Kareem Rises to the Top

Cultural_Ambassador_Kareem_Abdul-Jabbar_Engages_Youth_(6760550663) - Copy

Who knew that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is so much more than a great athlete? He’s also a deep-thinking philosopher, a great writer, and an all around gutsy guy when it comes to speaking his mind fearlessly–the latter becoming increasingly rare in the age of political correctness, not to mention Obama’s NSA.

Abdul-Jabbar weighed in on the circus surrounding L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling.  Let’s turn the floor over to Kareem.

In an article for TIME, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote: [emphasis added]

Moral outrage is exhausting. And dangerous. The whole country has gotten a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome from the newest popular sport of Extreme Finger Wagging. Not to mention the neck strain from Olympic tryouts for Morally Superior Head Shaking. …

Yes, I’m angry, too, but not just about the sins of Donald Sterling. I’ve got a list. But let’s start with Sterling. I used to work for him, back in 2000 when I coached for the Clippers for three months. He was congenial, even inviting me to his daughter’s wedding. Nothing happened or was said to indicate he suffered from IPMS (Irritable Plantation Master Syndrome). [Abdul-Jabbar goes on to document several previous accusations of alleged racism made against Sterling.]

And now the poor guy’s girlfriend (undoubtedly ex-girlfriend now) is on tape cajoling him into revealing his racism. Man, what a winding road she led him down to get all of that out. She was like a sexy nanny playing “pin the fried chicken on the Sambo.” She blindfolded him and spun him around until he was just blathering all sorts of incoherent racist sound bites that had the news media peeing themselves with glee.

They caught big game on a slow news day, so they put his head on a pike, dubbed him Lord of the Flies, and danced around him whooping. …

Shouldn’t we be equally angered by the fact that his private, intimate conversation was taped and then leaked to the media? Didn’t we just call to task the NSA for intruding into American citizen’s privacy in such an un-American way? … The making and release of this tape is so sleazy that just listening to it makes me feel like an accompliceto the crime. We didn’t steal the cake but we’re all gorging ourselves on it. …

So, if we’re all going to be outraged, let’s be outraged that we weren’t more outraged when his racism was first evident. Let’s be outraged that private conversations between people in an intimate relationship are recorded and publicly played. Let’s be outraged that whoever did the betraying will probably get a book deal, a sitcom, trade recipes with Hoda and Kathie Lee, and soon appear on Celebrity Apprentice and Dancing with the Stars.

The entire article is excellent and well argued. What reasonable person could take issue with anything Abdul-Jabbar wrote? He is, dare I say it?  Presidential in his common sense and equanimity.  Post-racial.

Thank you, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, for saying what many others would not be allowed to say, or would be very afraid to say, lest they, too, be accused of racism.

Unlike Abdul-Jabbar, our current president was amongst those who immediately began “whooping” around Sterling. For Obama, it wasn’t a “slow news day,” it was a “distract the media day.” From what?

Well, perhaps from the new revelations about the Benghazi scandal-that’s-not-going-away.  After all, the WH knows very well when FOIA requests are fulfilled, and so they know what’s coming down the pike in the way of news that might negatively affect “White House equities.

Abdul-Jabbar is probably and unfortunately 100% correct when he predicts a Kim-Kardashian-like future for Sterling’s ex-girlfriend cum “archivist” and future president.  (NOT making that up!)

I have a list, too, and a lot of questions about an apparent double standard:

Where was the moral outrage when Sterling dissed his wife by openly flaunting his “archivist” in public?  Was that okay with the NBA?  Isn’t that a rather public display of immoral not-so-private conduct that’s offensive, or don’t they care because “boys will be boys?”

Will athletes in the NBA, as well as in other sports, be held to the same standard? Zero tolerance? 

At the first whiff of immorality or intolerance for “diversity”, will they be banned for life and made to pay millions in fines?  Will the same swift “justice” be meted out to them?

Will athletes (not just owners) and even sports reporters be similarly and swiftly disciplined whenever they (if only allegedly) insult, assault, or rape women, or when they spew misogynistic or racist comments, or when they, like Obama, make fun of the disabled?

It seems to an objective observer that “some animals are more equal than others,” in the Animal Farm that is national sports.

This is America?  As Abdul-Jabbar suggests, it seems quite un-American.  Where and when will it end?  Today Donald Sterling.  Tomorrow? Who will be immune from this “gotcha” Crusade?


97 responses to “Kareem Rises to the Top

  1. http://www.humanevents.com/2014/04/30/sharyl-attkisson-on-the-new-benghazi-email-revelations/

    That’s what Barry hoped to distract the media away from. Bread and circuses!

    “On Wednesday morning, Glenn Beck interviewed former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson – one of the few mainstream media reporters to do actual, skeptical reporting on the Benghazi affair, and other Obama Administration scandals, which is a big reason why she’s a “former CBS News reporter” – about the White House spin-control emails uncovered by Judicial Watch.

    Beck mentioned the fraternal relationship between White House communications adviser Ben Rhodes and his brother, CBS News honcho David Rhodes, who was not entirely supportive of Attkisson’s reporting on Benghazi. She said she was glad to see “a little more light” shed on this relationship, and confirmed CBS News decided not to make the sort of Freedom of Information Act request that Judicial Watch used to pry the truth out of the Administration. (It should, however, be noted that CBS was the one and only mainstream media network to cover yesterday’s stunning Benghazi revelations, and while they gave the last word to White House spin doctors, they provided a fairly thorough report.)

    Attkisson lamented the incestuous relationship between Big Government and Big Media, where media figures slip easily through revolving doors to become Administration officials and vice versa – a “perfect storm” that leads to both deliberate, ideological media bias, and an almost unconscious tendency to ignore stories that don’t appeal to the tastes of the joint Administration/media culture.

    Beck brought up the weird hacking incident in which Attkisson’s computers were remotely activated and searched – an incident confirmed as a hacker attack by CBS News security experts, although the identity of the perpetrators remains officially unknown. Attkission said she remains “outraged” by the attack, and has long said she suspects she knows who was responsible, but deferred further questions to her lawyer. Beck and Attkisson discussed the growing atmosphere of intimidation against journalists who don’t toe the Administration/Big Media party line. …”

    Video at the link.

  2. Will Sharyl ever get her Pulitzer? She deserves it. She’s writing a book, btw.

    In her own words, about the email smoking gun.

  3. I was going to mention Kareem’s editorial the other day! yay! So happy I can comment again, too 🙂

    • I never did figure out why those went into spam.

      • ~ Religion & name ~ Kareen Abdul Jabbar
        Speaking about the thinking behind his change of name when he
        converted to Islam he stated that he was
        “latching on to something that was part of my heritage”,
        because many of the slaves who were brought here were Muslims.
        My family was brought to America by a French planter named Alcindor, who came here from Trinidad in the 18th century. My people were Yoruba, & their culture survived slavery… My father found out about that when I was a kid, & it gave me all I needed to know that, hey, I was somebody, even if nobody else knew about it. When I was a kid, no one would believe anything positive that you could say about black people. And that’s a terrible burden on black people, because they don’t have an accurate idea of their history, which has been either suppressed or distorted.

  4. May 1, 2014

    Bob Unruh:

    “Amazon now urged to blacklist ‘haters'”

    “For many years, the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled groups with values it doesn’t tolerate as “hate groups” – but now the organization is taking its attacks a step further, demanding Amazon and PayPal blacklist bloggers and websites that don’t fall in line with its leftist agenda.

    Headlined “Financing Hate” in the group’s Intelligence Report publication, the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, listed 91 “hate groups” ranging from those clearly on the fringe to mainstream bloggers and websites such as Catholic Family News, Atlas Shrugs, Jihad Watch, WND and the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC.

    The issue of “hate,” “hate crimes” and “hate speech” has moved back into the headlines now because of a proposal in Congress to evaluate online speech for “hate” and then take action based on that assessment.

    As WND reported, if two Democratic lawmakers have their way, Barack Obama’s Justice Department soon will submit a report for action against any Internet sites, broadcast, cable television or radio shows determined to be advocating or encouraging “violent acts.”

    April 30, 2014

    J.R. Dunn:

    “Donald Sterling, Defender of Freedom”

    “Which leads us to the third point: the fact that there is no longer a right to privacy where racism is concerned. Both Deen and Sterling had perfect expectations of privacy. These were violated without a second thought. No such expectation can now be held with regard to racism. As time passes this will be extended to sexism, heterosexism, and the entire politically-correct litany. Anybody who thinks this will not work its way down the ladder from billionaires and media empresses to John and Jane Doe has not yet encountered millennial political ideology in action. Thought control is coming in through the back door, by means of a totally unfettered media structure. Government agencies and departments will not be far behind.”


    • Uh, don’t Amazon and Paypal depend upon US to use their services and not the other way around? I think Amazon stands to lose more from a boycott by conservatives and people who believe in the Constitution than they do via threats from a RACIST, HATING group like the SPLC. I would like to see them DARE to try to blacklist groups on account of their political views. The SPLC already are themselves implicated in encouraging violence–via the guy who attacked the Family Research Council. So who’re the haters? This is a violation of the Constitutional rights of groups to engage in interstate commerce, free speech, free association, and probably many other laws. It’s got to stop.

    • Says who that Paula Deen is on a par, personality wise, with Sterling? “Both involve wealthy individuals, with large levels of public exposure, and rather unpleasant personalities, being attacked using means which, on their face, are completely illegitimate.”

      HUH? I think Paula has an engaging personality. What’s “rather unpleasant” about her? She wouldn’t have been as popular as she was if people found her personality “unpleasant.” In fact, Paula not only is a pleasant person but she’s also a self-made woman who pulled herself up by her bootstraps. Does this person know of what s/he speaks? What’s unpleasant is too many looking down their noses at Southerners.

      Let’s not forget those tiny drones being developed with your tax dollars by our government. https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/mosca-the-obama-drone/ How long before they send little insect-like drones into EVERYBODY’S home to police and record their words, to be used against them as “necessary” when YOU stand in the way of “progress”?

      Let’s not forget that they ALREADY read and store your email. They ALREADY tape and store your phone conversations. So the only bastion left is your home and your car. How long before they INVADE them, too? WAKE THE EFF UP, AMERICA.

      It’s not about any 80-year-old alleged racist. It’s about them getting their ugly camel noses under YOUR TENT, so they can CONTROL and DOMINATE YOU into “SUBMISSION”.

    • http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/04/30/nyregion/developer-scales-back-plans-for-muslim-center-near-ground-zero.html?_r=1&referrer=

      Jihad Watch will be attacked by SPLC for this one, too. Isn’t it special? A 3-story museum about Islam at Ground Zero.

    • This is the next step beyond a “memoir”. Did you know Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian, is writing one? CNN gives Emanuel a big public relations boost with that “reality” show about him. The reporter had the guts to ask if they’re going to report it as an “in kind” donation. You know the jerk plans to be crammed down our throats as president, unless the fake Indian beats him to it.

      Who believes that Mooch’s two prime time television appearances weren’t similarly scripted in the WH?

      • MaurEEn DoWd … U voted 4 … “a CHARMER” …(Snake that IS…)
        so NOW you speak some Truths??? BUTT’ the Snake is HISS-IN’


        • “… But you convey the sense that any difference on substance is lèse-majesté. You simply proclaim what you believe as though you know it to be absolutely true, hoping we recognize the truth of it, and, if we don’t, then we’ve disappointed you again. …”

          What’s disappointing to me is that these people took SO FREAKING LONG to recognize what we ordinary people, who aren’t “elites” like Dowd thinks she is, saw IMMEDIATELY. He acts that way because he BELIEVES that he’s majestic and our rightful RULER–he whom we must obey and not offend with our stupidity, in his opinion.

  5. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/05/boom-tommy-vietor-former-nsa-spokesman-admits-obama-never-made-it-to-situation-room-during-benghazi-attack-video/#disqus_thread

    If he wasn’t there, then how is it there’s a photo of him there? Oh, nevermind. I’m thinking of the OBL incident.

  6. May 2, 2014

    “Blockbuster: Huge Crime Committed; Senior Congressman Admits Obama ID Fraud Cover-Up”

    “Lord Monckton: I don’t know where Obama was born but I do know the Obama birth certificate document on the White House website is virtually certain to be a forgery. A huge crime has been committed against the American people and nobody will lift a finger to do anything about it. Talked with senior US Congressman and he admitted they all know Obama is not who he says he is but they are afraid to address it due to leftist ridicule. Speaker Boehner also blocking Obama ID fraud investigations…

    Michael Shrimpton: There is now a serious legal strategy on the table. Giving evidence in Chris Strunk’s case that will be heard this month at the NY Supreme Court. Plan to subpoena records for U.K. case. Obama’s bogus Connecticut social security number… Force Obama DNA test like Clinton… Obama is lawyering up…”


    Audio excerpt:

    • From >>> September 9, 2012

      “TEA Party Power Hour” – Mark Gillar

      “Sheriff Arpaio’s Commander Mike Zullo Blames John Boehner For Congressional Inaction On Obama!”

      Go to 18:22

    • From >>> October 12, 2011

      “Rep. Posey Spokesman: Media Ridicule Stopping Us From Addressing Obama’s Identity Fraud”

      [audio at link]


    • Block-busters: ^^ huge crime etc. (all comments are GREAT at BR)

      ★FALCON★ 138p · 8 hours ago
      As far as I know – not 1 member of the Boot-Licking Media Asked
      J J Carney …… WHY????? Obama Hired ……
      Defense Attorney “Neil Eggleston” “specializing in criminal defense
      & Impeachment” ….. The fact that everyone knows has sent a
      shockwave through Washington & the elite circles.

      Eggleston is NO Amateur – & must have had a meeting with ObamA &
      JarretT to discuss the probable charges, otherwise he would not have taken the job. NO Defense Attorney is going to walk INTO a court room &
      get Blind-Sided by a Prosecutor or House Impeachment Manager without knowing the scope of the charges LONG beforehand……

      The NSA exists in it’s present state to spy on Americans & anyone who might harm the kleptocracy. That means Zullo and Arapio. DARPA exists
      in it’s present state to spread disinformation & attempt to tamp down any dissension in the media or on the net. That means you & I & anyone brave enough to Fight these Immoral Dregs from a keyboard. In my opinion, ObamA & JarretT are well Aware of What’s Coming & that’s because
      they are the inner circle architects. …. O’ ….

      I suspect that the “Very Recent Hire of Eggleston is a Prelude” to the AvalanchE on it’s way. The White House should be a few weeks
      …. ahead of any allegations if they are Utilizing the State Apparatus
      with any semblance of coordination.

      • http://www.birtherreport.com/2014/05/blockbuster-huge-crime-committed-senior.html#IDComment825140531

        To get link for a comment at ORYR:

        Left-click on “— ago”, then copy link from address bar of your browser. (Doesn’t work when the comment is ‘active’.)

        • “… The half-billion dollars of arms to al-Qaeda rebels in Syria is part of Obama’s lifelong pattern of behavior. Conservatives now have an accurate understanding of who Obama really is, who his real friends are, how he was brought up and indoctrinated, and how he came to power through the Illinois Democrat Machine. It all adds up to an amazingly consistent picture of this administration. …

          Obama deliberately undermined Hosni Mubarak, and Bill Ayers was even reported to be agitating against Mubarak in collusion with the Hamas gang in Gaza. It was widely understood that after the fall of Mubarak, the best organized political movement in Egypt was… the Muslim Brotherhood. And yet, it was the MB’s who assassinated Anwar Sadat for making peace with Israel. …

          Hillary’s closest sidekick Huma Abedin comes from an MB family — everything comes down to family and tribe in the Arab world — and edited a Muslim Sisterhood magazine before her present role in the Hillary campaign. Huma was Hillary’s closest aide as Secretary of State, and therefore privy to numerous secrets. You can bet that Mohammed Morsi in Egypt knew all about the inner workings of Hillary’s State Department. Hillary was in charge during the Benghazi debacle. Just connect the dots. …

          And now we can plainly see that Obama has actually enabled the mullahs’ rush to nuclear weapons. The fact that Valerie Jarrett lived in Iran as a child and grew up in that kind of family is just another sign of radical Islamists penetration of this administration, at the very highest level. …

          Today, contrary to Obama’s election time lies about Benghazi, al-Qaeda is expanding explosively in Africa and the Middle East.

          Turkey itself is now in another uproar as major conflict is breaking out between the two big Islamist parties. Obama’s good friend Erdogan is looking shaky, having been exposed for a truly heroic scale of family corruption. …

          NATO bombing in collusion with Libya’s al-Qaeda gangs destabilized the relatively sane regime of Muammar Gaddafi, who had actually surrendered his nuclear arms program to the Bush Administration. …

          Obama has therefore actively enabled a nuclear arms race in the Gulf. The facts are clear. …

          The United States is now clearly colluding with the same murderous enemies who slit the throats of American and United airlines flight attendants with razor utility knives, following the Muslim ritual slaughter technique practiced on the ‘Eid holiday, which Obama likes so much. Obama was taught in a Muslim school in Jakarta, Indonesia, until age ten. He knows what the ‘Eid animal sacrifice means. After the Indonesian civil war between Muslims, the Communist Party, and the Army, there isn’t much Obama hasn’t known from childhood onward. He is a very hardened and ruthless manipulator. …’

  7. There are a lot of extreme diversions going on.
    These guys have an interesting take on what is being so desperately
    hidden and therefore the threat of false flags:
    X22 report, less conspiratorial than your average conspiracy theory.
    here the audio link

    Support OUR ~ “BRAVE”… GO SAVAGE!


  9. ~ BIRTHACIDE ~ A new DAY A new WORD from “my favorite cherry” !!


    • ~ Ned Baughman · Top Commenter
      How many of the black players in the league have racist opinions of white people. Put a microphone in each locker & it may blow your mind. Just go back & check what Black celebs were saying about Mitt Romney…Funny how racism is a one way street nowadays. O’ so right U R

      • We don’t even need to sneak a mic in. They say this racist stuff openly. In fact, in response to Sterling, they said racist stuff! btw, he’s Jewish so why isn’t he immune to criticism, too?

  10. ~ Michael Shea · Top Commenter ~

    Amendment 1 – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression.
    Ratified 12/15/1791
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
    free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of
    the people peaceably to assemble, & to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Amendment 4 – Search & Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
    & effects, against
    unreasonable searches & seizures, shall not be violated, & no Warrants shall issue, but
    upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, & particularly describing the
    place to be searched, & the persons or things to be seized.

    • Would you believe that when I read the headline in the paper, I STUPIDLY thought that they were protesting Susan Rice speaking at their graduation? Silly me.

    • Yes Zenway. Bless him any way.
      He is after all another human being like us all less then perfect. ❤

  11. V ….may B a GUY?????

    • That’s a thought. I thought it was a girlfriend, then mistress, then archivist, and now the latest is “personal assistant”, which as we know is just a step below body wo/man.

  12. Banned 4 LIFE….. if your 2 BAD…. or 2 GOOD!!!!
    ~ It’s a “HARD “ROCK”…. LIFE”…. Ben you shouldn’t have ….???


    • You know, I have never understood how this is a no-no. I mean, it’s a game of skill at which someone with a superior memory and instinct can and will win more often than chance. Right? So unless he had an accomplice, where was the crime? Not enough info in the story but it’s almost as if they want to ban people who are good at the games so they can fleece people who aren’t.

  13. Ann Soetoro was an eyebrow-raiser, a woman who resisted society’s opinions about working women, single women, women who venture beyond cultural norms. She was scathing when it came to the traditional wifely role, either the legacy of two failed marriages or the reason for them. She was everywhere and nowhere at home, liberated by her oddball status:

    “It kind of doesn’t matter what I do,” she liked to say, “because I’m from MARS.”
    She left her son ? with one place to go: in search of a constancy, a definition he had never known.

    And then Barry said he was in fact from Krypton…. so their we have IT!
    @ newsweek.com 5-1-2011 by stacy schiff

    • Was… ANN REALLY from MARS? ..or just smoke-in that grass?


    • LOL! she was scathing when it came to motherly role, too.

      All your links are great, Z.

      ~ and
      The video below “Breaking News” in from MSNBC. what joke!
      He’s always ‘born’ to be a savior of some sort, even in jest.

    • So why did she traditionally get married in the first place? Well, maybe she didn’t. Same as her attitude about having kids. She didn’t need to marry to have them–she could adopt, as she so told her high school friends. And so maybe that’s exactly what she did do. Being an anthropologist with connections in the Dept. of State and missionary associations, she may have had plenty of orphans and foundlings to choose from.

  14. Look how far we’ve progressed, WTP.

    The Naked Communist is a 1958 book by an ex FBI agent, conservative United States author and faith-based political theorist Cleon Skousen.[1]

    The list of communist goals contained in the book was read into the Congressional Record by U.S. Congressman Albert S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida, on January 10, 1963.[2]


  15. It is Star Wars Day!!!

    May the fourth be with you. 😀

  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2619388/What-havent-told-cargo-MH370-Mystery-deepens-missing-flight-claims-loaded-2-3tonnes-items-not-listed-manifest.html

    “A group of 11 terrorists with links to Al Qaeda were yesterday being interrogated on whether they are behind the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

    The suspects were arrested in the capital Kuala Lumpur and in the state of Kedah last week and are members of a violent new terror group said to be planning bomb attacks in Muslim countries.

    The interrogations come after international investigators, including the FBI and MI6, asked for the militants, whose ages range from 22 to 55 and include students, odd-job workers, a young widow and business professionals, to be questioned intensively about Flight MH370. …”

  17. Found here: http://www.americanthinker.com/2014/05/a_vocal_segment_of_the_right.html

    They left out or didn’t know about Savannah Guthrie’s connections–she of “I saw Obama’s birth certificate and felt the raised seal” fame. https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2011/06/08/a-tangled-web-tales-of-obamas-lfcolb-part-one/

    “… Savannah Guthrie, only admitted media visitor to the original LFCOLB, worked for the same law firm at which Vernon Jordan is senior counsel. Her former husband works for Al Jazeera and her current (?) paramour worked for Al Gore but now works for a firm he founded that promotes strategic communication. Vernon Jordan’s grand-niece, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, is Obama’s most trusted “advisor” in the WH.

    Guthrie, Jarrett, and Obama moved into the WH, so to speak, right around the same time.”

  18. http://articles.latimes.com/2014/apr/25/nation/la-na-power-prices-20140426

    Can you believe this? They used Barry’s word “SKYROCKET” and yet they made it through this entire article without mentioning that Candidate Obama PROMISED that energy prices will “NECESSARILY SKYROCKET” when he shuts down the coal industry. It’s just something that happened, you know. Like a comet or something. Can you imagine a $1,250.00 electric bill for one month?

  19. A lot of that price is to pay for them that get it free. 😡

    • Unfortunately, true. So the “payers” have to pay even more for the “takers”, who are happy to vote for the people who will give them other people’s money.

  20. Gets paid for…. Side Step-in’ $$$$ ???….. what a FOOL… Carney

    • I heard a quote by Biden on radio. He sounded drunk. Stumbled over “immigrants” (at least that’s what it sounded like he was trying to say). He got heckled, but the heckler was incoherent, too.

      • Therealpatriot2013jrd suibneg • 4 hours ago
        ~~~ If you want to anger a Conservative….LIE to them.
        If you want to anger a Liberal….tell the TRUTH.

        That is what is happening here. They can NOT have the truth to come out, as it shows a criminally corrupt regime & that obama should be ~~~~~ Impeached.

        Don’t forget about Hitlery’s part in this….either obama or hitlery LIED about the Video Initially…. & Kept it Up until After the Election. !!!!

        And, NOW, if the truth were to come out, it might hurt hitlery in 2016….That is what this is all about & why the Radical Democrats Can NOT allow the truth to Come OUT. !!!

        • while visiting relatives, one of my close relatives, an investigator. said if he were investigating Benghazi, so far all information would lead one to believe that Stevens was purposely set up to be taken out. So far the purpose of why is the only question.

      • let’s SEE ~ dear …. CENK’ …. went 2 “Columbia Law School” …
        & must love to scream LOUD? when his Soccer Team
        …. “PREFORMS” also?…
        A PARENT of a Boy 7/2010 & Girl 10/2012… wouldn’t that ..B
        “Child Abuse”… to scream around KIDS with SUCH VILE rage?
        or JUST at ADULTS? … was IT an ACT? (yes…) we SEE U …

        OR do U Really want us to STOP IT? since it was ONLY “4” MEN
        (let’s..blame the BUSH.! U Scream / “SWEAR”.. silly man 4 sure)

        ~ BUTT’ (crack-pot)… CENK …. what if it were “YOUR CHILD” ….
        your little boy ~ or your little girl ??? (clear your head now)
        Would U STOP?… What does it MATTER NOW ? .. DEAD IS DEAD ?

        Silly stupid foolish excuse of A story repeated does not digest well.
        WE STILL need the TRUTH!

        – LESS PARTIES $ = ABUNDANCE of TIME to DIG 4 the TRUTH!

        ~ NOT NORMAL not THE AMERICAN WAY … WE HATE Being lied
        2 in our FACES WE don’t digest it WELL & U CENK? do U like IT?
        BUTT’ C was born in … Istan-“BULL” .. & SO unbelievable the OTHERS..TOOK HIS RAGE? in-stride.. butt’ he did VOTE 4 OBAMA
        so he himself …. MUST …. also have ….
        the HIDDEN Agenda .. as he was referring to OTHERS having…O’

    ~ MOVE THE F*CK ON’ ~ & TAKE the USUSPER with U !
    TRUTH 4 OUR DEAD MEN ( the WHOLE truth) … who thought
    ACTION…. that is what is needed… NOT LIP SERVICE!

    • Ha, ha, Zen! I thought CENK UYGUR was you accidentally typing with your fingers on the wrong keys. Seriously? There’s a person named Cenk Uygur? Too funny. Nice guy, huh? Such a great example for the kiddies, these guys are.

    • Rosemary Woodhouse

      Agreed, Zenway.

      I and you, Miri & crew have typed repeatedly
      (the irony is not lost)
      That action must be taken
      Taken at any cost

      If action is not taken and taken soon
      (not to be a harbinger of gloom & doom)
      And the good ship USA into its last sunset has sailed
      Then this experiment of a land of freedom, opportunity and liberty
      Will surely have failed

      Get on your knees
      Step away from your desks
      Assess the damage
      Assay the wrecks

      Again, get on your knees
      it’s long past time to pray
      That the evil which has overtaken us will, God help us, pass away

      Princes and principalities
      Are now in charge
      They have ruled our nation
      The prophecy writ large

      But those with eyes to see and ears to hear
      Very well know what time it is
      To us it’s been quite clear

      The time to be keyboard warriors has long since passed
      If this incredible republic’s expiration date has not passed~ RW

      Extemporaneous. but fairly good, if I say do say so.
      If shared, all I I ask for is attribution. Thanks. RW

  22. Go gettem Trey!!! 😀

  23. FLIGHT 370 HAS BEEN… Tampered with… WHY? Forensic Expert
    Video ” SHOW & TELL” …. & Where is THE PLANE NOW? ….


    • Rosemary Woodhouse

      It was in the news day after day, 24/7, and then nothing.
      They are oh so predictable.

      Could this be the probable pre scripted obfuscation for…oh….say…..Benghazi?!

  24. ~ Mayweather wins the fight in 36 minutes & gets paid $70 Million…

    jgdp • an hour ago
    …… If ……O’ hole had a son…

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