Obama’s “Squeeze” Genevieve Cook Worked at Communist School

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2012


Did Genevieve Appeal to Obama’s Black or White Side?

Was She Real or a Composite? 


A “Composite” Gal, Genevieve Cook, and Big Headed Obama


What follows below is a transcription that I wrote of the video for those who prefer to read what was introduced by Kris in Obama File‘s YouTube presentation, “Exclusive: Obama’s Ex-Girlfriend Worked At Communist School.” Links and screenshots were added.  Click to enlarge the photos.  The source link is located at the end.   It was very well done.


Commentary by the author preceding the You Tube:

Vanity Fair, May 2,  published excerpts of a new Obama biography that makes the ‘stunning revelation’ that Obama’s New York girlfriend described in ‘Dreams From My Father’ was a composite of several different women. Politico then ran with a ‘Obama:  New York girlfriend was a composite’ headline. Then David Graham of The Atlantic went in for the kill:  ‘Politico has served as an unwitting pawn in a game conservative spin-meisters are playing to redefine Obama between now and November.’

This is all described in play-by-play detail by Tim Stanley in The Telegraph, bemoaning that Obama was not vetted in 2008, but sighs in relief that now conservatives are making up for lost time.

The only problem is that conservatives aren’t running the narrative, liberals are.

“Exclusive: Obama’s Ex-Girlfriend
Worked at Communist School”

Remember Vanity Fair was the rag that ran the 10,000-word hit piece against Sarah Palin in 2010 in anticipation of a presidential run, that even the slavering liberals criticized.

Or that Politico was the smear machine that ran 90+ vague, anonymous stories in less than a week about Herman Cain’s sexual harassment accusers.

The point is that when the liberal media ‘reveals’ something about Obama, we know something huge is about to be released.

When the Breitbart ‘Big’ sites were about to reveal the Derrick Bell video tapes, Buzzfeed got ahead of it, releasing edited versions of the tapes with toned down commentary, in what conservatives call the liberal process of controlling an explosion.

Obama Files initially thought this ‘controlled explosion’ had something to do with Obama’s sexual libido, or lack thereof, or variety thereof, as there have been numerous allegations  of Obama’s, shall we say ‘experimentation’ during the Harvard Law Review years, at least two male students stating they had been ‘sexually harassed’ by Obama.   (We won’t even talk about the Chicago years.).

The reason for this suspicion is that the David Maraniss bio excerpts seem to focus on Obama’s sexual personae with the passage most quoted on thousands of websites since May 2 (supposedly from Genevieve Cook’s ‘secret diary’):

Saturday, February 25  “the sexual warmth is definitely there –but the rest of it has sharp edges and I’m finding it all unsettling and finding myself wanting to withdraw from it all.  I have to admit that I am feeling anger at him for some reason, multi-stranded reasons.  His warmth can be deceptive.  Tho he speaks sweet words and can be open and trusting, there is also that coolness — and I begin to have an inkling of some things about him that could get to me.” 

pg. 3

But there is something less salacious but no less perfidious about Ms. Cook, that is likely to come out very soon, so that the Obama campaign and its front groups/people – including Maraniss – are trying to begin to bend the narrative so that the bombshell won’t be so hard to swallow when it comes out.

Don’t waste your time searching for Cook on the Internet.  She has been dutifully scrubbed, but Maraniss committed a few faux pas when he divulged in his bio excerpts that Cook had worked as a teacher at the Brooklyn Friends School while dating our Community Organizer- in- Chief, and also where she had gone to prep school and college.

The K-12 Brooklyn Friends School has a little, carefully
hidden secret that exists to this day.

They like communists.

Don’t expect to find a picture of Lenin in the office, but with a little digging Obama Files found a few juicy tidbits.  Before we get into the Brooklyn Friends School, let’s take a tour of Ms. Cook’s education.

Maraniss reveals that Ms. Cook got her prep school training at none other than ‘Hanoi’ Jane Fonda’s old stomping grounds, Emma Willard School in Troy, New York, that to this day is concerned with ‘social justice’ issues  (socialism in plain speak).

Genevieve’s  journal-keeping started in 1975 during her final year at Emma Willard School, an academically rigorous prep school for young women in Troy, New York, and continued through her undergraduate years at Swarthmore and on into adulthood.” 

pg. 3.

Ah here is where it gets interesting.    Beginning in the 1960’s, Swarthmore, near Philadelphia, has been ground zero for Marxists.    When Obama say ‘Marxist professors and structural feminist’ in  Dreams From My Father, more than likely they were bred at Swarthmore.

Swarthmore often got  high praise for being good community organizers.   Swarthmore has had the distinction of being a breeding ground for radicals until this day.

Daily Gazette College Newspaper – Sept 16, 2007


Swarthmore – SDS – September 16, 2007


After 40 Year Hiatus,  SDS Returns to Swat”

The Students for a Democratic Society [SDS] an important force in organizing campus protests during the turbulent 1960’s is returning Swarthmore College after a hiatus of more than forty years.

SDS?  That’s not the same SDS associated with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn is it?

Swarthmore College was a leading school within the original SDS movement.   Swarthmore was heavily involved in the groups national organization.  “Vernon Grizzard ’66 was vice president of national SDS.  Paul Booth ’64 was a member of the National Council and led a SDS splinter-group, the Peace Research and Education Project [PREP].”

Paul Booth of SDS and Weather Underground fame, crony to Ayers and Dohrn?

Now we know the basis for Obama’s New York girlfriend working at a communist school while they were dating.

Barack Obama’s New York Girlfriend Genevieve Cook as described by Maraniss:

December, 1983.   A Christmas Party down in the East Village, at 240 East 13th Street.  It was a B.Y.O.B., and Genevieve Cook brought a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream.  The host was a young man employed as a typist at the Chanticleer Press, a small Manhattan publishing company that specialized in coffee-table books.  Genevieve had worked there briefly but had left to attend graduate school at Bank Street College, up near Columbia, and was now an assistant   teacher for second and third graders at Brooklyn Friends School.  She was living temporarily at her mother and stepfather’s place on the Upper East Side.


Standing in the kitchen was a guy named Barack, wearing blue jeans, T-shirt, dark leather jacket.  They spoke briefly, then moved on.  Hours later, after midnight, she was about to leave when Barack Obama approached and asked her to wait.  They plopped down on an orange beanbag chair a the end of the hall, and this time the conversation clicked.

pg. 2

Notice how quickly Maraniss passes over ‘Brooklyn Friends School.’    It’s like Obama’s reference in Dreams from my Father when he quickly mentions ‘socialist conference I sometimes attended.‘ Ah, the art of saying something without saying something.  But let’s look a little closer at Brooklyn Friends School.

Brooklyn Friends School had a little publication called ‘The Life.’ A little Left-leaning, but certainly not communist!


“The Life” November 16, 1965


Oh, what a few years brings.

“The Life”, February, 1971, left side column are the names:  Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Trotsky.


“The Life” February, 1971


And, like Swarthmore, some things never change.  At most K-12 schools, a field trip consists of going to the museum or opera.  At Brooklyn Friends School:


“Field Days”at Brooklyn Friends School – a trip to Russia


White Nights and Cultural Immersion for BFS
Upper Schoolers in Russia
by Jeffrey
Sept. 2007

This past summer eight upper school students, accompanied by teachers Sergei Mikhelsen and Lyubov Obertnaya spent two weeks in Russia touring the cities of St. Petersburg, Pakov and Moscow.  The students were sophomore Dominique White, seniors Brittany Fuller, Katelin Jackson, and Patricia O’Meara and…from the Class of 2007.

On their trip home from St. Petersburg, the group stopped in Moscow for two days, taking a walking tour of the Kremlin and making a requisite macabre visit to Lenin’s tomb.  But the highlight of Moscow was the world famous Russian Circus, everyone agreed.

For Sergei, the trip had three purposes for our students:  getting to know Russian culture and history better, getting them acquainted with their Russian peers so they could see in what ways they’re similar, and getting them to accept people from other cultures and beliefs.  The students are currently in the midst of preparing a presentation of photos and other media to present to the Upper School this fall during a special assembly.

Brooklyn Friends School – Trip to Russia

But as the commercials say, but wait, there’s more!

The other ‘controlled explosion’ in the Maraniss piece seems to have something to do with ‘Pakistani friends,’ that is dropped liberally here and there:

If Barack and Genevieve were in social occasions as a couple, it was almost always with the Pakistanis.

pg. 4

Obama Files, along with everyone else who knows anything about Obama, knows this will probably lead to Obama’s trip to Pakistan in 1981 that he kept secret and revealed as an off-hand remark while campaigning in April,2008.

This trip has been highly suspect.  In 1981, Pakistan was under martial law and barred not only Americans, but Jews and Christians,  from entering the country.  So that it has been theorized in 1981,  Obama had an Indonesian passport and identified himself as a Muslim in order to gain access to the country.

Funny, ‘right-wing conspiracy theorists’ have been trying to dig up Obama’s past for five years with little luck.  And Mr. Maraniss easily digs up two old girlfriends, a horde of Pakistani friends by name; is given access to the girlfriends’ letters and journals.  Just all sounds kinda strange…

But I guess we’re all just conspiracy theorists…



Don’t Both Characters, Obama and Genevieve,
Belong in the Fiction Category?


Video Link


137 responses to “Obama’s “Squeeze” Genevieve Cook Worked at Communist School

  1. Alexandra C Mc Near … (door # 1 )
    Born ~ April 10 1961

    Genevieve Hogan Cook … (door # 2 )
    Mrs. Moustafa -Cook married ~ Mohamed Moustafa
    Born ~ June 7 1958
    Canberra, Australia

  2. Thanks for the transcription, Bridgette. It sure saves time for those of us who have ADHD and can’t stand to sit still, waiting for the next screen of text to come up. I can skim much faster! A voice over would have helped, because then I can multitask while listening. But your transcription is the next best thing. I love the caption you put on the photo of Barry and Gen. Say, we all know that he has a humongous head:

    Nope. Looks like a pinhead to me.

    • Leza and I were talking about the Bank St. College which puts Genevieve right in with Ayers and Dorhn. Rather than repeat it all, here’s the link: https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/international-money-laundering-scheme-ignored-by-obama-administration/comment-page-2/#comment-82238

      Bottom line: Genevieve and Bill Ayers were at Bank St. college AT THE SAME TIME, STUDYING FOR THE SAME DEGREE–Masters in Education. Did they have the same advisor? Did they take the same classes together? Did Gen know Bill personally and his “lovely” wife Bernardine? Those DOMESTIC TERRORISTS who are “GUILTY AS HELL BUT FREE AS A BIRD?” (In his own words–Bill Ayers.)

      There’s no explanation for why that issue of the Life campus paper has Lenin, Trotsky, et al on the cover. It would help if they showed us the rest of the story. I have to say that I found no evidence that Brooklyn Friends School is communist. It was founded by Quakers, like Sidwell Friends (iirc). Just because some of the high schoolers take field trips to Russia means nothing. A lot of kids study Russian these days and many schools send kids there.

      If you ask me, the BANK STREET COLLEGE is a lot more telling. Obama denied anything more than a passing acquaintance with Bill Ayers. That’s been PROVED TO BE A LIE. They lived in the same neighborhood in Chicago, they sat on the boards of the same foundations, his wife Michelle worked at the same law firm as Ayers’s wife, and they lived only a few blocks from each other in NYC AND his white girlfriend, the love of his life, went to the same small college in NYC at the same time as BILL AYERS. However, none of the activities of Ayers and his wife are mentioned in Barry’s “auto”biography, even though Obama admitted that he was involved in anti-apartheid protests and anti-war/disarmament and black issues. Why? Isn’t that curious? Especially since Ayers had much to do with writing that “auto”biography. Michelle said so, in fact.

      • I know nothing about Brooklyn Friends School, I do know that Sidwell Friends is quite the progressive school. While it was a Quaker founded school, there are not necessarily lots of Quakers running the school today. But one must not be misinformed that Quakers today are aimed at Universalism and all walks of faith fall into the Quaker mainstream. Just read the Illioise Society of Friends Plummer lectures….by Quaker Friends…. almost all come from various religious backgreounds and are homosexual, prog cinnybustst stnoattguress

        • don’t laugh at my post. the reply box was covering what I was trying to write….so scratch the last sentence please….but I was trying to say that they come from all religous backgrounds (even athiest, just like Unitarians). They support many progressive ideologies. Many take in refugees from all over the world,political and otherwise. THey are communist sympathizers in the biggest way. Many have spent time in Cuba , Russia, Africa, and Central,and South American countries and support extrememly weird socialist agendaas.

          • I’m sorry, alfy, but I had to laugh at that. It sounds like something that Dr. Seuss would write! “prog cinnybustst stnoattguress”. 🙂

            I know what you mean about that danged comment box; it drives me crazy!

      • ANNENBERG…..yes, and also the WOODS fund Dr. P…..

      • http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/forget-bain-obamas-public-equity-record-is-the-real-scandal/2012/05/24/gJQAXnXCnU_story.html

        A list of all the taxpayers’ money that Barry has misspent, to say the least.

        “Now the man who made Solyndra a household name says Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital “is what this campaign is going to be about.” Good luck with that, Mr. President. If Obama wants to attack Romney’s alleged private equity failures as chief executive of Bain, he’d better be ready to defend his own massive public equity failures as chief executive of the United States.”

  3. Looks like a lot of stuff is coming out.now why now?? 😯

    • After years of researching and fighting to get information out, it sure is peculiar. Glenn Beck, Sheriff Joe, and Breitbart sure helped. The news and information has made it past the media watchdogs and Google’s scrubbing of information.

      The Left is still suppressing and twisting anything that disparages their leader. They still have a group of journalists that make up their secret cabal. We know enough now that the leftist groups disband and then reorganize under new names once exposed. They get their talking points in unison and post articles at approximately the same time, so it isn’t hard to see their agenda.

      The Right-wing media (do we have such a station?) ignores truth too. We can be sure the Left is going to hit all vetting stories with all the ammunition they’ve got – ridiculing and destroying the messengers is the name of their game. I like to think they are on the run as they watch the usurper’s poll numbers dwindle. They also have fear of what is to come – especially all of the anti-Americans who came out of their basements – the communists and socialists. None have been prosecuted for their anti-American activities …yet. I heard yesterday that nationwide 7,000 people have been arrested at OWS. Tea Parties – 0! I wonder who is paying their tickets and if this information goes down on their records.

      Soros will put lots of money into his leftist organizations for the upcoming election like he did against Bush. He has so enjoyed watching the democRats try to take down the US, and it has been so much “fun” making his puppet dance. His demise can’t come soon enough for the U.S., so those organizations and media operations under his thumb and direction will lose their significance and especially their funding.

    • Why coming out now? To cut off at the pass all the Communist ties coming out and the prezdidnt’s ties to the Weathermen and BillyBob Ayers. They are putting it out there first cuz they suspect something big is ready to be exposed. In their typical fashion, if they say it first sugarcoated in first love bullpucky, it is really no biggie. damage control through hardening the heart, mind, and thought process.

      • I am really afraid that young people have no idea what socialism is or even communism. If they haven’t been taught about despotic regimes or shown films, how will they know the dangers we now face? Are our children becoming like the Iranians who know nothing and are taught nothing about the holocaust? Unfortunately, we give air time to the movie stars who are anti-American but who can be seen as “stars” to young kids. What has our usurper done to further the idea that anything but capitalism is good?

        The Left is attacking Rep. West for outing that we have communists in Congress. They are charging him with cries of McCarthyism. He is definitely on their hit list! Wolf on CNN was leading the media charge.

        • Yes. The youth are clueless. the youth that are not clueless are despised by the mainstream Republicans. I am referring to the Ron Paul youth. They are NOT the typecasted Occupied types but involved int Young Republicans, know the issuies and the state of the Union. They know how to grammatically write entire papers presenting their opinions using standard logic argument. And we want nothing to do with them. They have gotten kicked around by the Establishment and tell them to shut up. Shut up and don’t talk anymore. We don’t want the propagandized for communism youth but we don’t seem to want the other end of the spectrum either.

          • I have to disagree with you on the “Ron Paul youth” – the ones I know like to smoke their weed and believe 9/11 was a “false flag” inside job orchestrated by the evil Rothschild Zionists and don’t believe that ahmedinijad said he wanted to wipe Israel of the face of the earth and don’t understand history and global geopolitics. There is a naivete regarding Islamism.
            They do believe in individual liberty (they want their weed to be legal.lol.) and hate the fed of course, but, in my experience, they are engaged in a cult of personality around Ron Paul and all of their source information on issues (on website links, etc) I have found goes back to anit-Jew organizations – sometimes even George Soros through is numerous fronts (also anti-Israel of course).

        • The children have been taught only the “happy” and “generous” and “charitable” face of communism and socialism. They make it sound like Sesame Street. Everybody share and share alike. Everybody be kind and generous and help your brothers and sisters. They don’t show them the MILLIONS dead in the gulags, the MILLIONS simply disappeared. They don’t show them the bread lines and the total lack of personal freedom. They don’t show them how the elite live large while the rest of the populace lives in squalor. They’re not about to show them that because THEY expect to be those elites, living large, controlling everybody else like we’re pawns on their Mt. Olympus chessboard. So the younger people DON’T realize what horrors communism and socialism are. They do teach them about the Holocaust. And they show them the museum, but remember: They consistently call Hitler right wing, which is exactly what they call the enemies of communism and socialism here in the USA. They don’t tell them that Hitler was a SOCIALIST.

          If they are attacking West for outing communists and bringing back that old canard about McCarthyism, then they really must be afraid. They KNOW it’s going to be out there. Romney might stand above all, keep his hands clean, but the groups empowered by Citizens United (YAY!) will be able to tell the truth. This is why Soros is now stepping up with $2 million of his personal wealth (why don’t the Occupiers HATE SOROS?). But the truth has a funny way of ringing true to the American people. There’s no way they can argue with photos, speeches, associations that are PROVED.

          • (why don’t the Occupiers HATE SOROS?).
            Maybe because he PAYS them ?

          • “Happy and generous” are all those Cubans that escaped the communist regime in Cuba. Many risking their lives to cross the ocean from Cuba to Florida. Let them tell the happy story rather than the Hollywood stars that go there for a visit but don’t stay like Sean Penn. Or let us ask Orly who left the Soviet Union for the US. She has seen all of the signs prevalent now that she grew up with there. Someone should interview her about her life prior to coming to the US. Let us have some interviews with people who have lived under totalitarianism speak and be heard so youth will take off those “red” colored glasses.

          • http://documentary.net/180-movie-hitler-vs-abortion/

            great documentary – shows how, sadly, young people don’t know history and the evil that was Hitler. also, compares Holocaust to abortion in a fascinatingly logical way.

  4. Yah — I saw the Bank Street reference above; all this teachy-teach stuff. Columbia has a famous “Teachers College” where a sizeable number of my public school teachers were graduates. Lotsa schools. Quaker schools are totally peace-ful, as it were. Anti-war, not exactly flag-waving American. I don’t believe that Swarthmore has ever had a football — or even a basketball — team. Sidwell Friends School in D.C. and Obama’s daughters; Bill Ayers, because he was barred from getting a regular “corporate” type of job (may I say “normal”?) and he had the trust-fund wherewithal that enabled him to ensconce himself in this academic life and play at being a radical. I would say that BHO’s grandparents may have been Quakers but I think it was more like the UCC.

    Good work, guys. Wish I could be more productive in assisting your efforts. I do think some sort of stuff will hit the fan shortly. Perhaps he will resign or not seek the nomination, sort of like LBJ in 1968. Have you noticed how the new volume of Caro’s LBJ biography is just now coming out and being made much of? Hmmm.

    • Yes, they were UCC. The little red church in Seattle. I forgot about the Quakers being “peaceful”. So it does make some sense, but communism? Bank St. College. That’s the ticket. UCC has a LOT of interesting connections. Lori Starfelt, the one who “found” the birth announcements, when she died had a Unitarian Universalist service. If …

  5. Rosemary Woodhouse

    As you most assuredly know, Unitarians are basically atheists. And interestingly enough, “hawk” president Richard M. Nixon was raised as a Quaker.

    I hope you’re right about his resigning soon!

    • I grew up in the NYC suburbs with lots of the Red diaper crowd, so I have been schooled in all this stuff since the 1950s! Many were funnier than hell and very bright, good company, athletes, lots of musical ability, but at the center was a cold, blind spot with no empathy of how their preferred policies are actually unfair to the people they said they were “fighting for.” Where I mostly saw this more chillingly was in the parents, many of whom were school teachers in the city, but had moved to the suburbs to give their kids better opportunities.

      Interestingly, they were sexually precocious and had access to birth control that the rest of us could only dream of so that they never would be “punished with a baby.” I am talking about the early 60s here, folks. That’s why reading about Frank Marshall Davis and his dalliance with a young but “knowing” girl sent a chill through me when I first read about this several years ago. It had that crass quality — amoral, really, that I had seen firsthand in certain of my schoolmates. No guilt at all. The rest of us were as horny as any normal teenager would be, but were scared sh****ss to fool around too much and also felt some sort of sin-burden and feared a bad reputation. The kids I am thinking of mostly became lawyers after attending Swarthmore and the U of Chicago or Columbia; also Ben & Jerry-type entrepreneurs in Vermont, I kid you not.

      The peculiar thing about Quakers is their lack of interest in music. They also have a cold and remorseless streak in their personality. Not sure if this is true of the UCC. My own late brother was one of these. He enjoyed the “book club” atmosphere and people of a similar bent. Very anti-Israel.

      • Interesting commentary. I never had the “privilege” of hanging with these elite types. I would NOT have sought them out, in any case. They were there at the university I attended, but a passing acquaintance with them was more than enough for me. Arrogant. Entitled. Smug. Inflated ego.

        It’s not that “their preferred policies are actually unfair to the people they said they were ‘fighting for’,” so much that it’s their attitude that THEY must fight FOR those other people that tells what’s in their very souls (if they have souls).

        In every word and every action, they telegraph that they truly believe that THEY are better than, smarter than, more capable THAN the people they claim to fight for. In other words, they are paternalistic and they believe those others are inept, incapable, less intelligent, and so second-class childlike beings who need their protection. They are true believers in the caste system, with themselves as the Brahmins. In fact, they refer to themselves AS Brahmins. By their very attitude, you can see that they NEGATE the individuality and RIGHT to self-determination of those they fight “FOR.” And they are racists of the highest order.

        When you’re wealthy and connected, there IS no such thing as “bad reputation.” The fact that Ayers and Dohrn, “guilty as hell” but “free as a bird”, are lauded as “distinguished” people proves that.

        If not for their money and connections, they’d be languishing WHERE THEY BELONG in prison, with the rest of the murdering scum of this country.

        The FACT, given what biographies about the Weather Underground prove, that they are depraved, amoral, despicable people and STILL are entrusted to “teach” American children also proves that there’s no such thing as “bad reputation” for some people.

        Dohrn CAN’T be a slut. Neither can McNear or Cook or Paris Hilton, for that matter. Money, power, and connections make them immune, so of course they could “play”. There were NO CONSEQUENCES for them.

  6. “Obama’s big head”. Are you saying that photo of Obama and the composite girlfriend is photoshopped? I thought so.

    • That’s what we’re saying and it sure looks like it to us. Compare to this photo:

      Big head or pinhead? One or the other, or both, photoshopped: That’s my verdict.

      • It also came out that they weren’t watching the Seals – there was no transmission of the Seals going into the compound, so when was this photo really taken? Who was the person that was really hunched down in the corner with the huge shoulders that Obama doesn’t have? Don’t expect anyone really in the room to talk. I also find it peculiar that there weren’t more military personnel in the room – where were they since many questions would be directed at them if they were really watching this occur. Is the one military man wearing a blue uniform from the Air Force rather than the Navy or Marines?

        • I forgot about that TRUTH. They had no live feed to watch, but that doesn’t deter them from pretending. The woman who may have been photoshopped in the back, she’s looking at the back of that other guy’s head. Lice?

          Here’s a reprise of an article from back then that documents the origin of the “gutsy” meme: http://hotair.com/greenroom/archives/2011/05/07/wendy-chamberlain-obama-was-just-as-courageous-as-the-seals/

          I didn’t realize it was about as bad as the Sandy Burglar meme about how he was just “sloppy”. Journolist still active. Like ACORN. New name, same M.O.

          The writer calls Barry the “chipmunk” in that little chair. 🙂

    • Genevieve Cook: Barack Obama’s Girlfriend Kisses and Tells » Right Entertainment
      She has provided interviews, love letters, and personal diaries written during her days as Obama’s girlfriend for a new book, which focuses not only on Genevieve Cook, but also on another woman named Alex McNear of Occidental College who was his first girlfriend. The book is called “Barack Obama: The Story,” which was written by David Maraniss, a well-respected journalist for the Washington Post newspaper.

      Although Alex McNear got to him first, it was Genevieve Cook who was his first true love, known in his autobiography as the “New York girlfriend.” They dated for over a year and actually lived together for a short time in their love nest, an apartment in New York City. The entire span of their relationship lasted from January 1983 until May 1985.

      Genevieve provided juicy personal details to the author whose publisher Simon & Schuster released some excerpts which were published in Vanity Fair in order to gin up interest in the work. She was a sexually active open-minded woman who wrote at the time that she enjoyed Obama’s “sexual warmth” and how much she enjoyed seeing him shirtless.

      One quote from Miss Cook’s diary relates their intimate bedroom encounters this way: “I open the door, that Barack keeps closed, to his room, and enter into a warm, private space pervaded by a mixture of smells that so strongly speak of his presence, his liveliness, his habits—running sweat, Brut spray deodorant, smoking, eating raisins, sleeping, breathing.” The poetic commas are all her’s by the way.

      Interested yet? You can read more here.

      Biography: Genevieve Hogan Cook was born in Canberra Australia, the daughter of Michael J. Cook who was a diplomat and whose official travels frequently brought him to the USA. One of his posts was as the Ambassador to Vietnam. Her mom’s name is Helen Ibbitson of Melbourne Australia, but she divorced Cook when Genevieve was just 10 years old and later remarried an American man named Jessup which is how she ended up permanently in the States.

      In the above picture, Genevieve Cook was 25-years of age, fully three years older than Him when they met at a Christmas party that was hosted by a co-worker at Chanticleer Press, where she worked for a short time during college. Humorously the affair was one of those bring-your-own-beer parties which we all remember in college, and she brought a bottle of Bailey’s Irish Creme, which was meant to make Irish coffees that evening. But she met Barack in the kitchen for the first time, and they drank straight out of the bottle.

      At the time Genevieve was a graduate student at Bank Street College in New York were she eventually got her masters degree in education, and to help pay the bills she worked as a low-paid teacher’s assistant at a grammar school across the bridge in Brooklyn. Having no money for a place of her own she shacked up in her mom and stepfather’s apartment dwelling.

      It was love at first sight for the woman who would soon be Obama’s lover. They had dinner later that week and slept together on that first date. Yes, this was in the days before STDs were considered by sexually active women like Genevieve.

      After they split up, Obama’s ex-girlfriend married an Egyptian accountant named Mohamed Moustafa and then went by the hyphenated name Genevieve Moustafa-Cook. The wedding occurred in October 1988, three years after her now famous fling. Her sister Francesca and brother Alexander were both members of the wedding party. You can still read the marriage notice of Mrs. Moustafa in the New York Times here.

      A woman named Genevieve Cook joined a little known social networking site called italki in 2008. Her profile page was deleted within the past few days but we saved a copy, and at least for a time you can find a cached version here. It is she says “I would like to learn Arabic so that I may read the Quran and pray properly.” We don’t know if this is the Obama girlfriend or not, but if so it will be fodder for his opponents.

      So this is all we know about Genevieve Hogan Cook except that she is 5’7″ tall with brown hair and hazel eyes. Now we are curious about reader comments. What do you think of this second Obama girlfriend (more photos below), the first love of his life?

      A woman named Genevieve Cook joined a little known social networking site called italki in 2008. Her profile page was deleted within the past few days but we saved a copy, and at least for a time you can find a cached version here. It is she says “I would like to learn Arabic so that I may read the Quran and pray properly.” We don’t know if this is the Obama girlfriend or not, but if so it will be fodder for his opponents.

      • Renee, I checked into that the other day when this story was posted on the other thread. That Genevieve Cook on the social networking site was not this Genevieve. She’s way younger and looks nothing like GC.

        • Miri, Did you catch these parts ?
          A Carolina Tuxedo Luau | Wtpotus Research Blog The unnamed “New York girlfriend” from Barack Obama’s bestselling memoir, Dreams from My Father, was based largely on an Australian woman with whom he shared “the deepest romantic relationship of his young life”.
          Genevieve Cook, a girlfriend from the US President’s youth, has shared her observations publicly for the first time about his early emotional detachment and struggle with his racial identity. Ms Cook, the daughter of an Australian diplomat, has told the author of a new biography of the first African-American President how she met Mr Obama at a New York Christmas party in 1983 and briefly lived with him.

          In diaries written during their 17-month relationship, Ms Cook said Mr Obama’s admirable “strength” and “integrity” were mixed with a “coolness” and “smoothed veneer, of guardedness”.

          And note also*
          Ms Cook’s father, Michael, was a prominent Australian diplomat who headed the Office of National Assessments in Canberra and was appointed by the Hawke government as Australia’s ambassador to the US.

          Born in 1958, Ms Cook is three years older than Mr Obama. When they met, she was working in New York as an assistant teacher for second and third-graders, having recently left a small Manhattan publishing company that employed the host of the 1983 Christmas party.

          One of the things that helped spark the young couple’s interest in each other was discovering that part of their respective childhoods had been spent in Indonesia at roughly the same time – Mr Obama during four years of living with his mother, Ms Cook during one of her father’s postings.

          Ms Cook’s parents divorced when she was 10. At the time she met Mr Obama, she was living in New York’s Upper East Side with her Australian mother, Helen Ibbitson, an art historian from a Melbourne banking family, and her US stepfather, Philip Jessup, general counsel for the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

          Ms Cook soon found an apartment of her own, and her routine was to spend Thursday nights and weekends with Mr Obama, mostly at his place, sometimes at hers.

          When he became fed up with his then New York job writing business newsletters, and quit in late 1984, Mr Obama moved into Ms Cook’s apartment in what was meant to be a temporary arrangement until he left for Hawaii to spend the Christmas holidays with his family.


          • With these connections to diplomacy (State Dept.), INDONESIA at the SAME TIME, art (SAD collected Indonesian art, remember?), SAD TEACHING ex-pat kids in Jakarta and working for Ford Foundation and USAID, and BANKING (Madelyn Dunham AND SAD working for banking in Indonesia), then I’d be willing to bet that Genevieve and Barry knew each other for MUCH LONGER than admitted (just like he knew AYERS for much longer, too). I’d bet they knew each other as children in Jakarta. And that they RECONNECTED in NYC. They “met” at that party perhaps, but as in, “we ran into each other again.” OR, as likely, an old friend from Jakarta who shares philosophy of governing (by the ELITES and GLOBALLY) has decided to help out with the false narrative. Remember: The right AND some of the left claim they’re going to vet him. Cashill and others have pointed out the missing white girlfriends. People will go looking again. So, how to head this off at the pass? Supply some “girlfriends” to satisfy curiosity and throw everyone off the trail.

            These two women fit the bill exactly of the type of people that would come riding to his rescue. Rich, connected, progressive women who have probably known HIS FAMILY for a long time. Old friends who come to the aid of a buddy.

            Why is it that everywhere he went, he ended up being “friends” with the WEALTHIEST, MOST WELL-CONNECTED PEOPLE? McNear’s family are among the FOUNDING FAMILIES of California. Like the Rockefellers and Carnegies of California.

  7. Postemail said O’s large photos are being removed ?… time to save our fly on the lip photo…. link above click photo twice & a second time again gets larger….. lots of errors of photo shop. watch band way too tight /a fat arm? so many … tricked so badly…… GO RON PAUL!!!!! if he got in so little family drama would follow…. wouldn’t that be lovely…..

  8. An update on something I talked about here: https://wtpotus.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/obamas-silver-spoon-a-reprise/comment-page-2/#comment-81505

    Making Chicago safe for the Occupiers when they disrupt the NATO summit: A FEDERAL APPEALS COURT has now ruled that the IL law against videotaping or recording people without their consent is BLOCKED from enforcement when it’s an instance of recording police in the process of doing their duties. The law from 1961 (what a year!) is SUDDENLY not Constitutional when it involves activists at risk of arrest for taping cops without their permission. It’s been on the books all this time and suddenly, just for OCCUPY, the FEDS say it’s blocked. Saves those Occupiers from going to jail when they STAGE their bogus videos of “police brutality”. Now this is the same sort of law that allowed them to persecute Linda Tripp for recording Monica without her knowledge. (In the end, they didn’t prosecute her because Monica was unreliable.)

    So it all depends upon the political agenda, doesn’t it? Occupiers are free now to fake videos without fear of going to jail for “years”. As if.

  9. Teasers all I get… at postemail… not one of us subscribe?
    I’ll keep looking … just a heads-up.. may be tobacco stains/coke nose?

    • First they cut the comments then they went to this subscription thing.. Like, who do they think they are? Glen? Rush? Big Time? They have an overinflated image of their importance, me thinks.

      • I voiced my displeasure with this to Sharon at P&E. I was very unhappy with this, due to the fact that I was one of the initial ones that gave them $100 to get started. At this time, right before the election when we need to get the info. out is a terrible time to go subscription. Sharon’s response to me was that they had no choice, because donations and voluntary Sunday subscriptions had not amounted to enough to operate. Also, they were attacked by the web monsters and had to do alot of upgrading to their stuff. I refuse to now subscribe based on my principles. However, I do miss reading Sharon’s information.

      • I wonder how many subscribers they do have and why people bother to write for them? I mean, when you’re writing basically for free, the only “reward” you get is readers. If there are few, what’s the point?

  10. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/07/obama-just-the-forgettable-1980s-boyfriend-of-a-landlords-tenant/

    What a surprise! Genevieve’s landlord doesn’t remember Barry at all. Gee, you’d think a black guy dating a RICH white woman like Genevieve would be memorable. After all, he’s so cool and magnetic and suave and debonair and intelligent and well, he’s the messiah, isn’t he?

    • Would it be racist of me to point out the coincidence that the landlord had a nephew with the surname Ayoub, back at the time Barry was forgettably ensconced on the top floor of the landlord’s building, where, if I read this correctly, the landlord’s family also lived?

      • http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/02/brooklyn-brownstone-lays-claim-to-a-younger-obama/

        This story shows the house where he allegedly lived with Genevieve for a time at the end of the year, after leaving his job and before going to Hawaii for Christmas, in 1984. Here’s a new tidbit: The building was owned then by an employee of the Brooklyn Friends School IN “Park Slope” where she HAD worked as an assistant teacher but was soon to begin working at Public School 133 as a teacher. So her first job after graduation, it’s presumed. Maybe the assistant teaching was an internship? And Mr. Ralph Allen, the landlord, had the nephew named Kevin AYOUB. Mr. Allen was an employee of the Brookly Friends School. What sort of employee? Well, one who could afford to own a 3-story brownstone in NYC. An administrator? Genevieve had the top floor. The penthouse, so to speak. NOBODY who lives there now remembers any Barry Soetoro Obama. What a surprise! All are surprised to learn that it’s now a famous building, former home of the potus.

    • The most remarkable thing about that blog is that the writer doesn’t even seem to entertain the idea that the reason the landlord, who lived IN the building, who remembered distinct details about Genevieve living there, who was basically in the same age range as his tenants, doesn’t remember Barry could MAYBE be that it never happened?

      • I’m not saying it didn’t, by the way, just that there are only a few conclusions one could make…1) the guy is forgetful…which didn’t seem to be the case 2) Barry was forgettable..hmmm, maybe but just the situation (your tenant has a live-in) would make you take notice I would think or 3) it never happened

        • Well, it’s possible that he needed a place to stay just until he left for Hawaii and Genevieve knew him so she said he could crash with her but on the QT. Maybe she snuck him in and out. Helping out a friend or friend of a friend like Bill Ayers.

      • Yup. He doesn’t entertain the idea because they go into it BELIEVING in Barry and WANTING to help further the narrative. This is what passes for “vetting” at the NY Times “city room” blog.

      • It’s funny when you think about it. Fox News interviewed 400 people and nobody at Columbia remembered him. He talked about two WHITE girlfriends among other black ladies who broke his heart, but NONE came forward from 2008 until now, when suddenly both white ones appear from the fog, as if by magic. No black ones show up yet! But in the course of trying to flesh out this tall tale told by Cook, they find a whole mess of other people who SHOULD remember him, but who don’t. Current tenants hadn’t a clue that the potus had lived there. The people who lived in the buildings when he allegedly did, hadn’t a clue! This is just like the people who now live in the houses in Hawaii. THEY also hadn’t a clue that the potus had ever lived in their homes. It’s amazing. Isn’t it? Not if it NEVER HAPPENED. I don’t think it did happen. I cried B.S. the day this came out. IF this were any other “celebrity”, don’t you think the networks would be clamoring for the “exclusive” interviews with Cook and McNear? Imagine how much dough they’d pay for those interviews because they’d be sure of getting so much publicity. AND, if it were TRUE, there’d be NO RISK for Barry and it would be a gift to his campaign. Just like Maraniss’s book is a GIFT. But if they’re telling the truth, why not go on TV? Why not go out there and keep Barry in the news with this lovely tale of the young lovers? All publicity is good for politicians, especially this kind. So why do they tell their tales second hand, no EVIDENCE provided, and refuse interviews? Ordered to NOT SPEAK, like SAD’s high school friends? Makes no sense. And if it doesn’t make sense, it isn’t true.

      • SEO, do you see more than 5 fingers holding that cigarette?

  11. Ok. Now I’m going to blow your minds. I can’t believe that we never noticed this before. Check out this photo:

    https://wtpotus.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/obama-with-his-pakistani-friend-sohale-siddiqi-in-obamas-109th-st-apartment-1981-ducky.jpg Click to enlarge. Then check out this cropped image from that photo:

    Are they HOLDING HANDS?

    • A cigarette ?

    • Look under BHO’s shoe that is sitting on his knee – there is skin peaking out, so his hand can’t be on Sohale’s knee. I do see what looks like multiple fingers, and the first five on the left side we are viewing would belong to Sohale. Sohale is holding the cigarette between his index and third finger. The last three bumps are a mystery.

      Yet BHO’s hand can’t be in two places at once.

      • If that’s a hand on his lap. Why the multiple fingers? And if Sohale is holding the cigarette, how is he holding it? Try holding something like a cigarette in your right hand. Then turn your hand so the “cigarette” points the way it’s pointing in the photo. Which way are your fingers pointing and do they look like this photo? I don’t see a “hand” by Barry’s shoe. I can’t tell what it is. It is flesh colored, though.

      • The flesh on the knee could be the boot. Where looks like O’s wrist could be the heel and what look like fingers near his crotch could be part of the boot if they were zippered and unzipped. But still looks predominately like a hand. Blow up of the pic/croch — explains O’s facial expression that everyone thinks is drug induced?

    • wtpotus, I sent you guys some pics your email.
      I think the object on Barry’s lap is a pipe. If you can post the pictures, it is pretty clear it has a rounded end on the left side.

      • Did you get it?

        • I did. Thanks. I’m going to have to ask Bridgette if she can do anything with the graphics you sent. I don’t have the right software to extract the images. Can you send attachments as jpgs? Well, even then, I have that problem with downloading photos! Maybe Bridgette can help.

          • I sent it pdf – maybe that will work? when i save it as jpg it reverts back to the original size and then when you zoom on that it gets distorted, so it was kind of useless. I hope you can get them on here the way I cropped them because I think it is really clear that it is not his wrist, but a rounded flute like object with a perfectly circular opening at the end – most likely a pipe.

            that’s also why there’s a bit of black between it and his shoe. he’s got some little limp wrists but they’re not that skinny! his wrist would take up more space.

          • Did you send it again as a pdf? I checked and don’t see it. Just as a docx, which has the images very distorted.

          • i misstyped the address. i just sent it again in pdf

          • oh good! The big one of Obama with Sohale disappeared is because I used a background removal tool and that’s what it removed. I was trying to see if I could remove some of the fingers to see what was left but it didn’t really work. you can probably take that one down.
            The smaller pictures are the ones that show that little flesh colored thing – definitely a pipe! It’s called a “chillum”

            I am in NO WAY advocating any type of drug use (didn’t know it was called a chillum until today btw) but here are some links to pics of wooden “chillums” that are awfully similar looking.


            • Oh, I understand now. I don’t have any tool like that, to remove background; but I wondered if I was seeing things when some of those extra digits were gone. That does look like a pipe. If it has long stem, the other end might be peeking out the other side of Barry’s leg.

        • Hayden, Good catch ! called a “chillum because it chills em ?….a match for sure !

      • That’s a good thought! I couldn’t figure out what it is. It could be part of the couch, and it didn’t really look like his wrist. I could always see the rounded part, but couldn’t fathom what it is.

  12. Miri, go back to bed… ya need some rest…. this site has you working overtime… I’ll bet ya a line …I see 4 hands and none are touching….
    O has his L on his lap and ss has his L peaking through at his knee….
    ss’s R hand is cupped with thumb bent on top .. or did they photo shop in another hand again? maybe!… just sitting oh so very close… but much
    easier to pass the joint…notice the same leg action also…. it’s a form of bonding and be the same as…. that’s what I see and I’m stickin’ to it!!!!
    When I think about all the “girly friends”… and the dude above is you blend and use people places and flop pads when your in need and when it serves you best…. I’ve known tons of LEACHERS…a dime a dozen.

  13. Yo… but…wouldn’t the cig….be facing the other way??
    How ya doing this fine day in paradise…

    • I think the cig WOULD face the other way if it were Siddiqi’s. Too many fingers there. I don’t see Barry’s hand in his own lap. I don’t know what I DO see there and maybe I don’t want to know. I saw this on Free Republic. We report; you decide.

      SEO? What say u? It sure looks odd to me. Also, these dudes sitting so close together with the rumpled bed clothes.

      I do think Barry was a moocher. Lived off of Chandoo in CA. Crashed with Siddiqi in NYC. Went to live with Cook when it SOUNDS as if he was just a guy in need of a “temporary” place to stay BECAUSE HE HAD QUIT HIS JOB. Maybe he and Siddiqi had a falling out? He was going “home” to Hawaii at Christmas so LATE 1984, he went to crash with Genevieve (hooked up by Ayers or just that they knew each other from Jakarta), stayed until he left for Hawaii at Christmas time?

      Even in her OWN supposed diary, she wrote about opening the door to HIS BEDROOM. So they had separate rooms, these supposed lovers. Who has her boyfriend move in, they’re having that old “sexual warmth” thing, but he has a separate bedroom?
      That was at HIS apartment, before he moved in with her. Maybe.

      Nobody who lived there saw him, even though it becomes obvious that Genevieve was a friend of the landlord, since they worked together at that school. (Alternate story is that Ralph Allen’s sister-in-law introduced him to Genevieve. A thought: Maybe the sister-in-law worked at the school, too.) Probably how she found the place to live. So they were also friends instead of having a landlord/tenant relationship, so likely they shared news. But he didn’t know Barry was there WHEN supposedly it was NOT your usual separate apartment.

      Genevieve AND BARRY had to walk through the living quarters of the owner’s family in order to get to the top floor, where she lived. It’s like she sublet ROOMS in someone else’s house. Like living in their attic. How could it be that nobody saw him, when he was going out for his daily runs? In his shorts and running shoes? In his leather bomber jacket? He SMOKED! Did they not smell the smoke?

      I wonder where he lived when he came back to NYC after Christmas, 1984? (Renee remembered that he came back to her apartment from mid-Jan until March 1985, when both of them moved to separate apartments.)

      Was this when he went to Kenya? You have to see the conflicting tales in our O Timeline. It was either 1985 OR it was 1988, when he had that conversation with Mark in KENYA about how he was headed to Harvard and Mark to Stanford. But both Kezia AND Roy say they met Barry in 1985, Kezia says IN KENYA and Malik says he met him in the USA! In March, Barry moved to “Hell’s Kitchen” until he moved to Chicago.

      Whatever the case, in JUNE 1985, Barry was in Chicago, being a community organizer, so maybe he went to Hawaii, then to Kenya (a trip they pretend didn’t happen), then to Chicago and never returned to NYC but was in NYC from March-June.

      This trip to Kenya seemed to be the foot in the door for the exodus of Obama relatives to the USA. To be sure, Uncle Omar was living in Boston since BHO Sr. lived there with him. But there’s no mention of any intercourse (pardon my snarking word choice) between Barry and Omar. EVER! Wonder why THAT is.

      • I wonder where he lived when he came back to NYC after Christmas, 1984? Was this when he went to Kenya?

        Miri, In the Aussie post I commented with it said he came back and moved back in with her until she moved, then he got his own apartment.

        • You’re right and now that I re-read these many articles again, for the Timeline, there are many oddities. First of all, I have to correct something. I was misinformed by a comment on FR. They didn’t have separate bedrooms (maybe) when he lived with Genevieve. It had two bedrooms and they said she had a female roommate. Or so her landlord Ralph Allen, the IKEA man, said. btw, we need to figure out who his sister-in-law is, who introduced Ralph Allen and his wife to Genevieve. Nephew named Kevin Ayoub. So his sister married to an Ayoub or his wife’s sister married to an Ayoub? http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/07/obama-just-the-forgettable-1980s-boyfriend-of-a-landlords-tenant/ Allen’s daughter Emily was 3 and Kevin Ayoub was 4 at the time. They sold the home in 1994 to the Robinsons. Reading THIS again, we see how pat the story is. Barry borrowed that wool shirt from Genevieve. And they even say that she’s wearing BARRY’S sweater that his grandfather gave him but which had holes in it. She bought him a new one. So pat–they explain the clothes you see in the photo. Makes it sound SO REAL. A wonder they didn’t explain the bandannas/neckscarves, but we all know why they’re in the photo.

          “Mr. Maraniss’s book said the brownstone was owned by an employee of the Brooklyn Friends School in Park Slope, where Ms. Cook had been an assistant teacher.” From http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/02/brooklyn-brownstone-lays-claim-to-a-younger-obama/ Now, you see, how did Allen meet Cook? Through his wife’s sister or through WORKING AT THE SAME PLACE? Was he the landlord or was he NOT the landlord?

      • When I enlarged the whole photo on my own computer, that hand does look weird, like there’s too much hand there…and kind of like it’s facing the wrong way to be Sid’s right hand holding the cig…but it does look like B’s left hand is on his lap. Unless it’s Sid’s hand on his lap and his hand holding the cig. It’s inconclusive either way

  14. http://theulstermanreport.com/2012/05/03/who-is-this-obama-new-york-girlfriend-time-to-do-your-homework/
    A bit large…I see O’s hand resting on his leg with his L palm up that is why the fingers are pointing upward…. can you see that?

  15. Genevieve is so very thoughtful “to wear” the super bonding earring
    with the big FAT O…. so cool…
    ….. Walk like an EGYPTIAN.. (the bangles)

  16. ss is a slinky femmie more delicate male with hypermobility….
    he could fit himself in a small box if he wanted. now that right hand of O’s that is the real question on my mind…a handbag?stash box? flashlight?
    maybe an autoblowpico… ya just never know… about them dudes…
    I’m finished with my judgement call…

    • i thought it was a remote control, but his left is definitely holding the other guys hand, pretty obvious when you zoom and sharpen.

  17. Glenn Beck is taking apart Barack’s life, lie-by-lie. It’s a must watch tonight.
    He even just said that Stanley & Barack, Sr. never lived together! I’d swear that Glenn is reading your blog!


    • Cynic, One of the people on the 9/12 project came here a year or two ago and gave us a thumbs up. They are really nice. I hope they are still reading.
      Waving here if they are reading this. Glad they stop by. A great group of diggers there too. Amazing what comes up when people put their heads together no ?

  18. Well of course HE IS!!!!!
    GO GLENN GO!!! Not a minute to SOON!!!!!!

  19. Glenn just reported that Bill Ayers’s father was a mentor, and Bill Clinton called Barack’s life a “fairy tale”.

  20. fairy ~ fairy ~ that’s OUR BARRY !!!!!

  21. Glenn just said that we have someone here who’s life has been fictionalized.

    • No, kidding me ? WHO would fictionalize their life and then run for public office ? That would get pretty dicey…

  22. Barack said that the American flag was draped over his father’s coffin? Never heard that one before.

    • Barack said that the American flag was draped over his father’s coffin?

      WHY ?

      • I just saw an old clip a couple of days ago of Barry stating that his father had served in WWII. Do you suppose Stanley is his real father?

        • I remember that one, and apparently he misspoke and meant his grandfather. We questioned it at the time.

    law~rence sin~clair…..

    • I fixed the link. He makes a lot of good points. Perspective on why Genevieve lived with Barry, if she did.

      “A ‘fag hag’ is a female who is in love with a gay male with full knowledge the man is gay and not interested in returning any of the admiration, affection or lust that the woman holds. In most cases ‘fag hag’s’ are used by the completely uninterested gay man for position, status, financial support, etc as long as the ‘fag hag’ is in the position to provide some benefit to the man.”

      And Barry had quit his job and then moved in with Genevieve until he went to Hawaii, where he probably traveled on his mother’s money (or her “education travel” for her “children”) and when he came back, he stayed with her again UNTIL he got his own apartment and a job community organizing. Then, they say, two months later he and Genevieve split up. Sounds like a user to me.

    • Does one become a fag hag before becoming a beard?

      It was Hillbuzz that said MO was a beard to Barry; a gay, black man who marries a women (the beard) for convenience or status. The woman being unappealing to others for whatever reason – perhaps she is an angry black woman. Many such couples were introduced and found in Jeremiah Wright’s church.

      • Is that what it means? I was never sure and was afraid to ask. 🙂 I thought it was a comment on her “womanhood”. Perhaps she is an angry black he/she?

        And please, readers, remember: It was Larry Sinclair who introduced the term fag hag. We’re just reporting the news. I don’t use that word, otherwise. I have gay friends and relatives, like everyone does.

  24. Never a minute of true warmth from either. Show and tell.. remember she’s here to spend us to death!!!!! Both have a very strong united agenda… to
    get us back tenfold to right the blacks from long ago… then they can part ways…. Can’t say where them youngin’s fit in the picture… It’s hard to watch our world crumble as they flicker their magic wand over our heads…. just as they planned…. so crushing… so bazar… so un-american… so lets stop IT!

  25. The ICEE may be the coldest drink in your home town, but in California they prefer a different brand of ice-cold slush…

    U.S. Government Spent $93 Million to Weatherize 12 Homes in California

    Following up on a recent state auditor’s report, the U.S. Department of Energy released a report February 23 showing that despite receiving $93 million in federal stimulus money to weatherize homes, California has finished weatherizing just 12 homes. . . .

    The federal agency said the California Department of Community Services and Development has weatherized just 0.03 percent of the homes it planned to as of February 16. Only five states had lower rates. . . .

    If California does not begin effectively using the $93 million it already has received, it risks losing another planned installment of $93 million. . . .

    The federal government said it would allocate funding to the state if California can show that it has effectively used $93 million already received for the same purpose. That will prove to be difficult, as the state auditor recently reported that as of December 1, no homes had been weatherized.

    California State Auditor Elaine Howle said the department’s lack of progress is due to delays “both beyond and within its control.” She said the state should ask the federal government to extend the program’s deadline and improve efficiency.

    The federal program, part of the economic stimulus effort, originally allocated $186 million to California to weatherize 50,080 homes – an amount that equates to $3,714 per home.


    • Where’s the money Jerry Brown? Did California use the funds to pay their unionized state employees or to pay off debts? Or has the money gone into a “special” account just for the taking? Hey Elaine – let the taxpayers see that bank account statement. Improve efficiency – really? They are very efficient in taking stimulus money and redistributing it!

      Do homes in California really need weatherizing? What part of the state has severe weather that homes would need it? Who are the recipients of this weatherizing – the poor? How did they apply for it? Another scam by the democrats.

  26. What do y’all think about this:
    April Kauffman, found slain in her Linwood bedroom, was community activist and former radio talk show host

    Any connection from her to the eligibility discussion?

  27. Composite Girl~ (checking O’s face ~ shoe size ~ photo shoped? )
    Breibart~ Zimmerman tons more…. (if still on)

    • That’s an annoying website. Somebody needs to learn how to make separate posts. They identify Siddiqi as Chandoo. Does Barry really wear size 13 1/2 shoes? If so, then good point. Head far too large; feet far too small. I suspect the body was donated by somebody else. Her real boyfriend. Maybe Ayers. Maybe Lifset. Whoever. But her body might be donated, too. Head plopped on both bodies. Neck scarves to cover the seams.

  28. Rosemary Woodhouse

    A very interesting aside, I’m in the midst of reading 11/22/63; obviously historical fiction and there’s a character/ R/L person, Ruth Paine, who befriends the Oswald and gets Lee a job at…… the Book Depository. Paine. Madelyn Payne, as if I had to mention that! 🙂

    Follow that trail, researchers extraordinaire…..

    • Rosemary Woodhouse

      Correction: Payne housed Marina after she left Oswald. She enlisted her friend (or acquaintance) Buell to get Oswald the job at the Book Depository.

    • while you may consider this an aside Rosemary,there is much more in all the characters associated with Ruth Paine and 1963 that have some similar characters and qualities with the O. saga. For instance, that De Morenchildt (who possibly put Ruth and Oswald together) was a geologist for oil along with a couple other geologists …..and it just so happens if you look up George DeMorenschildt he is also associated with Indonesia…You could read for a year and never find all the connections,but USAID, CIA, OiL, all the same stuff associated with Obama’s saga are so much like the Kennedy sagas. Ruth ends up for awhile in Nicaragua, as a teacher..Her whole family has been associated with CIA and hidden agendas. THen Michael Paine’s associations are as wierd and wild as Ruth’s.

      • http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKdemohrenschildt.htm
        When you get time there are various connections that still may be of importance even now. I was thinking it was De Morenscildt that was a geologist, but he’s the oil associations. He connects to Bush .THis guy is an important CHaracter and perhaps sheds some light on how Obama may connect with the old crowds from long ago. Just saying.

        • Rosemary Woodhouse

          Thanks, alfy. I wasn’t really posting it as an aside, but opened with that sentence because it veered off from the subject being discussed in this thread. When I read that in the book I had the “willies” and knew I had to post that information here. King, from what he wrote, seems to be an O supporter. And as he wrote repeatedly in the book, the past harmonizes with the future. Eerie. Very, very eerie.

    • Same George de Mohrenschildt? Search the PDF

      Click to access txu-oclc-9957503-18.pdf

  29. Rosemary Woodhouse

    Oswalds, plural.

  30. Miri are you able to get the… two photos side by side of the young O
    and the one with GC…. I’d love to see them in color together…
    That jacket is just Brown leather… no collar shoulder seams not like the black one… not his bomber one either.. The photos often change colors.
    Trickery…. i hope you got my joke..a few days back… if not… i is sorry…

    • No need to apologize. Do you mean about me getting more sleep? I’d love to. Sure need it! I’m sorry but I forgot which photo of the young Barry you want next to the one with GC. Let me know and I’ll try to put them together. Sorry I forgot. I’ve been busy and offline for a couple days.

      • Click here for larger.

        • The two young men in these photos do not look like the same person. I know, I sound like a broken record — for three years that what so many have been saying — still amazies me, though, how it is just, “oh well. Move on.” when it comes to all the differences.

          • True. And surely that photo of him supposedly sitting on that park bench with grandparents is photoshopped, as Dr. P. demonstrated and somewhere (sorry I don’t remember where, but probably Free Republic) another photo whiz proved that the tree in the background isn’t even there or wasn’t there. Someone found the actual location of that photo and it’s different from what’s shown. Dr. P. showed that it was Madelyn sitting next to her husband and, I believe, they photoshopped that creepy white bockwurst-fingered hand onto Barry’s shoulder. I think it’s a reverse image of his other hand.

            • It all is so obvious but no one see it. But even though see it, it does not exist. The emperor is not wearing any clothes but everyone see him dressed.

  31. O’s Left hand on the “couch cig photo” may be holding an ashtray
    for his buddy and some took a picture… there is no ashtray on the table
    couch floor so that may be why O’s fingers point upward????

  32. I blew the picture up on my computer too. I’m no expert, by any means, but look at the lines of his shoulders. For his left hand to be in his lap, and considering how close he’s sitting to the guy next to him, his left shoulder would have to be adducted inward toward his chest. It looks as if it rolls outward slightly. You can compare to his right shoulder to see how it looks when abducted out to the right. Try taking the same positions and see where your shoulder moves, either closer to the median plain of the body or away. I think his left shoulder is abducted away from his body. The movement is subtle, but remember you have to reach up slightly to rest your hand on the imaginary knee of the guy seated next to you. Then try putting your hand in your lap in the same position where his would be. You’ll have to slightly scrunch your arm into your body to get in that position which will adduct your shoulder inward and press your upper arm into your side/chest, otherwise your elbow would stick out slightly. Compare the length of his right arm.

    I also think the flesh colored objects in his lap are part of the boot. Now look at their feet on the floor. His foot is tilted slightly upward as if there’s a heel. The other guy’s foot is flat. No heel.

    Until I blew it up, I couldn’t tell he was wearing a black leather jacket. I think the dark area between his outer leg where the boot is propped on his knee and the guy next to him is the fall away of the front of the jacket. Also note the black dot on the inner side of the other guy’s knee, next to the blue t-shirt. Looks like part of the black jacket sleeve.

    The jacket is so dark it’s hard to tell for sure where the creases of his arm fall and what’s just fabric, but his shoulder looks like its slightly turned outward to me, making it look as if his hand is reaching upward to intertwine with the other guy’s hand, upper-hand palm (other guy) to top of lower hand (his).

    The hand in his lap under the boot just looks wrong. Something isn’t quite right.

  33. Sorry my post is out of order, but I had a terrible time posting. Everytime I hit ‘reply’, it would close out my browser or hang up for a long time until it closed out and started over. It’s still dragging. Don’t know why.

  34. Isn’t it interesting that Mumia’s real surname is Cook? http://newsflavor.com/opinions/mumia-abu-jamal/

    Remember Sekou Odinga?

  35. Genevieve and Barry were in Indonesia, specifically Jakarta, at the same time. Remembering now who else was there in Jakarta at the same time and whose sister went to the same school as little Barry: Timothy Geithner. http://philanthropy.com/blogs/government-and-politics/ford-foundation-links-parents-of-obamatreasury-secretary-nominee/10851

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