Barack Obama Didn’t Pass E-Verify System!

 ©  Bridgette WTPOTUS 2011

Is Barack Obama an

Illegal Alien?

U.S. Government’s E-Verify System Verifies Potential Employees  as LEGALLY Available to Work.  Barack  Obama’s Social Security Number DOES NOT MATCH  Government Records!


The ” Little Engine that Could,” Orly Taitz, received additional evidence and information that is being presented in her lawsuit Taitz v Astrue.  She has submitted a “Motion for Reconsideration with Exhibits 1-5.  Obama’s SSA Record Does Not Verify, SSA Found a Discrepancy in the  Record.”  

New Evidence submitted by Orly includes a copy of  the government’ s E-Verify System’s rejection of Barack Obama’s Connecticut Social Security number that he uses.   Included is the sworn affidavit of Ms. Linda Jordan who went to E-Verify and submitted Barack Obama’s name.  She requested verification  of his status and eligibility to  legally work in the U.S.   Barack Obama failed the simple government test.  According to the government’s own system Barack Obama does not qualify to legally hold a job in the U.S.

As you can see below, E-Verify clearly proves there is no match for the Connecticut social security number that he has been fraudulently using for years.    (According to the government manual, Obama should have been notified that there was a problem, and he is then obligated to correct the error if there is one.  What’s your guess, has he been notified?  Has he fixed the problem?)

E-Verify Mismatch for Alien Barack H. Obama





Following is the Affidavit by Linda Jordan that is part of the new evidence being presented to the Court.  Click on it to enlarge.

Linda Jordan Affidavit, Page One


Linda Jordan, Page 2 of Affadavit


Further evidence of Barack Obama using a Connecticut Social Security number that was not issued to him was found  on the Obama’s 2009 IRS Tax Return.    Whoever placed their documents online at the official website  with redacted social security numbers did not follow the proper protocols so the redacted information was easily recovered by  professionals.   They later noticed their error and fixed it, but not before people had downloaded the original pdf documents and recovered the redacted information.

An affidavit by Mr. Felicito Papa, a professional web developer, attests to opening the White house’s pdf files with Adobe Illustrator.  He was able to uncover and reveal the redacted social security numbers on  IRS documents.   In his affidavit, he states that the SSN number that  Barack Obama is using is  042-68-4425.  That is the same number that appears on the fraudulent Selective Service Record,  and doesn’t match his name in E-Verify.  Now he has used it on an  IRS document.

He also found Michelle Obama’s number on the same IRS Form 709 U.S. Gift Tax Return.   The name of the tax preparers is a firm we are familiar with:  Wineberg, Solheim, Howell & Shain, PC, 108 North LaSalle St., STE 2200,  Chicago, IL  60601.   Harvey S. Wineberg is one of the alleged owners of the Obama mansion at 5046 S Greenwood Ave. in Chicago.  The Obamas do not own the house.


2009 IRS Tax Form for Michelle and Barack Obama


When they signed their U.S. Individual Income Tax Declaration, as seen on Form 709,  Barack Obama signed beneath the statement that reads:

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including any accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.  This declaration is based on all information of which I have any knowledge.

~Barack Obama      April 7, 2010.

Like Barack’s Uncle Omar Onyango and Aunt Polly Zeituni, in one way or another they all have defied the laws of the United States. His relatives were deported and stayed in the U.S, but both are illegal aliens.  Omar allegedly has a “valid” social security card, but is it fraudulent also? What documentation did Aunt Polly Onyango use to get into public housing in Boston at taxpayers expense?   Has Uncle Omar filed taxes?  It appears that this family has used fraudulent documents and conned the system  since arriving in this county.

So let’s look at the mounting evidence against the person who calls himself Barack H. Obama.   There is another person who lived at the same address as Barack in Chicago, and amazingly both use the same social security number.  Barack’s alias is Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel.  This information was found accidentally by Obamahustle.

Barack has produced two forged documents purporting to be his birth certificates.  Multiple experts have pronounced them fraudulent.   His selective service record was also forged and it has the social security number on it that he still uses.  It appears that the social security number that Obama uses belonged to someone else, as Obama never lived in Connecticut where this card number was issued.   It was also found that Barack used two different social security numbers while living in Chicago.

There is a great possibility that Barack committed tax and real estate fraud with regard to his Chicago home.  The City of Chicago could not find records of an assessment on the property, and yet on their 2009 tax forms the Obama’s paid taxes of $22,456 on a property that doesn’t belong to them.    Interestingly, the pin number identifying the property was redacted on their 2009 tax forms.   Do they have a check to prove those taxes were paid to the State of Illinois?

Then we have the E-verify system stating his social security number is not a match to their records.   That is usually a flag that screams to employers, ILLEGAL ALIEN.   Finally,  he uses a social security number that doesn’t belong to him on another government tax document, and perjured himself by signing his name on his  2009 tax form.

And I almost forgot that the book Dreams wasn’t written by Barack,  it was written by a guy in his old neighborhood.   I bet Bill Ayers would like some of those royalties.

So, the only way to look at this situation is that a professional criminal sits in the White House.   And the Left wonders why the so-called birthers won’t drop the calls for a full investigation?

It is way past time for members of Congress to uphold the US Constitution and call for an investigation of the man they are pretending is the president.

It is about time for the FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, III, to begin their investigation.   He has the documentation, and can certainly identify the crimes.

Will Sheriff Joe be the one that upholds the law?

When will the elected representatives of the people do their jobs?  Is there anyone who will stand up and demand the investigation of  Barack H. Obama or whoever he is?

What more evidence do they need? 


82 responses to “Barack Obama Didn’t Pass E-Verify System!

  1. Hope Glenn Beck will cover this issue. If he doesn’t, then we will know the truth about him, as well. Willing to give him a 14 day free trial.

  2. Great job of putting the facts together! Great post, Bridgette! I love this part of Linda Jordan’s letter, “I consider myself to be one of the employers of the President of the United States.” So do we all, Linda. Something we’ve been harping on for several years now. He thinks he doesn’t answer to us, but he does!

    itooktheredpill was the first to point out that Barry SHOULD HAVE filled out an I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form. Either he did not, or the government is hiding it to prevent us from knowing that “embarrassing information.” What is it, one wonders? Does whatever it is give him the right to evade laws?

    Our government, unfortunately, is COMPLICIT in these events. They have the responsibility to right these many wrongs. Why was this man allowed to assume the office of the presidency when he has never proven that he’s eligible, and when all indications are that he is not and he knows it? Where will it end?

    Tax cheats. Illegal aliens. Identity theft. Ignoring orders of deportation (a felony, as one of our commenters pointed out). DUI. Fraud. Forgery. What more do our representatives need? How long will they allow this to go on?

    We owe a debt of gratitude to Linda Jordan of King Co., Washington. What irony! The same place where baby Barry was first reported on this earth by eyewitness and babysitter Mary Toutonghi (as well as his “mother’s” high school chums). Surely the obots will charge that Ms. Jordan illegally accessed the E-Verify system. Let’s dare them to try to punish her. They won’t dare because they FEAR media attention to this growing issue, more than anything else.

    Way to go, Linda Jordan and Orly Taitz! And Mr. Felicito Papa, too!

  3. Checked out Barry’s 2009 tax return. He got a half-a-million inheritance from Madelyn? Looks like it. Page 8. Was Maya left a similar sum? Madelyn doesn’t sound like the “middle class” grandmother Barry portrayed her as. Back in those days, didn’t Michelle grouse that she and Barry had just paid off their college loans? Yet what’s up with that $50,000 treasury bill? Why don’t they NAME the foreign countries that they paid taxes to? We’re supposed to believe that they paid not one “household” employee in 2009? Who was watching and caring for the mansion in Chicago, while they were at the WH? Do We the People maintain their “home” in Chicago, too? Or are they paying those workers peon wages that never exceed the threshold? Wait! I bet they hire a company, and somebody else pays the bill. Why does Obama use foreign notation for the number 7?

    Let’s not forget, either, that a man who worked on Obama’s campaign and who is now a big muckety muck in his administration, employed the person who “cauterized” Barry’s passport files of “embarrassing information” before the election. This, one would think, OUGHT TO interest Congress, ought to have been investigated by Congress, is probably why Brennan is sitting in a position that doesn’t require Senate confirmation, and raises one huge red flag, seeing as how Brennan formerly worked for the CIA. This alone seems much worse than Watergate. Wouldn’t you say? And yet… crickets.

    • Did you see that he was self-employed on that 2009 Income Tax document? Yes, it appears that poor Madelyn or someone left him an inheritance in stock that he immediately sold. I assumed that the foreign taxes were perhaps on book sales, but it was interesting that the countries were not mentioned. I wish an accountant would weigh in. The explanation pages seems to be missing. I did check for the RE taxes and was surprised to see that the Pin number was missing. I wonder if it is viewable in Mr. Papa’s copy. We can assume that Timothy Geithner , Tax cheat, won’t be the one reviewing Obama’s information.

      Remember that We the People maintain the fortress 24/7 on the mansion in Chicago. The city of Chicago has to do it, but I doubt the city is being paid, or maybe they are. FOIA request for security costs would be interesting.

  4. which is why the doors are being opened, by the door openers,
    for Mr. Perry

    Same old Bilderbergers etc

    Run Sarah

  5. From ORYR..An award to Tommy Tutone for his rendition of Barry, Barry, I’ve Got your Number! It’s so awful, it’s funny.

  6. New Wash Times Ad: Obama Using Stolen SSN and Forged Birth Certificate. Why Isn’t Speaker John Boehner Investigating?

    12 Sep 2011 Wash Times National Weekly pg 5

    See and Get a Copy of the New Ad Here:

    Proof that Obama is Using a Stolen SSN and Has Forged His Long Form Birth Certificate Posted on the White House Servers and Xerox Copies Given to Reporters on 27 April 2011:

    New Wash Times Ad: Obama Using Stolen SSN and Forged Birth Certificate. Why Isn’t Speaker John Boehner Investigating? – 12 Sep 2011 Wash Times National Weekly pg 5

  7. How can Congress continue to sit back and do nothing? This is really damming evidence.


    How does Obama’s document stack up against genuine BC?

    Volunteer produces Kapiolani form from same time period as president’s

    Read more: How does Obama’s document stack up against genuine BC?

  8. This has gone on way to long and this info needs to be published in overseas news agencies because the U.S. media and print will never let this out.

    • How right you are, johnnyp. And welcome. The problem is getting the news out there. Canadian online news sites do pick up some of the story. That ad that Kerchner is running will perhaps help. We do the best we can to publicize whatever we find. We’re as frustrated as you sound. 🙂

  9. I tell ya, WND should be reading our blog again..they are getting behind on the news! Ooops, maybe they did!

    E-Verify ‘flags’ Obama’s Social Security Number

    System crunches prez’s data, determines ‘likely fraudulent
    September 12, 2011 8:14 pm Eastern Snips

    A private investigation reveals that the Social Security Number being used by Barack Obama does not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created to verify whether or not prospective employees have the required authorization to work legally in the United States.

    Exhibit 2, Social Security Online page explaining response “SSA record does not verify, other reason.” Further research revealed that the SSA adds “Special Indicator codes” to identify Social Security Numbers that individuals obtained fraudulently.

    According to an audit report authored by the Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Administration, titled “Effectiveness of Special Indicator Codes on the Social Security Administrations Numident File,” dated August 2008, there were 9 special indicator codes as of November 2008:
    1. False Identity
    2. Noncitizen Not in Status
    3. Multiple SSNs with Different Identities
    4. Scrambled Earnings with New SSN Assigned
    5. SSN Obtained Using Fraudulent Documentation
    6. SSN Assignment Based on Harassment/Abuse/Life Endangerment
    7. Fictitious Identity
    8. Fraud – OIG Investigated
    9. Fraud SSN Misuse

    “Eight of the Special Indicators have to do with fraud of some kind,” Jordan said. “It looks to me like the SSN Obama is using has been flagged with a Special Indicator suggesting fraud.”

    WND’s phone call to the media office of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security went unanswered.

    • Looks like it, Bridgette. We should send them a bottle. Of catsup (catch-up). But not Heinz.

      This site covers it, too:

      • Sam put the information together in a different way.

        • I didn’t read it. I somehow happened upon it. Don’t even know how, now. The stuff WND found about the meaning of the “error” on Obama’s SS# is interesting. Why do I suspect the obots will latch onto number 6?

          • Read it. You’re right; his take is different. It’s just a copy of an email someone sent him showing the documents from Orly. Bridgette’s take is more comprehensive and puts things into perspective.

    • Did you see this comment at WND?

      “Rachael N. Jacobs · Top Commenter
      I investigated the CIA connection several months ago and what I found was shocking. His mom worked for the Ford Foundation so she wasn’t poor by any stretch of the imagination. While he was at Occidental as an Indonesian student getting aid to foreign students, the CIA needed a student who spoke Farsi. They chose Zero and moved him to Columbia (hence no one knew him and there’s no records) and then sent him to Pakistan (on a phony passport) as a phony exchange student. His job was to be a money bag man to the Taliban who (during GHWB’s administration) were fighting the Russians. Ergo, Zero aided and abetted the Taliban to keep the Russians from penetrating. If that had come out prior to the campaign, it would have been obvious he couldn’t run for dogcatcher. What’s even more alarming is that massive scar running across the back of his head. Where did it come from, what was implanted and, who is this man? As Bill Murray said in the movie Stripes, “Something is wrong . . . something is very, very wrong.”

      Of course, Rachel provides no PROOF of any of this, although we’d agree about that scar. 🙂 A link to her source would be helpful. Who is it? Madsen?

      If it’s true that Obama did work for CIA and they helped cover his tracks, then Houston, we have a problem! Why? Because this is THE most inept, oxymoronic “intelligence” agency in the world if the best they can do in scrubbing Barry’s identity is what we see! Something that even we, rank amateurs, can look through. Nope.

      That’s my main argument against this meme that Barry is a patriot who served America and that’s why everyone covers for him. It’s bull. It’s an insult to all the brave, professional, and INTELLIGENT folks in our intelligence agencies to believe that this is the best they could do.

      That passport file break in was as lame as could be. They didn’t even know about the program in the computer system that looked for and flagged “exceptions”, such as people looking too many times at records they had no business accessing. That’s how the Gang that couldn’t shoot straight got caught flat-footed on “cauterizing” Barry’s passport file.

      Ditto with the extremely LAME forgeries. None of this was done by professionals. I’m not saying that he doesn’t have support among some who might work for the intelligence agencies, for whatever reason. We already know from the Plame affair that progressives lurk at the CIA; they’ve infiltrated everywhere, while America slept.

      But this amateur stuff? It IS amateur. And it’s criminal. He and his entire family are grifters. Con-men. Little else.

      • No, I hadn’t seen it. I rarely read comments there.

        It appears she was reviewing Dr. Manning’s information or Wayne Madsen’s. I don’t believe the CIA meme either. They can tell me all day long that he is smart, but I don’t see it. One glance at that newspaper article he wrote was all I needed. From there to writing a book that got rave reviews, I didn’t believe it for one minute. You are right, if he was a choice by the CIA, then we have a huge problem. A job like that would take courage, and he doesn’t exhibit honor, courage, or patriotism. The lies about his background started way before his supposed stint with the CIA. Phony family, phony background..pure fabrication.

  10. The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama
    Three Strikes On Obama’s Bogus Social Security Number

    Sept. 13

    I am going to begin this article with an example of Social Security Number Fraud:

    Exacerbating the problem of using the social security number as an identifier is the fact that the social security card contains no biometric identifiers of any sort, making it essentially impossible to tell whether a person using a certain SSN is truly the person to whom it was issued without relying on some other means of documentation (which may itself have been falsely procured through use of the fraudulent SSN).

    So with the above statement in mind let us discuss the necessity for an individual, i.e. Barack H Obama to acquire a bogus Social Security Number:

    Three Strikes On Obama’s Bogus Social Security Number

  11. Glenn Beck mentioned this was happening on his show yesterday.

    It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the … eligibility question!
    Campaign puts dispute over constitutional requirement in front of GOP’s top tier

    September 12, 2011

    On stage with the top tier of GOP presidential contenders is an 800-pound gorilla that nobody wants even to acknowledge. But as candidates prepared for tonight’s CNN-Tea Party GOP debate in Tampa, Fla., it was the star of the show as a plane soared overhead trailing a banner demanding, “Where’s the Real Birth Certificate?” See photo

    The aerial billboard tonight was part of a new campaign organized by WND Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah to draw attention to Obama’s constitutional eligibility problems. It immediately got the attention of the Miami Herald, which wrote, “Jobs, schmobs. The WorldNetDaily website, which hypes the Obama-is-not-a-US-citizen line, is flying a banner around the site of the CNN Republican presidential debate to keep the story alive: Where is the real birth certificate?”

  12. Glenn Beck is on the air again and if you weren’t aware he is giving 2 weeks free for listening and watching his new show. I didn’t put it together as to why his show was to begin on Sept. 12…until I looked at it another way, 9-12…his 9-12 Project. Interestingly, he appears to be growing a beard and mustache. It is at scruffy now, but we will see. A couple interesting things were said yesterday, and because I tuned in about 15 minutes late, I am not sure what led up to his statement, but it was this. And a statement that he wasn’t allowed to make on FOX, but alluded to it.

    “OK, I’ll say it, Obama is a Marxist. Ok, I’ve said it.”

    He was also talking about the 9-11 Memorial service and said that there were 1,200 mosques in the US in 2001. Now the number has doubled with more in the works. He also had a minister give a prayer that wasn’t allowed at the NY service.

  13. Has anyone ever ran and ad around the local papers near Occidental asking for fellow students input to their acquaintance or memory of barry soetero? Any one in that area know of several local papers from Pasadena, or neighboring cities (LA area is huge) I am willing to bet there is at least one student or former admin employee that remembers him and his student foreign status. I’ll chip in on ad costs.

    • I wonder if Birther Summit might be interested in your idea. I bet Occidental has its own college newspaper too. They have a contact us box where you could make this suggestion. The website is located on our Blogroll.

      They were running an ad on Craig’s list for the birth certificate, so they might do something like you are suggesting. Will you let us know what they say please, if you choose to ask them.

      Do any of our readers want to work with 2discern and do this?

    • 2discern: At this link, we started a conversation about the known Occidental associates of Obama. Any of them, if they could be found, might provide more information about him. Of course, they’d probably be obots and all for him, but maybe not all of them.

      It’s odd that nobody’s talking. Isn’t it?

  14. Unfortunately Gas, we can’t post your avatar because you didn’t provide valid information to WordPress and it arrives as spam. We welcome your contribution, and hope you will use information that can be verified. I am posting your comment below.

    If you want to know why the news media, politicians, and all of the justice systems in America doesn’t work in reporting a fraud in the White House, then you need to watch this video in how America works.

    The New Clinton Chronicles

    • The New Clinton Chronicles is a documentary. It is long, about an hour and a half, but very informative. I was astounded at some of the information. Bill Clinton was definitely a crook. The film makers provided a copy to all the members of Congress and the next day they were given the documents to back up all of the allegations in the film. Congress did nothing. No investigation. Nothing.

      They said that when Clinton left Arkansas for the Oval Office, he took all of his criminal partners with him. They had full control over all three branches of government and the judiciary as well as the media. (sounds familiar). Hillary’s law firm was very involved in all of the illegal loans that went through a government agency that was really a front for illegal activities.

      The people that were trying to out Clinton about all the drug smuggling, illegal money laundering, illegal agencies that were giving loans to cronies and not being repaid, were putting their lives on the line to make the film. Many lost their lives, and the medical reports for most of them were documented as suicides. The women Clinton had affairs with were given primo jobs in the government. The toga parties included young girls around 14, and bowls of cocaine were served. The cocaine was smuggled into Arkansas, and they had several drop areas. At one point they were making over $100 million a month. They had to put the money somewhere! It was sent to a bank in Florida, and from there it went to NY, and then overseas. The White water scandal and the BCCI scandal are covered also.

      I do recommend this as it does give us more perspective on what may well be happening today.

  15. He’s probably an illegal just like his aunt and uncle.

  16. E-verify certainly puts a wrench in the gears of the democratic socialist progressive one worlders. You might be suprised to find out that people you know may not be authorized to work in the USA. Like your pastor, or your lawyer, or maybe even your president. How could it be possible?

  17. President Obama has own job issues as E-verify system rejects his SSN as valid
    Kenneth Schortgen Jr, Finance Examiner
    September 13, 2011

    The E-verify system was created under the US Citizenship and Immigration Service and Department of Homeland Security to ensure that businesses could check and validate that job applicants were of legal standing, and had the right to work in a given area. Used primarily to check the status of illegal and legal immigrants applying for work visas, the system was expanded for all businesses to use as states began instituting legislation against them if they hired undocumented workers.

    On September 12th however, the e-verify system came under scrutiny as a private investigator who did a search in the system using President Obama’s social security card, came up with invalid confirmations for the card, and for Barack Obama to rightfully work in this country.

    A private investigation reveals that the Social Security Number being used by Barack Obama does not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has created to verify whether or not prospective employees have the required authorization to work legally in the United States.

    By flagging fraudulent documents, including faked Social Security Numbers, the E-Verify system can assist an employer in the effort to make sure all prospective hires have authentic identification papers, including valid Social Security Numbers, issued to them and not to someone else. – World News Daily

  18. It is appearing that E-Verify is correct, and more evidence that Obama’s BC is fraudulent. We’ve always said African wouldn’t be on the BC from the 1960’s era!

    Kapiolani Medical Center Confirms ‘African’ Never Used On Birth Certificates in 1961 or Now
    SEPTEMBER 14, 2011
    The Birther Summit in Honolulu: Day 1

    We spent a very long (and hot) day talking with many people on the island and filming several scenes with the “big check” that will be compiled into a video once we get home. There was one conversation, however, that I want to share with you tonight.

    We spent at least a couple hours at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children today. I got a call this morning from a reporter with the Honolulu Civil Beat who wanted to interview us, so he met us at the Medical Center. His story should run tomorrow. After that interview, we we went into the records office, and Miki asked to file a form to get her son’s birth records. While she was filling out the form, I happened to overhear a woman who was sitting at a desk say something about the “race” field on a birth certificate she was preparing. I asked her if this was the office that responsible for filling out the birth certificate information for babies born there, and she said that it was.

    Because she had just asked something about the “race” field on the birth certificate she was working on, I asked, “Back in 1961, would anyone have ever entered ‘African’ as the race of a parent?” She said, “No, back then they probably would have listed a black person’s race as ‘negro.’” I asked, “So, the word ‘African’ wouldn’t have been used, because that is a nationality and not a race, right?” And she responded, “Right. Nowadays we can use ‘African American’ though.” To which I added, “But, the word ‘African’ by itself has never been used as an entry for race?” And she simply said, “No. Never.”

    And there you have it . . . from the folks at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.

    Dean Haskins
    Executive Director, The Birther Summit

    • I hope he got a signed affidavit from the woman.

      • It’s just common sense and anybody who was alive then knows they wouldn’t have put African as a race, BUT the obots will probably now come out with a bunch of fake BC’s showing “African” as a race. They lie. It’s all they do. And they do it all day long. Like second nature.

    • Vital Statistics of the U.S. 1961 Vol. I – Natality
      Page 231 Race and Color.

      • Scribd was acting up so I couldn’t get a screenshot of Page 231. All the pages at the end looked like they were broken parts from a table or graph. Will try later. If someone else gets one, please post.

        • Scribd is always acting up. It just crashed my browser. A screenshot of that one page would help. ORYR has over 200 pages. It would help if they would post just the pertinent one! I refuse to go to Scribd (ordinarily) because it’s always slow, crashes my browser periodically, jumps all over the place, and is generally very annoying. Is it the ads or what? One of our crack researchers, iirc, posted the information in text form long ago. But the actual page from the RULES would be great to have. We can put it in links or photos.

    • 🙂 Whoops! I hope that person’s job is safe.



    Save our nation from economic illegal aliens, bleeding our health care, education, public assistance and crowded prison system. We need to secure our borders and check all airline passengers who over-stay their visas–permanently. Our taxes are being extorted by the IRS for instant citizenship for babies, with an rising cost of $113 billion dollars a year as specified by a survey from the Heritage Foundation.

    Your state is represented on the Judiciary Committee and can be reached through the Washington Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to make E-Verify a mandatory law. Insure the true information, that you will only get from NumbersUSA, American Patrol and the corruption we have inherited in Congress and individual state Capitols at Judicial Watch. Of course there is growing opposition from mainly the Leftist Progressives, Democrats and even certain Republicans? The Liberal want the future voting blocs and GOP establishment cheap labor. Join the Tea Party as they will work to free America from Congressional tyranny and the corruption that’s settled in Washington and state legislators.


  20. Produced by WND.


    • I couldn’t figure out where was best to post this, but I was searching the Hawaii judiciary online court database, just for fun, and for the first time ever got a hit with the name Obama. A circuit/civil case brought by Janis Cowser (anyone know who she is or what this is about?) against a long list of defendents including Neil Abercrombie, some senators, Brian Schatz (lt gov, I think?) Joe Biden and Barack Obama. The online info doesn’t really say what the suit was about, but the final decision was just last Friday.

      • I checked Justia and found a little info, but nothing to describe the lawsuit. One has to subscribe to Pacer to read it. The referring judge was Puglisi..(will have to look it up but I think he is shown on Orly’s case). Janis has a web site, but I couldn’t make much out of it. English doesn’t appear to be her first language It appears she claims sexual assault under RICO ? and a cover-up. She is disabled now and whether that is because of the rape /assault is unknown.

        Janis Cowser v. Barack Obama, et al
        Filed: August 26, 2011 as 11-17055
        Updated: August 29, 2011 22:24:26
        Court: Ninth Circuit
        Type: Civil Rights > Other Civil Rights
        Cowser v. Obama et al Has Decisions
        July 20, 2011
        Signed by JUDGE J. MICHAEL SEABRIGHT on 7/20/11.
        (The Clerk of Court is directed to close the case file.) (emt, )

        Activist: Janis Cowser snips

        The Abuse of Power & Corruption Under “RICO” Statute
        Farce Attorney & Legal Aid Service/Hiding/Political Corruption; Sexually Assaulted Under RICO Statute Statewide in Hawaii.

        4. Hawai’i Civil Right Commission, Supervisor Caralyn Vierra also asked me what was my disability was and then Ms. Vierra said .” all I wan’t to do is make trouble, about my Political Corruption/ Sexually Assaulted Under RICO Statute, here in State of Hawaii “.
        I was told by the person who work at his office that he would not take my [personal injury] case about Political Corruption/ Sexually Assaulted Under RICO Statute, that happen here on the Big islands.

        • I saw that on Justia also, and had the same problem (not signed up for Pacer). Maybe that is a federal court version of the same suit she filed in Hawaii. I went back and searched her name in the Hawaii system and she has a long list of civil suits, both by and against her. Two I found involved restraining orders (one against two other women, one against her) so maybe she is lawsuit-happy? I thought maybe this one had something to do with the eligibility issue since it involved state officials and Barack and Joe, and someone from the DOH (but not a name I recognized). I was just curious if it rang any bells for anyone.

          • Here Are My Final and Last Chance Agreement.

            This what I need for Justice

            1. Federal protecting from my 59 Defendant.

            2.A Financial Agreement 3 time RICO AWARD

            3. Book Deal in all language that is need, in all 4 State’s of my defendant [the book is for the school, my book will teach children the real value of life and how not to commit unlawful crime and hide immoral act or have a immoral personality with people of a different race, background or social statue. The lesson the children will learn how to concerned with right and wrong conduct. A lesson of moral principles in their life and their job and how too treat other people in society as a whole. —–They will learn that if you do people wrong ,that Law will get you every time. Bad folk’s will go to jail or pay a fine or both. Life is sometime not fair, but when you are rich and powerful they will always have a settlement with a person and won’t admit they did wrong, they will just pay you off, because they got Caught in the Act of wrongdoing!

            4. The book will be call “Moral Fire Under Fire” In addition their will be a documentary movie about my book “Moral Fiber Under Fire” in the School here in all the state who violation my Civil Right and commit unlawful act, under the different section of Amendment’s , Article of the Constitution and State law .

            5. The Book Deal will be in all the School in the Fall, 2012 of that year and the next year a documentary movie no later than the fall 2013. In each of the Defendant home State, who deprived me of law and willfully violation my right.

            6.All Parent must sign for their children too read my book for extra credit for their grade level.

            7. If any Peron that live in American that is the age of 21 years and wish too read my Book in these Defendant state’s their must be a place to go and pick my book up and they will have the right too a free copy as well, all part of a paid Agreement.

            My Final and Last Chance Agreement with me Ms. Janis Cowser with the Plaintiff, yes this is the same offer during year Summer 2010 and February 22, 2011 Tuesday and I was refusal.

            As an results I was force too file a legal complaints with the Federal Court on March 21,2011 and it was file the same day with the United State District Court and case number is Civil 11-0018o JMS-RLP.

            Now I give you my “Final and Last Chance Agreement[same offer during year Summer 2010 and February 22, 2011 on Tuesday” I forgot also March 12, 2011, using my fax number [808-769-4310, I made my last tried] before filing my paper work for court on March 18, 2011 and myFederal Court Date it’s for ,Monday June 20,2011.

  21. The above is from the section of her website headed something like: “If my federal lawsuit doesn’t go through I will release the name of all 59 defendents” and these are apparently her demands. I guess this was probably not what I thought it might be…it’s a little bizarre

  22. Linda is the woman that got the information that Obama failed E-Verify.

    Linda Jordan, U.S. Citizen and thus the Employer of Putative President Barack Obama, sends an E-Verify system Failure Notice Letter to Putative President Barack Obama, employee

    Citizen Letter on E-Verify Re: Obama SSN ON ITS WAY TO DC POLITICIANS
    by Linda Jordan

    If Obama is using a stolen social security number, he is disrespecting the White House, the office of the presidency, and every American citizen
    (Sep. 26, 2011)

    Here is the introductory letter that will go out with a mass email to DC about my e-verify results and follow up letter to Obama.

    September 25,
    To whom it may concern:

    For years we have had credible evidence that Barack Obama is a fraud, a fake and a forger.

    And there wasn’t one single person with the legal responsibility and authority to protect our nation from this usurper, who was willing to do their job. Not one ‘Catch Me if You Can’ FBI agent? No one in the CIA, the Military? Not one Judge or Attorney General? No one? No one in the Senate or Congress. No one in the Social Security Administration? No one in the Hawaii Department of Heath? No one in the Department of Elections? Nobody. Nobody cared for our republic.


    Citizen Letter on E-Verify Re: Obama SSN

    • I [Col. Kercher] can now report that Linda Jordan’s cover letter, notice of Obama’s SSN failing the E-Verify system letter and copy of the E-Verify non-match report, and evidence documents of same have been emailed to every elected official in the USA at the state and federal level.

      This has been accomplished via a professional email service with the cost donated by a dedicated and true patriot. This elist encompasses about 9,000 email addresses.

      CDR Kerchner (Ret)

  23. New Ad: Obama’s Social Security Number (SSN) 042-68-4425 Fails E-Verify System –
    26 Sep 2011 issue Washington Times National Weekly edition – pg 5

    Obama’s SSN and his Name fail to match in U.S. government’s Social Security Number (SSN) E-Verify system. An E-Verify system check by Linda Jordan of Washington state of Obama’s SSN against his name in the U.S. Government E-Verify system indicates a non-match and specialized system codes indicated likely fraud with this SSN.

    Click here for more information about Linda Jordan’s, Citizen Employer, and Susan Daniels, Private Investigator, investigations into Obama’s SSN fraud.

  24. Great two prong attacks by some awesome patriots! Let’s keep the pressure up. Send messages to your senators and reps to tell them to take note of the E-verify information they are receiving that Barry can’t pass the US immigration system to work in the US.

  25. Convince me that I am wrong, but after 7 decades of life and 5 decades of voting, I declare Congress a waste of time and money.

  26. Former Air Force Sgt Daryn Moran Says He’s Going to DC to Arrest Barack Obama
    Sept. 23

    He has passed a flyer to officials in his city and no one will do anything. Wanted. B. Obama – REWARD

    He is heading to Washington D.C. from Omaha, Nebraska to arrest Obama.
    He going to do the job that no one will do.
    His wife is from Mexico.
    Walter Fitzpatrick is fighting by himself and has been jailed.
    To the Military – stop hiding Obama!
    The military has been taken over by a coup.
    Obama is a coward. You have no proof of who you are.
    Obama, start running! When the cuffs are on your hands, you won’t be laughing!

    Let’s be clear..I am going after the president for his forged birth certificate.
    I am coming after you! I am coming up to your door, and will arrest you.
    You terrorize us! You are the terrorist.
    Starting at the top…and the dominoes will fall.
    Politicians who are running for president. We want to know about Barack Obama.

    • He conveys the frustration we feel. God Speed Daryn Moran! I don’t think the Secret Service will let you near the usurper, but I sure admire your will to go there to attempt it. If this brings more attention to the issue, so be it. You will be arrested for something, and the charges against you will be interesting since your aren’t advocating violence of any kind. Somehow, I think some police officer along the way is going to stop you before you ever get even a couple states away from Nebraska. You sounded courageous, and we only wish that a citizen’s arrest would be the easy answer.

      Is there a law that says you can’t try to arrest a president? There must be some statute somewhere.

    • Wow. You think the Secret Service will let him get as close as they let that David Serrano, Bible Thumper, get? Seriously doubt it. Nobody gets that close to Barry unless he wants them to. That was all Kabuki theater. The concerning thing is, why did they feel they had to counter the “Anti-Christ” meme? I can understand the “Fight the Smears” Obama Truth Squad campaign of 2008 to keep people from saying he’s a socialist (which he is and was) and to keep people from saying he’s a Muslim (which he is and was), but the Anti-Christ? IS he? So far, everything they try counterattack is the TRUTH. So what’s the truth here, in this instance? Just sayin’.

      What’s that we’re supposed to say? “Get thee behind me, Satan.” Say loud and say it proud. 🙂 (Not completely joking. St. Michael protect us.)

      Did you know that even the Obama Truth Squad has a snarky origin? Learned recently (or relearned) that Nixon had a “Truth Squad”, too. Some idol. Except he makes Nixon look like a saint.

  27. Well that’s a good way to get yourself thrown into Gitmo.

  28. SEO | September 27, 2011 at 12:09 pm | Reply
    Well that’s a good way to get yourself thrown into Gitmo.

    Yep. I agree.

    • Something tells me he won’t even get out of his driveway. All that extra security in New York around 9/11? That was for Barry. There was no specific threat from Al Qaeda. Nobody gets close to Barry unless they want the person to. He has had the most security of ANY president and ANY candidate, even, to date. For one, he’s paranoid. So is Michelle. No guts like GWB had. Understandable, actually. For another, they buy into this bull that the American people are fundamentally racist so he’s at greater risk than most presidents. Bull and it’s an insult to every American. People dislike his BELIEFS, POLICIES, and ACTIONS. That he’s trying to bring the USA down to the level of all other countries, for “fairness”, and because he believes that Marxist and black nationalist crap that the rich in America are only rich because they built their wealth on the backs of the poor (and mostly blacks, in their warped imaginations). THAT’S the only thing that’s connected to his alleged race. That he believes in the black nationalism of “Reverend” Wright. All that SHOULD have been exposed before the election of 2008. But was not. It’s time for the TRUTH to come out.

      But as for Moran, he says they can’t sweep him under the rug. But they can. There’s already precedent. LTC Lakin. Most of the media ignored the story. In Moran’s case, they may not ignore it but WILL spin it to elicit sympathy for (dare I say it? No, I’ll resist.) Sympathy for Barry. I’m sure that was the point of the Anti-Christ meme. To create sympathy for him AND to shame fundamentalist Christian ministers into tamping down, perhaps even preaching AGAINST the idea that his goals for America do seem to follow a certain sulphurous Biblical trajectory.

      Moran has free speech. But that’s under the Constitution, which in the Obamanation has been shown to mean very little to Congress, the courts, any other authorities (except Sheriff Joe). God bless and help America.

      • Speaking of Dubya, I will always love him for the shoes incident Miri. He so kept his cool, laughed and quoted the small shoe size. Just like a tough cowboy. I loved his smile and laugh on that video. He was so adorable. True grit.I still roll laughing each time I see it.

        • Isn’t that the truth? I was amazed. He was like Master Po from Kung Fu. Invincible. Unshakeable. Just waited and ducked at the crucial moment. Amazing. Must be that pilot training. They said most can’t pass the regimen. They need trigger-quick reflexes. GWB has ’em. (At his age, too. Gives me hope for the future!) I love watching that video, too. Dubya. True Grit. You got it! Dubya for the first living POTUS on a US postage stamp!!! Mt. Rushmore, next! 🙂 Can Dubya run for POTUS again? “Miss me yet?” Yes, we do, George!

  29. I found this interesting paragraph in an Open Borders Lobby dissertation on how the Ford Foundation has funded organizations, legislation, the ACLU, authors, etc. meant to radically change American values and culture through mass immigration and by being a proponent of Open Borders rather than legalized immigration.

    Open Borders Lobby

    Page 17 (Page 7 of pdf)

    Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the ACLU has redoubled its efforts to blur any distinction between citizens and non-citizens, and between legal and illegal immigrants.

    In Rhode Island, the ACLU protested the decision by the state government not to accept Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITINs) in place of Social Security Numbers when applying for a driver’s license. Anyone can get an ITIN, but only citizens have a Social Security card.

    The ACLU argument ran, “As long as there is a substantial population of undocumented immigrants in the state,it makes little sense to deprive them of a license solely because of their immigration status.” There is no mention that a state driver’s license is the most widely accepted identity document in America, and once gained becomes the method for completely blurring one’s alien status.

    Click to access open%20borders%20lobby.pdf

    • They want to redistribute everything, including the land, the space, the air, everything. So no borders. That’s not “equal”. It’s not fair that some countries have overpopulated and there’s so much free space in the USA. They want it. They want to redistribute populations, too.

    • No pride in being a true native Mexican these days? Well, the twins will have been born with a silver bullet in their mouths rather than a silver spoon. Did they nab her while she was in the US? Did she come across the border on a legal visa? Or did our border agents think that mama and twins deserved discretionary absolution by ICE’s new dictates?

      (I haven’t read the article yet to see if my questions are answered.)

    • They didn’t hold her because there were no charges against her! Our agents knew who she was and where she was!

      “Name of the Father” was left blank on the birth certificates, but U.S. law enforcement confirm the children‘s mother is Guzman’s wife Emma Coronel, a former beauty queen who already holds U.S. citizenship, thus making the children eligible for U.S. Citizenship. The 54-year-old drug lord nicknamed “El Chapo” (Shorty), married Coronel in a lavish ceremony on her eighteenth birthday. The L.A. Times explains why Coronel was not apprehended when she crossed the border:

    • Good one, SEO!

    • I totally believe in the petition, but I am not willing to give the White House my information to put into whatever database they are compiling. Nor do they need our names and identifying information. If it was written by the Bush administration, I’d not have one problem with it. Only after it reaches 5,000 names will the White House ‘kindly” respond, if ever. We can take how they are responding to Congressional investigations as to how they will respond to petitions. If they don’t answer subpoenas, they sure aren’t going to respond to a petition. Nor did they respond to the thousands of letters sent regarding the issue.

      There is also a petition to repeal Obamacare on the WH gov. website. I believe in that also, but I won’t give my information for the same reason. Even though they have my name and information with the IRS and social security administration. This group out of the WH is evil, and totally not trustworthy.

      Remember that one of the Courts (Orly’s lawsuit) said that a person running against Obama could question Obama lawfully but it had to be during the process and not after the election. So any of the candidates now running can question his bonafides. Will they?…most likely not.

    Thursday, September 29, 2011

    Linda Jordan: Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number Failed E-Verify – PART 1

    • Note that at the end of the Part I, you can click on the notation on the screen that takes you to Part II. Or use the URL below.

      This was a True News radio broadcast. One interesting tidbit…and I don’t know where they got the information nor can I find it verified. Rick Wiles, the person interviewing, Linda said, Did you know that David Alexrod was born in Moscow? His grandfather was Leon Trotsky.

      That is totally opposite of information we have been given in that he was born in NY on the lower east side to Jewish parents and his mother worked for a leftist newspaper. Anyone have more information about Alexrod?

      This is all that Wiki says re his birth
      David M. Axelrod (born February 22, 1955) is an American political consultant based in Chicago, Illinois.

      • Linda said there are 453 million social security numbers in the database and after much investigating, she found that Obama’s was flagged as “Poms”. Out of the 453 million people, there are only 46,000 flagged for fraud with that designation.

        On September 25th, she sent a legal notification to Obama to tell him that there was a mismatch. He is supposed to respond within 10 days to correct the information according to the law. Linda sent it by mail and by fax. So the information should be corrected by October 5th. We will see if he changes his information.

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