So SAD — Passportgate and Open Thread

S. Ann Soetoro passport image

S. Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro

By Miri

We have so much to say about S. Ann Dunham Soetoro’s recently released, redacted passport files that we need a new thread.  Feel free to discuss those records and anything else that’s on your mind.  Give Lolo’s 97-page immigration document dump the once over, too.  Let’s have some fun and play like Polarik. 

What hangs together?  What’s obviously bogus?  For background, start here:

He has all the pertinent links.

I’ll start it off by repeating something I read on Mario’s blog:   It appears that the hand that wrote “Barack Hussein Obama” on page 2 of S. Ann  Soetoro’s 1968 passport amendment differs from the one that wrote “Soebarkah”.  Compare the printing on page 1 with the writing on page 2. 

S. Ann's hand

Excluded child

By George (Obama), I think he’s got it! 

So S. Ann Soetoro wanted to exclude little Soebarkah from her passport.  Did someone later on, perhaps decades later, write “Barack Hussein Obama” above Soebarkah, put parentheses around the Indonesian name, and then cross out the entire thing?  Did page 2 originally say ONLY “Soebarkah”–the name of the child she wanted excluded from her 1965 passport?  What was his name in 1968? Did S. Ann Soetoro exclude him from her passport because he had his very own Indonesian passport that he could use?  Is that why, when she tried to bring him back in 1971, she had to request a waiver to enter the country with him?  Because he was no longer on her passport?

312 responses to “So SAD — Passportgate and Open Thread

  1. I’m going to check out for awhile.

  2. Ok I’m up. lol

    I couldn’t sleep. I had another thought. Do one of you know Sharon at P&E. We should talk to her and have someone request the passport information on Lia. If she really met Grandma Dunham, she was probably in Hawaii. She may have been on some of Lolo’s documents that were withheld or she may have had her own. Also, I wonder what we would get if someone requested her Adoption records in Indonesia? Ann’s records said she could not get a job at the American Embassy in Indonesia. Maybe she did take this houskeeper job as Lia states.

  3. Sorry. Post & Email.

    I can’t get the link about her death to open. I’m wondering about the dates of her birth and how the story of her adoption, etc. fits into the Obama birth timeline?

  4. Did you think the informaiton on the murdered guy was Ruth Nidesand’s husband? I can’t find the thread. What was the date he died? He would fit the discription Mark Nidesandjo has of his father.

  5. Never mind about the date. I found it on the other thread. He died in April 2009.

  6. Newsweek columnist says US funding mosque construction

    American Thinker ^ | August 8, 2010 | Lee DeCovnick

    Posted on Sunday, August 08, 2010 10:26:42 AM by jazusamo;page=1

  7. Key witness in (presidential) passport fraud case fatally shot [old article]

    Washington Times ^ | 4/18/2008 | rxsid;page=1
    (old article, good research/links)

  8. She looks like Courtney Cox. Elvis Presley and Archie Dunham crooked smile. Pat Nixon’s real name was Thelma.

  9. Update: What is the State Department Hiding About Stanley Ann Dunham?
    by Sharon Rondeau

    Why does the State Department say it does not have the passport applications of Stanley Ann Dunham prior to 1965? Snips

    (May 4, 2011) — Following a lawsuit filed by Mr. Christopher Strunk against the U.S. State Department which resulted in the release of some of Stanley Ann Dunham’s passport applications and travel records, The Post & Email contacted Mr. Jonathan Rolbin at the State Department, whose cover letter to Strunk had implied that the remainder of her records had been ordered destroyed in the 1980s.

    The GSA suggested that we contact Mr. Jay Olin, Deputy FOIA Officer at the NARA. On September 18, 2010, we did so, requesting “any and all documentation that such a directive was given by the NARA” regarding the destruction of passport records during the 1980s.

    In his letter, Mr. Olin acknowledged that our request was received on September 23, 2010 and apologized for his delayed response. The second paragraph of his letter reads:

    We conducted an exhaustive search of our records and did not locate any directive issued when we were part of the General Services Administration or after our designation as an independent agency in 1985. We located 2 documents regarding passport applications stored by State at the Washington National Records Center. After consultation with State, these documents are released to you in full. This concludes the processing of your request.

    Much more..

    Update: What is the State Department Hiding About Stanley Ann Dunham?


    ROBERTSON, C. S.; LOCKWOOD, K. L.; NICHOLAS, E.; SOEBARKAH, H. 1978. A review of petroleum exploration and prospects in the
    Gippsland Basin.

    ****SOEBARKAH, H. 1978****



    Rec. Bureau Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys. Aust. 1978/110.

    1987/23. Geology and exploration history of the Tasmanian
    sector of the Gippsland Basin.

    Click to access UR1987_23.pdf

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