergarten was named. Madari (Mark, David, Richard). Of course, technically, Mark might say these aren’t all members of the Obama family, since Joseph and Richard (we assume) are sons of Simeon Ndesandjo.

  2. Here’s where Ruth comes into the tale again. We recently discussed another article that said that Ruth and BHO Sr. met AT HARVARD. However, we pointed out, Ruth didn’t attend Harvard and the story is that she was a school teacher in the suburbs at the time they met. But Mark, in this audio, CLEARLY says, “when she was at Harvard University.” Then he “corrects” himself and says, “at Harvard.” They met AT HARVARD. Why did he change his phrasing? If Ruth didn’t ATTEND Harvard, as the official story says she did NOT, then how else might she have been “at Harvard” to meet BHO Sr.? Was she perhaps teaching THERE, at Harvard? Ruth won’t give her age, but census records say Ruth was born about 1937. If she was on track, then she would have attended college about 1954-1958. They met in June, 1964, the story goes. See the timeline: https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/ot/ So Ruth was either in grad school somewhere or else had been out of school for a good 5-6 years. Teaching? Teaching what and where? Here’s our Ruth post, for reference: https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/obama-mystery-theater-ruth-nidesand/ Ruth attended Simmons College after graduating from high school in 1954; she graduated from Simmons in 1958, so although younger, she was ahead of her husband in schooling.

    • I always manage to find something interesting when I go back and reread an article. In this one, they are “instructed not to talk to the media or anybody about the Senator”, and one relative moves to the Ukraine.

      An article from Nov., 2008:
      Obama spent some time with his cousins who lived in the block in mid- to late-1980s when he visited Kenya. A section of Kariokor flats in Nairobi where Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama spent time with his cousins who lived in the estate in he first visited Kenya in the 1980s “He used to come and visit his cousins who resided in the block whenever he visited Kenya,” says Lorna Awuor who is married to one of Obama’s cousins Mr Joseph Nyande.
      However, by then Obama had not quite established himself in US politics so such visits did not attract outside attention. She says Obama visited his cousins in Kariokor Flats more than a dozen times between 1986 to early 1990

      “We only moved here about eight years ago when aunty Zilpa Nyande who is also a sister to Keziah Obama, the Senator’s half sister left the house for my husband Joseph Nyande,” she says
      Zilpa has since moved to Ukraine in Europe where she works, while Lorna’s husband Joseph is also currently in Europe where he has gone on a work assignment.
      Read more at: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/business/article/1143998612/the-kariokor-flat-obama-frequented?pageNo=2

      • I think its always useful to look back at what was written then, the discrepancies become glaring as time goes by.

        Very interesting article.

      • Good link, cynic. I added it to the O Timeline. I remember reading it at some point before, because the part about Keziah and “aunty Zilpa Nyande” being sisters was interesting. So if these “cousins” are related to Kezia/h, then why would BARRY be visiting them? They’re Auma’s and Malik’s relatives, not his. His mother isn’t Kezia. Did they need a semicolon there or a capital T? “The Senator’s half sister left the house for my husband …” Did they mean that Auma gave the house to Joseph Nyande (assuming her uncle?) when maybe she went to live with Ruth? I know that Kezia at some point lived in those Flats. It was when she and BHO Sr. were on the outs and she was waitressing, iirc. That’s when Auma and Malik went to live with Ruth. Yeah. What’s Zilpa doing in Ukraine? I think we looked into this once. I’ll have to go searching.

        • This is giving me a headache. We seem to be spinning our wheels, and I feel that we will never know the real story. My thoughts are that Obama’s whole life has been one big lie.

          He kept going back to Africa to get info on these people, to ‘create’ his African family. If his ‘family’ talks, how is he to keep his stories straight. No one was allowed to talk to the media.

          It’s the media that I will never forgive. They failed to do their jobs, and anyone that opposed him was called a racist or birther. It’s the Alinsky way.

          His mother’s life was a lie as well. You know, all those ways she signed all those legal documents. She was a part of those ’60’s radicals. Perhaps she hung around with Hayden, Ayers, and the other members of the Underground.

          Who knows, maybe Anne’s mom had links to Axelrod’s mom. They were both living in NY in the 40’s. Myril Bennett Axelrod worked at a NY Magazine PM. She had the opportunity to link with ‘lefties’. There’s a reason David Axelrod was called a Red Diaper Baby.

          Sorry, I’m rambling………………….

          • He’s an interesting link found in a Wiki write-up on Myril Axelrod:

            One of PM’s writers, Earl Conrad, also wrote for the leftist magazine Negro Story, as did Frank Marshall Davis the Communist Party USA member who was later to mentor the young Barack Obama in Hawaii.

          • While it will shock naïve liberals who still don’t grasp the horrors of communism, readers of FrontPage will understand. Leftist Americans who took the extraordinary step of joining CPUSA swore a loyalty oath to the USSR—Stalin’s USSR in the case of Frank Marshall Davis.

          • I’m with you, cynic. Everything you said including the headache.

            Its a mystery by design. The secrets are secrets because its all just one big lie. And our Country is at stake.

          • Yep. I wonder if we’ll ever know. It popped into my head today that he and Mark were raised TOGETHER. I saw something on the O Timeline where one story said that but for 7 years in Kenya, Mark was in the USA until he moved to China. Only 7 years in Kenya. If he was born in 1965 then he might have joined Barry in the USA in 1971 or 1972, depending on when in ’65 he was born. Everybody’s under a gag order. Granny Sarah and Granny Madelyn were under house arrest or the equivalent. What Sarah has managed to say has oftentimes contradicted the official story. Same for Kezia, although I don’t think they lock her up like Sarah. Same for all the friends of SAD’s in Seattle. They were “asked” to NOT SPEAK. (“Shut up, they demand.”) So the African “step” relatives were told to shut up, too.

            It also came to me last night how Mark, in the interview this post is about, kept making that 5- or 6-year mistake. He said the story of BHO Sr. and Barry’s mom “SALLY” started about 50 years ago. No, it didn’t. It started in 1959. That’s 55 years ago. He said that he and Barry first met in Kenya, in 1988, about 20 years ago. No they didn’t (Barry really was there earlier) but even if it was 1988, that’s 26 years ago. But when in time was 1988 20 years before and 1959 50 years before? WHY, when Barry first ran for POTUS! So Mark “learned” to spout the “official” story back when Barry was running his campaign. The “official” story was that BHO Sr. and Ann met about 50 years ago. 50 years BEFORE Barry’s first campaign. And he and Barry first met about 20 years ago–20 years before the first campaign. He has the story memorized and that’s why he makes these “mistakes”. Because he’s not talking about something that happened. He’s not thinking back to when something happened in relation to the present time. Nope. He’s spewing the narrative from rote memory and that “narrative” involves 50 years ago and 20 years ago. Barry’s been POtuS for 5 to 6 years and that’s where that “mistake” is coming from. How the HELL is it that Mark thinks Barry’s mother’s name was SALLY? How the HELL does the reporter think it was SYDNEY? We know Mark’s mother’s name. How do we know? We’re not related to him. I know GWB’s mother’s name. How do I know? I’m not related to him. How much MORE likely SHOULD IT BE that Mark would KNOW the first name of his BROTHER’S mother? And to top it off, his brother is president of the USA. It makes no sense. Mark lived with Auma. He knows Kezia. ALLEGEDLY, both of them were close to “Stanley Ann”. Stanley Ann visited Kenya. Surely Stanley Ann was spoken about by the relatives, even IF Mark never met her, which would be doubtful, if you believe the official story.

        • It’s time to lay one lie to rest finally,and in a way LEGALLY too!
          This cannot be disputed anymore, finally!
          I have never , ever though Simeon Ndesandjo was Ruth Beatrice’s wife. The story for why would be too long now, but for what it’s worth you can search yourself and see I have never believed that. Oh, I definately thought there were ties, but not a Husband to Ruth. Kept saying that everyone has globbed onto that idea and so it has stuck, but it was never correct.
          Not too long ago I had found that Ndesandjo was being spoken of on some blogs in Africa in the past tense. Remember that. I told you he was dead…..but could never find proof or an obit.
          But now here we not only have some legal proof, but all in a neat paragraph, there’s legal proof that Ruth is not the widow of the deceased…….or it would say SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t try to dispute it. I’ve read so many wills and legal jargon, considering I’m no lawyer or anything, but just believe me, I’ve seen all the legal jargon and always in a legal format, the WIDOW , if she can be named as the WIDOW, she will be named so. And plainly here she is not. You can even follow up in this document itself, and see that the parties are named as to their relation in these matters of estate. She is plainly not the WIDOW of the Deceased one Simeon Ndesandjo…..even if she has been going by the name Ndesandjo……..got it.
          I know this little blip will be hard to swallow as TRUE and concrete and it will taint the pristine biographies of all who would love to have all things in a nice package, but Simeon does not fit the bill anymore.
          Like I had said before….the ‘little’ man she brought with her to Joseph and Dora’s wedding was not her husband…..even if it was really simeon, I could tell it was not her husband. By Ruth’s behavior, I told you all she was likely not married….somewhere way back I made a comment about a post someone had put out about Mark by a friend of his and how they claimed Ms. Ndesandjo seemed almost the masculine part of the family, they joked about it. i’ve made comments about her not likely being the husband. I am trying to drive this home so we can actually say we have proof of something that has persisted since 2008 or so. Proof of A LIE. So who was Ndesandjo? Remember that rant I did Miri long time back about Ruth befriending Simeon and others , maybe promised to look after some children in return for a name ? maybe? or a place to stay? or hide out maybe?
          Miri, after I post this and we’ve had time to read it , you save it, but then scrubb it….We’ll keep it to ourselves for awhile and see what happens. I have my hunches who is scalping our research.

          • I also think something will come about soon that will prove something else. It will be cool to see another BOLD face Lie in print. We might have already made some people squirm a bit with what we know and they’re having to back track all because of us saving data and so forth.

          • just go to the site and put 2686 in your finder.

          • Good work, alfy. I saved it and will scrub now.

          • I don’t know what happened to my comment from a while ago.

            I went there and read it and an Onyango caught my eye 2 notices below it and there was a “widow” declared just as alfy said it should read.

            Wonder where my comment went?

            • I didn’t see one about Onyango, Papoose. I didn’t really scrub anything, except I removed the link alfy gave us. She’s concerned about people swiping research, so I figured just scrub the link and they will at least have to go looking for themselves. Do you still have it? I saved it. I had a comment go poof! yesterday. Was a long one, too, with links, so I was royally p-o’ed at WordPress.

              I scanned through the whole thing and the only places I saw widow seemed to be when a person died intestate. In other cases with named executors, they didn’t mention the relationship to the deceased, although there probably was one on account of the same surname.

          • guess no one is interested in my last posts,…………so Miri, like I said once you or anyone checks it out, then scrub it please. I don’t want this gettin lost to the waste bin of snoopin nitwits, and ninnyheads, or posers and users. There’s good reason, I promise.!!!!

            • alfy, Papoose and I checked it out. Great find. TY for linking it. I didn’t scrub your whole comment, just the link, so swipers are foiled. 🙂 I saved the whole thing, including link, in another location. RIP to the guy. Wonder if all the sons converged to get their share.

          • Its cause no. 2715, the second notice below the one we’re talking about.

            Didn’t want to cut it. I have still have the link if you need it. Its a keeper with all the archives they have there.

            I found it interesting, alfy and first went there a few minutes after you posted your comment.

            • I saved the link, too. Glad you still have it. The problem with all those Luo names is that they don’t necessarily denote a relationship between people but people who share similar circumstances of birth–like “born in the morning” or “elder of twins”. But I think they’re becoming more and more like our surnames, so who knows? This is where I found the other notices, where Kezia was named as BHO Sr.’s widow, when she and Malik (iirc) tried to get letters of administration so they could handle the estate.

          • I remember when you told us he was dead. You were right! I wish that we would have saved those videos. Now all we have are still shots of the wedding. I don’t recall the story about Ruth being the masculine part of the family, but I would LOVE to see that. She is sort of manly, although at the wedding (if it was Ruth) then she looked very nice and feminine (not how she looks in the Madari photos). Maybe all Ndesandjo was was the patron who funded the school. She said as much once, didn’t she? That he built the school for her. He probably had the money. I remember you finding information about him with another and YOUNGER woman he lived with, or seemed to.

            I have hunches about the “scalpers”, too.

          • I’m thinking RBN was running an orphanage or something. Something clandestine, for sure.
            She sure doesn’t look like someone who would permit some drunk guy beating her. I don’t know if I’m buying that one.

          • now you remember the Ndesandjo man in Tanzania who has a wife named victoria? The man is a banker or something like that. He is now also President or head of I think the Rotary there. He seems to be very much liked and a nice guy. I have found many photos of him in the past now….I can’t remember his first name, but we covered him before………..Anyway….in those same archives we just looked thru there is a mention of Simeeon and Victoria. . I just assumed that was the wife because the property being talked about was in both their names. I don’t know that she was younger. She could have died long ago and maybe Simeon is older than we realize. He definated was around and had to have been up some age to have known the old people that mention him or the people he is mentioned working with. Maybe the man in Tanzania is his son…his REAL son.
            Another thing, the persons you have listed on what you saved….notice there is the lawyers listed—you can tell how by the title prefix…they would be the lawyers for the estate…but notice the name listed with ms. N. That person is also a lawyer…i did my homework…that person is a listed lawyer in kenya and also an IT for network security, self employed and has something to do with the judiciary. Why would Ms. N need a lawyer with her if there are lawyers for the estate…..do you see what I mean. And he is not listed as a friend of the widow of the deceased ….there’s more but you should get my drift..I hope.
            Going back to some old archives I did some more checking on the Ndisis too, which helped because they all seem to have relationships to schooling, primary schools, ect. Perhaps ms. N has befriended some very high people in some important places in order to be the lovely expatriate darling of Kenya. I found once where her school entertained some embassadorial visitors and the like….her school is right in the thick of the high society, wealthy , well traveled diplomat types. John(or Johan)William ouko Ndisi was an ambassador to Russia at one time and when he came back he finished some primary school he had started. Ndisi is also one of the men who gained vast amounts of property from Kenyatta’s land grabs…..kenyatta gave lots of land to Ndisi and others like him, as well as land for himself. I mean thousands of acres of land. And Ms. N. was evidently a best friend to Johan’s wife Berit Margarita Karman Ndisi (or daughter?) Remember that archive ?

            • Somewhere in the back of my mind I “knew” that she was younger. I may have seen something else, although I could be “misremembering”. I do remember the Berit Margarita person.

          • Beating RBN. Not a chance. Not for long anyway…and besides…mark has changed his story to comply with previous stories of Obama’s fondness for Johnny Walker Red. Remember , Mark used to tell he remembered his dad comming home smelling of Pilsner Beer. Woops….guess his mon told him to say that , till he realized the narrative was he liked the expensive stuff. I’m sure he’ll fix his new story to fix the screw up he told….Like dad could never get enough Johnny Walker, so he’d drink anything once he ran out of the good stuff.. His book is to come out this monmonth….he’s self publishing…..I can see him now trying to erase his foibles out of his first batch of books. maybe “Whiteout” is apprapo….Oh, no Obama is the one who uses WHite OUT…forgot!

            • So if he self-publishes there’s little chance we can borrow a copy from the library? Or read it online? WHite OUT. I like that.

          • I found it really weird that Mark interviewed with Laura Ingraham. I get it that she adopts children, but seriously. He was in Kenya for “the holidays”.

            So weird.

            • Why would Barry lie and say he met Mark for the first time a few years ago? It’s an astounding lie that even seems to puzzle Mark.

              Having a foundation and writing memoirs or biographical fiction is a family business!

              He was a surprise guest because Laura said the WH would have tried to find a way to stop the interview, if they knew in advance. I bet that’s true, too.

              He has a stock answer for questions about Barry, it seems. He says Barry was “being president” and not Mark’s brother, when he denied meeting Mark before Beijing.

              This time, he gets it right that 1988 is “20-25 years ago.” He says a lot of people “don’t know about the Obama family.” He can say THAT again. He says “a lot of people don’t know about children who go through some of the things that we went through around the world, because we don’t want to talk about it.” So WHAT is he talking about there?

              He and Barry had the same life experiences? Not according to the official story. What common experiences did they have, that they both went through? Now Barry implies (or the servants do) that Lolo similarly abused SAD and (Lia said) that SAD abused Barry (locked him in the bathroom; denied him food.) So what’s their common experience?

              That they’re orphans? MARK WORKS WITH ORPHANS. That they were adopted by white American mothers? THAT, I can believe. What if BHO Sr. was beating THEIR mother? What if the solution was that Ruth rescued one and SAD the other?

              Laura picked up on that and asked if he alleges that Barry was abused by their father. Mark says no (he doesn’t make that allegation. But is it TRUE? Did BHO Sr. abuse Barry, too?) Then he launches into the “the story began about 50 years ago” routine. 6:36 in. Same script. They have the same father, white American mothers. [He NAMES none of them, though.] We’re both American. We’re separated by birth by a few years.

              Whoa. Then he says (7:04) “as babies, literally, we were probably ripped apart by, by, violence or by neglect. His, the absence of a father; mine, the presence of a father.”

              Barry then is quoted referring to how BHO Sr. didn’t treat “his FAMILIES” (plural) very well. Mark says there are stories about him and his family that he wants to correct. He only speaks for himself. He says “we’re both like Siamese twins with eyes on different sides of our head; sometimes we don’t see each other and other times we do.” Interesting analogy.

              I wonder how much Mark talks in his book about his OTHER “half” brothers and sisters, at least two of whom he allegedly GREW UP WITH in Kenya. He tells the same story about the thuds and screams that he told Larry King. He talks about remembering those times and how he specifically remembers his mother’s legs, because that’s what he clung to. Now that means that when this happened, he was very small. Maybe around the age we see him in that photo when Ruth holds one toddler and little Mark stands in front of her and BHO Sr., who looks like a medic or her driver? Perhaps about the age Barry was when he first showed up in Indonesia, as Lolo’s son? Hmmm.

              Laura plays the quote of Barry calling African-Americans “a mongrel people.” Mark was speaking from Kenya, not China. Laura says Barry isn’t happy with Mark’s book, because it contradicts him and also because Barry thinks that Mark is “dining out” on Barry’s notoriety. Now that’s interesting considering the benefits, HUGE benefits, that Auma, Malik, Omar, and Zeituni got.

              Barry really does have a “family feud” going on, it seems, with RUTH. So that in itself leads to more possibilities. Did she save one and sacrifice the other, for example? Was there a reason for that? Maybe medical care he could get here in the USA that wasn’t available in Kenya. What are those scars?

              Laura asks Mark if he agrees with Barry politically and he says he focuses on the arts, on orphans, and on a “few simple things that make life meaningful;” but that he “supports” his brother. He laughs when she says Barry doesn’t support Mark or his family but hangs out more with Beyonce and Jay Z. Mark says that Laura has a point!

              It ends with Laura saying they’ll have Mark back “tomorrow.” Did she? Or did the WH find a way to put a PERIOD on that interview?

          • Here he is on Larry King.

            • Interesting eye movements as he answers. Interesting pauses, while he thinks. Is he left or right handed? He says he was raised in Kenya. Again he uses “multiracial”. Now think about this. If you’re two races, you generally say you’re biracial, which is what he SHOULD be, according to the story. What races other than black and white is he? He very strangely says that he thought about writing the book 10 years ago (1999, if this interview was about his first book, which I think it was. Who was he then and why would he write such a book then?), and “that at that time there were things that were not true that did not seem to come together.” What is he talking about? What exactly wasn’t true in 1999? What didn’t come together? When he’s talking about things OTHER THAN the back story, he looks right into the camera and is very sincere. When he’s talking about the back story, he looks up and to his left and seems very careful in his responses, pausing often. Why? Is he thinking too hard about trying NOT to contradict what Barry has said or is he having trouble remembering what the story Barry tells is? (I would!)

              Do we want to go there? The ear lobes. Isn’t detached or attached a genetically determined trait? BHO Sr.’s are very much attached. Barry and Mark both have those swinging, loose lobes. You can see how similar their ears are to each other’s in this video. They truly do seem almost like twins. He is so much more likeable and believable than his brother. He seems to try very hard, within the boundaries he has to respect, to be honest. I believe his mother was beaten by his father. I believe that he experienced that pain of not being able to protect her. If not, he’s one of the best actors in the world. That said, who was his mother? I cannot see the woman we know as Ruth taking that abuse.

          • The Larry King interview was very painful to watch and listen to. The guy could hardly string a thought or a sentence together. I just don’t know.

            The orphan thing is starting to really rent space in my head.

            • Me, too. Did they have the Kenyan version of DFS back then? That part about “as babies, literally, we were ripped apart,” seemed like a Freudian slip.

          • Yeah, that Larry King interview is priceless. I watched it when it first came out…over and over. One should really study it. Miri you said something acutally without realizing it that is telling. He looks to the left….well people who study others for a living…during interrogations, use methods of watching that persons eyes and which direction they look tells them whether you are getting information from the part of the brain tha for memory or whether you look more to the left…so as to use the right brain for creating something not from memory but from creativity…the right side of the brain.(I can’t see what I’m writing so I’m going to stop)

            ……… Anyway…One should read Mark’s first book reviews. Some people couldn’t finish the book. Said he jumped in around so. Now think about it…he’s written one book on his life..but it became a fictional novel, yet he included his horrible childhood, one that he seems to be able to still cry about (I don’t believe it either)…….and now he is supposedly writing his actual autobiography…500 pages of more of the same..and about Obama too, how can you write that much and even include Obama, yet Obama was barely a part of his life, why would you bother to write 500 more pages about yourself and your few years of child abuse, which most kids would have surpassed by now. Who gives a flyin flip???? He has and has had another agenda, it’s pretty apparent.

          • I remember learning long ago that artists, poets musicians, etc. were left hemisphere dominant. Its the creative side of the brain. I think that’s why looking to the left is an attribute of “coming up with something”.

          • Gosh, I’m looking where to reply….Yes Miri, I don’t remember how it is to detect lying, but I ‘ll read that….
            Another thing I thought he may be doing, was reading some posted notes that are to one side of him. Notice how he stops , backtracks…pauses , then can barely get out what he want’s to say….so many notes and points he wants to get in that he scrambling it all . He could be looking over there for help . One things is for sure…this video was the first one I ever saw of him and it reassured me that this guy is another charlatan…sure he is very talented, gifted maybe, or trained heavily for some devious purposes. ….but he’s here first trying to establish himself and he’s not as smooth as the other usurper. Notice again in his comments how he seems to be trying to vie for importance in relation to obama. He’s using obama, yet at the same he’s using people humilities to gain their trust and adoration. So now we get more interviews with the likes of conservative dufuses who give him a pass and undeserved respect…I say that because he’s idealizing and idolizing China…he’s ambiguous to say the least and no one has ever questioned his motives. Seems all it takes these days is media props and a few Ghandi quotations and one can become a deity in no time…such superficial personifications are dangerous.

            • I imagine that when you answer the same question over and over again, you end up with a script that you follow, basically saying the same thing every time. That’s not my problem with his responses. It’s that he has this script and he won’t deviate from it. If he does, he backtracks and corrects himself, like a little kid reciting a poem who screws up one line and has to go back and say it “correctly”. That’s not speaking from the heart, speaking from memory. If you experienced something and remember it, it’s easy as pie to recount it over and over again. But when you’re spouting someone else’s story, someone else’s script, and you’re not allowed to ad lib, that’s when it causes my antennae to start twitching.

      • https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/ot/comment-page-2/#comment-70470 We talked about it there. Also here: https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2011/12/16/obama-mystery-theater-basketball-star/comment-page-1/#comment-70430 But you probably will have to look around for it. Search on “kariokor”. Same for this link, search for kariokor, because it won’t position correctly at this comment: https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2010/11/16/the-obama-family-saga-continues/comment-page-5/#comment-44452

      • “However, by then Obama had not quite established himself in US politics so such visits did not attract outside attention. She says Obama visited his cousins in Kariokor Flats more than a dozen times between 1986 to early 1990.” MORE than a DOZEN times in four years????? Butt, butt, butt, I thouht he only went to Africa a couple of times?

        • maybe that wasn’t o. but was david or his twin.

          • Possible, but maybe Barry IS the twin. The story goes on to explain that Barry was meeting with anybody who might be related to him, as if in a quest for his “roots”. But, of course, he wasn’t biologically related to those people, was he? Not supposed to be, anyway. The implication is that he was gathering information for his books. Or maybe it was preparation for his run for political office after community organizing for a while in Chicago.

  3. Why do you think Mark changed from saying that the two of them are multi-racial to “mixed race”? Isn’t it odd that Mark includes China in the three cultures he needs to assimilate? White, African, Chinese. Filipinos have Chinese ancestry, don’t they? Some of them, anyway.

    • This interested me so went on a web-along. Most people use the terms interchangeably however their appears to be a distinction which is:

      Multiracial are those who have mixed ancestry of “two or more races”. The term may also include those of mixed-race ancestry who identify with just one group culturally and socially.

      Multiracial, a broader term merely stating one has two or more races.
      Mixed-race, two or more races but identify culturally with only one group/race culturally and socially.

      And “the brother” made a clarification. Barry is ‘mixed race’ as he is two or more races but identifies culturally and socially with only one? (at least what he presents to America.)

  4. Pardon me, but does his ring look like Barry’s? Is that a bracelet on his wrist or a tattoo?


  5. He is rather hairy, alfy:


    So does Barry pluck?

  6. Very interesting Miri. Thank you. 🙂

  7. Per request, from the cover of the Ndesandjo book:

    The top photo looks distorted, enlongated. It came from a screen shot of someone holding the book upright. It was very tiny. I couldn’t find a larger image. The bottom pic came from a screenshot of the book, which was on a table, at an angle. Although it’s catty-cornered, it looks like a more accurate image. In the top photo, their faces are distorted, as if there’s a crease in the book cover.

  8. Is this why they’re grooming Biden and sending him everywhere? Hillary not as recovered from her brain episode as they’d like us to think? http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/28/rumors-persist-that-hillary-wont-run-because-health-is-worse-than-disclosed/

    • I’m thinking its a dissssstraction. I think they truly want to run Pocahontaliar Warren.

      • That would make sense. Butt, will they pull the same BS they did with Barry to keep anyone from pointing out what a FRAUD she is?

        • I don’t know. She already got away with it once.

          And I don’t see any movement from the American people denouncing Reid for calling us Liars on the floor of the Senate. And, Nancy Pelosi makes stuff as she goes along. Complacency on our part and Complicity on the part of the media. If they want her bad enough, we’ll be whackobird sexist loons. (Is that redundant?)

          • iirc, the Cherokee people were not amused, but they can probably be bought off. Found a few interesting sites. It appears that the EEOC itself discriminates and determines degrees of Indian-ness. You can be full-blooded “native American” and yet not be considered a native American unless you have “tribal affiliation or community recognition” (whatever that is). So if your ancestors assimilated, as people once aspired to do, or for some reason managed to avoid “The Rez” or married outside their “race”, then they don’t get ANY special treatment from the gummint. I’d think, by the same token, that should have disqualified Barry for affirmative action. http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/10/elizabeth-warren-dare-not-show-the-box-she-checked/ Whatever happened, though, to the idea that ethnic or racial category is “self-identified”? https://www.boundless.com/sociology/race-and-ethnicity/race/legal-definition-of-race/ This site covers the whole history of “Pocahontaliar” (aka Fauxcahontas). http://elizabethwarrenwiki.org/elizabeth-warren-native-american-cherokee-controversy/ There’s some amusing stuff in there. For example, she INVENTED tales about how her parents’ marriage was opposed by the non-Indian side because they were so prejudiced against the Indian side (that wasn’t Indian). Sound familiar? Like the story that Barry’s grandmother (or was it great-grandmother) was so ashamed of being Indian (not, because she wasn’t). Like the story that Madelyn feared black men at the bus stop. Like the story that his African family didn’t want his “father” to marry a white woman. Didn’t he also falsely accuse his white girlfriend of being racist, after they left some movie?

            What is it about the DemoncRATS that they have to make up these myths? We have Bill Clinton “remembering” church burnings that didn’t happen. Hillary being named after the climber of Mount Everest 4 years before he did it (maybe Mom was clairvoyant).

            This is out of left field, but another trait is that they get awards just for BEING whatever the hell they think they are. Barry gets a Nobel prize before he does ANYTHING. Ronan Farrow (did you hear?) gets a Walter Cronkite award for journalism after THREE DAYS on the job! It’s insane. Even Madcow and Cooper have been working and AT LEAST getting experience in journalism longer than that. What do they think, I wonder, about Ronan’s prize?

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            Oh yeah. First, we were racist, Now, we’ll be sexist. Today Drudge is “predicting” Hillary vs. Jeb. Duh! After the Bush “brand” was destroyed by the media during G.W.’s tenure, and he was made into a laughingstock the winner will be……Hillary by a landslide. God help us all.

            You’ve got to wonder how meticulously all of this was planned and ask yourselves was G.W. complicit…you know sacrifice his reputation for “the greater good” Fall on his sword, so to speak. i NEVER would have believed such a thing until fairly recently. Now, nothing shocks me.

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            It’s almost dynastic, Miri. May as well never have had the Revolutionary War in the first place. Actually, I take that back. It was fantastic while it lasted.

            • What is it about the people who think it’s wonderful to have those dynasties? WHAT have those people shown us that in any way indicates that they SHOULD BE subjects of admiration and adulation? I was going to say that they put their pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us, but then I remembered the spectacle of Uncle Teddy walking around in his undershorts, in that video they showed during his nephew’s trial for RAPE. So some of THEM don’t even put on their pants. And others throw them off at a moment’s notice. Nothing admirable there. Let’s not forget Mary Jo. RIP. JFK cavorting with starlets at OUR WH? That’s admirable? Jackie O marrying Mr. O for love? Skakel? We won’t go there, he’s only an in-law, huh? That’s just the one family. Then there’s Bill, with his own less than admirable history. At least the Romneys seem respectable. I like GWB but I don’t want to see any more of his relatives in the WH.

  9. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/google-warns-muslims-ruling-will-684425

    Whatever works to stymie free speech and stifle the Web, especially if the “excuse” favors Muslims.

    “Google is really freaking out about Wednesday’s ruling determining that Innocence of Muslims actress Cindy Lee Garcia could assert a copyright interest in her performance in the film and that as a result, the controversial anti-Islamic film had to be wiped from YouTube.

    The web giant has filed a new emergency motion to stay the disposition pending a rehearing before a larger panel at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. In doing so, Google has some bold First Amendment warnings about the implications for allowing an actress with five seconds of screen time to enjoin its distribution of Innocence of Muslims:

    “The panel has adopted a novel interpretation of copyright law that will invite uncertainty and chaos for the entertainment industry, documentary filmmakers, amateur content creators, and for online hosting services like YouTube, allowing bit players in movies, videos, and other media to control how and when creative works are publicly displayed.”

    How so? Google continues:

    “Under the majority’s analysis — absent contractual shifting — movie extras could register copyrights in their reaction shots, facial expressions, and mimed chatter. Background singers on a record could register their ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs.’ The list goes on.”

    Could the ruling be the end of YouTube? Google says:

    “Most of the millions of amateur filmmakers who upload their videos and other creative works to YouTube presumably do not have written agreements with those who appear in their videos. That means anyone who appears in those videos — even for five seconds — will now have independent authority to contact YouTube and demand their removal.” …”

  10. Well, what a surprise! The Ambien excuse worked. For another KENNEDY: http://nypost.com/2014/02/28/kerry-kennedy-not-guilty-of-drugged-driving/

    “Kerry Kennedy gave herself a hearty round of applause as jurors Friday found her not guilty of drugged driving.

    Kennedy, daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy, began clapping minutes after Supreme Court Justice Robert Neary dismissed the six-person panel from his Westchester County courtroom around 10:15 am.

    Her lawyers, mom Ethel Kennedy and a squad of Kennedy cheerleaders joined in the ovation.

    “I’m happy that justice was done,” Kennedy said before leaving the courtroom.

    Asked if she was angry at prosecutors for trying the case, Kennedy rested her hand on a reporter’s forearm, leaned in conspiratorially and said, “I have to tell you the truth. Anger is the last feeling I have right now. Right now I’m full of gratitude.”

    The verdict came after just 30 minutes of deliberation Friday morning. The panel also deliberated about 45 minutes Thursday.

    Kennedy, 54, had faced up to a year in jail if convicted on the misdemeanor. …”

    At 54, she ought to know better, but then, again, she’s a Kennedy. This part is priceless:

    She said, “We need to take a hard look at our criminal justice system in the United States to ensure it really is just and that everyone in our country has true access to justice.”

    The story says that both sides agreed that she accidentally took Ambien instead of thyroid medicine. Huh. That in itself is interesting. Upon what basis would the prosecution KNOW that she accidentally took it? Anyway, they argued that having used it for a decade, she’d be in a position to know its effects and should have stopped driving.

  11. http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2014/02/27/the-carvalho-connections-president-obamas-my-brothers-keeper-and-agenda-attendees-how-big-was-the-coalition-against-george-zimmerman-intent-to-keep-the-real-trayvon-martin-outline-hidden/

    Did y’all see Barry talking about himself on NBC, when he signed into effect this “My Brother’s Keeper” agenda? Is our government now OFFICIALLY using taxpayer money to DISCRIMINATE by race? Does Barry not only care nothing about his own actual brothers in Kenya, but also, as president, does he care not one iota about young men who aren’t “of color,” in his warped terminology?

    MY Brother’s Keeper. MY brother. If you’re not a “person of color” like he says he is, then he doesn’t care about YOUR brother. In fact, YOUR brother is no brother of his.

    He bloviated the usual BS about how he astounded the young men in attendance because he’s so like them. He, too, he said, grew up without a father in the house. (What was Lolo? What was Stanley Armour? And then he admitted that he had that “mentor” FMD.)

    He also INSULTED the young men by saying that he, too, made bad choices and used drugs. They laughed, but I would have said, “Speak for yourself, bro.”

    The underlying story about this RACIST, DIVISIVE initiative:

    “Long before he arrived at the White House, Barack Obama was the son of a single mother, [LIE!!!!] challenged and tempted by the same societal ills [There’s that blame society for unequal outcomes and poor choices meme. It’s RACISM! The white devil MADE ME do it.] that disproportionately keep African Americans impoverished and behind bars. Now the nation’s first black president is unveiling a new initiative aimed at breaking down those obstacles, and pledging to continue the fight long after his presidency ends.

    Joined at the White House by young men of color, Obama on Thursday was calling on America’s businesses, philanthropists and government leaders to join forces to put more boys on a path toward successful lives. Foundations were to announce pledges to spend at least $200 million over five years to promote that goal as Obama launches his “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative.

    Those organizations, which include prominent groups like the Ford Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will seek to coordinate their investments to create and bolster programs that keep youths in school and out of the criminal justice system, while improving their access to higher education. The White House said it expects money for those programs to grow “exponentially” as major businesses start to pitch in.

    Obama will also sign a presidential memorandum creating a government-wide task force to evaluate the effectiveness of various approaches, so that federal and local governments, community groups and businesses will have best practices to follow in the future. An online “What Works” portal will provide public access to data about programs that improve outcomes for young minority men. [OH, WAIT! SEE, YOUNG LADIES OF COLOR; HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU, EITHER! SEXIST, TOO. But he’s a uniter. No doubt about it!]

    Drawing on the power of example, Obama will single out one of his own staffers to show that humble beginnings need not dictate a hopeless adulthood, [well, the example Brian Williams showed was Barry talking about, well, BARRY.] according to White House officials, who demanded anonymity to disclose details about the speech ahead of Obama’s remarks. …”

    Oh, I see. Minimal taxpayer monies involved. Just to have a “task force” and a web portal. And who will be on the task force? Trayvon’s parents? (I’m not joking. Read the Treehouse story.)

    Riddle me this: Are tax-exempt foundations subject to Civil Rights laws? Or are they allowed to DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE AND SEX?

    Imagine a president making an initiative to “improve outcomes for young [white] men.”

    • He says he enforces all laws. I wonder if he arrests illegal aliens? btw, Congress shall make no ex post facto law.

      “The states are prohibited from passing ex post facto laws by clause 1 of Article I, Section 10. This is one of the relatively few restrictions that the United States Constitution made to both the power of the federal and state governments before the Fourteenth Amendment.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex_post_facto_law#United_States

      He tells her it sounds like she’s “anti-American”! He says, “I’m the master, ma’am.” It’s out of control, people. This is Vance, of Sandy Hook fame.

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        I’m a bit weary so I don;t know if this has been mentioned.

        Speaking of Connecticut….

        Shades of Terry Schiavo. Is this America? (rhetorical question_


        • Glenn Beck has been following this on his radio show. He had the father on several times. The last I heard was speculation that big money is involved. How? Because they wanted custody of this girl so that they could do research on her. According to their laws, a ward of the state can be subjected to experimental procedures. Her condition is extremely rare and so they need subjects, but not all will agree to be guinea pigs. They wouldn’t even let the father see his daughter. iirc, they got restraining orders or else threatened to have him arrested. He has to go to court to fight a gag order, I think. Now they’re trying to take the parental rights as if they’re unfit parents for trying to make decisions for their own child. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/28/mass-department-of-children-families-releases-statement-on-pelletier-case/

          • http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/20/what-we-found-in-a-boston-childrens-hospital-policy-manual-about-research-on-wards-of-the-state/

            ““Children who are Wards of the state may be included in research that presents minimal risk…or greater than minimal risk with a prospect of direct benefit.”

            That’s a line from Boston Children’s Hospital’s “Clinical Investigations Policy and Procedure Manual. It’s the same facility that took over the care of 15-year-old Justina Pelletier against her parents’ wishes last year and they continue to wonder why. …

            Dr. Richard Boles, a pediatrician in the Los Angeles area and the medical director of Courtagen Life Sciences, a biotechnology and DNA sequencing company specializing in metabolic disorders, told TheBlaze it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for Boston Children’s Hospital to conduct medical research.

            “They’re a research facility,” he said.

            Boles told TheBlaze that any research involves ethics committees and is “up front.” He said the system is so procedural now that if he wanted to survey his own patients for something as simple asking where they bought their vitamins, so he could advise his other patients accordingly, he would have to go through a whole protocol and a wealth of paperwork.

            BCH’s clinical investigation policy echoes language in regulations set by the federal Department of Health and Human Services. According to HHS, for children to be involved in research, parental or guardian permission must be given. A “guardian,” is defined as the “individual who is authorized under applicable State or local law to consent on behalf of a child to general medical care,” which, in the case of Justina Pelletier, would be DCF.

            Other institutions, like Johns Hopkins Medicine and Duke University Health System to name a couple, have similar guidelines for research involving children, including those who are under care of the state.”

          • Wow, I thought that from the morning I heard father in the interview…like eminent domain but only A Person… it just doesn’t make sense. She was diagnosed – where is the malpractice lawsuit? I think the Dad even said her sister has it.

            It does not make sense. She’s their specimen for all intents and purposes. And what’s up with judge going along with this????

        • Rosemary Woodhouse

          This story has me questioning more than ever……what happened to our America? How did WE (yes, we) allow this to happen on our watch?! Astounding. Shocking. Sickening.

          • And TRILLIONS of OUR hours….going in CIRCLES….. as they
            wine & dine…on OUR DIME $ …Laughing….all the way home!
            REVENGE is a sweeter wine….in time PERIOD.

            TODAY I believe ZERO of any & all STORIES….. About the dude
            in our W H….. or his made up families… JOKES on ME I guess.

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            I agree, Zenway. How many hours of our lives collectively spent on this shi….all the while supporting parasites and illegals. Sick. Of. It. (not all of you. It’s a pleasure to “know” all of you. After all, we’ve spent a lot of time together, albeit virtually)

    • http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/02/insane-federal-court-rules-high-school-can-ban-incendiary-us-flag-shirts/

      The video is old, but relates to this story:

      “A federal court ruled Thursday that a northern California high school did not violate the constitutional rights of its students when school officials made them turn their American flag T-shirts inside out on Cinco de Mayo or be sent home due to fears of racial violence.

      The three-judge panel unanimously decided the officials’ need to protect the safety of their students outweighed the students’ freedom of expression rights.

      Administrators at Live Oak High School, in the San Jose suburb of Morgan Hill, feared the American-flag shirts would enflame Latino students celebrating the Mexican holiday, and ordered the students to either turn the shirts inside out or go home for the day.

      The school had a history of problems between white and Latino students on that day, and also had a documented history of violence between gang members and between racial groups. The court said these past problems gave school officials sufficient and justifiable reasons for their actions and that schools have wide latitude in curbing certain civil rights to ensure campus safety.

      “Our role is not to second-guess the decision to have a Cinco de Mayo celebration or the precautions put in place to avoid violence,” Judge M. Margaret McKeown wrote for the panel. The past events “made it reasonable for school officials to proceed as though the threat of a potentially violent disturbance was real,” she wrote.”

  12. Just NOW saw your post.

    Gordo’s PC Hints!

  13. drkatesview…. TROUBLE 4 BIRTHER OBAMA …Now Ms FUDDY’s
    FAMILY…. may just need 2 SEE THIS “VIDEO” … Poor Delaina

    Trouble for Birther Obama

  14. Tiger 7
    February 27, 2014 at 6:59 am
    What do I see in this series of pictures?—I see an unknown diver complete with air tanks and an unexplained time discrepancy in the reporting of events.
    Just one more murder and fraud to add to the long list….. WOW!!!

  15. http://butterdezillion.wordpress.com/ DOES…..NELLIE NAIL IT???

    My EYES SEE what is going DOWN….. sure ain’t no SEAL… WTF!

  16. Is this….TRUE? The MARCH wind-fall has been moved to APRIL ?
    Mike Volin was quoted in a comment? we will wait & wait & wait …
    BUTT’ new FLASH… from above will hold me over …. RIP LF…

    • notice it says profile my Thomas Crampton……I made a mistake today. I reported that a Thompson guy kept promoting Ndesandjo……but it’s that guy I knew it was Thom and then the cramp part, but I said Thomptson. My bad. sorry for that. But anyway that’s guy as you see here is always his biggest fan/promoter….he’s the journalist/media dude in CHina (he looks and sounds to be English) that way back was also a big proponent of Immigration/citizenship/passport expertise. You could blog him for advice.

  17. Some More Images

    More to digest…. what a very sad mess WTPOTUS….. R IN!!!!!!

    • One of the “costs” that was mentioned in my local paper today was that Barry won’t go to a summit in Russia. In his mind, that’s the worst “cost” ever–to be denied his wonderful presence.

      • Maybe he’s afraid they’re going to rat him out and he doesn’t want it to happen to his face.

        Tell Vladmir, I’ll have more flexibility after the election.

  18. February 28, 2014

    Sharon Rondeau (“The Post & Email”):

    “Carl Gallups: “Major Media” Readying to Report on Criminal Investigation of Obama Regime”

    “On “Freedom Friday” this evening, host Carl Gallups revealed that “major media” are now participating in the criminal investigation launched by Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio as an adjunct to the probe launched by the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse into the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website nearly three years ago.

    In 2007 and 2008, the media either refused or failed to investigate Obama’s background and life story. Anyone attempting to mention on air Obama’s lack of documentation and later, the declared forgeries, was precluded from doing so. CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC News, and CBS News have all run notably positive coverage of the Obama regime and ridiculed anyone questioning Obama’s eligibility or integrity.

    Now, of “major media,” Gallups said, “They’re coming to Arpaio and Zullo” and “making their promises” to report to the public Zullo and Arpaio’s discoveries.

    Gallups and others have affirmed that the information Zullo is preparing to release is supported by “hard-copy documentation” and is “universe-shattering.” According to Gallups, the information is tentatively scheduled for release in “late March,” although he said it could be later if developments and coordination with major media necessitates a delay.

    Gallups said he is privy to the information which will be made public in the near future.”


    Published on February 28, 2014

    • Victor · 5 hours ago
      The problem is the liberal media has been paid off and threatened
      and is not reporting it and is now covering up the fact that Obama is
      no longer in office.
      It is now up to us to spread the word to anyone who will listen !!!

      Could this B TRUE>> we PONDER on>> Please Pray 4 us all

    • Listened to that at Dr. Kate’s this morning. One of her commenters posted it. He did also say, in that video or the other that featured Dr. Grace on Freedom Friday, that the criminal activity goes into the WH AND that the stuff Zullo talked about, with regard to DARPA-connected people also being involved in disrupting chat rooms and blogs is only the tip of the iceberg. That’s NOT the “earth shattering” information. I heard him say that more and more stuff is pouring in and Zullo wants to be as inclusive as possible, to have a slam dunk case, which might be why there’s a delay. But none has been announced. It’s supposed to be late March. I would say that it is possible that obots are sending bogus stuff to the CCP in order to DELAY and DISTRACT them. I wish they’d go with what they have. This could be a never-ending process, if they delay to investigate further anything else that they find. It’s not as if there’s not YEARS WORTH of corruption and lies to track down.

      • I’m sure its very difficult for them to communicate also: bugged premises, phone taps, spying on emails, mail being photographed front and back, infiltrators, being tailed…

    • I have decided I do NOT believe any of this. If people know, we would know. People do not keep quiet. If major media are saying that it is as spies and blind hitmen for The Reg gime. If they are saying that they are saying that as loyalists to the King and more people will show up dead. And the truth will never get out. There is no reason for all this crap supposedly coming out of Sherrif Joe’s office and/or investigation. They have nothing. Otherwise some on the cold posse case (always hated that joke-sounding term possee) would have had heart attacks by now. The Watchers ain’t gonna let nothing get out. Ha, I sound like one heck of a troll, huh?

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        No, WAH. You don’t sound like a troll at all. You sound like a truth teller, IMO.

      • You’re most likely correct, WAH, from our experience. The only alternative is that the “major media” are people like WND or the Blaze or maybe Breitbart, although the last two have NEVER believed in “birther” stuff. I was thinking the same this morning. Gallups claims to know, doesn’t he? And yet he sounds not at all afraid, despite Fuddy and Breitbart.

        • I was wondering who the major media are, too. I was thinking Limbaugh, actually. The ones you mentioned are internet so that escaped me. I guess I was narrow-minded in that respect. I discounted WND since they have their own birther schtick going on, Corsi, et al. Now you have me going hmmmm. oh no. I want to believe.

          • Well, that’s a possibility. Limbaugh. He suddenly did start hinting at things, like needling Barry about his birth, didn’t he? I WANT to believe, too. Maybe they think that they’ve disseminated it in enough places (like Snowden) that they’re untouchable. If they were smart, they’d send it to him, too. 🙂

      • I don’t know what I believe about Joe’s crowd (let’s call em Joe’s crowd) Hoot. That is a very , very old term way back in the days of King’s and nights and sheriff’s. But I do believe I understand how you feel, so no trolls here. Baby shake ya tail feathers!!
        Miri, I now realize you did scalp the link, so thanks, I didn’t realize it. I just wrote you another comment and it dissappeared before I could finish writing it. What’s up with that. I was explaining legal mumbo jumbo, and then ask you to just take everything out once we’ve sufficiently read about it. I say knowing this and sitting on it is good weaponry. So please just remove any thing we say on the matter after tonight…or sooner is fine with me. I had a good answer to your comment , but some other time. I am writing this where I can’t see what i write again.

  19. Snowden Bombshell: Seems he downloaded entire roster of U.S. government – all names, home addresses and other personal info of **all** officials and gov’t employees — including law enforcement — plus bankers, corporate boards of directors and more!

    I find this amusing for reasons that I can’t put my finger on; maybe it’s the chickens coming home to roost aspect of it:

    “Edward Snowden, the former contractor at the National Security Agency took with him multiple “Doomsday” packages of information when he departed the country and began revealing how intensely the US Government is spying on its own citizens. He has the personal home info for all Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, Judges, Bankers, Corporate Boards of Directors and more!

    Snowden has made it clear that if he is arrested, if he vanishes, or if he “dies” from any cause whatsoever, ALL of the information in his possession will be published publicly.

    TRN has confirmed that, working through Julian Assange and his “WikiLeaks” organization, copies of the encrypted data have already been distributed to more than one-thousand, two hundred (1200) web sites around the world. Those sites have agreed to conceal the information until such time as contact with Snowden is “lost.” Once contact is lost, the sites have been told they will receive the Decryption keys via CD ROM, E-mail and P2P / Bit-Torrent file transfer. Once the decryption keys are sent, the sites have been instructed to wait a specific amount of time to confirm Snowden’s disappearance, arrest or death and upon expiration of that time period, to publish the decrypted materials. [as if!]

    Making the situation all the more dire for the government is that Snowden has made clear he will release some of the information under certain “other” circumstances. For instance, if Martial Law is declared in the US or if any elections are canceled for any reason, all the government employee info goes out. If an economic collapse takes place, all the Banker/Stock Broker/Commodities Trader information goes out. If Corporations start hyper-inflating prices, all the information about them, their officers and Board of Directors will go out. …”

    They know ALL about us. They spy on us. They steal (now) even still shots from private Yahoo! shared webcam videos. They record our conversations. They collect and read our email. And they’re WORRIED that Snowden knows THEIR names, addresses and phone numbers? Data that USED TO BE PUBLIC INFORMATION and, in the case of PUBLIC EMPLOYEES who are paid by We the People, SHOULD be public knowledge?

  20. badger • an hour ago
    How to destroy a country and take it over by a Dictator. 1. Attack the morals of the citizens. 2. Spend and waist tax dollars so that ones country can go bankrupt. 3. Corrupt and brainwash our children in schools by liberal teachers and professors 4. legalizing illegal mind altering drugs. 5. Confiscating guns so as to not be able to protect ones self. 6. Destroying a countries Constitution. 7. Making political appointment to high positions that will block any attempt by Patriotic Citizens to fight Government corruption. 8. Weekending a countries military by getting rid of high ranking officers and reducing manpower and equipment.
    Does this sound familiar ?

  21. O’…. JUST LOOK how far we’ve gone DOWN… check her comments.
    What a frigg’in JOKE…. ALL these people are so FULL of their own CRAP….. FULL BRIM OVER-FLOWING…. SICK-O’s…. NUT’S!
    Jarrett chirps…. & O’Reilly chirps BACK… at ya!


  22. wnd.com/files/pdf/Obama_E…


  23. wnd.com/files/pdf/Obama_Eligiblity_Primer_FORWARD6.pdf

  24. Now SOME will get subsidies when they buy insurance outside the Obamacare websites. Retroactively. Illegally. Where’s OUR subsidy? We, who EARNED the money for the insurance we’ve been buying all along? http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/02/28/Obama-Admin-Announces-Retroactive-Obamacare-Subsidies

    He can and will do WHATEVER HE CAN GET AWAY WITH for as long as they LET HIM get away with it and raise not a finger to STOP HIM. IMPEACH HIM NOW.

  25. Shrimp-ton… Ann is NOT OBAMA’s MOTHER..(& getting denied RED)


  26. Gone and never to be forgotten.

    Carry on, WTPOTUS. Godspeed!

  27. Here’s … the ONE… again… on his…”high-horse”…of sorts


  28. The Porcelain Throne

  29. He & Biden….must B TWINS ~ Check out the finger signing ~ must
    B Indian sign LANGUAGE…. 4 he never really says a THING….hard
    2 watch this CHILD….. play with OUR HEADS!!! SET UP can laughs

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