We Can Fight Back, Too

WeddingRings - Copy

More and more often, we find these sorts of stories in the news:

Two women named Melinda and Dani Phoenix and the man they both consider their husband, Jonathan Stein, are in a polyamorous relationship and parenting two babies together under the same roof.

Melinda and Dani began their relationship as a lesbian couple and became domestic partners in 2010. A year later, Jonathan joined them as the third partner and the three married last summer in a ceremony that is not legally recognized.

Or this:

Three gay men from Thailand have tied the knot in what is thought to be the world’s first three-way same-sex marriage.

Happy newlyweds Joke, 29, Bell, 21 and Art, 26, took the plunge on Valentine’s Day after exchanging their vows in a fairy-tale ceremony at their home in Uthai Thani Province, Thailand.

The three blushing grooms are thought to be the world’s only wedded male threesome and have since become internet sensations after photos from their big day went viral.

Or this:

[Actor Neil Patrick] Harris has two children with his “husband, actor/chef David Burtka — 4-year-old twins, Gideon and Harper, who were conceived via a surrogate mother.

If we consider how cleverly the progressive left has “normalized” what once was not considered normal (and actually which is not normal), then we come to understand that we can peacefully fight back, using their tactics.

We do not have to accept their reworking of the English language. Men do not have husbands. Women do not have wives. Marriage is between two people of opposite sex: one male and one female, as ordained by God.

Someone in a traditional marriage should refer to the marriage this way:

I am traditionally married.

Why must anyone who is in a state of holy matrimony, in a traditional marriage, cede to others the privilege of warping the definition of that sacramental state? We should not.

To refer to a man as the “husband” of another man, or to a woman as the “wife” of another woman, is an insult to anyone who is in a traditional marriage, in the holy state of matrimony.

Why is it that certain small groups of the population are allowed to change the very semantics of marriage? Definitions have already subtly changed; consider these examples from various online reference sites:

A husband is a male in a marital relationship.

 Husband: a married man, especially when considered in relation to his partner in marriage.
Husband: A man joined to another person in marriage; a male spouse.

Husband: a married man: the man someone is married to.

How carefully they parse. How carefully they avoid using the words woman, female, wife, when describing a man in relation to his “partner”, “spouse”, “another person”, or (my special favorite) that “someone” that he’s married to.

How soon will they have to change those definitions to take into account the “someones” (plural) that any man is married to? How soon will they have to change the definition to include female “husbands”? Surely it’s only a matter of time until males demand to be called “wives”.

Already Facebook gives users 58 different options for defining their own “gender”. What’s to keep traditionally married people from demanding the same courtesy by being allowed to define their own marital status, for example, by demanding a new category: traditionally married?

Or, as Dolce and Gabbana suggested, “classically” married? Read this story to see how those two gay fashion designers ran into the buzzsaw of the “Gaystapo”, when they advocated for the right of all children to have a mother and father in a “classical family.” That was their personal opinion, but politically incorrect opinions (as defined by progressives) apparently no longer are worthy of First Amendment protection.

But we can fight back against censorship and the distortion of the English language.

We can refuse to use the words husband or wife when speaking of homosexual partners in a homosexual “marriage”.

We can refuse to use the word marriage at all in the context of any homosexual legal relationship without using a suitable qualifier, such as, gay marriage, same-sex marriage, homosexual marriage, non-traditional or non-classical marriage.

Better yet, use gay-coupled; don’t use the word marriage at all, no matter what the government calls it. It’s a mockery and a sacrilege.

We all have the right to free speech. We should exercise our First Amendment rights. Do not allow a vocal minority to get away with hijacking the semantics of traditional (classical) marriage.

Consider this story:

[F]our adult children of gay parents — acting as a “quartet of truth,” according to their lawyer David Boyle in Long Beach, Calif. — have submitted briefs to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals opposing same-sex marriages, with several saying that growing up under the rainbow was neither normal nor pleasant.  …

“I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk,” wrote Ms. Stefanowicz, adding that her father sometimes took her on his “cruising” visits to gay art galleries, nude beaches and public parks.

Like other daughters of gay men she has talked with, Ms. Stefanowicz said she felt she — and her femininity — were not valued or affirmed.

“Ultimately, I was seeking his love and acceptance. [But] I was not allowed to freely question him, bring up moral arguments or hurt his feelings, or I would face long-term repercussions,” Ms. Stefanowicz wrote. …

Ms. Klein said she was expected to pay “constant homage and attention” to her mothers’ gayness and believe that gays were “much more creative and artistic” because they weren’t sexually repressed.

The heterosexual culture of marriage and children was held in “utter contempt” by the gay adults in her world, Ms. Klein wrote. [What?! Teaching innocent children cisism? I thought I invented that word, cisism, until I searched for it.] 

In fact, the isolation from the “inferior” heterosexual world was so complete, she wrote, that “I had no idea how two heterosexuals behaved toward their children as mother and father” until she was placed in foster care over a medical issue when she was a teenager.

Mr. Lopez said he and other children of gays feel “pain” — but it’s because there’s a “missing biological parent,” not because people lack legal marriage.

He said his childhood exposure to radical Catholic liberation theology and talk about “the beauty of homosexual relationships” led him into years of sexual experimentation, including taking money for sex with men.

A reunion with his long-estranged father led to his escape from the “toxic” gay family life, said Mr. Lopez, who is now married to his girlfriend and a father. …

Despite what the gay lobby and progressives want society to believe, children raised by gays are not “happier and healthier than their peers,” as those brave fellows Dolce and Gabbana understand.  Indeed,

In a historic study of children raised by homosexual parents, sociologist Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Austin has overturned the conventional academic wisdom that such children suffer no disadvantages when compared to children raised by their married mother and father. Just published in the journal Social Science Research, … the most careful, rigorous, and methodologically sound study ever conducted on this issue found numerous and significant differences between these groups–with the outcomes for children of homosexuals rated “suboptimal” (Regnerus’ word) in almost every category.

Other comprehensive studies have shown the damage that can be inflicted when one is raised by a gay couple:

[T]he majority of the studies finding no disadvantages are of dubious quality: They rely on small numbers of survey participants, often recruited through gay advocacy events, websites, sperm banks, parent forums, word of mouth, or other nonrandom methods. Such “convenience samples” can produce useful data but are prone to bias—where the families most likely to respond are those already faring well.

A new study, published in February in the British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, avoids that problem. It examined a survey database from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, involving random interviews with tens of thousands of U.S. households.

In analyzing data from 512 same-sex couples with a child under 18 living in the home, study author D. Paul Sullins—a sociology professor at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.—found that children raised by same-sex parents were twice as likely to suffer emotional and behavioral problems as children with heterosexual parents. When compared only with children raised jointly by their own biological parents, the difference was even more stark: Children from same-sex households were four times as likely to suffer problems such as depression, anxiety, defiance, or inattention.

Mr. Lopez and Ms. Stefanowicz, mentioned above, have decided to “fight back:”

Instead of cowering, Lopez has decided to fight back. Last year he co-launched an advocacy group, the International Children’s Rights Institute, whose mission involves defending the right of children to have a mother and father—their biological ones, whenever possible. Stefanowicz is on the organization’s testimonial council, along with other children’s rights advocates and children of gay parents.

Nor should we who believe in traditional marriage cower. We also should fight back, if only by insisting upon reserving for traditional marriage the language that has traditionally defined traditional marriage. A marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

Marriage is

the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.

Marriage is

a state instituted and ordained by God for the lifelong relationship between one man as husband and one woman as wife. … [It is] the most intimate of human relationships, a gift from God, and a sacred institution.

Anything else is not marriage and we should never be heard saying that it is.

Laws are already being misapplied to punish people for words they speak, when someone arbitrarily decides that those words constitute “hate speech.”

We’ve not yet reached the point where the government has tried to punish people for not speaking words that they never intend to speak, or for having “hate thoughts” (such as, that gay “marriage” is a sacrilege, a mockery, and a travesty). If we ever do reach such a point, then our Republic is lost.


320 responses to “We Can Fight Back, Too

  1. ~ Malignant arrogant _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
    In other words, by Any Means Necessary, just or unjust, legal or illegal.

    “By hook or by crook, we’re going to make sure that when I Leave this office, that the country is more prosperous, more people have opportunity, kids have a better education, we’re more competitive, climate change is being taken more seriously than it was, & we are actually trying to do something about it.
    Those are going to be the measures by which I look back & say whether I’ve been successful as president.”
    – See more at: http://www.libertynews.com/2015/03/alinsky-method-man-obama-to-huffpo-by-hook-or-by-crook-im-going-to-be-successful/#sthash.fueAgQFi.QsBNcqwN.dpuf

    RACIAL TENSIONS??… as tossing …. “OUR”… ZIMMERMAN
    POT 2 BOIL ……
    BE 4 …. any-ONE knew what REALLY went DOWN! SHAME ON U!!
    & IF that would B ….YOUR DAUGHTERS….. what would “U” WANT?


  3. O’ … IS … A .. Psychopath so says the Doctor… Ben Carson

    & WHY does O’ .. have “M E” … on the PALM of his Right HAND?
    It’s a weird photo… & is it really him? comments +


  4. I’d VOTE 4 TRUMP… in a “HEART~BEAT” ~ interesting read & of

    course “Harvard Law Review” … said we should JUST “SKIP”… this
    as WE …HAVE >>BETTER things to spend OUR TIME ON?~ then
    w Goldberg… whoop’s it UP.. like she loved to pit-bull US one & ALL


    • I’d consider Trump in a heartbeat, as well.

      Palin/West – West/Palin 2016

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        I , too. Would consider Trump in a heartbeat! The only reason I would not consider Palin is the MSM has already made her damaged goods.

        • ^^^ so would CRAZY GLUE work? damaged by WHOM.. REALLY
          just WHO are they & what does anything MATTER any longer.. even
          US… FIGHT for YOUR LIFE… as if it REALLY is a dance of death
          NEVER GIVE UP.. even though they have tried to WIN our SOULS!

        • And that is exactly the reason I will not abandon her.

          She is not “damaged goods”. She’s an American Patriot. They fear her.
          As a matter of fact, she’s the very person who brought Ted Cruz to the forefront and I don’t even hold it against her.

          I will not permit the MSM to strangle me.

  5. I am proud and happy to declare that I will not be supporting Senator Ted Cruz as a candidate for Presidency or Vice Presidency of the United States of America.

    Ted Cruz is not a natural born American Citizen and therefore ineligible to be the Commander Inn Chief of our Military.

    As a citizen, Ted Cruz, has every right to be a Senator and I wish him well in that office.

    I did not need to go to Princeton or Harvard to know what a natural born citizen is and why it is the primary qualification in our Constitution under Article II. I learned it in the 6th grade and wrote an essay on it in the 8th grade to earn bonus points. My teachers did not lie to me. It’s common sense and a safeguard in the defense of Country. ts fail-safe clause.

    A ‘citizen at birth’ is a twist and more corruption of the term and meaning of Natural Born Citizen. Natural Born Citizens do not have options as they are exclusively American born in the USA. They do not have dual citizenship at birth and do not need to register at American consulates. They do not rely on statutes to confer citizenship at birth or otherwise.

    Ted Cruz is not a native son. Ted Cruz has a foreign birth certificate. Ted Cruz has a foreign father. Natural Born Citizens have none of these attributes.

    Article II has never been amended. Article II explicitly states that citizen is not eligible for the office via the grandfather clause.

    If Ted Cruz is a Constitutional Scholar, than he is also a liar and in his studies failed to read extant material including newspaper articles which were prevalent an still available for discussions concerning immigration and citizenship.

    A natural born apple is not part banana. Its impossible.

    Ted Cruz is no different than Barack Hussein Obama II.

    I’ll spare you what I think of Ted Cruz’ father. He supported Reagan, you know. Well whoopdee doo. Did he vote for him too? Guess not, since he did not naturalize in our Country until 2005. And so much more…

    For God’s sake, can’t we have anything in this Country? The Presidency is the only thing that truly belongs to the Natural Born American Citizen and it exists to protect us from foreigners infiltrating our Defense and National Security. Its not defined because it doesn’t need to be. Born as an American, exclusively, by nature., under our Flag.

    • Editor!!! Typos… oh well…
      Get my drift, nevertheless?

      and respectfully,
      I didn’t sit on this board for nearly 6 years to slide down the slippery slope of this blatant infidelity by a well-to-do opportunist.

      I will never support a ‘citizen at birth’ or otherwise to be Commander In Chief and Presider over our Laws. I will protect and defend our Constitution til the day I die.

      • Hey, Papoose. I, for one, honor your patriotism and courage. I’m just agnostic at this point because I am so tired of fighting this same fight over and over. I feel as if we’ve said it all. I can’t do the Minor vs. Happersett stuff again. My eyes glaze over. Everybody knows by now how we all feel about it. I agree that he’s NOT an NBC, nor are the others (Jindal, Haley, etc.). I just feel that for sure our Republic will NOT survive another 8 years of someone like Obama. Hillary and Warren are as bad as he. They will continue the fundamental transformation and then what will we do? Well, if we’re not screwed already, which I fear we are. I hope we’re not faced with that choice of Cruz vs. Hillary or Warren (or both). I don’t know what I’ll do. Lose my mind, probably. Sit it out and guarantee Hillary wins? I don’t know what I’ll do and I hope I don’t have to make that choice. I won’t, however, be SUPPORTING Cruz for POTUS. I’ll just be silent on the topic, I suppose.

        Considering what I said about his speech when he announced: I got a creepy feeling that I can’t explain. I’m burned out, though. You know what I wish? That Clint would run. I don’t care how old he is.

        • Rosemary Woodhouse

          I should have remained silent. A few keystrokes too late. Mea the #uck me culpa!

        • Miri, I am so far gone and tired. I can’t even begin to tell you.

          I am so hurt by Ted Cruz and Company after all this time and I am not about to change for a person. I miss my life. It would all be in vain if I were to give in now. Win or lose, I am not putting my faith in him. He knows we have a bogus potus and does nothing about it. He has a once in a lifetime opportunity to “restore” this great nation. He makes me sick and gives me the creeps.

          Insofar as barky goes, I only got involved because he claimed he had a foreign father. I gave up my life because of that. And, now all of a sudden, its AOK? Not by me.

          That’s all.

          • I thought about what you said about Cruz. Being a lawyer, he DOES KNOW that he’s ineligible. So, what else does that say about him? Again, I am hoping against hope that this won’t be the choice we must make in 11/2016. Somehow, I can’t see him winning the nomination, anyway.

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        Etc tu, Papoose?

        • Rosemary Woodhouse

          Oh, editor….Never mind! Dare to write I want my country back and don’t see anyone else who’s capable of winning DESPITE HAVING WAGED AND LOST THE ELIHIBILITY ARGUMENT once and see ya round the block, Rosemary! I see…..

          • RW, please don’t regret saying how you feel. That’s what we always wanted here. As I said, I don’t know what I would do. I hope I don’t have to make that choice. Cruz sounds so good but I really don’t think he has a real chance. I could be wrong, though, but he’s got that additional strike against him–that being that all the constitutionalists will NOT support him or vote for him, no matter what. They’ll sit it out and it will be enough to swing the election. I FEAR that’s the point in the establishment encouraging Cruz and I do think they WILL Palinize him to the point that he has no chance of winning. Walker seems to be far better than Barry and could win. He’s won so far and, really, I wonder how he did it. He won another recently when the SCOTUS would not take a case to throw out Wisconsin’s VOTER ID law. That was a BIGGIE.

            • I love Walker.

              Remember when his State legislators ran off to another state? Lol.
              They should have lost their seats for dereliction of duty.

              • I had forgotten about that. Oh yeah, There was discussion about them losing there seats . Scott Walker not being a college educated elitist ( he doesn’t fit the niche of all the Yale and Haaarvad farts)….that’s something he’ll have to overcome, but I love it…thank God .

              • Oh, yeah. I did forget about that. He stands his ground no matter what the media say about him. Now we’re supposed to be upset that he didn’t go to (or is it finish?) college. AS IF suddenly the libs who PRETEND to be such populists look down their noses, openly, at someone with “only” a high school diploma. My Dad didn’t have even that and he was so much more intelligent than any of those creeps in DC, including and especially Barry. (Proven, btw, by the IQ test they gave him in WWII. Genius! But one without their “college diploma”. Diplomas are not equal to intelligent. Just look at Barry and Mooch.)

          • Rosemary, you need to feel free to express yourself. I get battered all over the blogging neighborhood everyday. I don’t care. I have even been stalked and impersonated. It will not work.

            The whole conundrum is only for one reason: Chaos; Fracture; Demise.
            Divide and Conquer. It ain’t happening. I won’t let it.

            We’re on the right Thread: We Can Fight Back Too.

        • No Rosemary, Nothing like that at all. We’re starving and gnashing for an American executive/ leader so I get it about the possibility Cruz. I am standing by my principles as an American and my beliefs in preservation of our Country for Americans. Its not personal. It could never be with me.

          I can only hope I would not betray Jesus when the cock crowed thrice. I know I will never dishonor my beliefs for that Senator. He could be such a hero for all times and go down as the greatest American in the 21st Century if he would put his Country before his quest. We need him in the Senate and that’s all he’s eligible for. I can even see him as the Supreme Court Chief Justice one day…but I am tuning him out and muting him when he comes on my TV.

          His candidacy proves one thing to me: They’re all in it together.

          I respect you, Rosemary, We’ve been compatriots for almost 8 solid years. As Americans, we have every right to our opinions and heartfelt beliefs.

          Ted Cruz is not for me until and unless he gets over this ‘citizen at birth’ crap. He’ll be doing more damage than any good he can accomplish in 8 years. He could be a Hero.

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            Thank you, Papoose. That really means a lot to me. YOU all really mean a lot to me.

          • I don’t think I could listen to Cruz for four years; he’s too nasal. What he says is pretty good talk, trying to drag the reganesque type persona back out again, but Regan’s voice was much more soothing. THere’s just something right at the start that I don’t trust when he knows his eligibility is questionable, yet still want’s our vote. THat’s troublesome for me.

            • yep… ^^ slipping & sliding into 1ST BASE !!! …. O’ PRAY for the
              TRUTH 2 SURFACE … soon… 4 any & all of the dirty dozens….
              & my friends?? say it has been PROVEN…. burns me butt’ ! So
              just who need friends like THAT ? eyes that CHOOSE 2 not SEE!
              Cheating …2 WIN …is STILL CHEATING! What did you really WIN?

            • That’s my feeling alfy: “Trying to drag the Reaganesque type persona back out.” A person should BE it and not play act at it. PHONY is what I see. That’s what I meant when I said he needs to NOT pay attention to handlers and spin doctors and be himself. IMHO, from what I heard of his speech, it stunk. I got a creepy feeling. I won’t give him advice because I don’t think he’s going to be “it”, anyway. Or I hope not because I don’t want to have to make that choice. I’ll cross that bridge if I EVER come to it, but no angst about it at this moment. What’s the use? Just spins our wheels and gets us all in a tizzy.

    • I hear you. I just hope that it doesn’t come down to that choice. I agree that he shouldn’t be on the ballot, especially because of his father and his former (?) political views. I think this is deliberate, to stick him on the ballot or another of the unqualified/questionably qualified people. There are plenty of NBCs with no baggage in the Republican Party. I’d much prefer West/Palin or Palin/West. Or even the good doctor. I really don’t think Cruz has a chance, so maybe they’re setting us up again, like with McLame. WHY put on the ballot someone whom they KNOW a lot of conservative people won’t support, no matter how much they might like what he says? And why put on the ballot somebody whom the media have been attacking for a long time and will continue to do so, except with even more vitriol? It’s always a set up, it seems. McLame? Please. They almost “lost” by winning when Sarah was put on the ballot. I wonder if it’s ever going to be possible for the people to actually choose their own candidates again?

      • I stopped wondering why when I researched his father.

        He’s another installation. Groomed.
        1. He legitimized that commie muslamic
        2. He’ll fracture the Republcan vote and ensure another Marxist.

        He makes me sick, I tell ya. Sick! Sick! Sick! doyt. doyt.

        • Do you really think a foreign refugee at age 18 who doesn’t speak English can appear in Texas out the clear blue sky, get a job washing dishes in the late mid 1950’s pay his own tuition, room and board on 50 cents a day, take a trip back to Cuba in 1959, come back, graduate, start his own company in the oil business, move to Canada, gain citizenship, start a family, move back to the USA and become a Baptist minister?

          I don’t. Not in the 1950s where I grew up. Something ain’t right.

          The Cuban-Canadian who supported and campaigned for President Ronald Reagan. He’s kidding right? He was so enamored by the American candidate that he failed naturalize. Did he vote for him, too? How many times?

        • It’s so ridiculous. They THINK that him being “Hispanic” will help the Republicans. It will NOT because most Hispanics in the USA are of MEXICAN descent and they feel no particular affinity for Cubans. Just ask one. It’s like expecting German-Americans to support a Swiss-American because those two countries are close and some of the people speak the same language. Culturally, they may be similar, but there’s no loyalty based upon common European ancestry. Maybe the Cuban-Americans in Florida will like Cruz, but will they? How conservative are they?

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            Actually, the Cubans in Florida tend to vote Republican.

            • Yeah, I know they do, but with them tarring Cruz with this “wild Tea Party loon” meme, would they vote for him, anyway? Then, if it’s Florida they’re after, how will Cruz go over with everybody else, especially the Northeastern Jewish folks who winter in Florida and sometimes vote from there (and from their homes, too)?

              • Rosemary Woodhouse

                That’s how they were able to ouster Allen West. That and they gerrymandered the district to ensure it.

    • so in my Heart of Hearts… since we have fought tooth & nail to
      surface OUR TRUTH … & got ZERO in re-turn.. all said & done the
      SAD TRUTH… is I will ALLOW myself to VOTE WHERE my heart &
      VOTE “will matter” 4-ME .. I’m not a sell out BUTT’ nor will I this LATE
      in the GAME .. “there GAME” allow them to crap on ME! many a BRIDGE
      2 CROSS .. I still believe in Sheriff JOE / ORLY etc. & does .. our vote
      really Get counted? vs millions of ILLEGALS voters GO PALIN / TRUMP!
      saying …CRUZ could win? the religious folks may push the # ‘s UP
      but we don’t even know who will be alive …. when we hit the POLLS!
      I’m still waiting for the BLUE BIRD of HAPPINESS 2 TELL ME …more

  6. HongryHawg • 12 minutes ago
    Obama was born in Kenya (with no proof otherwise). His mother was born in the US. His father was a British Subject. Cruz was born in Canada (he proves it). His mother was born in the US. His father was born in Cuba. Will someone explain to me why these are different situations?
    NANCY Pelosi signed off on Obama for the Democratic Party knowing HE Wasn’t Eligible.
    Hence the Two Signed Forms, One With Out Deference to the Constitution. If Obama was Eligible, why the Forged Birth Certificate?
    Because he was & is NOT Eligible. Same with Cruz, as wonderful as he seems.
    By allowing Cruz Eligibility, IT Negates Obama’s current Ineligibility. It makes all that he’s done Legal, which we all know it Isn’t. My concern is that those that Fix the elections (& they are there) will see to IT that Cruz wins just to MAKE Obama Legal. Sounds SIlly, but I contend that the eligibility issue is a real one that most people avoid, even SCOTUS.
    And SCOTUS won’t touch it because they know what the truth is.
    ~ & … I heard last night .. that it would be a ONE TERM run … why?

    • They’re never going to allow Cruz to win UNLESS he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    • By supporting Ted Cruz, a person is supporting the demise of the fail safe protection of foreign influence in our Defense and National Security which is the only obligation the federal government has to its States and sovereign citizens. Its the Principal and not the Man. The Man is only here for 8 years, unless… that old pen and phone thingy.

      The example is shoved in our racist faces every single day.

      This is America, think and do as you please. Have at it. Learn Chinese and Farsi in the meantime. It may come in handy in the long run. The Northern Global States of the United Nations has a nice ring to it.

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        I should have just STFU. Really. I NEVER would have expected this type of reaction here. Debate, yes, but this…Never!

        Thanks for being kind, Miri. You always were.

        • I hope I always will be, RW. I try; I really do. We’re all just so burned out and frazzled and tired. Really tired. They’re beating us down. I hope we’re like family, though. Like sisters. And brothers. Fight though we may, we’ll stand up for each other when push comes to shove.

        • HEY …. RW … were ALL being as KIND as we can B .. it “hits a
          nerve or 2” when we have the AIR sucked out DAILY! It’s GREAT
          that we can VENT our overspill & not end UP in jail … yet! ha
          Remember this MAKES .. them O’ so happy .. & remember how
          many .. family & friends we can’t share this with… We win…. if
          we say so…. just …keep your eye on the prize … life is SHORT!
          PS confession I piss myself OFF some days now ain’t that something

        • Rosemary, I am not reacting to you. My stance has nothing to do with you or anyone.

          Ted Cruz is not a natural born American citizen and that’s where I am coming from. I will never concede or give in on that matter. Its all I’ve ever cared about in since 2007 and have lost my family and many friends over it. I have given up my life and the enjoyment of things I truly love in this endeavor. At WTPOTUS, I believe I am at the proper place at the proper time to express my views.

          I am not debating, either. Its a closed case for me. My life depends on it,

          I put you above Ted Cruz. Its not about him or his potential. Its about his status and lack thereof. I will not support him and I will not vote for him because I feel he’s dishonest and self-serving.

          Its okay with me how you feel – its your right. 🙂

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            Pap, we’ve been virtual friends for a long time now. We’ve all lost family and friends over Obama & other enemies of state nd yes, that is how they want it. Ted Cruz is not worth arguing about it here at WTPOTUS. I choose my country and ALL OF YOU over any individual politician.

            • I think that’s why I said I’m agnostic, meaning that I don’t think he’s worth fighting over because, like Santorum, I just don’t see him, in the end, on the ballot.

        • Rosemary, I see people disagreeing with you but nothing disrespectful about the “type of reaction here”. A debate, mixed in with declarations, are being presented in response to your stand. You know many of us would find issue with it. You are making yourself a victim, deciding we are against YOU, when we ARE NOT. We care about you and respect you. What is the “this” in “Debate, yes, but this….Never!”? Why are you, with your redefining our intent of debate, dividing us? We are not against you. How does not supporting you and explaining why transfer to you being picked on?

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            WAH, most of us have said and made our peace. Why are you continuing this I ask, respectfully? There is no collective “our” as I addressed individual posts. I would never cause division! I have far too much respect for every one. I would leave first, which I don’t feel is necessary. I regret having expressed support for Cruz. Can we are move on?

            • Well, I am merely answering/responding to your posts, specifically addressed to me. Why regret expressing your support? Don’t ask me anymore questions or accuse me of calling you a pariah or leaving me look like I am being unreasonable. YOU asked me questions, and/or accuse and I won’t respond. I answered your questions, yet I am asked, “Why are you continuing this?” which is a question but you don’t want me to answer????? This paints me as unreasonable and contentious. “Can we move on?” Certainly, if you don’t ask me any questions. lol! Outa here. You are being downright manipulative and rude to me personally with these two latest condescending questions. It has been nice. You rock and since I am the latecomer to this great place, I bow out. There was no need to paint me this way. I only answered your direct questions. So it is. Best to you.

              • Rosemary Woodhouse

                WAH, this is unnecessary. Please don’t leave. Written words can be open to interpretation due to lack of facial expression or tone of voice. I can guarantee if we were all in the same room this dust up would have been over almost as soon as it began.

                As Miri wrote, we’re all weary. I’m not painting you iinto any corner! This has gotten blown away out of proportion. O&Co want to see us divided..
                Let’s you and I not fall into that trap. Weve always been a very harmonious group, Including you!! I will gladly accept the blame. So please don’t leave. I will feel terrible and responsible if you do. Isn’t there enough really upsetting stuff going on without……..this? Peace.

              • WAH, we value both of you and all of our commenters. There’s no need to “bow out” and we hope you don’t do that.

        • RW, when I think of Cruz I think…….(OK. I think weird analogies) of a beautiful exquisite pipe organ that makes sweet music , so sweet that one is overcome with joy; the maker of that wonderful instrument and it’s many parts came from many foreign places that I’ve never known.
          OK, that was weird, but I hope you get it. I also think of Thomas Paine…..he wrote wonderful literature, pamphlets, and long pieces about our country and it’s liberty and what we stood for. Many quoted him and used his words to support our country and what we stood for. But, Thomas Paine was a foreigner. He also wrote propaganda during or just before the French Revolution. …………Cruz only sounds good,but as far as I can tell He’s a foreigner who has gained nationality after birth. I can see how you feel. I just think you need to wait before you give in . It will be interesting to see how his citizenship issues plays out. I would sure hate to go thru the citizenship arguments again in about three or so years, soon as a Cruz President did something questionable.

          • I’m sorry…..I haven’t read all these posts….didn’t realize there was a skirmish . You guys calm down…..hold it together for goodness sake. I hope I haven’t been offensive, but I do agree with most about Cruz. Guess as friends no one here wants RW to make a mistake she’d regret, but she was being honest. But we can move on. Good lord , I’ve thought about voting for him, but the the core of ” our ” being here has a lot to do with this constitutional issue. It should be no surprise that you’d get the reaction you got, but then it’s OK for you to say how you feel too. This is ONE Giant touchy area ain’t it? Over the years, from what’s been posted by all of you, but RW in particular, has been thoughtful respectful, kind , and thought provoking. RW , the very fact that his citizenship is questionable is , right now, what makes Cruz the antithesis of what he exhibits to the public. You’ve got to consider that. Any of us are capable of making a mistake, but since you shared how you feel about this, just take it for what it is, that most here don’t want you to make that mistake.
            I remember in the first primaries in 2008, my brother , a democrat ( but not for any democrats) voted for Obama, hoping Hillary wouldn’t get on the ticket. Boy does he regret that one!!!!!!

          • Rosemary Woodhouse

            I will, alfy. Thank you!

            I guess, I am just so disheartened by the dearth of choices. So few Republicans are truly conservative. I saw Cruz announce and got inordinately excited at the prospect of having someone I consider electable announce his candidacy. The rest of congress is worthless except for Gowdy, Sessions…..a few others.

            So who do we have? Jeb “show the illegals the love” Bush? Amnesty Rubio? You can see they are leaning toward an Hispanic or in the case of Bush, someone who is married to one. Or a woman. I doubt they are going to run a “white bread, white man” who is not married to a black or Hispanic. I don’t know how this will unfold. So yes, I will withhold support and yes, I got caught up in the moment.

            I’m glad to see WAH is here today and regret how things unfolded yesterday.

            • Oh, don’t worry about it, any of you. What’s a family without a few spats? You’re so right that when we’re all writing, sometimes too quickly, before thinking, and when people can’t see our body language or hear our inflection, then misunderstandings occur. I know I responded a little too quickly. I am just so afraid for our country. We simply CANNOT survive 8 years of another person like Obama. btw, surely there are some conservative Hispanic-Americans out there who ARE NBCs?

              • Rosemary Woodhouse

                I agree with you about the family thing (am very tempted to post Pointer Sisters video 🙂 ) but I cannot think of one prominent conservative Hispanic. Rubio is a turncoat who is trying to redeem himself, but he cannot.

                There are black conservatives, however. It really shouldn’t matter in America, 2015 and yet it matters more than it has since 1964!
                This is a huge “contribution” to the Obamanation which has held us hostage for the past seven years!

                • Well , what if Allen Keyes decided to get back to an effort in a run for office. Oh boy, that would be an interesting stir. I’d actually like to see that. We know how he feels about O…..and he sure expresses himself emphatically.

  7. TWO things form …. the Bed-Rock of any Open Society
    Freedom of Expression & the Rule of Law = a FREE COUNTRY

    filled with JELLY BELLY’S setting harmful examples to our YOUTH
    & harming our County …. TRUTH … is it that PAINFUL? If I know it’s
    a LIE… It’s never is NOT a LIE .. But the LAW can play with the LAWS!

    PERSONAL Ethics carefully Sown into the Fabric with a Moral Compass
    IF we choose NEVER to Waver built on ROCK … we would rather
    DIE.. than Compromise … I so get and LIVE by that motto …myself..
    I stick 2 MY g*ns… as I PONDER… as I always have to LIVE with ME!
    the BOTTOM LINE IS .. 2 thy own self… be TRUE.. Honest & Loved
    NOW…. 4 some Sippin’ & Tippin’ … it’s been an extra busy DAY!!! ha

    • OMG, please tell me we won’t have to choose between Cruz (ineligible) and Jeb (PLEASE!!!).

      • So, what is wrong with Rand again? I recall some people having issues with him but I don’t remember what they were. Is it all about foreign policy? I’m just curious. I think he has appeal to young people, like his dad did. Maybe I’m just leaning more libertarian these days.

  8. BUCK ~ BUCK … starbucks practice what you PREACH!!!! ha
    CARE 2 TALK about IT!!! ????


    • Now that is truly weird. I’m not buying it. Dylan has been through this before. So a man can’t change? A man can’t evolve? Is this satire?

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        A lot of things on beforeitsnews are satirical. Some thing are seemingly valid. As usual, discernment is key.

  9. ~ cfkerchner 94p · 59 minutes ago @BR
    Shared here for readers in this site and thread new to the Ted Cruz constitutional ineligibility issue: No matter what one thinks of his politics, Ted Cruz is NOT constitutionally eligible.
    And the two major political party lawyers Katyal and Clement can spin and put out disinformation to lend support to constitutionally ineligible people in both major parties, but they cannot change the original intent, meaning, and understanding of who is a “natural born Citizen” which comes from Natural Law and not man-made laws or acts of Congress.
    Both major political parties are out to dilute and abrogate the original intent, meaning, and understanding of the term “natural born Citizen” in Article II of our Constitution and why it was put there. Being simply ‘born a Citizen’ was proposed and not accepted. The founders and framers added the adjective “natural”. And that adjective comes from Natural Law. Adjectives mean something. Look up the meaning of the adjective “natural” when it comes to legal meaning in front of a noun. See section 212 of this legal treatise on the Principles of Natural Law which was written in 1758 Vattel, the 1775 edition which was edited and published by Dumas and was much used by the founders and framers: http://lonang.com/library/reference/vattel-law-of… Read: http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html and http://jimsjustsayin.blogspot.com/2015/03/ina-pos… and http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2015/03/a-response-to-n… CDR Kerchner (Ret) – ProtectOurLiberty.org

    Read more at http://www.birtherreport.com/2015/03/newsbusters-busted-mocks-birther.html#j7W4mYRJ0KZ0v5QB.99

  10. Saska 90p · 9 hours ago ? ~ a LETTER from …. HEAVEN ?
    J.b. Williams: On December 18, 2013 – The North American Law Center sent a Certified Letter to Sen. Ted Cruz basically begging him to do the right thing. Instead, Cruz decided to become the second first term senator to defraud his supporters for personal political gain. http://www.scribd.com/doc/228477494/Letter-to-Sen

    Read more at http://www.birtherreport.com/2015/03/fox-news-donald-trump-questions.html#x6pHGT8PmRMEDC1O.99

  11. http://www.markforamerica.com/statement_by_mark_everson_on_the_entry_of_senator_ted_cruz_into_the_race_for_the_republican_nomination

    This is not an endorsement as only have seen these two things and did not even know he has already been campaigning for a month as first R to declare candidacy.

  12. Bergdahl was freed after five years in Taliban captivity in a controversial deal last year in which the U.S. agreed to release five mid- to high-level Taliban figures from detention in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

    President Obama called it a “good day” when Bergdahl was freed, BUT critics, including some high-ranking Republicans, loudly denounced the deal, likening it to Negotiating With Terrorists. Also, lawmakers Complained that Congress had NOT been Consulted about the Exchange, as they said the ….. “LAW” … Requires.

  13. image: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AveT7fC9U_A/VRMj4jFJIgI/AAAAAAAAe3s/cQftZsEe2OI/s1600/US-News-BirtherReport%2Bop.jpg

    Orly Taitz, a leading and litigious member of what became known as the “birther” movement during Obama’s presidency, says she likes Cruz, BUT she probably will file a lawsuit if he becomes president without a federal judge declaring him natural born. ……
    “I’m very consistent in what I’m saying: I’m saying there’s the same issue with Obama and Ted Cruz,” she says.
    Taitz — a Soviet-born dentist-turned-lawyer — says two other prospective presidential candidates, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Gov. Bobby Jindal, R-La., may also be ineligible to be president as their parents were immigrants, which may make Rubio & Jindal dual citizens.
    “Maybe those three candidates should stick together & file one legal action seeking declaratory relief,” she says.
    Taitz appreciates Cruz’s sharp-elbowed approach to his fellow congressmen & to Obama & likes his tax plans, but says she believes “natural born citizen” means someone born without dual citizenship.
    Conservative legal activist Larry Klayman, who last year asked the Department of Homeland Security to begin deportation proceedings against Obama, meanwhile, says Cruz definitely is NOT Eligible to be President.
    “I think very highly of Senator Cruz,” he says. “But he is not Eligible to be president as he was NOT born in the United States or its territories to ‘Citizen Parents,’ as is required by the Supreme Court case of Minor v. Happersett & other related law.”
    That 1875 decision addressed the term as part of a ruling against a constitutional right to women’s suffrage.
    Rick Tyler, a spokesman for Cruz’s presidential campaign, however, says eligibility is a non-issue, pointing to a Harvard Law Review article by former U.S. solicitors general Paul Clement and Neal Katyal that concluded Cruz
    is a natural-born citizen, leaning in large part on the Naturalization Act of 1790, which defined the term as including the children of citizens living overseas.
    Tyler said the law review article “puts this issue to rest.” […] More @ U.S. News & World Report.

    Now if the REST of the News Media would do their JOB instead of propagating only the progressive view. …..

    Notice all of the news media outlets Ignore the Common Sense position provided by Dr. Herb Titus!?

    Read more at http://www.birtherreport.com/2015/03/winner-is-mainstream-news-outlet.html#IeXutTidReklWsOu.99 …… YIKES!!!!

    • An American woman goes to Syria and meets a Libyan. They marry and have children. Those children are natural born American Citizens?

      Born under a foreign flag to a foreign father and an American woman makes a child a natural born citizen. Impossible.

      Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 reads:
      Anyone who is a Citizen… 14 years… attained age 35

      Negative. Make it stop. A ‘citizen at birth’ is not a natural born citizen. They are citizens, at birth. One must be a natural born citizen at birth to be Commander In Chief. Its a fail-safe term.

      Funny that the Clause begins with the words NO PERSON EXCEPT and then goes on to qualify that by stating ‘citizens’ are not eligible.

      Natural Born American Citizens are exclusively American.
      There is a reason. And we’ve been looking at it for 7 years.

  14. PUZO update … 3/13/15… comments + responce to Neai & Paul ….


    • Z, I replied to your Puzo link comment but it posted elsewhere ^^.

      In essence,
      “Natural Born American Citizens are exclusively American.
      There is a reason. And we’ve been looking at it for 7 years.”

      No foreign affiliation commanding our military and harboring our national defense secrets.

  15. ~ Davey Crockett ~ March 24th, 2015 @ 2:46 pm @orly- cruz

    Now we have a real Donnybrook in the making.
    These guys KNOW … they’re (NOT) eligible. So here’s
    ” my summary ” …….
    of WHAT they’re trying to PULL, along with Boehner:…

    They are going to TEST….. the Constitution & then, this will
    make all of them want to
    …… “RE-DO” the Constitution, …… to make it more palatable
    for them to re-construct it to suit the NWO??!

    We dare not let this happen–EVER!!! ~ an INTERESTING IDEA !!!

    • There was an editorial that I read today, don’t remember where, where the liberal columnist basically said that Cruz is there to challenge Walker to clear the way for Jeb. It sounds about right to me, considering what the RINO establishment has pulled in the past (McLame?). They want Jeb. Walker is a threat to them because he really is a maverick and he wins. The “moderate” RINOs don’t like him, I don’t think. They can’t CONTROL HIM. Jeb is, obviously, the establishment, so they need somebody like Cruz to come from the right (speaking to evangelicals?) and take support from Walker, who gets support from the right, including evangelicals. If Cruz and Huckabee can bleed off enough of the conservative vote, then Jeb is “it”.

  16. Cruz’z parents were married to other people before going to Canada. Also, some are saying — with no documentation, of course, — that his mother became a Canadian citizen as well as Daddy…. Within this article is the supposed info on marriages. Reading the article is devaju for sure. http://thisculturalchristian.blogspot.com/2013/08/sen-ted-cruz-born-out-of-wedlock-his.html

    • Interesting article but written before more came out and with the assumption Cruz mom did not obtain Canadian citizenship. This dude was asking an even more basic question, . .http://www.newswithviews.com/JBWilliams/williams279.htm

    • Whoa. Can’t wait to read that one.

      • This just adds to the confusion and mystery. You see, I thought the story, from Sr. himself, was he married Jr.’s mother and went to Canada when student Visa ran out. So, do the numbers. He said left Cuba at eighteen, which would put him arriving in 1957 and finishing school in 1961 or 1962. His two girls were born in 61 & 62 and supposedly was married. Was he married to get visa extended? Ahhh, did the little wife work to help with his dishwasher wages? And of course it is against all Christian Code to ask any of these questions with the hint of shadiness of someone that became a Pastor and all. Of course Sr. and Ted knew he was a Canadian Citizen because Sr had become one! It looks like no papers were filed to any US agency about his birth abroad. At least Barry’s “bio” attempted to cover that. lol.

          • No comments to be found. . .

            • WAH … if you refer 2 dallasnews.com ^^^ above just give it time
              2 load … they R there … I just LOOKED … as the ads come first…

              • Nope, no luck. gonna try via cellular instead of wifi. A whole bunch can not be had for me today. It is driving me nuts.

              • Yeah, I see the comments. You have to click on the option for them to open.

                Looking at that birth certificate I wonder why its an important statistic to declare the father’s occupation. What’s up with that?

          • “She registered his birth with the U.S. consulate, Frazier said, and the future senator received a U.S. passport in 1986 ahead of a high school trip to England.”

            Uh, how do we “know” that either “fact” is true? WHY do we “know” that Cruz’s mom registered him at the U.S. consulate in Canada and that he got a U.S. passport in 1986, when we know nothing like that about Barry?

          • “As a Cuban, Rafael Cruz probably could have requested citizenship for his son, experts said. Even if he’d wanted to, the Cuban Constitution bans dual citizenship. And the chance to register the child passed long ago. “The U.S. and Cuba have very similar legal patterns and requirements,” said David Abraham, a professor of immigration and citizenship law at the University of Miami.”

            So if the system is similar in both countries and if he’s NOT a “born” Cuban citizen because not registered there, then how is Cruz a born U.S. citizen?

    • That really is deja vu, complete with the host of half-siblings. ARGHH. I don’t think I can take it. So we need Barry’s parents certificate of marriage as well as Ted’s? I think not.

      • Back in 2012, a new young up and coming hot shot Republican was emerging in the great once very conservative state of Texas. He was, like Obama, a Harvard trained lawyer, except he actually had more on his résumé than communist community organizing.

        In a campaign interview during his freshman senate race, a GOP Texas State Committee member sat down with the young candidate to ask a few poignant vetting questions, and here are the questions and answers from that interview… (Redacted information is to protect the witness at this moment, but the witness is willing to offer sworn testimony)

        Interviewer: “Hello Mr. Cruz, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is (redacted). I am a (redacted) County GOP Precinct Chair and you have my support and vote. I have one question for you if I may?”

        Cruz: “Sure, go ahead.”

        Interviewer: “What is your understanding of how one becomes a natural born Citizen?”

        Cruz: “Two citizen parents and born on the soil.”

        Interviewer: “Not exactly, but as I don’t have enough time to fully explain how one does become an natural born Citizen, based on your understanding, would you agree that Barack Obama is ineligible to be POTUS?”

        Cruz: “I would agree.”

        Interviewer: “So when we get you elected, will you expose him for the usurping fraud he is?”

        Cruz: “NO, my main focus will BE ON……. repealing Obamacare.”

        Interviewer: “But Mr. Cruz, if he is exposed as the usurping fraud he is, everything he has done will become null and void. ………

        Interviewer: “At that point, Cruz reiterated his main concern, so it was obvious the conversation was over as far as Cruz was concerned. I thanked him for his time and wished him success in the runoff.”
        Read more at http://www.birtherreport.com/2015/03/must-read-end-of-american-presidency.html#rWRDGdwTqjVY3XMi.99

      • I know and even Cruz’s daddy being an oil guy (Shell oil,it’s address is Rockefeller Plaza, NY !) . That’s another reason I’d steer away as fast as I could from Cruz.

    • According to a Fox News report, intelligence officials are saying that at least 3 ….. of the 5 ….. Taliban commanders traded for deserter Bowe Bergdahl “tried to reconnect with their terrorist networks” …. while supposedly under the watchful eye of the Qatar government. the TURD SWAP….worked
      OUT just GRAND ….. OBAMA…. what a brilliant PLAN ? FUO’!!! @AT

  17. IF & WHEN YOU ever FIGHT BACK…. ~ Sharpton ~ J Jackson
    The old man & the sea of Black Mob Violence …. HEY OBAMA HOLDER?


  18. the WASHINGTON POST (compost) suger-coaters …. speak OUT?
    Obama ~ Frank Marshall Davis…


  19. read the Excerpt: growing up frank~ racism~ resentment~ chicago-
    the first time~ in …. The Communist by Paul K 7/17/2012

  20. ~ simmjz March 24, 2015 at 11:18 am … so IS THIS TRUE??
    is the Media biased? 1500 newspapers, 1100 magazines, 9000 radio stations, 1500 tv stations and 2400 publishers.
    Owed by only …. 6 corporations. people in these 6 corporations are
    related to all appointments of the obama administration ….
    (i use this term very loosely)! the cesspool we live in. ….

    John Prine said it best in a song- blow up your tv throw away your newspapers, try to find Jesus in your own way.

  21. ~ Quote for the Day ~

    “There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is
    not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy”
    – Joseph Pulitzer

  22. The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

    We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

    more from George Carlin ~ below

  23. THE CROWHOUSE …. great things in here… + ^^^^


  24. more comments @BR also on T C … + I have not read this yet…

    Ted Cruz: intelligent and driven

    • In here is a quote by Tedddy’s mother saying he was her only child….but she supposedly had two daughters from first marriage? Boy, this playbook looks so familiar except this one is dressed in conservative speak.

      • How can someone with other children call one her “only child?” This is warped. Something wrong with the story. Maybe she should have said, “he was my only child that I was raising.” Where were her other kids? Why did she not have custody of them? Oh, look! The oil business, too. And Ted went to a school with children of diplomats. An international school. Sound familiar? You cannot make this stuff up.

        Is it really true that both of his parents were previously married and had kids?

    • Look at this comment:

      “No. My point is that when you claim American citizenship through the mother there is an extra burden. For children born before 1986 the mother must also prove she was married to the birth father at the time the child was born. We don’t need to see his birth certificate but we do need to see a marriage certificate which no one has been able to find. Couple that with the fact that both parents were married to other people when they met you have to wonder when or if they ever married. Rafael Sr. had to divorce his wife, Mrs. Wilson had to divorce her husband and then they had to marry one another before December 22, 1970 in order for “Ted” Cruz to be an American citizen. Otherwise “Ted” would have to be naturalized. This was never a question with President Obama because we always had his parents’ marriage certificate. There doesn’t seem to be one for Cruz (also no divorce records for either parents from previous spouses) . As marriage certificates and divorce decrees are a matter of public record it should be easy to verify but no one (myself included) has found any evidence and without it Cruz isn’t a citizen because in 1970 out-of-wedlock mothers cannot confer citizenship on a child born outside of the US.

      Thank you for removing that piece of “information”. I wonder how that story ever got started.”

      Putting aside the falsehood that we have Barry’s parents’ marriage certificate, it’s interesting to see that Cruz may not even be a citizen of the U.S. at all. He may now be stateless, having renounced Canadian citizenship. When did Cruz naturalize? Seems that he did so “at birth” under the naturalization law pass in the ’40s. No act of Congress can make someone a natural born citizen. This is freaking unbelievable.

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