Jihad and Gun Control

San_Bernardino_police_swat_team - Copy

Global warming did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in California, nor did “strain,” desperation, or a lack of food.

The lack of a job did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

Poverty did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

Drought did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

Islamophobia did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

A lack of “common sense” gun control laws did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

Guns did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

Christians did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

An argument among co-workers did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

Bullying or teasing a co-worker about his beard did NOT cause the Islamic terror attack in CA.

What did cause it?

Two (or more) people who adhered to a radical Islamic ideology, who hated infidels and believed that non-Muslims deserve death, and who hoped, by conducting this attack, to further their goal of establishing a new world-wide Caliphate in which everyone must submit to their warped religion. This is the face of radical Islam:

murderers - Copy

In a recent speech, Barack Obama suggested some ways to solve the problem of Islamic jihad (although he didn’t use those words):

  1. More bombing of selected targets in the Middle East, but no boots on the ground.
  2.  More training and equipment for Muslims in Iraq and Syria because that’s worked so well in the past, when weapons supplied by us were turned against us by treacherous, now-well-trained “allies”.
  3. More cooperation with allies to share intelligence and more useless outreach to Muslims to “counter the vicious ideology” that too many Muslims support, but don’t admit to supporting–it being part of their religion to lie.
  4. Laws to prevent people on the “no fly list” from buying guns. (Terrorists in CA were not on that list; the late Ted Kennedy was. So, without due process, let’s infringe upon their constitutional rights.)
  5. “Make it harder” for people to buy “assault weapons”, even though the weapons used in CA were already illegal in CA and had been further illegally modified. In other words, “make it harder” for innocent Americans (non-terrorists) to exercise their Second Amendment rights, which are expressly not to be “infringed.” Would Obama suggest making it harder for everyone to vote because some individuals commit vote fraud?
  6. “Stronger screening” for people who come to America without a visa. Obama has since backed off that and said that what he meant to suggest was stronger screening for potential spouses who arrive on a fiance/fiancee visa. (Shutting the barn door after the horse got out.) No doubt those who advocate for illegal aliens, who came here without screening or visas, pointed out his error to him.
  7. Congress to vote for continued military action against “these terrorists.”

Let’s focus upon Obama’s gun control proposals. As pointed out above, the terrorists in CA used already-illegal weapons; they were not on the no-fly list; and, being already criminal terrorists, they wouldn’t have followed gun laws, anyway. Surely that conference room was already a “gun-free zone.”

But Obama’s argument is that Americans can be made “safer” (but not perfectly safe, of course) by making it harder for everyone to have weapons and sufficient ammunition to make the weapons effective.

Fewer guns makes everyone safer, because self-radicalized people are hard to identify and stop. Let’s go with that premise.

Obama’s premise is that the more guns there are around, the more likely it is that a crazy person (or a self-radicalized person holding “extremist” views) can act out and kill someone with a gun. Using his own logic, therefore, should Obama  make it harder for people around him to have weapons, so he will be safer?

In the wake of the CA terror attack, and other incidents of “gun violence”, some law enforcement officials and even university presidents have advised Americans to arm themselves because the police cannot be there in time to save your life if a terrorist or otherwise crazed person intent on mass killing appears on the scene.

It’s been deduced that the CA terrorists left behind bombs (which fortunately failed to explode) specifically intended to maim or kill “first responders who arrived to tend to the victims of the mass shooting. One can deduce from this that in the future, first responders will have to be far more careful and, therefore, slower in their response, as they must first ensure that there are no explosives in place that will make the carnage even worse.

Isn’t it, therefore, only common sense for people to have guns with which to defend themselves, since the police will be there only after the carnage has already occurred?

Or are we all supposed to be sitting ducks for Islamic jihad?



157 responses to “Jihad and Gun Control

  1. ~ Tomas Cruz •
    Yes – THe idea of this global warming is to pass the world wide carbon tax – taking trillions and trillions from economies, while China, India, mexico are all exempt – who are the greatest ecodisaster countries on the planet.
    unbelievable how stupid so many are for not putting 2+2 together.

    ~ mack2 tg •
    Dead on – and guess who is connected to the the cap and trade exchanges that will trade in carbon credits as part of this deal? Ayers, Gore, Obama, and friends. They stand to make $$billions on this.

    ~ tnizzle mack2 •
    I believe this scam will be worth trillions, not billions to them in the long run if they pull this off. It’s sad we don’t have more real scientists speaking out about how falsifying data (NOAA) is FRAUD, not “settled science”.

  2. the VIDEO will FOLLOW …
    ~ We ~ Didn’t ~ Want ~ Obama- parody song
    wrkovideo ~Published on Mar 25, 2015

    Sarah Palin. John McCain. 08 slipped away. South Side Chicago. Alinsky Radical. Health Care needs fixing Kardashian television. Iran Iraq – terrorist attack

    Verse 2
    Noble Prize -Drop A Bomb- Glenn Beck sounds alarm.
    Soros. Snowden Wiki Leaks Asylum. Axelrod and Carney we are the Tea Party. Jared Loehner shooting spree sanity goodbye.

    We Didn’t Want Obama
    Now the World’s On Fire
    And He’s Such a Liar
    We Didn’t Want Obama
    And He Tries To Fight Us
    And It Just United Us

    Bin Laden. Team Six. Penn State. Same Sex.
    Fukishima. Hurricane. Occupy The Block
    Colorado. Batman. Gun Control. Afghnastain. FBI. CiIA. And drones around the clock.
    Chara. Big Papi. Bostons got a winning team.
    Chris Stevens, Benghazi Stand Down. Quaddafi. Libya. Syria. Red line. Romney. Russia. Putin. Trouble In Ukraine.

    We Didn’t Want Obama
    Now the World’s On Fire
    And He’s Such a Liar
    We Didn’t Want Obama
    And He Tries To Fight Us
    And It Just United Us

    Sandy Hook. IRS. Lois Lerner pleads the fifth. Gitmo. Bowe Bergdahl. Guns from Mexico.
    King James. Tom Brady. New England Football. Boston Bombing Chechnya. Terror is at our door.

    Trayvon. Mike Brown. Ferguson Burning down.
    Hashtag. Facebook. Youtube live look.
    ISIS. JAY VEE TEAM. Caliphate Baghdadi.
    Holy War. Psycho. Killing Charlie Hebdo

    We Didn’t Want Obama
    Now the World’s On Fire
    And He’s Such a Liar
    We Didn’t Want Obama
    And He Tries To Fight Us
    And It Just United Us
    Open Border Policy. Deficit and Amnesty.
    Job loss. Job lock hope and change was a crock.
    ISIS in Arabia. Ice bucket mania.
    Gaza. Jewish land. Netanyahu takes a stand

    Ebola on our shore. China knocking at the door.
    NSA knows what you say each and every single day ——

  3. just who’s pulling them …… STRINGS $$$$ …. O’

  4. DIG this .. Stump 4 trump & Ditch & Switch Anthem …. + more


  5. ~ nolickspittles •
    …Who was Muhammed and why can’t we speak about him…he was the father of a death cult, a mass murderer, rapist, enslaver, a vile, evil, deceitful, hateful person like Charles Manson and his Helter Skelter. He was no better than Stalin, Moa, Hitler and every other mass murderer in life who deprived people of their LIFE, LIBERTY, and PROPERTY and the freedoms of their CULTURE. There is no good that can come from such a man and anyone who wants us to ignore who this man was and accept such a man and his deceitful lies and terroristic faith of submission and death is at best a fool and at worse insane. No intelligent, reasonable, logical thinking person can accept Islam unless they fear losing their life or wants to be like Muhammend. You can’t change evil but evil can change you. Evil men must die so good men can live free….Islam is evil
    Can a Muslim be a good American? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:
    Theologically – no, because his allegiance is to Allah.
    Religiously – no, because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Qur’an 2:256).
    Scripturally – no, because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Qur’an.
    Geographically – no, because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
    Socially – no, because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
    Politically – no, because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders) who teach the annihilation of Israel and the destruction of America, the great Satan.
    Domestically – no, because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat his wife when she disobeys him (Qur’an 4:34).
    Intellectually – no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
    Philosophically – no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist! Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
    Spiritually – no, because when we declare ‘one nation under God,’ we are referring to the Christian’s God and not Allah.
    Therefore, after much study and deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both ‘good’ Muslims and good Americans/Canadians; they cannot and will not integrate into the great melting pot of America.
    The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. Muslims everywhere have said they will destroy us from within.
    And it appears to be starting.

    • That is outrageous. I read a story today about some woman who transgressed somehow. Can’t remember what. Maybe embezzling or something. Anyway, the judge ORDERED her to write letters saying specific things and to go around making speeches. I wondered if this can possibly be LEGAL, given one’s free speech rights. Is is constitutional, that is, to create a punishment that entails violating the person’s constitutional rights? Does one forfeit his or her God-given rights simply because he or she has broken some law? Is it in a judge’s power to FORCE speech or FORCE someone to study another religion? Well, I suppose the convicted could refuse and then take the alternative punishment, which is probably jail.

      How the heck did the judge get to the point of inserting religion into this? They had a dispute that’s typical of landlord/tenant disputes. Tenant said the utilities weren’t always on and landlady said there were too many people living in the apartment. Both things were probably true. How did the judge take that and get to the point where he determined that the landlady, being a Christian, was angry at the tenant because of her religion? Maybe it was because she broke the lease and overcrowded the apartment, probably putting the landlady at risk of running into trouble with both the local government’s housing inspectors as well as her own insurance company.

    • Actually, how is this any different from forcing all college students to take “sensitivity” or “diversity” indoctrination because SOMEONE ELSE has insulted a person of another race or creed?

  6. ~ Seldon VonMisesJr •

    “Trump is not the perfect candidate, “BUT” ……

    he may be the Perfect Candidate for the Times.”

    • I’ve unfortunately been thinking along those lines lately. Trump is so over the top with what he says, he’s almost a caricature of how liberals paint conservatives. Don’t you think? Is he a stalking horse for the Clintons? I really do fear it. I’m not saying this to be controversial or upset or oppose those who are totally for him. I’m seeking reassurance that this is NOT all one big ploy by the Clintons to ramp up HER base and to ensure a win for them. Frankly, all I am is SCARED to death that he’s a DemoncRAT Manchurian candidate, in this case pretending to be a conservative Republican to get the nomination instead of, in Barry’s case, pretending to be a Christian American. Will Trump follow through? In addition, he really does sometimes sound as if, as president, like Barry thinks, he will have the POWER to just order things the way he wants them to be. Please, please, please, anyone, reassure me and tell me my FEARS are unfounded.

    • I’ve unfortunately been thinking along those lines lately. Trump is so over the top with what he says, he’s almost a caricature of how liberals paint conservatives. Don’t you think? Is he a stalking horse for the Clintons? I really do fear it. I’m not saying this to be controversial or upset or oppose those who are totally for him. I’m seeking reassurance that this is NOT all one big ploy by the Clintons to ramp up HER base and to ensure a win for them. Frankly, all I am is SCARED to death that he’s a DemoncRAT Manchurian candidate, in this case pretending to be a conservative Republican to get the nomination instead of, in Barry’s case, pretending to be a Christian American. Will Trump follow through? In addition, he really does sometimes sound as if, as president, like Barry thinks, he will have the POWER to just order things the way he wants them to be. Please, please, please, anyone, reassure me and tell me my FEARS are unfounded.

    • What I’m banking on, for the worst-case scenario where he is a stalking horse for Hillary, to split or just outright take the Republican vote … what I’m banking on is that his ego is such that if he does get the nomination he’s NOT going to just hand it all to HER. I do believe he’s a smart, intelligent businessman who speaks SANELY when he’s in a one-on-one interview. If it’s really within his grasp, I don’t believe he’ll roll over for her. Why would he? OBVIOUSLY this man is better qualified than she is. So, what I’m left with is: Once he’s in, can we trust that we’ll see a wall, and that he WILL protect us from this jihadi menace?

  7. ~ Monday, Dec 14, 2015 01:33 PM PST … @DRUDGE

    Rahm Emanuel’s catastrophic downfall: Why it should be
    a much bigger deal for Hillary Clinton
    Chicago’s mayor has been embroiled in a horrifying police-abuse scandal. This should be front-page news nationwide !!!!!!!!!!!! 4 SURE!
    Jack Mirkinson

    S O R R Y ….SACK of CRAP as U have BEEN SINCE DAY 1 !!!
    IF they SEE something & WTP did SEE what U DID!!! just 2 get VOTED
    IN …..JOKERS everywhere WE LOOK …STEP DOWN DUDE go away


    • ~ citizenwells | December 14, 2015 ….
      “The Founding Fathers wouldn’t recognize America today….The Constitution has been tossed on the same trash pile as the Bible.”…Amazon description of Cheryl Chumley book “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming our Reality”
      oldsoldier79 | December 14, 2015 at 7:20 pm |

      ~ Citizenwells……
      Your lead headline said that …”THE MEDIA and DEMS ARE WAITING TO FORCE CRUZ TO A DECISION FROM THE FEC”… this could be a GOOD thing !!!!

      I have no intentions of voting for Cruz…..but if he has to go to the FEC
      for a ruling on his eligibility…then Obama faces the same problem…..just because he obtained the presidency by fraud does not excuse him from accountability….he has cheated this country out of 8 years with a president who would be eligibility. .

      At least the FEC and the LAW should make the son-of-a-bitch produce a valid birth certificate !!!!!!!!

      ~ oldsoldier79 | December 14, 2015 …..
      Then VOID any and all laws he has signed into being…and force him to pay back every nickle his corrupt family has conned from the treasury…..then put his As* deep in the nastiest jail in America with all the “man rapers” they can find…..along with his Moouch !!!!!

  9. UP 2 MY EARS …. in the DEBATES ….. WOW ….give me a break!

    Lots of FEARS ….& WTPOTUS …. WONDER WHY???


    TRUMPS staying to DEFEAT HILLARY … & NOT BE A 3rd PARTY!!!

  10. yep ….ha ….TRUMP is “BAD” 2 the B O N E !!!! that’s a GOOD
    thing…. cruz just badish …


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