How’s The Weather Above Ground These Days ?

By: Leza

This is also known as Leza’s Corner. For bits, stories and updates here. We will start by mentioning current weather, like alot of folks do in a conversation. You know, weather, above ground. A very common subject the weather. Is there any other type of weather we need to update ? Maybe…

572 responses to “How’s The Weather Above Ground These Days ?

  1. • President Obama’s religious adviser, Eboo Patel, once deemed the United States “the ideal place for the renewal of Islam.”

  2. • Obama falsely attributes Muslim participation in the founding of America.

  3. • Obama gave strong support to the Cordoba House community center and mosque to be built at the Ground Zero site of Sep. 11, 2001 at a dinner celebrating the day’s end of the first day of Ramadan at the WH.

  4. • Obama tasked NASA with a mission of “Muslim outreach.”

  5. • Obama referred to his faith as “my Muslim faith” gaffe in an interview with George Stephanopolous.

  6. • Pushes Islamic freedom of religion but not Jewish or Christian freedoms.

    Several weeks ago he told Israel NOT to build settlements in East Jerusalem. But OK to build that Mosque at Ground Zero.

  7. Oink! 😉

    Follow me here in the nesting of each link…you will see what Im getting to –

    Are claims for slavery reparations of US$777 trillion, as made by a 1999 African World Reparations truth commission in Accra, realistic? How does one begin to conceptualise claims for reparations in a broader historical and social context when it comes to centuries of exploitation? M.P. Giyose from Jubilee South Africa makes the case for understanding reparations as a transformation of the way the world functions, ultimately serving to restore and sustain human civilisation.

    Full article:

    • Gadhafi calls for reparations for African slave trade

      … Col. Gadhafi’s call comes in the wake of an earlier announcement in Accra, Ghana, by the African World Reparations and Repatriation Truth Commission demanding $777 trillion (U.S.) from former colonial countries for slavery.

      • The latest civil rights disaster

        Ten reasons why reparations for slavery are a bad idea for black people — and racist too.

        By David Horowitz

        May 30, 2000 | It began as a fringe proposition favored by the politically extreme. But the idea that taxpayers should pay reparations to black Americans for the damages of slavery and segregation is no longer a fixation of the political margin. It is fast becoming the next big “civil rights” thing. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has already introduced legislation to set up a commission that would examine the impact of slavery as a foreordained prelude to some kind of legislated payback. (Conyers will become chairman of the Judiciary Committee if Democrats win back the House.) A coalition of African-Americans is claiming a debt of $4.1 trillion. A coalition of African nations is claiming a debt of $777 trillion against an assortment of governments including the United States.

        Distinguished black intellectuals like Henry Louis Gates have given the idea their imprimatur, while Randall Robinson, who led the successful boycott movement against South Africa a decade ago, has written a strident, anti-white, anti-American manifesto called “The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks,” which has become a bible of the reparations cause.

        Nor is it just in the realm of ideas that the payback demand is gaining ground. Last week, the Chicago City Council voted 46-1 in favor of a reparations resolution. The lopsided nature of the vote persuaded Mayor Richard Daley to apologize for slavery (in Chicago?), thus joining what has become a familiar and unseemly ritual of contrition for the Clinton-era left. The primary sponsor of the resolution, Alderwoman Dorothy Tillman, has announced she is going to organize a “national convention” to push the issue of reparations in the coming year.

        So what is wrong with the idea? In truth, just about everything. Examined closely, the claim for reparations is factually tendentious, morally incoherent and racially incendiary. Logically, it has about as much substance as the suggestion that O.J. Simpson should have been acquitted because of past racism by the criminal courts. Its impact on race relations and on the self-isolation of the African-American community is likely to be even worse.

        If the reparations idea continues to gain traction, its most obvious effect will be to intensify ethnic antagonisms and generate new levels of racial resentment. It will further alienate African-Americans from their American roots and further isolate them from all of America’s other communities (including whites), who are themselves blameless in the grievance of slavery, who cannot be held culpable for racial segregation and who, in fact, have made significant contributions to ending discrimination and redressing any lingering injustice.

        Page 1 of 4

        • Randall Robinson ~

          Randall Robinson (born 6 July 1941) is an African-American lawyer, author and activist, noted as the founder of TransAfrica. He is known particularly for his impassioned opposition to South African apartheid, and for his advocacy on behalf of Haitian immigrants and Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide.[1

          Snip ~

          During that period he gained visibility for his political activism, organizing a sit-in at a South-African embassy in order to protest the apartheid era government’s policy of segregation and discrimination against black South Africans, a personal hunger strike aimed at pressuring the United States government into restoring Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power after the short-lived coup by General Raoul Cedras, and dumping crates filled with bananas onto the steps of the United States Trade Representative in order to protest what he views as discriminatory trade policies aimed at Caribbean nations, such as protective tariffs and import quotas.

          In 2001 he authored a book “The Debt: What America Owes To Blacks,” which presented an in-depth outline regarding his belief that wide-scale reparations should be offered to African-Americans as a means of redressing what he perceives as centuries of discrimination and oppression directed at the group.[5] The book argues for the enactment of race-based reparation programs as restitution for the continued social and economic issues in the African-American community, such as a high proportion of incarcerated black citizens and the differential in cumulative wealth between white and black Americans.[6] Although some reviewers praised Robinson for delving into a controversial topic that had not been addressed in the mainstream media, others criticized him for reverse racism, and asserted that his own personal success contradicted the dire portrait he portrayed of the conditions faced by African-Americans living in the United States.

          • Obama File 90 Alice Palmer Re-examined-Was Obama’s First Political Boss a Soviet “Agent of Influence”?

            Obama file 89 here

            Alice Palmer is a Chicago based academic, activist and former friend, employer and political ally of Barack Obama.

            In the mid 1990s Alice Palmer, then an Illinois State Senator, employed Obama has her chief of staff, when she attempted an ill-fated run for the US Congress.

            Obama was part of Friends of Alice Palmer, alongside controversial property developer Tony Rezko and Democratic Socialists of America members Danny Davis, Betty Wilhoitte and Timuel Black-also a member of Committees of Correspondence).

            Later Palmer introduced Obama as designated successor to her Illinois State Senate seat, in the living room of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, while DSA member, former communist and long time Obama friend Quentin Young looked on.

            The Palmer/Obama relationship soured after Obama refused to step down when Palmer decided she wanted her State Senate seat back, after her Congressional bid failed. Obama went on to win the seat unopposed, after he knocked Palmer and his other rivals off the ballot, by challenging the legitimacy of their nominating signatures.

            Alice Palmer was the first rung of Obama’s ladder to power.

            It has long been known that Alice Palmer was a communist front activist, as were many in Obama’s orbit.More seriously however-new evidence shows that Alice Palmer had high level connections behind the “Iron Curtain” and may have been a Soviet “agent of influence”-that is, a conduit of Soviet progaganda and policy, to the US and the “third world”.

            What is the evidence?

            Alice Palmer and her husband Edward “Buzz” Palmer had radical connections in Chicago and abroad going back at least into the 1970s. In 1980, Buzz Palmer and Alice Palmer were invited by the Maurice Bishop led government of the Caribbean island of Grenada, to attend celebrations marking the first anniversary of the country’s Cuban/Soviet backed “revolution”. A revolution overturned by US troops three years later.

            It is unclear whether or not they attended, but Alice Palmer was to work closely, a few years later with Bishop’s US educated press secretary, Don Rojas.

            Alice and Buzz Palmer established the Black Press Institute {BPI) in Chicago around 1982. In a December 24 1986, interview with the Communist Party USA paper, People’s Daily Word, Alice Palmer explained BPI’s role in influencing decision makers such as the Congressional Black Caucus.

            After the 1960s some of us looked around and observed there was no national Black newspaper…So we started the Black Press Review. We received the Black newspapers from around the country, reprinted articles and editorials that gave a sense of the dynamics and the lives of Black people, and sent them out to the Congressional Black caucus and other opinion leaders, saying “Look, here is what Black America is thinking and doing”.

            BPI’s journal New Deliberations, carried articles such as “Socialism is the Only Way Forward” and “Is Black Bourgeoise Ideology Enough?”

            In 1983 Alice Palmer travelled to Czechoslovakia to the Soviet front, World Peace Council’s Prague Assembly-the first of several known trips to East Bloc countries.

            From 1983 to 1985, Alice Palmer was a an Executive Board member of the Communist Party USA front group, the US Peace Council-an affiliate of the World Peace Council.

            Of the 48 US Peace Council officers in 1983-1985, at least ten- Sara Staggs, Rob Prince, Michael Myerson, Frank Chapman, Otis Cunningham, James Jackson, Atiba Mbiwan, Pauline Rosen, Jose Soler and Denise Young were known Communist Party USA members or supporters. A further eight, were involved in the 1990s, in a Communist Party splinter group Committees of Correspondence. They were Gus Newport, Mark Solomon, Linda Coronado, Barbara Lee, Kevin Lynch, Anne Mitchell, Arlene Prigoff and Alice Palmer herself.

            In 1985 Alice Palmer was part of a delegation of 16 Afro-American journalists to the Soviet Union, East Germany and Czechoslovakia.
            The trip was organized by Maurice Bishop’s former pressman, now International Organization of Journalists executive, Don Rojas. Palmer’s BPI and the National Alliance of Black Journalists also helped out.

            Alice Palmer told the People’s Daily World of December 24 1986;

            The trip was extraordinary because we were able to sit down with our counterparts and with the seats of power in three major capitals-Prague, Berlin and Moscow. We visited with foreign ministers, we talked with the editors of the major newspapers in these three cities…

            It was a very unusual trip because we were given access…Every effort was made to give us as much as we asked for…We came back feeling that we could speak very well about the interest of the socialist countries in promoting peace.

            In March 1986 Alice Palmer covered the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Congress in Moscow, for the Black Press Institute.

            On June 20 1986 the People’s Daily World published a BPI article by Alice Palmer on the CPSU conference entitled “An Afro-American journalist in the USSR”. The article praised Soviet “central planning” and included such statements as:

            “We Americans can be misled by the major media. We’re being told the Soviets are striving to achieve a comparatively low standard of living compared with ours, but actually they have reached a basic stability in meeting their needs and are now planning to double their production.”

            Palmer claimed that America’s white-owned press;

            “has tended to ignore or distort the gains that have been made [by the Soviets] since [the Russian Revolution of 1917]. But in fact the Soviets are carrying out a policy to resolve the inequalities between nationalities, inequalities that they say were inherited from capitalist and czarist rule. They have a comprehensive affirmative action program, which they have stuck to religiously — if I can use that word — since 1917.”

            Alice Palmer, as editor of the Black Press Review, was elected International Organization of Journalists vice president for North America, at the organization’s 10th Congress, October 20-23 1986, in Prague Czechoslovakia. Palmer’s IOJ duties were to include coordinating the activities of chapters in the US, Canada,
            Mexico and the Caribbean.

            The International Organization of Journalists was a well documented Soviet front operation, based in Prague, until its expulsion by the new anti-communist Czech government in 1995.

            Like other Soviet fronts of the era , IOJ was staffed mainly by East Bloc personnel and was directed by the International Department of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union-which in turn was directly answerable to the Soviet Politburo.

            The International Department, often with the assistance of the KGB, used fronts such as IOJ and World Peace Council, for “active measures”-programs to covertly influence the policies of other nations, to better advance Soviet interests. These might range from spreading propaganda and disinformation to embarrassing publicity stunts or hoaxes to destroying the career of an enemy of the Soviet Union, or advancing the career of a friend.

            A summary of a paper by Bob Nowell entitled “The Role of the International Organization of Journalists in the Debate about the “New International Information Order,” 1958-1978″ states;

            This paper examines the International Organization of Journalists (IOJ), which it identifies as a Soviet-dominated organization. The paper suggests that the IOJ has capitalized on “Third World” countries’ discontent with Western news media by offering itself as the ideological leader and trainer of anti-Western journalists.

            It then examines the function and methods of the IOJ in the context of post-World War II communist international front organizations; reviews the IOJ’s structure, publications, and training centers; and explores its role in shaping “Third World” arguments in the debate about the New Information Order. The paper argues that the IOJ’s efforts generally have served Soviet foreign policy on international communications.

            The Sub-Committee on Oversight of the US House of Representatives asserted in February 1980 that, at that time the IOJ was in receipt of a Soviet subsidy estimated at US$515,000.

            Alice Palmer also traveled to the Soviet Union and Bulgaria during the IOJ conference trip, as presumably did the other five US delegates;

            Jan Carew of BPI, a radical socialist journalist from Guyana.

            Simon Gerson, US IOJ, a senior member of the Communist Party USA and perhaps significantly, the Party’s foremost expert on influencing election outcomes.

            Jose Soler US IOJ, then a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party and the US Peace Council, now involved with the Communist Party USA.

            Gwen McKinney and Leila McDowell, National Alliance of Third World Journalists.

            McKinney and former Black Panther member McDowell, went on to work in public relations, including for 10 years as a business partnership. Their clients, collectively or separately, have included the SEIU, ACLU, NAACP, AFL-CIO, TransAfrica, Red Diaper baby Lani Guinier, Haiti’s deposed Marxist president Jean Bernard Aristide, the socialist governments of Angola and Mozambique, Chavez’s Venezuela and Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Change.

            In the early 1990s, the McKinney/McDowell team influenced US government policy on Haiti, when they organized and publicized a hunger strike by prominent radical activist Randall Robinson. After 27 publicity filled days, the Clinton White House US caved in to Robinson and demanded of the Haitian military, that exiled Marxist president Aristide be re-instated.

            TransAfrica’s Randall Robinson conducted a dangerous but successful hunger strike that changed the Clinton Administration’s policy on Haiti. PR for the fasting activist was handled by the DC firm of McKinney & McDowell, whose other clients include President Aristide and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.

            In December 24 1986 People’s Weekly World interview with Chicago Communist Party USA member Mike Giocondo, Alice Palmer explained the IOJ’s use of the concept “media fairness”.

            Giocondo What is the IOJ’s approach to the question of fairness in the media? How does it relate to the concept of “objective journalism” which is stressed here in the US?

            Palmer The IOJ believes that there must be fairness in media, which is called for in a proposal for a New Information Order, which the IOJ supports. Fairness is not an abstraction, because journalists are not abstractions; we live in a world, we live in our particular societies, and therefore are caught up in whatever the dynamics of the situation are. This concept of “Objective journalism” that is taught in journalism schools…is not possible…What we are striving for is fairness and balance of information.

            To give you a concrete example, the Black Press Institute recently held a media dialogue in Southern Africa in Washington DC on how to make the information more balanced as it comes out of South Africa. The IOJ and the BPI believe there should be balance, that there should be fairness in recognizing the complexities, and that a voice must be given to those who are struggling against oppression”.

            Perhaps this is a clue as to the origins of the “Fairness Doctrine” that was long used to stifle conservative media in the US?

            During her time as IOJ vice president, Alice Palmer worked with highest levels of the Soviet propaganda machine-with the Soviet journal Izvestia, with Romesh Chandra and the World Peace Council and the IOJ leadership.

            Alice Palmer told the December 24 1986 People’s Daily World;
            The IOJ has adopted positions on nuclear weapons, trying to do away with the nuclear threat in the world… I will be heading a taskforce on peace and disarmament. And at the conference I was co-moderator, with the editor of Izvestia (a Soviet government publication) :, of a panel on peace and the news media. We came up with some very good suggestions. A number of the people complimented the Soviet Union for its efforts towards peace in these past few years-the moratorium and other things..

            The IOJ has worked with the World Peace Council, and Kaarle Nordenstreng, Jiri Kubka and other IOJ leaders have worked closely with Romesh Chandra, the president of the World Peace Council.

            IOJ delegations visit other countries to report on the peace proposals of the Soviet Union, so that people can hear about it. This by the way is an example of promoting fairness in the media.

            The IOJ is the largest journalist organization in the world. its publications are published in 10 or 15 languages, and it reaches many people all over the world. So you can see that being fair in the media is very important, particularly in the Third World.

            Alice Palmer saw journalists and the US “peace movement” as playing a very important role in the struggle for peace;

            At the center of this is that the peace movement must stop the Soviet bashing. That is just not productive, it is not a good thing at all. I see over and over again that it is a barrier to our ability to work together in the United States and with the people of the Soviet Union for peace.

            After her stint with IOJ had ended Alice Palmer continued to work closely with US communists.

            Ishmael Flory, a veteran leader of the Illinois Communist Party USA, was honored at a September 21, 1991 function at Chicago’s Malcolm X College, for his “outstanding contributions to the cause of peace, equality and justice”.

            According to the Peoples’s Weekly World October 12 1991;

            “Ishmael Flory is truly a man for all seasons” said State Senator Palmer, noting Flory’s unflagging zeal for promoting a progressive, people’s agenda for economic security, an end to racism and for world peace. “He never gives up”.

            As late as 1994, when Palmer was known to be working with Barack Obama, she was also working closely with members of the Communist Party splinter, Committees of Correspondence.

            It is now clear that Barack Obama has worked for years with Marxists with backgrounds in the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America and Committees of Correspondence.

            That these groups have promoted Obama’s career, both in Chicago and nationally, is undeniable.

            However the Alice Palmer case illustrates something even more concerning.

            That is, a key Obama ally had, only a few years before meeting the future President, strong relationships with senior East Bloc officials.

            Alice Palmer played an active role in promoting Soviet Bloc policy at the height of the Reagan era-when the Soviets and their proxies were threatening US interests in every corner of the globe.

            A few years later Alice Palmer was actively promoting the career of a young activist lawyer. That man is now willing and able to negotiate arms control treaties with Alice Palmer’s old friends in Moscow. A man who seems intent on promoting the interests of the former Eastern Bloc and the “third world”, over those of the USA.

            Is this merely ironic, or is it potentially catastrophic?


          • PALMER
            I have found those names ALOT….


  8. To be continued 😀

    • I read through the following pdf – Part 2b, 77 pages, and made some notes. Mainly it identifies the people associated with SDS and documents their associations and movement during the 60- 70’s. These were people involved in SDS, the “Days of Rage” Chicago riots, those going to and from Cuba, and those meeting with the Vietnamese during the war. I took a few notes that are below.

      Pg 21 Melody Kay Ermachild, Aka: Melody Ayers, Melody Chavis, Melody Thomson, Karen Joyce Krogstad, Melody Kilian.

      Melody Ermachild is a white female who was born on Sept 15, 1943 in San Antonio, TX. Formerly married” to Richard James Ayers, a fugitive member of the WUO and the brother of William Charles Ayers, one of the leaders of the WUO, Melody resided in Canada during 1969 and was involved in radical activities in that country. In 1970-71 she resided in the Northwestern U.S. and was a part of an underground WUO “foco” which was involved in several bombings. More recently she has been highly active in the PFOC in the San Francisco area.

      Jennifer Eleen Dohrn, Aka: Jennifer Melendez, Mrs. Mickey Melendez, Jennifer Ellen Ohrnstein.

      Jennifer Dohrn is a white female who was born on Nov. 30, 1944 in Chicago Illinois. She is the sister of WUO leader Bernardine Rae Dohrn and is presently one of the national leaders of the PFOC.

      23 MSU Aug. 1969

      28 Brian Donal Flanagan arrested in Days of Rage riots in Chicago. charges dropped. Oct. 20, 1970, it was reported that he was in Algeria meeting with exiled Black Panther Party leader Eldridge Cleaver.

      Brian Flanagan met in Algeria with Jennifer Dohrn, Stewart Albert and Jerry Rubin. Flanagan was arrested by Scotland Yard operatives in Belfast, Ireland for not being conducive to the public good and later released.

      33 On Feb 2, 1971 FBI agents of the San Francisco Office observed Jennifer Dohrn, sister of Weatherman fugitive Bernardine Dohrn, leaving the Berkeley residence of Nancy Frappier. (Nancy Barrett Frappier)..

      44 Judith Lee Helblen, AKA Judy Clavir, Judy Gumbo. Gumbo is a close associate of many WUO members and traveled to Algeria to meet with Timothy Leary whom the WUO had transported our of the country after having caused his escape from prison.

      Judith Hemblen has resided with her paramour Stewart Albert in an house located at 2917 Ashley Avenue, Berkeley, CA. They resided there in commune style with other young radicals. One such individual, Thomas Emmett Hayden, who is publicly known as one of the original founders of SDS, resided there.

      45 Judith Hemblen had departed for Algiers, Algeria with Stew Albert via Canada, to meet with Eldridge Cleaver for a period of three weeks.

      50 Jennifer Dohrn Nov. 11, 1970, Jennifer Dohrn and Kenner held a press conference at the Diplomat Hotel in New York City. Dohrn noted that this conference was for the purpose of clearing up certain things and for playing a tape recording from Dr. Leary. Dohrn stated the purpose of the groups trip to Algeria was to bring revolutionary greetings to the Palestinian rebels. In addition, Dohrn indicated that in her travels in the U.S. and abroad, individuals whe had been in contact with indicated to her that the bombings conducted by radical elements in the U.S. have a good purpose and are fulfilling their intended purposes. Dohrn concurred with this feeling.

      52 Jeff Jones Cathy Wilkerson – plane to Viet Nam Nov.17, 1967

      54 Nancy Kurshan formerly the wife of YIP founder Jerry Clyde Rubin. Common law wife of Howard Joel Emmer.

      Jerry Rubin on Phil Donahue Show April 1, 1970.. His wife…Nancy Kurshan..”Yippie women meet with Vietnamese in Hanoi.” Traveled via Moscow to Hanoi

      55 Jerry Rubin’s wife in Moscow Protest. June 10, 1970..NYT’s article, Nancy Rubin and two other American women who had just returned form two weeks in Hanoi demonstrated in front of the US Embassy against American military action in Southeast Asia. Held a poster ..“Ho Chi Minh. The NLF is Gonna Win” and “We are the Americong.” The National Liberation Front (NLF) is a Vietcong organization.

      57 Jonathan Learner..speech…Bobby Seale and Che

      65 Making bombs
      67 **Chip Marshall, white male, Cornell Univ. SDS later moved to Washington State. Charles C. (Chip) Marshall.

      The May 26, 1969 issue of the “Ithaca Journal” contained an article entitled “Metamorphasis of Two Young Radicals” written by managing editor Randall E. Shew. In the article which was partly about Charles C. (Chip) Marshall, Marshall was quoted as saying “The whole system in the United States is based on oppressive violence and it must be countered by violence. I was in Cuba for 6 weeks last summer. I saw at least in terms of an underdeveloped society, socialism at work…”

      68 On March 12, 1973? it was learned that Marshall traveled across country for the purpose of departing from New York on or before February 28, 1973 enroute to Africa. Marshall supposedly was planning to spend some six months in Africa traveling to such countries as Ethiopia.

      Click to access weath2b.pdf

  9. Ayers, Obama and the CAC Records: Not Just “A guy who lives in my neighborhood”

  10. Barack Obama’s review of William Ayers’ book


    October 1996 Update :
    Running to Win : The Key Races

    New Party members are busy knocking on doors, hammering down lawn signs, and phoning voters to support NP candidates this fall. Here are some of our key races:

    Illinois: Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).

    1997 The New Party

  12. Chicago 1968 Democratic National Convention: An Introduction

    They called it “Czechago.” Nowhere else during that decade was dissension so dramatically opposed as on the streets of Chicago during the turbulent Democratic National Convention in August 1968. The barbed wire-laced jeeps in Grant Park evoked images of Russian tanks in the streets of Prague.

    For many it was a watershed event. After the Tet offensive that January many Americans began to shift their opinions of the war in Vietnam; after Chicago ‘68 they began to doubt the ability of American institutions to tolerate active dissension.

    Chicago ‘68 was more than just another in a series of antiwar protests, and it was more than just a riot—no matter, whose riot. Chicago ‘68 was a focal point of the decade. On the streets and in the parks of Chicago the social conflicts of the Sixties were on display.

  13. Domestic Terrorism: The Nation of Islam and the Zebra Murders

    From 1970-1974, the Nation of Islam earned the title of the bloodiest domestic terrorist group in American history, as it murdered as many as 270 whites in California alone.

    The three men went out hunting that night. But their prey was human. White humans, to be exact. Only they didn’t consider whites human, but rather “grafted snakes,” “white devils,” and “blue-eyed devils.”

    They grabbed three children, and tried to get them into their van, but the resourceful kids ran away.

    The children were Michele Denise Carrasco, 11, Marie Stewart, 12, and Marie’s 15-year-old brother, Frank.

    The angry, frustrated hunters went back to their van, and sought after new quarry. They found it in the form of a happy married couple, out for an after-dinner walk near their home on Telegraph Hill. The wife ran away, but when one of the hunters put a gun to her husband’s chest and said he’d kill him, she stopped and returned. Her devotion cost her her life.

    In the van, the hunters brutally assaulted the husband and wife, and two of the hunters (Cooks and Green) robbed the husband and wife, and two (Cooks and Harris) sexually molested the wife. Parking near some deserted railroad tracks in the Potrero District, the hunters had at husband and wife alike, taking turns hacking their faces with a machete, and nearly decapitating the wife, before leaving them for dead.

    The couple was named Quita and Richard Hague. The date was October 20, 1973.

    Quita Hague was dead, but a hideously mutilated Richard Hague miraculously survived.

    The hunters that night were Jesse Lee Cooks, Larry Green, and Anthony Cornelius Harris. Cooks, Green, and Harris were members of the Black Muslims (now known as the Nation of Islam), who had been recruited, along with dozens of other Black Muslims, to randomly murder whites.

    Cont’s @ Link –

    • The Zebra Killings

      … carried out by five members of a group within Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam called the “Death Angels” –

      • Wow Leza, The NAMES ! I looked this up too:

          • Leona Mitchell (born October 13, 1949 in Enid, Oklahoma), is an African-American operatic soprano and an Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame inductee.

            Mitchell started singing at an early age in the choir of the Antioch Church of God in Christ in Enid, where her father, Reverend Dr. Hulon Mitchell was the minister along with her mother, Dr. Pearl Mitchell was the pianist.

            She received a BA in music from the Oklahoma City University, went on to graduate studies at the Juilliard School of Music in New York, and received honorary doctorates from Oklahoma City University and the University of Oklahoma. In 1983 she was inducted in the Oklahoma Women’s Hall of Fame.

            Leona Mitchell currently lives in Houston, Texas with her husband/manager Elmer Bush and son Elmer Bush IV.

          • Yep Renee… She sang for the Clintons at the WH, they LOVE her!!

      • This is amazing, Leza. I don’t even remember hearing about these murders. 73 people murdered in cold blood by Nation of Islam members SIMPLY FOR BEING WHITE!! I wonder how many blacks were lynched, altogether. Do you think it adds up to 73? Would be interesting to know so that the next time somebody like Whoopi Goldberg trots out that, someone else can bring up the black racism exhibited by these murderers. Were they charged with HATE CRIMES, too, or did those laws not yet exist? Everybody remembers Manson’s Family. Does everybody remember the Death Angels? I never heard of this, either:

        “There were even some high profile victims. Art Agnos, who would later go on to become mayor of San Francisco, was shot and almost killed by the Death Angels. A member of the California Commission on Aging, Agnos was attending a community meeting in a black neighborhood to discuss building a government funded health clinic in the area. In the same neighborhood the killers were hunting for whites. As the meeting let out, Agnos stopped to talk with two women. One of the killers came up behind him and shot him twice in the back. The bullets ripped apart his lungs, spleen and kidneys. Bystanders called an ambulance and Agnos barely survived.”

        Was political correctness rampant in the lamestream even then? Or maybe it’s just that now they do no retrospectives on BLACK RACIST KILLERS.

        “Some officers suspected a black cop who was a member of ‘Officers for Justice,’ a black police officers association formed to get more promotions for themselves, was tipping off the killers, though this was never proven. … The increased police presence had the effect of angering the black community.Twenty years before the Los Angeles riots and O.J. Simpson trial, blacks were already making statements to the press that showed a stunning lack of remorse for what was happening to their white neighbors. … Still other blacks blamed ‘unemployment’ and ‘oppression’ for the attacks. … none of the blacks interviewed took the occasion to condemn the unknown street killers or express sympathy for the victims.”

        The story goes on to say that the detectives were hampered in their investigation because “of a ban on surveillance of religious institutions.”. That “religious institution would be the Black Muslims. So they can, like jihadis, hide behind “religion” to evade justice.

        “The Nation of Islam paid for the legal representation of every one of the killers except Cooks, who immediately admitted to his murders. The Death Angels are still in prison but are up for parole in 2002. The European American Issues Forum (EAIF), headed by Calabro, has pledged to attend the parole hearings and work to insure that the killers spend the rest of their lives in jail. In addition, on October 19 of this year, the EAIF will hold its fifth annual Zebra Victims Memorial Service on the steps of San Francisco City Hall. As with the previous five ceremonies, government and community leaders such as Mayor Willie Brown and the leader of the local NAACP will be invited to attend. They have declined to attend any of the ceremonies so far and are not likely to show up this year. Indeed, the lack of publicity and recognition of these racially motivated hate crimes is consistent with the efforts of government agencies, civil rights groups and the media to portray European-Americans as the only perpetrators of hate crimes. … It has been almost 30 years since the Zebra Killings and, with the exception of Clark Howard’s book, little has been written about the murders. That is why they have disappeared from the public consciousness. At least one filmmaker who tried to get funding for a documentary on the killings has said that producers will not touch it, as it involves the taboo of black-on-white racism. Needless to say, there is no such taboo on discussing white-on-black racism. But a society that memorializes Emmett Till, Medgar Evers and James Byrd should also make room for the victims of the Zebra Killings. Justice demands it.”

        You can almost imagine some of the pardons that will be issued when Barry leaves office, recommended by Holder, no doubt.

        • More fromthat story, “You’ll never see these black-on-white massacres in mainstream media or any of the major newspapers. In fact, major universities will discipline a professor for even mentioning these accounts. FrontPage Magazine reports of a Southern Illinois University professor who was punished and forced to apologize because he added an article on the Zebra killings to a civil rights assignment. That’s right, he MERELY ADDED A READING ASSIGNMENT which covered the Zebra killings. Meanwhile, Harvard elitist professors such as Noel Ignatiev can boast about the need for WHITES TO COMMIT SUICIDE and the need for the ABOLISHMENT OF THE ENTIRE WHITE RACE publicly in print and online – and get the old Harvard wink for work well done.”

          This is so amazing to me. It’s frightening, too. Read about the way some of the victims were butchered. Horribly. Far more horribly than what happened to Sharon Tate, if that’s possible, and it is. Manson is a household name, but does anyone even know the names of these RACIST mass murderers?

        • Sicking isen’t Miri. I happend to stumble on to the Zebra killings researching something else. Id never heard about the killings either, just as the author say’s the killings were buried by the surprise there!

        • Bo and Sunny: Double the Trouble–for Taxpayers (Open Thread)

          Jeff Fort and the El Rukn gang –

          Gang Profiles: Black P Stones

          Black P. Stones Nation (BPSN) are a Chicago Street gang. The Black P. Stones came to power during the Vietnam opium boom of the 1960‘s-1970‘s. The Dug Cartel entity controlling the manufacturing of opium into heroin and trafficking heroin into America from Vietnam sought out local criminals in Chicago to sell their drugs.

          They discovered Jeff Fort and his low level gang and gave him money and drugs to sell resulting into a creation of a powerful gang.

          Their gang name orginates from the street name Blackstone Avenue in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Chicago’s South Side.

          Fort duped Presbyterian minister Reverend John Fry into allowing the Black P. Stones to take over his church, where it was used as head quarters of the gang.

          The Drug Cartel Entity who had American connections funded the Black P. Stones through Grants, over 1 million dollars in grants that were used for the Black P. Stones drug selling operations. The gang would use front charities promoting goodwill to collect the money. Throughout the world its common for gangs and terrorist cliques involved in the illegal drug trade to create front charities to funnel money.

          In 1972 members of the Black P. Stones were convicted for defrauding the federal government for a grant of $927,000, when law enforcement discovered this money was used for drug selling operations.

          Jeff Fort converted to Islam and changed his name to Khalifa Abdullah Malik aka Chief Malik.

          Libya and Muammar Gadhafi would fund a large sum of money to any American radical Islam cliques if they had intentions of committing terrorist acts against America and Fort wanted in on this money.

          When Jeff Fort converted to Islam he formed a Radical Islamic gang called the El Rukns a sect of the Black P. Stones.

          The best source of information places the birth of the El Rukn identity at an April, 1976 event. In April, 1976, according to federal indictment information, Jeff Fort held a large meeting for members of the BPSN at which he announced that the name of the organization was from then on to be known as the “El Rukn’s” and that he, Jeff Fort, was the sole leader of the El Rukn Nation. The meeting has held at a site the gang called “The Camp” (located at 4233 South Indiana Avenue in Chicago)

          On April 14, 1978 the El Rukns formed their own corporation to purchase a number of apartment buildings and hotels in Chicago. The corporation was called the “El-Pyramid Maintenance and Management Corporation”. One of the first buildings to be purchased was the property at 3945 – 3959 South Drexel in Chicago, previously it had been the “Oakland Square Theater” building but under Jeff Fort’s ownership became known as the “El Rukn Grand Major Temple of America”, AKA “The Fort”. The “Fort” was demolished in June of 1990.

          In 1985, the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan , who received millions of dollars from Gaddafi introduced Jeff Fort and the El Rukns to Gaddafi, Louis Farrakhan introduced and referred the El Rukns to Gaddafi via Satellite as his “Angels of Death” according court testimony of one the gang members Lance Williams. Gaddafi via satellite urged Americans serving in the U.S. military to desert and join his forces.

          In 1986 Jeff Fort and the El Rukns made deals with who they thought were Gaddafi’s operatives to blow up U.S Government buildings and blow up American Airplanes for a large sum of money, that resulted in Fort being charged by law enforcement with the conspiracy to commit terrorist acts on behalf of the Libyan government.

          Gadhafi said the Nation of Islam and his army the El Rukns were his key to infiltrate the U.S. to attack the country from inside.

          The El Rukns pledge their allegiance to Libya, as evidence in a video released a few years ago.

          Once becoming an El Rukn, the gang member changed his name by adding the “-el” suffix. In this fashion, to illustrate by example, gang member “Shay Bilker” became “Shay Bilker-el”. The gang members used this name in everything they did: any paperwork, student loans, applying for government programs, welfare, etc. Thus it became easy to “pick off” the El Rukns on a computer in the late 1970′s and throughout the 1980′s, all one had to do was search the last name field in any file for the character string “-el”.

          Cloaked in the use of Islamic phrases, the BPSN gang grossly perverts Islamic religion by using this quasi-religious identity as a vehicle for gang organization and covert communications

          Fort wrote in a letter from prison to its members he wants the Black P. Stones to infiltrate college campuses and create campus gangs.

          Black P. Stones want to create a political front organization, to eventually be able to run for political office in Chicago, in a plan to control politics in Chicago to protect their drug operations. They became aware of this when Jeff Fort found out the Gangster Disciples, the number one murderes in Chicago created a political front group called the 21st Century V.O.T.E, a scam to get gangster disciples into Politics.

          About 60% of Black P. Stone members claim they posses a gun.

          Research starts here –

          H/T Zenway

          Noah Jackson, brother of Jessie Jackson Jr.

          Bo and Sunny: Double the Trouble–for Taxpayers (Open Thread)

      • J.C. X. Simon, Larry Green ,Harris

        All those surnames are in our digs…

      • A BIG Thank You Leza for posting this bit re the Zebra Killings/Death Angels. I had never before heard of this!

        I’m sick and tired of this racial discrimination…the failure to hold anyone “of color” accountable is inexcusable. O and Holder have continued in carrying the torch of racial discrimination…….that, in itself, jars me back to reality.

  14. Sweet column:

    Obama’s 2003 IVI-IPO questionnaire may be getting closer scrutiny.
    By Lynn Sweet on December 11, 2007 9:34 AM

    UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIF.–Back in December, 2003, Barack Obama, running for a U.S. Senate seat from Illinois, filled out an extensive questionnaire from the unabashed liberal Independent Voters of Illinois – Independent Precinct Organization.

    In the past months of the campaign, I have referred to Obama’s answers in the questionnaire when various topics have been in the news and Obama’s current positions were presented in a different light in the past.

    But the spotlight is growing more intense as the crucial Jan. 3 Iowa caucus is just days away.

    Snip ~

    Read document here –

    DATE______ 1/5/04____________ PARTY: _____Democrat __________________________
    NAME: _________ Barack Obama
    VOTING ADDRESS: _XXXX S. East View Park, Chicago, Illinois, 60615
    HOME PHONE: _______773-XXX-XXXX_____________________ BUSINESS PHONE: ____312-XXX-XXXX_____________
    CAMPAIGN ADDRESS: 310 S. Michigan, Suite 1710, Chicago, 60604_____________
    CAMPAIGN PHONE: ____312-427-6300________
    FAX: _______312-427-6401___________________________
    EMAIL: _____bobama@obamaforillinois.com_WEBSITE: __www.obamaforillinois.com______________________
    CAMPAIGN MANAGER: _______Jim Cauley_

    Please use an additional sheet to complete the following background information:
    A) Elective or appointive public or party offices previously held including dates.
    Illinois State Senator from 1996 through present.

    B) Other elective offices for which you have been a candidate.
    Candidate for Congress in 2000.

    C) Principal business, education, professional and civic activities of the past ten years.
    Illinois State Senator, constitutional law professor at University of Chicago, civil rights attorney, chair of Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Board of Directors of Joyce Foundation.

    D) What subjects have you studied and what experience have you had which will be most helpful to you in the office you seek?

    I studied political science in college with a concentration in international relations and then obtained a law degree with a focus on constitutional law. I am currently a state senator and am chairman of the senate public health and human services committee. I am the only Democratic candidate in the race for U.S. Senate who has had a record of legislative accomplishment. I believe that all these experiences will be extremely valuable in preparation for being a U.S. Senator.

    E) Activities for other candidates. Please be specific.
    I have campaigned for many progressive candidates during my years in Chicago. In the early 1990s, I ran Project Vote – a hugely successful voter registration program that added 100,000 mostly minority and low-income voters to the Illinois rolls, which helped elect President Bill Clinton and U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun in 1992.

    F) Please list all endorsements you have received so far.
    I am proud to have received the endorsement of many leading progressive individuals and organizations, including U.S. Representatives Jan Schakowsky, Jesse Jackson Jr., Danny Davis, Lane Evans, former Congressman and judge Abner Mikva, state senator Carol Ronen, state representative Julie Hamos, Citizen Action, the SEIU, the executive committee of AFSCME Illinois, UNITE, and the Illinois Federation of Teachers. In addition, former U.S. Senator Paul Simon had agreed to endorse me before his untimely death. (A complete list of my endorsements is attached.)

    G) As concisely as possible, please state why you feel you should be endorsed over the other candidate(s). What goals for the office you seek are most important to you personally?
    First, I am grateful to have received your endorsement in my past campaigns for the Illinois Senate, and for the citations you have given me in recognition of my legislative work. For half a century, the IVI-IPO has promoted candidates who were willing to fight for progressive ideas and needed reforms, regardless of the political pressures. I am proud to stand in that tradition, which is reflected in my record as the only legislator in this race.

    I led the fight in the Illinois Senate for the first meaningful campaign finance reform in a generation. I led the fight for landmark ethics reforms, which will begin to curb the culture of corruption that has pervaded our politics. I led the fight for the law mandating videotaping of police interrogations to prevent coerced confessions, and one to help end racial profiling by law enforcement agencies across our state.

    I passed laws creating a state Earned Income Tax credit, which has meant $100 million in tax relief or the working poor, and one expanding health insurance to 20,000 Illinois children who lacked coverage as well as 65,000 of their working parents.

    In the US Senate, I will be a champion for the progressive agenda the Bush Administration has tried to dismantle during the last few years. I am an outspoken advocate for a woman’s right to choose and an end to discrimination against gays and lesbians, and will not shy away from standing up for our basic liberties. No Senator will fight harder against the kind of right-wing judicial nominees who are bent on reversing 50 years of hard-fought civil rights legislation. As a constitutional law professor and civil rights attorney, I bring a unique arsenal of ideas and experiences to the U.S. Senate. I will use these strengths to help stop John Ashcroft from trampling on our liberties and freedoms, including opposing his call for an expansion of one of the more dangerous pieces of legislation to pass Congress in decades, the so-called U.S. Patriot Act.
    Unlike my Democratic opponents in this race, including two of whom have stated publicly that they support the war (Dan Hynes and Maria Pappas), I was an early and outspoken opponent of the war in Iraq, and will support a foreign policy that rebuilds our relations in the world and projects American values, not just our might.
    The Democratic Party and our country have suffered the past three years because too many of our representatives in Washington have failed to live up to the tradition of independence for which the IVI-IPO stands.

    Cont’s @ Link

  15. Hmmmm..

    Tension between the West and Russia: Implications for Africa

    Written by Yarik Turianskyi
    06 October 2008

    Diplomatic Pouch
    The world is currently concerned with redefining Western-Russian relations in the wake of the Georgian conflict. The press has even been discussing the possibility of a ‘new’ Cold War. If this materialises, what would be the implications for Africa?


    U.S. Tracks Saudi Bank Favored by Extremists

    Officials Debated What To Do About Al Rajhi, Intelligence Files Show

    JIDDA, Saudi Arabia — In the 1940s, two Bedouin farm boys from the desert began changing money for the trickle of traders and religious pilgrims in this then-remote and barren kingdom. It was a business built on faith and trust, Sulaiman Al Rajhi once told an interviewer, and for many years he would hand gold bars to strangers boarding flights in Jidda and ask them to give the gold to his brother on their arrival in Riyadh.

    Today, Mr. Al Rajhi is a reclusive octogenarian whose fortune is estimated at $12 billion. And Al Rajhi Bank grew into the kingdom’s largest Islamic bank, with 500 branches in Saudi Arabia and more spread across the Muslim world.

    Following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the bank also set off an intense debate within the U.S. government over whether to take strong action against its alleged role in extremist finance. Confidential reports by the Central Intelligence Agency and other U.S. agencies, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, detail for the first time how much the U.S. learned about the use of Al Rajhi Bank by alleged extremists, and how U.S. officials agonized over what to do about it.

    After 9/11, the Saudi monarchy pledged its full support in the fight against global terrorism. And following violent attacks inside the kingdom in the next two years, the Saudis did launch major strikes against militants operating on their soil. But the Saudi government has been far been less willing to tackle the financial infrastructure essential to terrorism. U.S. intelligence reports state that Islamic banks, while mostly doing ordinary commerce, also are institutions that extremism relies upon in its global spread.

  17. College Acquaintance: Young Obama Was Pure Marxist Socialist: 1/2

  18. Obama’s Campaign for President of the Harvard Law Review

  19. Hanoi John: Kerry and the Antiwar Movement’s Communist Connections
    Original FReeper research | 10/11/2004 | Fedora
    Posted on Monday, October 11, 2004 12:27:07 PM by Fedora

    John Kerry’s Fellow Travellers
    A 5-part series exposing John Kerry’s Communist connections.
    Part 3: Hanoi John: Kerry and the Antiwar Movement’s Communist Connections

    By Fedora

    *NOTE: The term “fellow traveller” as used in this article series refers to someone who is not a member of the Communist Party (CP) but regularly engages in actions which advance the Party’s program. Some apparent fellow travellers may actually be “concealed party members”: members of the CP who conceal their membership. Which of these classifications is applicable to the Kerrys is a question this series leaves unresolved. This series does not argue for any direct evidence of Richard or John Kerry or other members of the Kerry family belonging to the CP.

    What this series does argue for is a consistent pattern of the Kerry family working with Communists and Communist fellow travellers in a way that advances the Communist program.

  20. O/T
    Leza, how do you make those bullet points?

    • Home Page ~

      “We’ve Been Had” Index

      Welcome to sample chapters for the book We’ve Been Had, subtitled “How Obama and the Radicals Conned Middle Class America”.

      Please feel free to browse these indexed links. Constructive feedback is always welcomed. If you are interested in offering feedback, please compose a comment under the relevant entry, or send an e-mail to me (click on the “Contact Information” hot link on the navigation bar above). If you are interested in ordering the book, please click on the link at the bottom of the page.

      A recommended starting point is to click on the “Overview” hot link for a high-level summary of the book.

  21. Are Barry’s ties to the whole Ayers family deeper and longer than reported in any media? In this Ayer’s -Dohrn it seems that way.

    Notes from Underground

    Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn on North Coast living
    (Aug. 13, 2009)

    14 page article, you have to flip through each page.

  22. An American Expat in Southeast Asia
    27 March 2011
    The Rise and Fall of Barack Obama

    One can imagine that there is considerable amount of narcissism required to pen an autobiography. So just imagine someone having the audacity to write two so-called autobiographies and then expect that a gullible readership will accept the contents of those books as a verifiable truth.

    Often times I wonder if I’m the only one who feels a sense of profound disquietude whenever I read something that starts off with or contains the phrases “As described in his book Dreams from my Father” or “As he described in the Audacity of Hope”. Think about it, if the only source for a particular fact regarding Obama is Obama himself then the truth becomes unverifiable. This is not something accidental, it is by design and once you realize that simple fact the more you will feel like you have been duped.

    Parroting any one of Barack Obama’s self-serving books or his website the media continues to claim that Obama is a devout Christian despite a plethora of evidence to the contrary. Why?

    Barack Obama’s religious views are not the only thing that Obama has lied about, he has lied about using any other names other than Barack Hussein Obama. In January of 2007 we reported here that Barack Hussein Obama was registered under the name “Barry Soetoro ” in school in Indonesia. Needless to say, Obama would have found it difficult to register for school in Indonesia as “Barry Soetoro” with a birth certificate that stated his name was Barack Hussein Obama. Yes you read that correct. Go back and read it again if you need to and then go look at yourself in a mirror. Pardon the double entendre, but do you need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind blows?

    It is understandable that an autobiography or two would be biased, that the author would tend to write overly positive things about themselves and often present both opinions and fiction as fact. The problem with Barack Obama’s books is not so much that they are autobiographical though, it is that they contain elements of an autobiography with an exposition of Obama’s political ideology. These are not simply books, they are tools, and tools with a purpose.

    Barack Hussein Obama has made his intentions and plans for America clear. He has made it clear that he does not see America as an exceptional nation and that our nation’s constitution is “fundamentally flawed”. So if you drive a SUV, like to eat pizza and cheeseburgers and keep your house cool in the summer you can expect Obama to see you taken down a peg. Like frogs slowly boiling in a pot of water, Americans are losing their freedom.

    Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on to them to do the same.”

    Looking back, how will the historians of the future explain the gullibility of a nation and how we could have elected a man we knew nothing about and how will we ever explain our ignorance to our children and grandchildren?

    • Thanks for linking to that Leza! I have to cite the beginning paragraph, because I have ALWAYS loved that book:

      “It is said that Zaphod Beeblebrox’s birth was marked by earthquakes, tidal waves, tornadoes, firestorms, the explosion of three neighbouring stars, and, shortly afterwards, by the issuing of over six and three quarter million writs for damages from all of the major landowners in his Galactic sector. However, the only person by whom this is said is Beeblebrox himself, and there are several possible theories to explain this.” – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Fit the Ninth

      From Wikipedia:
      “He is from a planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse, and is a ‘semi-half-cousin’ of Ford Prefect, with whom he ‘shares three of the same mothers’. Because of ‘an accident with a contraceptive and a time machine’, his direct ancestors from his father are also his direct descendants (see Zaphod Beeblebrox the Fourth). … This character is described across all versions as having two heads and three arms, though explanations of how he came to receive the extra appendages differed between versions. … , it’s hinted that Zaphod ‘created’ the second head himself when shutting off the parts of his mind that contain portions of his personality that ‘are not presidential,’ but he wanted to keep these traits, so he hid his second head under his neck and wears a large collar or scarf to keep it hidden. … Zaphod wears unique clothing that contains a mixture of bright and contrasting colours to make him stand out and be the centre of attention wherever he goes. In the television series, he wears the same outfit throughout each of the episodes, but in the movie his clothes, their style and their colour scheme change several times; although all of them are tasteless and attention-seeking. … He was briefly the President of the Galaxy (a role that involves no power whatsoever, and merely requires the incumbent to attract attention so no one wonders who’s really in charge, a role for which Zaphod was perfectly suited). … As a character, Zaphod is hedonistic and irresponsible, self-centred almost to the point of solipsism, and often extremely insensitive to the feelings of those around him. In the books and radio series, he is nevertheless quite charismatic which causes many characters to ignore his other flaws. … Zaphod in the film is very much immature, (in contrast to the books where he was immature, but had a lot of power and was smart and devious,) acting very eager about everything, eating messily with his hands, throwing temper tantrums, and doing things without reason, such as pressing the Improbability Drive button just because it was large and shiny. Throughout the book and radio versions of the story, Zaphod is busy carrying out some grand scheme, and has no clue as to what it is and is unable to do anything but follow the path that he laid out for himself.”

      Barry Beeblebrox. He may have another name. I like it. Fits him to a tee.

      • Thanks for linking to that Leza! I have to cite the beginning paragraph, because I have ALWAYS loved that book:
        Miri, I thought Id copied “all” but relized after it posted I had missed the part you are refering to. Glad you caught it and posted it, TY !

    • I was thinking just last night how Barry “wrote” that first “auto”biography (or asked Ayers to write it for him) when he was only 34 years old. That does take an ego the size of Kenya, does it not?

    • Like frogs slowly boiling in a pot of water, Americans are losing their freedom.

      Funny you note this as I was thinking lately of doing a post called Frog Soup…


    a/k/a “Shaqil,”

    a/k/a “Abu Khalid al Sahrawi,”


    Text : Indictment of ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI,
    a/k/a “Shaqil,” a/k/a “Abu Khalid al Sahrawi,”






    (Conspiracy to Commit Acts of Terrorism Transcending National Boundaries)

    Background: al Qaeda

    Cont’s @ Link –

  24. Renee – Reid

    Richard Reid (shoe bomber)

    Richard Colvin Reid (born August 12, 1973), commonly known as the shoe bomber, is a self-admitted member of al-Qaeda who pled guilty in 2002 in U.S. federal court to eight criminal counts of terrorism stemming from his attempt to destroy a commercial aircraft in-flight by detonating explosives hidden in his shoes. He is currently serving a life sentence without parole in a super maximum security prison in the United States. His crime led to the new requirement of American, and subsequently many other countries airline passengers having to remove their shoes for inspection before boarding a flight or entering an airline terminal.
    Snip –
    The captured Al-Qaeda terrorist conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui, stated at his sentencing hearing in 2006 that Reid was a co-conspirator in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, and that Moussaoui and Reid had intended to hijack a fifth aircraft and crash it into the White House in Washington, D.C., as part of the attacks that took place that day. However, Department of Justice investigators and the federal prosecutors were skeptical of Moussaoui’s claim that Reid was involved in the plot.[26]

    • OPINION JULY 29, 2009, 10:31 P.M. ET

      Revenge of the ‘Shoe Bomber’

      The terrorist sues to resume his jihad from prison. The Obama administration caves in.

      Last May at the National Archives, President Barack Obama warned that “more mistakes would occur” if Congress continued to politicize terrorist detention policy and the closure of Guantanamo Bay. “[I]f we refuse to deal with those issues today,” he predicted, “then I guarantee you, they will be an albatross around our efforts to combat terrorism in the future.”

      On June 17, at the Administrative Maximum (ADX) penitentiary in Florence, Colo., one of those albatrosses, inmate number 24079-038, began his day with a whole new range of possibilities. Eight days earlier, the U.S. Attorney’s office in Denver filed notice in federal court that the Special Administrative Measures (SAMs) which applied to that prisoner—Richard C. Reid, a.k.a. the “Shoe Bomber”—were being allowed to expire. SAMs are security directives, renewable yearly, issued by the attorney general when “there is a substantial risk that a prisoner’s communications, correspondence or contacts with persons could result in death or serious bodily injury” to others.

      Reid was arrested in 2001 for attempting to blow up American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami with 197 passengers and crew on board. Why had Attorney General Eric Holder decided not to renew his security measures, kept in place since 2002?

      Cont’s @ Link –

      • I have two suggestions: (1) Let him starve himself; thereby, he would be doing the USA a favor. (2) Mainstream him in a regular US prison; what then will be his fate? Does Jeffrey Dahmer come to mind? That would also be doing the USA a favor. Even in the most hard core of prisons, there are probably some patriots.

        • So tell us how you realy feel Miri, LOL. Belive me I so agree with you, I just get so angry at some things like the above, I pass on saying anything. I tend to use to much “french” 🙂

  25. United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui
    Criminal No. 01-455-A

    Defense Trial Exhibits

    Phase 1

  26. Financial Sanctions: Al-Qaida and the Taliban – Isle of Man

    Reported to own or control Al Baraka Exchange L.L.C … AL BARAKA EXCHANGE L.L.C. Address: PO Box 20066, Dubai, United Arab Emirates PO Box 3313, Deira, Dubai, United Arab

    • It looks like these companies are owned by this man.

      JIM’ALE, Ali, Ahmed, Nur
      Title: Sheikh
      DOB: 1954
      POB: Eilbur, Somalia
      1.JIMALE, Ahmed, Ali
      2.JIM’ALE, Ahmad, Nur, Ali
      3.JUMALE, Ahmed, Nur
      4.JUMALI, Ahmed, Ali
      5.JUMALE, Ahmed, Ali
      6.JIMALE, Ahmed
      2.Djibouti resident
      Passport Details: A0181988 (Somali Democratic Republic). Issued on 1 October 2001 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Renewed on 24 January 2008 in Djibouti. Expires on 23 January 2011.
      1.PO Box 3312, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
      2.PO Box 3313, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (previous address)
      3.Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti
      Other Information: UN Ref QI.J.41.01. Associated with Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya (AIAI) (UN Ref QE.A.2.01). Recurrently located also in Mogadishu, Somalia. Profession – [is] Accountant [cy] and businessman. Name of father is Ali Jumale. Name of mother is Enab Raghe. Reported to own or control Al Baraka Exchange L.L.C. (UN Ref QE.A.23.01), Barakaat Telecommunications Co Somalia Ltd (UN Ref QE.B.43.01), Barakaat Bank of Somalia (UN Ref QE.B.45.01) and Barako Trading Company LLC (UN Ref QE.B.56.01, formerly also QE.B.54.01).

  27. Same link as above, listed as –

    Financial Sanctions: Al-Qaida and the Taliban – Isle of Man

    Now merged with Barako Trading Company, LLC (UN Ref QE.B.56.01) Amendments. Added information appears in italics. Deleted information appears in square brackets [ ].

  28. Our Ref : IS/012/2002

    Our Ref: SFO/IS/021/2006 . 17 October 2006 … (1) United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Ordinance … *A.k.a.: Al-Barakat Financial Company F.k.a.: na * Address

  29. I’ll second that WOW Leza! Great links! Scarry no?

  30. HERE WE GO………….666………….

    INTERPOL Chief calls for globally verifiable electronic identity card system to enhance cross-border security and to help governments better regulate and protect migrant workers

    See alsoRemarks by Ronald K. Noble, INTERPOL Secretary General
    04 April 2011

    ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates – The head of INTERPOL has emphasized the need for a globally verifiable electronic identity card (e-ID) system for migrant workers at an international forum on citizen ID projects, e-passports, and border control management.

    Speaking at the fourth Annual EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) ID WORLD summit (3-4 April), INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble said that regulating migration levels and managing borders presented security challenges for countries and for the world that INTERPOL was ideally-placed to help address.

    • Hey Renee…….NOBLE

      INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble said that regulating migration levels and managing borders presented security challenges for countries and for the world that INTERPOL was ideally-placed to help address.

      • Waco too….

        Ronald Kenneth Noble (born 1956, at Fort Dix, New Jersey) is an American law enforcement officer, and the current Secretary General of Interpol. He is the son of an African-American father and a German-born mother.

        [edit] BiographyHe is a 1979 graduate of the University of New Hampshire with a bachelor’s degree in economics and business administration and a 1982 graduate of Stanford Law School. Mr. Noble also is a tenured professor at the New York University School of Law, on leave of absence while serving at Interpol.

        From 1993 until 1996 he was the Undersecretary for Enforcement of the United States Department of the Treasury, where he was in charge of the United States Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Office of Foreign Assets Control, and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.[1] He was head of the Department’s “Waco Administrative Review Team” which produced a report on the ATF’s actions against the Branch Davidians leading to the Waco Siege.[2]

        He was elected the first American Secretary General by the 69th Interpol General Assembly in Rhodes, Greece, in 2000, and was unanimously re-elected to a second five-year term by the 74th Interpol General Assembly in Berlin, Germany, in 2005. Interpol is the largest international police organization serving 188 countries with a current budget of $72.2 million for 2008.[3]

        During his September 20, 2005 acceptance speech in Berlin, the re-elected Secretary General stated:

        Less than one year after my confirmation, Al Qaeda terrorists used US soil and US targets to murder thousands of U.S. citizens and citizens from more than 70 of our member countries spread around the globe. On September 11, 2001, the entire world’s attention was finally drawn to the importance of the anti-terrorism fight. On that day, we as a world community were put on notice by Al Qaeda that our personal and national security could never again be taken for granted. It does not matter where you were. It does not matter what you were doing. Each and every one of you can remember where you were when you first learned about or first saw images of the terrorist attacks on New York’s World Trade Center on the 11th of September 2001. For Interpol, the 11th of September was a moment of reckoning. It was the time for us to decide what kind of international police organization we wanted Interpol to be. Although Interpol had been created over 80 years ago by police chiefs to provide operational police support internationally, something had happened to Interpol over the years. Interpol had become so slow, so unresponsive that in many police circles around the world Interpol was considered irrelevant to their day-to-day needs. But, it was on September 11, 2001 that Interpol went operational and that we committed ourselves to working 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to support our NCBs and police services. And it was on that day that we first began reaching out to you in times of crisis, rather than waiting for you to ask for help. One can say that Interpol was reborn on the 11th of September 2001.[4]

        Under Secretary General Noble’s leadership, Interpol developed the world’s first global database of stolen or lost travel documents (i.e., passports) from more than 120 countries and the first global police communications system, called I-24/7 as part of its international screening process for terrorists and dangerous criminals.

        He created the world’s first international automated DNA database and another automated database aimed at fighting the sexual exploitation of children on the Internet. During his 2000-2007 tenure, nearly 22,000 wanted international criminals were arrested, he directed the opening of a new Interpol office at the United Nations in 2004 and another office at the European Union in Brussels, increased the nationalities of their staff from 52 to 80; created a bioterrorism prevention unit at the General Secretariat in Lyon and planned the formation of the first International Anti-Corruption Academy in Vienna, Austria.

        In 2008, he was awarded the Légion d’honneur by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.[5]

        Mr. Noble also speaks French, German, Spanish, as well as his native English

  31. Another Howell. No, it couldn’t be Leza could it ?

  32. I found this also, I had saved it to mail before I posted the other’s and got booted off the internet. I try’ed to open the link through Startpage but the link would not open. It maybe because it is a PDF file?, PDF files will not open through proxy. I did not open this link so I am not sure if it is secure, but notice the names – Baraka Hussein oumama

    First line – Baraka
    Second line – Hussein
    Third line – Oumama

    Same name Mu’aumer Qaddaffi used in his letter to Obama. Also notice on the link it say’s – PassengersList

    Brianna,Burris,Carmen,Cambricoli,,,Baraka,Afafa,Emina … Davies,Fabricio,Dos,,,Hamadi,Alli,Kamaleddine,Hussein … Freida,Gonzalez,Miguel,Kamimura,,,Kigoma,Ashura,Oumama …

  33. From Above – Leza | April 7, 2011 at 12:13 am

    Financial Sanctions: Al-Qaida and the Taliban – Isle of Man

    Reported to own or control Al Baraka Exchange L.L.C … AL BARAKA EXCHANGE L.L.C. Address: PO Box 20066, Dubai, United Arab Emirates PO Box 3313, Deira, Dubai, United Arab

    Wiki – Al Baraka Banking Group

    Al Baraka Banking Group was formed in 2002 in Manama, Bahrain. The company is listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange and Dubai NASDAQ Al, the group offers retail, corporate and investment banking and treasury services strictly in accordance with the principles of the Shari’a in 12 countries.

    International PresenceThe global network of Al Baraka Banking Group is present in 12 countries, as well under the Albaraka and other brand names.[8]

    Country Name Former Name Branches
    Jordan Jordan Islamic Bank 56
    Indonesia Al Baraka Bank Representation 1 Representative Office
    Pakistan Al Baraka Bank Pakistan (Limited) 29
    Bahrain Al Baraka Islamic Bank (AIB) Al Baraka Islamic Investment Bank B.S.C. (E.C.). 9
    Turkey Albaraka Türk Katılım Bankası A.Ş. Albaraka Türk Özel Finans Kurumu A.Ş. 106
    Syria Al Baraka Bank Syria 1
    Lebanon Al Baraka Bank Lebanon 5
    Tunisia Al Baraka Bank Tunisia 4
    Algeria Banque Albaraka D’Algerie 20
    South Africa Al Baraka Bank Limited 4
    Sudan Albaraka Bank Sudan 23
    Egypt Al Baraka Bank Egypt Al Ahram Bank (also formerly known as Egypti Saudi Finance Bank) 15

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