Tag Archives: blackface

Dear AB: It’s about Womanface. Got It?

To women, THIS:

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Thank You, Dave!

Comedian Dave Chappelle is not only funny but he’s also got particular insight into the female psyche. At least this female’s psyche.

I’ve been saying for a long time that much of the transgender “movement” is offensive to women but that nobody seems to care when this particular historically oppressed group (women) are offended.

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Offensive Appropriation

Been thinking lately about Halloween, self-identification, and cultural appropriation. Along with Megyn Kelly, I’ve been trying to understand “cultural appropriation” and, more specifically, “identity appropriation” as “explained” to us by progressives who apparently now believe that some people (but only some) should be able to choose their age, race, sex, “gender”, and even species, forcing the rest of us to acknowledge their new reality.

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