Tag Archives: TDS

Yes, We Do, Mr. President


With the long Memorial Day weekend coming up, just as America is opening up again, just as people are doffing those masks, preparing to take road trips to gather once again with family and friends, the Biden Administration has deliberately gifted us with the highest gas prices in years. Actually, the highest prices since the last time Biden was part of an administration. They say, “elections have consequences.”

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The End? Or Next Up: Impeachment 3.0?

We’re told that the impeachment trial will end this week with an acquittal on Wednesday, after the President gives the State of the Union address Tuesday evening. But will this truly be the end? Not bloody likely.

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The War on White Males

After the past few weeks, who doesn’t have PTSD? The Kavanaugh confirmation process has left everyone in the country stressed, whether they were for Kavanaugh or against him. At least those of us who support the rule of law, the Constitution, and our Republic have the satisfaction of knowing that justice has prevailed (as the Justice has prevailed).

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