Short and Not Sweet

riotandarson-copy-1Short and not so sweet. So simple even a simpleton can understand:

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for more of the above.

Got it? This has GOT TO STOP, and soon. Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani would and could stop it in a New York minute. He’s an advisor of Donald Trump, by the way.

When is Hillary Clinton going to explain this?


Or this?


Or this?

(Hat tip: The Fellowship of the Minds. Go to the link to see the associated video.)

Clinton claims there’s “no need” for her to have a neurological exam. (Hat tip: Papoose.)

We the People beg to differ.

Remember: A vote for Hillary is a vote for an obfuscating liar, who makes excuses for and supports the “cause” of those who are rioting across this country, and it’s also a vote for a life-long Alinsky-ite who will nominate to the Supreme Court “jurists” who will continue Obama’s and Clinton’s “fundamental transformation” of the USA into a puppet of a communist, socialist (if not worse) global government and the United Nations.

Choose wisely in November.

Or prepare to be invaded by “refugees” from around the globe.



177 responses to “Short and Not Sweet

    • Bout time. 😀

      • A FOOL ~ has the right 2 STAY a FOOL’ ~ Just NOT “NOW”!

        • ~ Space Cowboy susanmc ✓ᴰᵉᵖˡᵒʳᵃᵇˡᵉ • … ^^^^^^
          I knew that moon-bat would be Hyperventilating After …..
          Ted Cruz jumped aboard … the Trump cruise ship today.

          ~ Hagar The Deplorable Space Cowboy •
          Alex Jones should give Beck a job at Infowars.
          Cleaning the toilets maybe.
          Also Scott Adams 🙂
          Based Dilbert!

          ~ Scott Adams:
          I hereby switch my endorsement from Clinton to Trump.

          ~ Libsareclowns Hagar The Deplorable •
          Beck is Alone … now basking … in his foolishness
          ~ ~ ~ ~ Trump 16 ~ ~ ~ ~
          It’s time all of us forgive & unite. Beck inability to forgive is a
          disappointment. It’s sad. SO VERY SICK & SAD!!!

          Trump forgave, Cruz forgave, there is no excuse for everyone on
          our side NOT to forgive. Country comes First.
          If the Dems win there’s no do-overs. …..The Republic DIES!!!

          • Meanwhile, apparently Ted Cruz either came to his senses & realized that his pride isn’t as important as the future of his children or he decided that he might Need the RNC at some point in his future career plan so he announced he’s ..sort of ..supporting Trump. .. Ufool usurper dreamer’

            Cruz said he made the decision because he wants to keep his Word to support the Republican nominee – & he finds Hillary Clinton “wholly unacceptable.”

          • ~ Mighty_Mouse ….GLENN BECK …it’s ALL about “MEEEE”!!!! ha
            When Beck remarks that “this is profoundly a sad day for Him” – it clearly shows he is more about his Pride & Ego than principle. That is Classic Narcissism. He thinks it is about Him, & its not. His head is so Far up his own Pompous self-righteous azz that if Jesus Christ tapped him on the shoulder to present a miracle, he would ignore it. ..YEP!!! PHONY SELF

            I’ve never seen anything like this. Before all this Drama created by Beck over Trump not doing his show (& I can now understand why), Beck praised people like Trump. Beck was calling to arms for people like Trump to shake up the establishment. Well it happened, except not with the guy Beck wanted. …(only boo hoo cruz the USURSPER DUDE!)

            So now for nearly 12 months, we have seen a non-stop Bitch Fest by Beck & he used everything in his means to stop Trump to the point of bankrupting his company – & despite the fact Mark Levin explaining his stance on supporting Trump, despite the fact Ted Cruz went down an excellent list of reasons to support Trump (which suggests they are reestablishing a rapport), Beck wants to Pout & Cry like a snapping little chihuahua.

            This guys Ego is so bruised, that he is going to hide behind words such as “principles” & “prayers” & anything else that climbs up that verbal mountain of bravado as some kind of sick last ditch effort.

            So Glenn, stay home. You have shown where your loyalties are, & its not to the Republic. You would rather this nation suffer under 4 years of Hillary than keep her out completely… Very Sick.

            YEP… Beck’s not DONE his “12 STEPS” … for a while AS WTP R
            aware of …the Nasty way he Plays on his show … like HE is a God..
            YOUR NOT & shall never B …GLENN…GET so over your EGO &
            your side-KICK puppets.. SAY What U NEED 2 HEAR very Childlike!

  1. Bill Still – Interview, “Trump and Financial Security” !!!!

    • Speaking of switch hitters. Did you read about the new book that’s out about HILLARY’S IDOL Eleanor Roosevelt and HER OWN LESBIAN LOVER? Yep. Ellie was homosexual, too. Her girlfriend ALSO worked as an aide in the WH. SOUND FAMILIAR? Give you any clue as to why she’s Hillary’s idol?

  2. ~ ermom •
    …MLK’s ‘not the color of skin, but content of character’, no longer holds. The new mantra of Obama, the left, race baiters, George Soros, the DNC, & the complicit media is: “Not the content of CHARACTER, but ONLY the color of skin, matters.”
    Does anyone remember when Glenn Beck was still working at Fox, and did that amazing series on George Soros (that had to pass Fox’s lawyers!), “The Puppet Master” & did so BRILLIANTLY using Soros’ own public interviews, speeches, books, in other words, SOROS’ OWN WORDS, but instead of sound bites, he connected the dots? I thought all that research laid out a blueprint for the FBI (I know, silly of me) for a charge of treason, sedition against Soros & all the seditious organizations working to overthrow our nation. There is NOTHING in the Constitution which says we must tolerate ‘the enemy within’, NOR must we commit national suicide, allowing Socialism, Communism, Islamism, or other anti-Americans, just as we see the EU committing cultural suicide with the leftist, open borders crowd calls multi-culturalism. & we, the USA, are NOT but a few years behind the EU.

  3. TRUMP ….is past COOL !!! UNITED & VOTE 4 the GOOD WIN
    YEP..bring BACK .. “STOP & FRISK” 2 remove it was FOOLISH!

  4. Lisa Bardack will be fortunate if satiric reviews are the worst consequences for the disinformation campaign she has helped wage in Hillary’s behalf. Bardack was raised in Larchmont, NY, in affluent Westchester County, the daughter of Lester Bardack and Judith Frankle. Her father was president of Ulano Industries, a Brooklyn chemical manufacturer, & her mother a rabbi, formerly of Congregation B’nai Elohim in Scarsdale and later an instructor at Western Connecticut State. Bardack’s sister Amy, also a Conservative rabbi, was recently appointed Director of Education for the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. Both sisters married doctors who were themselves the sons of doctors.
    Bardack graduated from Penn and NYU Medical School. She did her residency at Cornell University Medical Center in New York, now Weill Cornell, was board certified in 1993, and joined Mt. Kisco Medical Group, later CareMount Medical, the largest medical group in the state, with over 500 physicians and 500,000 patients, where she’s Chair of Internal Medicine.

  5. ….. ^^^^^^^^

    “COUMADIN …that OLD DRUG” “CAN” be controlled if something were
    to occur …BUT newer DRUGS don’t YET have that option …I hear..

  6. O’ …so LIKE the OBAMMA’S always ON the SHORT end of THAT STICK!
    Just NASTY MEAN SELFISH .. the PHONY ..NEW found LOVE of OUR

  7. Trump threatens to bring Gennifer Flowers to debate…
    Colorado to decide election?
    Dead people voting…
    Trump circles Philly burbs…

  8. CHESTER TOWNSHIP >> More than 5,000 people packed Sun Center Studios Stage 2 Thursday night to get a glimpse of Republican Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump and hear his signature message of “Make America Great Again.” …..^^^^^ PUSH ~ PUSH TRUMP OVER the T O P BIG !!!

    Cars were lined down Concord Road from Sun Center past Northley Middle School and some individuals said they arrived at 2 p.m. for Trump’s 7 p.m. appearance.

  9. BOOK …”STRONGER TOGETHER” …. 66% give it only ONE STAR!
    For more than a year, Hillary Clinton has laid out an ambitious agenda to improve the lives of the American people & make our country stronger & safer. Stronger Together presents that agenda in full, relating stories from the American people & outlining the Clinton/Kaine campaign’s plans on everything from apprenticeships to the Zika virus, including:

    -Building an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.

    -Making the biggest investment in good-paying jobs since World War II, including infrastructure, manufacturing, clean energy, and small business.

    -Making debt-free college a reality and tackling the student debt crisis.

    -Defeating ISIS, strengthening our alliances, and keeping our military strong.

    -Breaking down the barriers that hold Americans back by reforming our broken immigration system, ending mass incarceration, protecting voting rights, and fixing our campaign finance system.

    -Putting families first through universal, affordable health care; paid family and medical leave, and affordable child care.

    Stronger Together offers specific solutions and a bold vision for building a more perfect union.

    real ….dreamers….REALLY they R… ^^^^^ so SAD!

    • I have a better idea. Pull all cops out of neighborhoods that don’t want them and let them police themselves. Save the taxpayers some money for a change. If necessary, use the money to build a wall around the self-policing neighborhoods.

  10. Burgess Owens: The NAACP …Keeps People Angry …& Hopeless…. to Shamelessly Breed Black Voters By Lori Updated 09/24/2016 | 3:05 PM EDT Share This Tweet This Burgess Owens, former NFL star & author of the book ~ Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies & Wimps, ~
    joined The Glenn Beck Program on Friday to address the current state of race relations across America & what role, … if any, the NAACP has played. Listen to this segment from The Glenn Beck Program:


  11. yes, alive and well today … 33 years ago … sad when in the eye of…

    Darryl Glenn issues explanation of 1983 assault charge involving his father


  13. ~ jim mayer •
    My head started to throb as soon as I began to listen to Mr. Obama’s speech at the UN. My first thought was how jealous his butt must have been at the amount of crap that was coming out of his mouth.

    The man, with his elevated chin & nose in the air, is the last one to sniff his own flatulence, is so repulsive, I just can’t imagine being him & having to wake up every single day, forced to be in the same room as myself.

    He brightens a room just by leaving. I heard that he once asked a staffer at the UN why people there took an instant dislike to him & was told, “It saves time.”

    People have been known to commit suicide by scaling the summit of his ego, and then leaping all the way down to his I.Q.

    Hopefully Trump will do well in the debates even if HRC rubs both of her dim wits together after temporarily being taken off life support. And if he is sworn in, that will force this current gang of nincompoops, who couldn’t pour pee out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel, to pack up and leave.

    If not, this country’s going to be up Hillary Creek without a paddle.

    ~ supernova500 jim mayer •
    Thanks for the laugh…. as that is very hard to do when I think about Obama!

    ~ oldguy5 jim mayer •
    your a better person than me. I can’t stand to listen to any dem.

    • Secrets because some aren’t true. For example, it’s been proved she did NOT have meningitis. The kid going on the job interview with MOO is probably also a convenient fabrication/fib/LIE for political cred.

    • I knew he was muslim. And from Turkey. I was thinking Afghanistan, but close enough. Are the media going to APOLOGIZE TOO ALL HISPANICS? What a freaking insult to ASSUME the guy’s Hispanic just because he has dark hair and eyes. Look at his FACIAL FEATURES. Anybody with eyes could tell he wasn’t a Mexican or “Hispanic”.

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