Natural Born Citizenship: What Does It Mean?

We the people American Constitution with feather pen

Natural born citizen. Our Constitution requires presidents to be natural born citizens. “NO PERSON” can become president unless that person is a natural born citizen. Let’s parse the phrase.

ArticleIISectionI - Copy

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;

The Law of Nations states that natural born citizens

are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) concurs that there is no doubt that

all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also,

and that those children are natural born citizens.  Their citizenship is the natural result of Natural Law, as delineated by Vattel. As explained here:

It was only through both parents being citizens that the child was born with unity of citizenship and allegiance to the United States which the Framers required the President and Commander in Chief to have.

For that reason, if for no other, the SCOTUS has stated that there are doubts about the natural born citizenship status of children who were born under other circumstances (e.g., to only one citizen parent, or within the U.S. to non-citizen parents).

The naturalness of natural born citizenship comes from the fact that the status is obvious. A child born on U.S. soil to two U.S. citizen parents is by nature a citizen. The status of natural born citizen is, therefore, an inherited, obvious trait, if you will.

Papoose, one of our regulars, made a good analogy:

A natural born apple is not part banana. Its impossible.

Indeed it is impossible. That’s the problem with children born on the soil to parents both of whom are not citizens, or children born outside the USA to parents both of whom are not citizens or one of whom is a citizen but did not meet certain legal requirements set down by Congress. They are all partially something else.

For example, Barack Hussein Obama II was born with two citizenships (provided that his biography is as he has told us): He was a natural born British subject at birth. He was also a U.S. citizen, if he was born in Hawaii when it was a state and if his mother was a U.S. citizen. Since no one has ever seen his real, original birth certificate in paper form, the facts are not yet in evidence.

Similarly, Senator Ted Cruz was born with foreign citizenship, because he was born in Canada. Cruz admits that he is not a natural born U.S. citizen under the provisions of the Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land:

I am a born citizen of the United States by statute: Title 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1401(g).

How can either man be a “naturally” born U.S. citizen? The natural born citizen status is one that’s obvious. A natural born citizen is not created by a statute. How can a person who was born into the citizenship of another country be also a natural born citizen of the USA?

Taking Papoose’s analogy off on a tangent:  a pluot is a hybrid fruit created by crossing plum trees with apricot trees. A pluot is part apricot, part plum:Pluots - Copy

How can a pluot be a natural born apricot? It cannot.

How can a pluot be a natural born plum? It cannot.

Nor can a citizen who has inherited a foreign citizenship, and/or who has dual citizenship at birth, be a natural born citizen of the USA.

We also have the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to consider. That amendment addresses two types of citizens, born citizens and naturalized citizens:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Note that the 14th Amendment makes no reference to the citizenship of the parents of persons born within the United States, other than the implications of the phrase subject to the jurisdiction thereof.

The 14th Amendment does not qualify “citizen”; thus, it refers to both born and naturalized citizens–simple citizenship, that is. It does not define or redefine natural born citizenship.

There are born citizens and there are naturalized citizens, so long as both types are subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. Children born abroad to citizen parents (or to one citizen parent) are merely children who were naturalized at birth by an Act of Congress.

Born citizens and naturalized citizens are both types of citizens. An “anchor baby” is, in some cases and according to a SCOTUS decision, arguably, a born citizen. And yet anchor babies are not natural born citizens, being born to parents who are not U.S. citizens–and perhaps who are not even legal residents of the USA–and who owe allegiance to a foreign power. By natural law, anchor babies do not owe sole allegiance to the USA, and their parents, in most cases, owe no allegiance to the USA.

How can those facts be made to conform with the intentions of the Founders, when they devised the eligibility requirements for Commander in Chief?

Is there a third type of citizen? I would argue yes. That would be the special type of born citizen: The natural born citizen.

Note that there is no hyphen between the adjectives natural and born. Although many sources cleverly add a hyphen, one does not exist in the written text of the Constitution.

Let’s consider that “born Citizen” is a compound noun:

A compound noun is a noun that is made with two or more words. A compound noun is usually [noun + noun] or [adjective + noun], but there are other combinations … . It is important to understand and recognize compound nouns. Each compound noun acts as a single unit and can be modified by adjectives and other nouns.

There are three forms for compound nouns:

1. open or spaced – space between words (tennis shoe)

2. hyphenated – hyphen between words (six-pack)

3. closed or solid – no space or hyphen between words (bedroom)

If “born Citizen”, as referenced in the Constitution, is a compound noun, then the adjective natural further refines the meaning of the phrase natural born-citizen (hyphen added for illustration).

An adjective modifies nouns and sometimes other adjectives. There are normal adjectives and then there are compound adjectives:

Compound adjectives, like normal adjectives, modify noun phrases. In the phrases heavy metal detector and heavy-metal detector, the latter is a compound adjective because the modifier is made of two words used in combination.

Note that not all sequences of adjectives (or other types of words) modifying a noun phrase are necessarily parts of one or more compound adjectives. Heavy metal detector and heavy-metal detector refer to subtly different things: in the first, heavy modifies metal detector, to describe a heavy device that detects metals, while in the second example, heavy modifies metal which together modify detector, to describe a device that detects heavy metals.

Therefore, the lack of a hyphen in the original written text between the words natural and born appears to indicate that the words do not comprise a compound adjective that modifies the word citizen.

If the words natural born were to comprise a compound adjective (such as heavy-metal in the example above), then natural-born would describe a citizen who was born by a natural process, not an unnatural process, such as through Caesarean section.

Instead, the word natural modifies the entire compound noun: born citizen. And so there are born citizens as well as the special class of born citizens, which are the natural born citizens, who derive their natural born status from nature–meaning it is inherited and intrinsic, something which cannot be bestowed or removed by any Act of Congress (or through any interpretation or re-interpretation by the SCOTUS: Saying doesn’t make it so. The SCOTUS could declare that a pluot is an apricot; but a pluot, intrinsically, will still not be an apricot!)

The history of the phrase seems to indicate that the Founders did believe that a natural born citizen belonged to a special class of born citizen:

An earlier draft of the document read as follows:
“No Person except a Born Citizen shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

“Born Citizen” simply means born on U.S. soil—without regard to the citizenship of one’s parents.

On July 25, 1787, John Jay wrote:

Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government, and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.

Subsequently, the draft was changed to read natural born Citizen, to ensure that any future presidential candidate was born a citizen and was also reared in sole allegiance to the USA, by virtue of having parents who were also citizens, both of whom had sole allegiance to this country.

We know what the phrase natural born Citizen meant to the Founders:

Born in the country of parents who are its citizens.

For the paramount purpose of national security, it is clear who is eligible and who is not eligible for the presidency. Only a Constitutional Amendment can extend eligibility to persons other than natural born citizens. That’s the right way to change this qualification, and only if We the People decide that we want to change it.

Incrementalism is not the way forward. Flouting the Constitution is not the way forward. Thumbing one’s nose at the “birthers” is not the way forward.

Only a Constitutional Amendment can change the Supreme Law of the Land.

Afterword: Senator Ted Cruz’s father did not become a U.S. citizen until the year 2005, when his son was 35 years old, coincidentally the age Ted Cruz must have attained in order to meet another eligibility requirement for the presidency.  How can it be said that Ted Cruz was raised “with unity of citizenship and allegiance to the United States,” when his father remained a citizen of another country throughout Ted Cruz’s childhood and early adulthood?


142 responses to “Natural Born Citizenship: What Does It Mean?

  1. I found it interesting that the Democrat responses to Sen. Cruz’s candidacy declaration speech (I think that’s a compound noun!;-) immediately turned to the “birther” question. I think that’s a real sore spot with them and I imagine they are waiting for BHO’s whole story to finally come out, sort of like a zit that needs to be popped. Sorry, that’s pretty gross, but the whole thing has been festering for nearly 7 yrs!

    • The DemoncRAT meme, ditto for the lamestream media, is that “birthers” are HYPOCRITES for not objecting to Cruz. Sez who? It’s the narrative that counts in their world; truth does not matter.

    • Good one, Yankeegirl. I believe “declaration speech” IS a compound noun. 🙂

  2. Here it is Palm Sunday and the blacks “celebrate” by scaring little white children as they try to enjoy brunch after worship services:

    The Obamanation. This is what comes from having for president someone who hates, rather than loves, this country.


    OK. Who CAN’T read between the lines and see that Pam Geller KNOWS what the lamestream is not going to report? Consider:

    ” German murder-suicide pilot Andreas Lubitz was an insecure control freak to the schoolteacher fiancée who broke his heart, even trying to tell her what to wear and who to talk to, according to a report.

    The girlfriend, identified for the first time as Kathrin Goldbach, 26, by Britain’s Daily Mail, still lived with Lubitz, 27, in their Dusseldorf apartment, but was looking to move out into a “bachelorette flat” because of his erratic behavior, the newspaper’s Web site reported Saturday.

    “He tried to order her what to wear, what men she could speak to, even the length of her skirts,” one friend said. …”

    What religion seems to be fixated on how women act, dress, and interact with men? Hmm?

  4. Muslims do that Miri. 👿

    • Yes, they do. But that guy was “depressed”. Or going blind. Or mentally disturbed. Or something. Anything BUT a convert to islam and ISIS. Just another case of “workplace violence”, you know.

      • I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody find black box so fast and then give that information out before the bodies were even cold. I’m only speculating for the heck of it….and Heck, may as well. Just suppose you saved recordings from some previous flight, or various recordings from various flights and played it back as if it was this particular flight. ANd you created some of the recording yourself. I know….it’s crazy , but anything is possible these days. I mean they always have a note, a computer blog or tweet, a diary. When did so many people write all their problems down these days, when no one seems to write anything any more unless it pertains to some weird sh#* as this. Always too much evidence almost. I’m not sure what purpose it serves but this is just my TWO CENTS….

        • imho, if it was terrorism, Muslim or otherwise, they would still make up something like “he was depressed about going blind,” just to stop a blind panic. Imagine the hit to all economies if people knew that their system allowed an ISIS “lone wolf” get into a cockpit and murder all those people in cold blood. This is exactly like the Malaysian flight, btw. Did they ever find the insides of the other recorder? How can the insides be missing but they find the outsides? And, like you said, so quickly. That WAS rather amazing, especially considering the location.

  5. Thanks for the refresher on NBC Miri,
    I fully agree. 🙂

    • TY. I hope I got it right. I think I do, not that it matters. They’re going to just incrementalize it. Like Justice Thomas said, much to my dismay–they’re ignoring that topic.

  6. Great Article Miri. It is exhausting to have to constantly mince words because of double speak to obfuscate. The words ‘reasons’ and ‘excuses’ have totally different meanings yet they are interchangeably used all the time.

    The Framers were founding a new Country, thus establishing a new nationality of People. The phrase ‘natural born citizen’ speaks to that reason. The intent is clear: People born to American citizens into the Country under Its flag. We know what they were contemplating because they were living in the present time, obviously.

    Article II would not have been written in such a way if they meant anything else. “Any Person who is a Citizen of the United States” would have sufficed.

    They surely did not intend for an American President’s birthplace plaque be installed in a foreign Country. The country was swarming with people from all over the world at the time. One had to inherit natural born citizenship, not descend from a citizen.

    Ted Cruz is lying. We are living witnesses as to the irreparable damage that will be caused if this crap persists. Another smooth operator with dreams of his foreign father. Why doesn’t the Senator speak of his mother’s politics since she is the American in the family? Where is she?

    I am sick of the excuses. The Presidency is 8 years max. So much for “restoring the country to its greatness”, Senator.

    • Pap …. MINCE AWAY ^^^ I need mucho classes…. thanks…
      looking for childhood photos of son dad mom … may have read
      were divorced? not sure… back to the search… hide & seek-er

    • Good point about yet another dude who glorifies his dad and ignores his citizen mother’s accomplishments. Not that I believe SAD is Barry’s mom. I suppose, if she did exist, then she’s a citizen, but who knows? Don’t know much about Cruz’s mother, except that they skip over her first married name and go back to her maiden name, as if she didn’t have another name when she married Cruz’s dad, if she did. It makes my head hurt. Doesn’t matter because he has a snowball’s chance in hell, anyway. He’s there to draw from Walker and he WILL get his reward from Jeb, who said, basically, he doesn’t have to worry about the likes of us because: who else could we vote for? It will be him or WORSE (Hill or Fauxcahontas or Biden, snark)!

    • Well, all we have to do is NOT Vote for the Son of a B! I expect lots of people are feeling just like you……He’ll probably jus mess up the vote for anybody worth while so Jeb has a Chance, which is the only way Jeb might get there too. He won’t get my vote either .

      • I do think it’s a plan to knock out everybody BUT Jeb. The fix, as usual, is in. Surprised it’s not McLame again, or Romney. Sheesh. Whatever happened to Perry, anyway? We need SARAH.

  7. “Not even a cat was out. The rain surged down with a steady drone. It meant to harm New York and everyone there. The gutters could not contain it. Long ago they had despaired of the job and surrendered. But the rain paid no attention to them… New York people never lived in houses or even in burrows. They inhabited cells in stone cliffs. They timed the cooking of their eggs by the nearest traffic light. If the light went wrong, so did the eggs…”

    ~ Barbara Newhall Follett, ~ Lost Island ~ born 3/4/1914 & disappeared at
    25 years old with $30.00 …from a depressing marriage… interesting…. life

    • This is very interesting. I loved the piece below. Its beautiful.

      • “My dreams are going through their death flurries. I thought they were all safely buried, but sometimes they stir in their grave, making my heartstrings twinge. I mean no particular dream, you understand, but the whole radiant flock of them together—with their rainbow wings, iridescent, bright, soaring, glorious, sublime. They are dying before the steel javelins and arrows of a world of Time and Money.”
        ― Barbara Newhall Follett

  8. “My dreams are going through their death flurries. I thought they were all safely buried, but sometimes they stir in their grave, making my heartstrings twinge. I mean no particular dream, you understand, but the whole radiant flock of them together—with their rainbow wings, iridescent, bright, soaring, glorious, sublime. They are dying before the steel javelins and arrows of a world of Time and Money.”
    ― Barbara Newhall Follett

    (yes u can’t read it all… i know that…but the teaser fills MY HEART!!!)

    Is Obama a “Foreign-Born Domestic Enemy?”

  10. Why hasn’t Hillary Clinton been arrested?

  11. Ted Cruz @tedcruz · Mar 26 said… below

    I believe we can rise up and restore America’s promise.

    HEY….TEDDY & just WHAT MIGHT THAT BE ??? I know ALL the
    Promises we were given…. DOES ANY ONE ELSE have RECALL?
    or ~ just green eggs & ham? … we DEMAND the TRUTH!!! USA

  12. Anyone have any links to pics of Ted C as a child with his sisters? Family vacations? Birthdays? Family Pics with mom, dad, sisters?

    • I haven’t. Look how well they can manage to vet someone, so long as he’s not THEIR preferred messiah: They even have his thesis! They have the GALL to call him the Republican Obama. HARDLY. Cruz actually argued before the SCOTUS. He actually WAS a practicing lawyer. While editor of the HLR, he actually EDITED things. He clerked for a SCOTUS judge, among others. iow, he’s ACCOMPLISHED much in his life, so VERY NOT LIKE BARRY. No matter that he’s not an NBC, he certainly in no way compares to Barry with regard to intelligence and accomplishments.

    • can’t find…. any just T C face in college HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!
      WEIRD…… & WEIRDER!!!! yikes

  13. Cruz & the Eligibility …CLAUSE …. near 800 comments…
    expose expose…& just where does it get US?

    • As usual, the writer cites the 1790 law (incorrectly, btw–it reads, “considered AS natural born citizens”) BUT the writer fails to mention that, having realized their error, the Congress quickly repealed the law in 1795 and changed it to remove the word “natural”. The writer inserts a hyphen, too. No surprise. The writer says Cruz is not naturalized, but he is and CRUZ himself admits as much. See the quote in the post above. He KNOWS he’s not a natural born citizen, so he says he’s a “born citizen” (left out that natural) by virtue of, NOT the Constitution or even the 14th Amendment, but by virtue of a statute passed by Congress that NATURALIZES such children at birth. The writer also says naturalized citizens must renounce other citizenship, but CRUZ DID RENOUNCE HIS CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP. Why? He’s also wrong here: The 14th Amendment says NOTHING about natural born citizens. It’s talking about naturalized citizens in the same sentence as born citizens. It does NOT speak about natural born citizenship. It simply grants citizenship (the same kind naturalized citizens get) to those born on the soil. It does NOT make natural born citizens of the foreign children of foreigners. I don’t disagree with his reasoning on WHY dual citizens should not be and technically are not NBCs. His conclusion is a real downer but I’m afraid he will turn out to be correct.

      • Bingham in this first attempt to change the language of the Constitution, notes the distinct difference between citizen and natural born Citizen. Miri, have a thought as to punctuation and capitalization in the original hand-written text, Wondering, is the “C”,”c”, upper or lower case of Citizen. As a capital the word would be a proper noun, lower a common noun. Haven’t found a copy that I can magnify the phrase. Proper English and good grammar are essential when writing legalize, “pen and quill”, at the time. The subject has been gnawing at me since this all began. Their is a certain word that evades me at present, that defines the legal presentation that is only formally accepted for such legal documents as our Constitution. Just vague memories from my first grade education into the Constitution and the ,”founding Father’s”. – when Democrat House Rep. Jonathon B. Bingham, [NY-22] introduced a constitutional amendment underH.J.R. 33: which called for the outright removal of the natural-born requirement for president found in Article II of the U.S. Constitution – “Provides that a citizen of the United States otherwise eligible to hold the Office of President shall not be ineligible because such citizen is not a natural born citizen.”

        • Hi, James. Yep. I considered the issue of capitalization and tried to figure out the pattern. There are images online from the National Archives of the actual document. They’re high resolution. I didn’t want to have to do the research into the way they capitalized or why they did it the way they did. They did capitalize Citizen but not born. They didn’t capitalize natural, either. Both born and natural are modifiers, which Citizen is the noun modified. But, imho, born Citizen is a compound noun further modified by natural. Apparently Ben Franklin explained that nouns in the Constitution were capitalized because that practice hearkened back to the German roots of English. I guess we could also get into the issue of whether the adjectives natural and born are coordinate or non-coordinate. I’d nitpick and say that there’s no comma, so they cannot be coordinate adjectives. If they were, then you could split it and say born Citizen and natural Citizen. Yes, it might seem they’re coordinate, BUT then it’s redundant. Why not then just say natural Citizen? A natural Citizen is ALREADY a born Citizen, although a born Citizen is NOT also understood to be a natural Citizen. Can we also say born natural Citizen? Nope, it doesn’t make sense because it’s already understood that a natural Citizen IS a born Citizen. So that would be redundant. Just another reason why I believe that natural born Citizen is just a SPECIAL, MORE RARIFIED CLASS OF BORN CITIZEN. For example:

          He was a difficult, stubborn child. (coordinate)
          They lived in a white frame house. (non-coordinate)
          She often wore a gray wool shawl. (non-coordinate)
          Your cousin has an easy, happy smile. (coordinate)

          • Thanks, very much Miri !!!! Having to dig way back to my early grammar lessons. Not with great certainty, wouldn’t natural and born be conjunctive nouns to the proper noun Citizen? In other words, natural born, as common nouns (become adjectives) defining the proper noun Citizen, agreeing with your asserttion. The strong check that John Jay determined, would annul any of noble birthright or those of foreign nationalities, who are without citizenship of being born as non-citizens. Still, it’s a currfunkel to me, though because of the word Citizen being capitalized gives the word an essential meaning as a proper noun and so natural born determines the Citizen, as does thirty-five years of age and fourteen years of residence within the jurisdiction of the United States. Even still the clause does leave lots of wiggle room, even of Citizen parents? Does the capitalization mean also the parents must be upper case, also? Then the clause would become very stringent and determine a Citizen, as to, a citizen !!!! Begin, screaming, now !!!! It’s a thought !!!!

            • While I was reading up this morning I learned that in German, they capitalized all nouns, which is why (according to Ben Franklin) the scribe capitalized nouns in the Constitution; he was following that Anglo-Saxon tradition. It sounds as if it was a flourish on his part. I’m not sure what you mean by “conjunctive nouns” but elementary school grammar was a long time ago and I’m not sure that I was ever that adept at it. I did have a teacher in college who was a stickler for proper use of commas and, if natural and born are supposed to be coordinate, then there ought to be a comma. I think. It gets confusing and after a while makes my head hurt. 🙂 It doesn’t make sense to reverse the adjectives. You wouldn’t say born natural citizen. So born is non-coordinate with citizen, so I think that makes born citizen, basically, a compound noun: A unit, that is further defined, in this special case, by natural, so everybody knows it means someone whose parents were also citizens.

              • Basically, on the same page !!!! Sorry for the delay, a conjunction is a coordinate, also, used in clauses, though no such thing as a conjunctive noun !!!!

              • modifiers anyone? No fancy grammar to understand what and how it was written. It’s pretty clear> I think you’re going beyond what is intended there. It seems it’s always the simplest things that need the most grotesque and exaggerated explanations. I wouldn’t worry so much, it won’t change how some groups have gone out of their way to make something that’s clear and precise into some anomaly.

  14. M y Problem with CRUZ….is the he’s very-very-….. Smart…..
    a son of a Preacher Man…. speak well speak often… speak God?

  15. Isn’t this lovely? Probably coming soon to an indoctrination center near you:

    A children’s book about how a 3-year-old rejoices that his ABORTED sister is, well, dead. BUT she’s a “happy ghost”.

  16. I guess everyone here does realize that it used to be or still is the fact that when one becomes a legit citizen here and you swear allegiance to the uSA you also by proxy denounce your other foreign allegiance. THis is another way of saying US does not recognize dual citizenship. There are many dual citizens here who may be recognized in the other country of their birth as dual, but they could not use that dual citizenry here…so as far as the US is concerned they abide by the laws and are subject to the laws of the US and it is not reciprocated. A person who may be a dual citizen but is a US citizen, should he fall into any legal battle or succumb to a crime in the US , he does not get to say oh I shall choose my other country’s laws to apply its’ laws to me. So, did Cruz keep his CA. cit in order to still be recognized as a citizen of Canada so he could come and go there with ease (not likely) or just what were his reasons/ Was it that his Dad had kept an oath to that country too and felt a loyalty to the first place that gave him citizenship???Does Cruz or did Cruz feel some loyalty or allegiance or love for Canada that he just could not let go of all these years? Some one should ask him more questions for extreme clarity and I doubt that’s going to happen.

    • I would guess that, since he only lived there for 4 years, he had no allegiance, really, to Canada. But I would also guess that at the point he wanted a passport so he could travel on a school trip, he might have had trouble getting a U.S. passport IF his mom didn’t register him at the U.S. embassy in Canada upon his birth. Like Maya, he went to “international school”. Why? I wonder if he was registered as a Canadian citizen at school in Texas or wherever? My gosh, it’s amazing that we’re having these same conversations about him. What are the odds?

  17. When did Cruz take the oath, to the USA? 🙄

    • This is so confusing. He did apparently renounce his Canadian citizenship. RECENTLY. If he’s correct that he was naturalized at birth as a born citizen, BY STATUTE, then he didn’t have to take an oath, but I do think his mother had to register his birth at the U.S. embassy. If that happened, then where’s that paper? If not, then what is his status? If her then-husband became a Canadian citizen when they moved to Canada (sketchy time frame for the move) then at what point in time did that happen, before or after Ted’s birth in Canada? Now you might say we understand why the Cuban would apply for Canadian citizenship upon moving there–he was the immigrant. But in that situation, so was his wife. Did she ALSO assume Canadian citizenship? If not, then why not, when her husband did? If she did take Canadian citizenship, then I assume she renounced her U.S. citizenship, in which case it’s important to know WHEN that happened. I think I read that Ted got a U.S. passport in 1986, so that would be when he was 16. I wonder if anybody can get his paperwork from the archives. Was it at that point that he took an oath to the USA, claimed his U.S. citizenship, and “registered” as a citizen? Will his passport records be “cauterized”, too. I mean, what was submitted to the Dept. of State in order for him to get that passport?

  18. But then yesterday: ….. @ AT O’ … on the Sauce .. OR Worse?? )

    The Commander-in-Chief, returning from a Florida TRIP where he Played Golf with Wealthy Donors, …. nearly took a …Tumble when exiting ….
    Air Force One on Sunday.

    He gave a wave to media before Stumbling.. for a second …& resuming
    his TROT down to the tarmac …. at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington.

    Still no conclusive proof of anything. Gerald Ford stumbled getting off Air Force One (& was endlessly mocked for it).
    Still, as the World Careens OUT OF … Control, … IT IS NOT .. Comforting.

  19. Critical issues? It is not merely Disgraceful that the USURPER is
    a Golf Junket ….. again …. this weekend …. It’s frightening.

    If Ayatollah Khamenei is out playing golf or shuffleboard or competing
    in a backgammon tournament or whatever the Hell they do over there
    for recreation, I’d be very surprised.

  20. ~ Crusader1099 ~ 2:44 PM PDT [Edited] ( is this true??? )
    @ wren 57 for saying they were Tea Party dudes
    Odds are they were Lib’s
    Ft. Hood shooter – Registered Democrat
    Columbine shooters – Too young to vote but both families were registered
    Democrats and progressive liberals.
    Virginia Tech shooter – Registered Democrat – Wrote hate mail to President
    Bush and to his staff.
    Colorado Theater shooter – Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama
    campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.
    McVeigh raised in Democrat registered Union household
    Weathermen, SLA
    Boston Bombers, Dems on the dole

  21. PolitiFact: Article II Presidential Eligibility Issue
    Not Settled; The U.S. Supreme Court’s Silence

    The issue is settled. The issue is not settled. The issue is settled. The issue is not settled. The issue is settled. The issue is not settled. The issue is settled. The issue is not settled. The issue is settled. The issue is not settled.

    Which is it? ~~~ ??? ~~~ ???

  22. ~ Deapster John_Frank • 5 days ago
    Got to be reminded: WEIRD ….

    W E I R D – White-Educated-Industrialized-Rich-Democrats: Pajama
    & wearers of Google glasses & Apple watches.

    aka Californians …. ha

  23. do we REALLY want another …. IN-Experienced…1ST Term Senator?
    with out “Foreign Policy” under the belt will we have a FIGHTING chance

  24. STIFFS…. his 80 year old MOM… Laurence Fishburne lll age 53…
    has HIS OWN ..3 KIDS & a NEW pretty WIFE… SHAME MISTER !!!!

  25. Please give my brother a moment of your time.


    Did y’all see that one. A weird story gets weirder. Another strange political suicide in MO.

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