Tag Archives: transgender

Dear AB: It’s about Womanface. Got It?

To women, THIS:

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Call Me By My Dead Name?

I’m not the first, and I surely won’t be the last, to ask:

After lecturing us incessantly over pronouns and transgender names, why were the media in lockstep dead naming and misgendering (by persistent use of she/her pronouns) Nashville school shooter Aiden Hale?

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Not Unique but Quite Curious

Robert E. Crimo III, 21 years old, has been arrested as a “person of interest” in the mass shooting yesterday in Highland Park, IL.

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Progressive Illogic

Items in the news recently accentuate the lack of logic that’s typical of progressive “thought.” For example, progressives deny the scientific, biological reality of two human sexes, male and female, as determined unequivocally by DNA.

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Offensive Appropriation

Been thinking lately about Halloween, self-identification, and cultural appropriation. Along with Megyn Kelly, I’ve been trying to understand “cultural appropriation” and, more specifically, “identity appropriation” as “explained” to us by progressives who apparently now believe that some people (but only some) should be able to choose their age, race, sex, “gender”, and even species, forcing the rest of us to acknowledge their new reality.

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Thoughts in the New Year


I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping for a lot of change in the “popular culture” over the next few years. Hoping, but not convinced that it will happen–the phonies and hypocrites among us are too fond of their special snowflake identities.

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Unsafe Spaces

unsafespace - CopyOver the past weekend, I had my first experience using a public restroom since Target announced that men who believe they’re women are welcome to use the “ladies’ room” in their stores.

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