Remembering 9/11/01

Seventeen years ago today, our country was attacked by vicious terrorists who murdered in the name of their religion of alleged peace. Radical Islam has claimed many more lives over the past 17 years.

Let us never forget the 2983 individuals who were killed by Muslim terrorists on September 11, 2001. Just imagine:

Two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-three souls.

Two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-three people murdered in cold blood by Muslim terrorists intent on jihad.

Never forget our dead. Never, ever.

To illustrate how many people died that day, because of the hate felt by Muslim terrorists, each star below represents one soul. To date, 2,983 victims of religious hatred.





























































Nearly incomprehensible, isn’t it? May God rest their souls and may Our Lord also mete out justice to their assassins.

star - Copy

The above star is in remembrance of all the unborn children whose lives were aborted that horrible, incomprehensibly evil day. No doubt, they were not included in the official count.  Their deaths were not “choices” made by their mothers.

These many stars represent human beings who had hopes and dreams, loved ones who now miss them, and lives that were brutally cut short by vicious men who knew only hatred.

Remember our dead today.

Pray for the repose of their souls.

Pray for their families and friends.

Never forget how or why they died.

Never stop fighting.

Never submit.

May God bless the United States of America.



95 responses to “Remembering 9/11/01

  1. Have you ever seen or heard of this monument, which was given to the United States by Russia after 9/11? It’s called To the Struggle Against World Terrorism. It’s in Bayonne, New Jersey, just across the river from NYC.

  2. Yes Miri.

  3. The President! ❤

  4. Here is an interesting thing of which I was made aware by x22report.
    You may remember that earlier this year President Trump updated the manuals on military law and courts martial to allow civilians to be tried in military tribunals for certain types of crimes.
    That executive order becomes active on January the 1st 2019.
    in other words 10119 which is the mirror image of 911 (20)01
    Maybe it’s just a coincidence.
    I do realize that there is this fascination in dates and numbers by people wanting to prove all sorts of things and some of the constructs are complex to the point of absurdity but
    remember the questioning of Kavanaugh in which he was unusually asked if the understood about the body of law known as armed conflict law.
    Yes the SC nominee answered.
    Maybe Jan 1 is the just the first day of the new year?
    Well, yes, it definitely is that.
    At the time of the executive order, I wondered why it had this delay.
    The other relevant executive order declaring a state of national emergency took place immediately.

    • That is curious on many levels. WHY the delay? Hmm. I wonder if sedition is one of the crimes that can be tried in a military tribunal? How in the world do we see justice served when the president is cut off from the DOJ by recusals and having (apparently) to rely on/work with people who are holdovers from previous administrations and who hate him? There is no justice in this. Congress can investigate, but they have no prosecutorial power. I’m trying to figure out HOW Trump can have people who should be investigated and indicted … investigated and indicted! Can’t HE order investigations? Can’t HE order Grand Juries to be impaneled? It defies common sense that supposedly everybody he appoints must recuse himself because the “investigation” is OF Trump and his administration. Now, they say, the WH lawyer is recused, too, and all of his staff, because Mueller cleverly called him for interviews as a WITNESS. So if he’s a witness, it’s said, he had to recuse himself and so can’t judge what must be redacted before Trump declassifies information that will … prove the point that all these people in DOJ and FBI who are stymieing the president have committed crimes themselves. The irony is that THEY, as witnesses, too, should all be recused and that means Rosenstein and Mueller. HOW will this EVER be resolved? Military tribunals for sedition, including all the media people who colluded, all the Google execs who illegally gave ‘secret donations’ to help Clinton, all the FBI agents and DOJ lawyers who participated in the “insurance policy” and now the “media leak strategy”–all of them must be put under oath. If not military tribunal then most certainly the Grand Jury.

  5. Jim Jordan,

  6. getting ready for a literal “deep state” storm…..ha ha . We’re boarding up, battening down every tiny thing that could blowwwwww! Florence might calm down and graze us but it might choose to hang around, dumping all our rivers with too much rain. Nowhere is for certain a safe place to be.
    The media is already working up a narrative though….it will be Trumps fault if everything’s not looking perfect after this storm.
    Did you see what they said on the View today about Puerto Rico?…..evidently Trump is responsible for the many deaths from their hurricane and trump doesn’t care about the misery the Puerto Ricans’ succumbed too. There was dead silence after One of them accused Trump of killing thousands of people there. It was full on putrid hate for Trump. I don’t know how anyone shows up for their show: how they could tolerate those embiciles on the VIEW. How any of it is entertaining, I Still don’t know.

    • Stay safe, Alfy. We’ll say prayers for you and yours. Here’s hoping that it will shift direction and go somewhere where people won’t get hurt or that it will just blow itself out. Stranger things have happened.

      It’s so hard to guess what’s going to happen due to all the media hype, which sure doesn’t help, imho. Of course they will blame Trump. The hype and venom around Katrina worked against Bush. This could be, for them, the “perfect storm,” right before the mid-terms.

      Trump canceled appearances to stay in the WH to monitor things, so already the media dogs are shaping events and influencing his behavior. They’ll probably ridicule him for THAT.

      As for Puerto Rico, it sure is odd that right before this upcoming election, SUDDENLY the death toll rises by thousands. Did they just count everyone who died no matter what the cause, so they could inflate the numbers and blame Trump for their deaths? Probably.

      What used to be an act of God now is an act of Trump.

      It was BARRY who claimed to be able to control the weather. Stop the rising of the sea. Why doesn’t Barry just go out there on the beach, raise his big old hand, flap his ears, and say, “STOP in the name of Barry?”

      Anyway, good luck. We’ll be thinking of you.

  7. Found two links today that you might find interesting:

    It’s sort of like a Drudge for conservatives. I find the format a little annoying, but they have some good links to good stories you won’t see on mainstream sites.

    I like that one. It’s a keeper because John Nolte is keeping a list of all the acts of violence against and harassment of Trump supporters. For future reference.

  8. A “LOSER” is someone who doesn’t know what they HAVE & fucks it up!

    COLLUSION COLLAPSE: Senate Intel Chairman
    Says ‘NO EVIDENCE’
    of Trump-Russia Collusion
    posted by Hannity Staff – 5 hours ago

  10. ~ ralphie
    I don’t know what is more fatiguing: the neverending & VILE tantrums from The Left, the active sabotaging of our warrior president’s agenda by the shameless RINOs or these “DUH” statements from OUR side regarding the OBVIOUS and the TRULY, profoundly guilty parties continue to roam free as you please with ZERO impunity while scrutinizing/manufacturing one idiotic ‘scandal’ after another to the cellular level our phenomenal president and anyone even tenuously associated with him. Ever. In. His. Life. ENOUGH with this disgusting sham of an investigation already! Investigate the investigators & all the blatant skeletons in Herr Mueller’s closet (Whitey Bulger, false imprisonment of innocents, et al). Evil evil man.

  11. Authorities found $100 taped to the mirror inside the bathroom with a note that reportedly said, “For the janitor.”

    YEP ..a dime a BAKER’s DOZEN!!! …BOY did HE SHOW US!!! NUTS!

    • Talk about a non sequitur. This is a protest against Trump? And who is supposed to be impressed or moved by this? Does Trump care this idiot shot himself? Does anybody, other than possibly his family? This reminds me of people who do something they would ordinarily do (like run a marathon or walk coast to coast) and then claim they’re doing it for some cause. HOW so? This is their “sacrifice” instead of just, say, quietly donating their OWN MONEY to the “cause” they want others to donate to because they’re … doing what they would do anyway, such as their chosen exercise. It’s all virtue signaling and self-promotion and narcissism.

  12. Great!

  13. Beautiful.💓

    Thank you to the #MedalofHonor recipients and all who attended the Congressional Medal of Honor Society reception this evening at the @WhiteHouse. Thank you for your service to this country.

    — Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) September 13, 2018

    • MAY involve “sexual MISCONDUCT” (whatever that is), when he was in HIGH SCHOOL!!!! He’s only been in government, vetted at the highest levels, for decades, but now an ANONYMOUS person, who did NOT write the letter, but allegedly KNOWS and perhaps TOLD some version of a recollection to some other ANONYMOUS person, suddenly questions (one assumes) his fitness for the SCOTUS? And the FBI is going to investigate WHAT? It’s been “referred” to the FBI. WHAT CRIME IS INVOLVED HERE? Is there a statute of limitations on POSSIBLE “sexual misconduct” between MINORS (presumably minors)? It’s not even considered statutory rape if a minor has intercourse with another minor. Or are they going to say he was 18 and she was 17.9 and they had sex on prom night so now, decades later–RAPE???!!!!! (I’m not saying that’s what this “sexual misconduct” is. I’m just speculating, with regard to the DemoncRATS craziness. btw, found a story who says the complainant woman is 53–same age as Kavanaugh. I didn’t know this when I wrote 17.9 but I swear–watch for it to be that he was one month past the age of consent and she one month short of it.) I wonder, are there TAPES to play? Or is somebody even now MAKING SOME UP? I had a suspicion that they’d have some kind of last minute surprise because last week I read story after story after lamestream media story that said he was going to be confirmed, provided there’s not “last minute surprise.” JUST LIKE WITH THE TRUMP/RUSSIA INSURANCE POLICY. They ALL knew early on and they couldn’t keep their glee hidden nor their mouths shut. Reid and Clinton both TELEGRAPHED it before it was leaked to the complicit media, some of whom also knew and were just waiting for the go-ahead. This has been known by Feinstein for weeks but she said NOTHING during the hearings to give him a chance to respond and clear it up. She only and ever wanted to smear him with the same crap–oh, he’s under “investigation” by the FBI–SECRET INVESTIGATION. Just a SMEAR to get people to attack the usual suspects (those RINO female senators) and in a way that will hit them, them being females. They need them to vote AGAINST Kavanaugh. The pressure is on them and they’re even being blackmailed and threatened. But they claim they won’t be swayed but you know–they probably WANT TO BE swayed and this will give them the EXCUSE. Another high-tech lynching. But the progressives won’t care because he’s a member of the most-hated group these days and the only group you’re allowed to hate–white males.

      • btw, I read somewhere that he went to an all boys school. So are we to believe the complainant is another guy? OR are we to believe females went to his all-boy high school?


          Oh, it’s a female. She has a LAWYER! But you know, she doesn’t want to be involved or press the matter. Yet she has a famous #MeToo lawyer. This is exactly like what they did to the former governor of MO, who was forced to resign because of all the piling on and the emotional stress put on his family over an affair he had with a, imho, Democrat operative cum hairdresser, which he had admitted to his wife before the election and which she had forgiven him for. That for sure was their private life and had nothing to do with his election, but they ended up forcing him to resign. So now they go to the same old playbook. Find someone who will make a charge. Doesn’t matter there’s no evidence. There can BE no evidence after all these years. He said/she said. And who the hell cares? Teenagers. The progressives are the ones who are gung-ho for all kids to be sexually active. They teach them at age 8 all about “gender identity” and how to use condoms. Suddenly, it’s sexual misconduct whatever kids do in HIGH SCHOOL? When I was in grade school, a boy pulled up my skirt to reveal my underwear while all the other boys snickered. IF he should decide to run for office, what do you think are the odds that I’d accuse him, decades later, of possible “sexual misconduct?” This is INSANE. Feinstein has her own skeletons in the closet. President Trump should reveal them all. The FBI will investigate. Sure they will. WHAT CRIME is there to investigate?


          They’re even trying the same ploy they did on Jim Jordan. That Kavanaugh worked for some judge who was “known” to have sexually harassed women. Oh, he MUST have known about it; everybody knew about it. So, if so, why didn’t THEY ALL report it in the 90s?

          As usual, discrepancies in the stories. That story says the person who hired a lawyer is the one who wrote the letter. The letter went from the writer (someone who knew the woman making the allegation) to a DemoncRAT politician who gave it to Feinstein. Another story says the woman who makes the allegation has the MeToo lawyer.

  14. BRETT responded to a moment during his confirmation that went Viral, in which he Declined to Shake the Hand??? … a BIG FREDDY LIE!!!
    of Fred Guttenberg, an anti-gun violence activist whose daughter was killed in the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.
    Mr. Kavanaugh wrote that he did not recognize Mr. Guttenberg & assumed he was a protester, but expressed regret at their interaction.

    “Mr. Guttenberg has suffered an incalculable loss. If I had known who
    he was, I would have shaken his hand, talked to him, & expressed my sympathy,” Mr. Kavanaugh wrote. “And I would have listened to him.”

  15. ~ Trump Voters and the Bitter Elites ~ TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!
    Since the 9th of November 2016, I and 63 million other Americans have
    been collectively characterized as racists, misogynists, Nazi sympathizers & ignorant simpletons because we voted for Donald Trump. Whether it is the Media, the Denizens of Democratic Party, the Never-Trumpers, the elitists or the Elitist Wannabes, this Greek chorus has been Mindlessly Spouting these blanket accusations in their revulsion over the unexpected Trump victory. In their addled thought process this is the only plausible explanation for Hillary Clinton losing.

    I, along with the overwhelming Majority of those of us who wear the Scarlet letter of having voted for Trump, opted to ignore these ravings & simply get on with our lives while quietly seething over the rhetoric & accusations.

    However, I recently received an infuriating E-mail which required a reply
    on behalf of my fellow Americans & Trump voters.

    Mr. Penzey, I and my fellow 63 million Americans DO NOT have make Amends for a damn Thing. Perhaps U & your fellow elitists should make amends 4 “Foisting Barack Obama”… Hillary Clinton & an unabashedly
    neo-socialist, racist & authoritarian Democratic Party on the nation. <<<!
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

    • Did you see the video at Gateway Pundit of all the Google employees bemoaning Hillary’s loss and promising they’ll do something to counter fake news and other things that led the deplorables to stupidly vote for Trump because they were “bored” or “racist” or “misogynistic” or “idiots?” BUT we’re supposed to believe they’re not using their power to give even more “secret” and silent “donations” to DemoncRATS by punishing conservatives via censorship?

    • Oh, Penseys. Ditto. I haven’t shopped there for years for the same reason.

  16. YEP …it TOOK …alot ….a BUNCH … 2 BE-come MOOCHIE!!!
    It’s also a creepy exercise in phoniness. Just look at how they “Package” Michelle: instead of using movie stars & singers, which bombed for Hillary, they’re making Michelle the movie Star & hoping they will finally get the voter turnout numbers back to Obama-sized proportions. Black turnout fell sharply when Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2016, & with an unsalable socialist program, color-based bloc voting is all the Democrats have got. So look to more of this playing of the R A C E Card, as Michelle is dutifully DO- ing.
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  17. on …..Bob Woodward …..
    Thanks to Sara Carter’s latest scoop, we know that the FBI lovebirds Strzok & Page were playing the same game with the same newspapers that broke Watergate via leaks:

    It is all so familiar: unelected senior people in the FBI conspiring with liberal media to harm – & eventuallyDrive O U T ……. of office – a Republican president whom They Hate.
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  18. One Nike Employee Cost The Company Billions By Making A Simple Mistake With Stephen Curry .. 4 calling Him Steph-on NOT Steph-EN’

    There were rumors that Curry left Nike due 2 the Company Refusing to
    work his favorite bible verse into the design.

    When he signed with Under Armour, his favorite verse, Philippians 4:13 –
    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, was included on
    the tongue of the shoes produced by the company. “I can do all things” is
    on the inside of the tongue which is part of the verse.

    Language in federal law deemed ‘Hateful content’

    While the term “illegal alien” is enshrined in federal law and U.S. Supreme Court opinions, it’s apparently deemed “Hate speech” by social-media giant Twitter.
    The Center for Immigration Studies said Twitter rejected 4 tweets 4 use in the organization’s Twitter Ads campaign, alleging Hateful content.


    • 1984 had Big Brother as the government. In reality, Big Brother is the Social Media Cabal. THOUGHT POLICE. Whoever controls the LANGUAGE (Newspeak) controls the narrative.

  20. The Times also reported Feinstein received the letter “this summer,”
    meaning it may have been held
    until the last minute for maximum impact. …ha


  21. ~ Alexander Gofen
    Why now? Why not 10 years ago!!! And speaking about “now”: why does only Boyles radio dared to allow the issue about the usurpation to sound in the air. Where are other conservative voices & loud mouths?! Where?! – See

    CDR Kerchner (Ret) Discusses Recent Obama Birth Certificate Comment

  22. Crucial facts ommitted …. ^^^^^ nasty girl??? TRASH it should B
    But the fact checkers Didn’t find Harris’ commentary or the Edited Video even remotely Accurate. The Washington Post gave the senator 4 Pinocchios,
    its most egregious rating, saying the post ommitted crucial facts such as that Kavanaugh was actually quoting the terminology used by the plaintiff in a 2013 court case rather than stating …..his actual ….. views. <<<< !

    “Harris’s decision to "Snip" ( just like aborting snip-ing…1 & the SAME!!!)
    those Crucial Words from her 1st post on the video is certainly Troubling.”
    @ – The Washington Post

    • I knew they would “leak” the so-called contents of the unseen letter by the anonymous person who knows the anonymous “victim.” Believe it or not, Yahoo! actually used the r-word to describe what the secret allegation involved. So they’re going to smear the man and imply he’s only getting off because of the statute of limitations. Mind you, the stories report that all three supposedly involved in the incident were MINORS at the time. So, nothing happened, according to the so-called “victim” herself. So there was no “rape.” In addition, we’re supposed to believe that she can positively identify THIS particular person, 35 years later, when she did NOT go to school with him but was at a “drunken” party. She says. In any case, there’s no such thing as statutory rape when both people are minors. Of course, this is why she’s saying it was nonconsensual–that would be the sex that WASN’T, though, because even though the mainstream media use the r-word, the letter supposedly says only that she was locked in a room and that she got out of the room and NOTHING HAPPENED. But let’s see the mainstream media go after the fathers of EVERY ILLEGITIMATE CHILD given birth to by minors across this country EVERY DAY. All they want to do is smear him and delay the hearings, hoping they can threaten Collins and Murkowski and any DemoncRAT that might consider voting for his confirmation.

  23. FRED …. W H O ? ….WTF ? ….WHAT a BIG DUMMY’

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