Trumps in Saudi Arabia

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump arrived in Saudi Arabia today.
Melania struck a blow for female equality by not wearing a veil, by wearing pants, and by shaking hands with the Saudi king! Isn’t she lovely?

This president, unlike the last one, doesn’t bow and scrape to foreign potentates. The Trumps got the red carpet treatment.

Neither did the President’s daughter Ivanka cover her hair. She and her husband, along with the First Lady, demonstrated their patriotism by placing hands over hearts as our national anthem was played.

No hand holding with the Saudi king, either.

After Saudi Arabia, the Trumps will be in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Vatican City, Brussels, and Taormina, Sicily. God bless and God-speed, Mr. President.

One has to wonder why the Obamas are going to be in Italy at the same time as President Trump and First Lady Melania.

Will six Eurofighter military jets accompany the current U.S. president, as they accompanied the former one?

Is Obama going to crash President Trump’s meeting with the Pope, or just get there ahead of time so he can fill the Pope’s ears with his parseltongue in advance of President Trump’s visit?

May God bless and protect our President and his family, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.


215 responses to “Trumps in Saudi Arabia

  1. See how they CYA:

    Now that everyone has pointed out that it would be criminal for Comey to hide obstruction of justice by not reporting it immediately, suddenly Comey wasn’t sure that Trump was trying to obstruct justice. Isn’t that cute? Before he was fired, he wasn’t sure and so he didn’t report it. Now that he’s fired, suddenly he really thinks it was obstruction. What a freaking weasel. I did some research into this Comey friend, Wittes, yesterday. He’s HARDLY an unbiased source but he IS the source for all this BS about Trump allegedly obstructing justice by allegedly asking Comey to “let this go,” (whatever “this” is). btw, originally it was supposedly said: “I hope you can see clear to let this go.” Does that sound like an order? No. He’s expressing a hope. A wish. Not a command or an order. It’s obvious he respects the fact that Comey makes the decision.

    Wittes writes a blog called Lawfare. Lawfare, in case you don’t know, is defined as “a form of asymmetric warfare, consisting of using the legal system against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, tying up their time or winning a public relations victory …”

    Does this campaign to undermine, damage, and delegitimatize President Trump sound like “lawfare” to you? Isn’t it “a form of asymmetric warfare” that uses the “legal system against an enemy” of the SWAMP? Do you think it’s a coincidence that the media accepts memes from the likes of Wittes (anonymously at first) who runs a blog that specializes in the use of the very tactics that the media and the anonymous “officials” are using against our legitimately elected, democratically elected president?

    These people are NOT for democracy. Far from it. Trump was democratically and legitimately elected by THE PEOPLE. But these people don’t want We the People to be the deciders, even when we are and even when the Constitution is on our side.


    “Columnist Charles Krauthammer said on Fox News Friday: “What’s unusual is the Niagara of leaks coming out of this White House. As you said, this had to have been somebody in the room, somebody who took the notes, who picked up the phone and read the notes.”

    “It’s a loyalty problem inside the White House,” Krauthammer added. …

    The Trump administration has yet to appoint nominees to 455 key executive branch positions, and Obama administration holdovers are still in control in many sections of the bureaucracy.

    The Washington Free Beacon also reported that many Trump loyalists weren’t brought into the administration. Prominent Trump critics hold key positions, such as Brian Hook, State Department director of policy planning, and Helen Aguirre Ferre, the White House’s director of media relations.

    Longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone recently said, “If you employ people who aren’t loyal to you, you can’t be surprised when they leak.” …”

    Better for Trump to remove these people–all of them–and have the positions EMPTY than to have these illegal leaks continue.

    It was a FELONY for that conversation with the Russians to be leaked. The memo read to the media was on a SECRET SYSTEM and only those with a “need to know” had access to it. It was classified. It’s a CRIME and it has to be investigated and these leaks have to stop. WHERE THE HELL IS SESSIONS? THIS is his job. And Rosenstein’s. Where’s he on this?

  3. Would it have been more appropriate for President Trump to have lifted the Saudi king by his waist raising him above his head in order to be conferred with the donning of the prestigious medallion?


    ” A federal investigator who reviewed an FBI forensic report — generated within 96 hours after DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder — detailing the contents Rich’s computer said he made contact with WikiLeaks through Gavin MacFadyen, a now-deceased American investigative reporter, documentary filmmaker, and director of WikiLeaks who was living in London at the time.

    “I have seen and read the emails between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks,” the federal investigator told Fox News, confirming the MacFadyen connection. He said the emails are in possession of the FBI, while the stalled case is in the hands of the Washington Police Department.

    The revelation is consistent with the findings of Rod Wheeler, a former DC homicide detective and Fox News contributor and whose private investigation firm was hired by a third party on behalf of Rich’s family to probe the case. Rich was shot from behind in the wee hours, but was not robbed.

    “My investigation up to this point shows there was some degree of email exchange between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks,” Wheeler said. “I do believe that the answers to who murdered Seth Rich sits on his computer on a shelf at the DC police or FBI headquarters.”

    The federal investigator, who requested anonymity, said 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21. …”

    Sounds like confirmation to me. Who killed Seth Rich. Interesting that the guy he sent the emails to is also dead.

  5. Sunny with a high probability of LIES:

    “Per an analysis of a dozen of the most recent so called ‘leaks’ being reported and repeated by the liberal mainstream media (MSM) involving President Trump, the probability that these ‘leaks’ are just plain lies is very high.

    An analysis of the most recent leaks clearly shows that the leaks are being reported by very biased liberal MSM outlets that were adamantly opposed to the election of President Trump. These ‘leaks’ in all cases are not supported with any names of so-called sources. Former FBI Director James Comey reportedly made some statements in the ‘leaks’ but to this date he has not corroborated any of the statements he reportedly recently made after his firing. In addition, all the ‘leaks’ rebutted have been invalidated by known sources. …”

  6. yes …the blending of ? where will it all GO?

  7. wish I might …. ANOTHER “STAR” tonight!

  8. ~ MakeAmericaGreat says: ….^^^^^^^

    History is being made. Thank goodness for that. The world needs this, needs this Truth rather than More bromides about …..
    how “we can ALL get along” …. & how “all truth IS relative” BS. …. (OBUMMER’S SHIT 24/7 …. thank God ….he’s TOAST !!!)

    ISIS is evil. There is no justification for it & it must be wiped out.

    Simply Stunning. …… RISE ABOVE IT … the swamp-er’s lie LOW!

    After 8 years of O’bama you forget what its like to have a REAL Leader

  9. Orly doesn’t agree with ConTreeH about the suitability of muller to lead the Trump investigation as special persecutor.

    She writes:

    Bob Mueller showed zero integrity when he covered up Obama’s use of bogus IDs, cannot be trusted

    Posted on | May 17, 2017 | 50 Comments
    Mueller is a part of the ruling establishment. He covered up all crimes committed by Obama and he covered up Clinton Uranium-1 deal.

    Mueller is very close to Comey. Rosentein stabbed Trump in the back.
    DOJ Appoints Special Counsel for Russia Probe, Former FBI Director Mueller

    Comment number 7 by Rich sums up what I was trying to say in a previous thread:

    May 18th, 2017 @ 5:44 am

    I am not a lawyer but it would seem to me that the democrats have just opened the door for Sessions to jump right back into the fray with both feet. This is a whole new ball game now with many more reasons for Sessions and Trump to take action to uphold the law and exercise their responsibilities to stop this corruption immediately. This not a time to be on defense this is a time to go on offense big time.
    ————————————————————————— snip

    I agree. This is not the time to be on defense. That’s now a mugs game.
    You can defend Donald Trump on point and the democrapmediaconglomerate will just switch to a new one.

    This is the time to go on offense because Sessions can immediately start investigations of the other corruption issues and there are many.

    • “Special persecutor!” That’s a great description of the job. I agree with the conflict of interest with regard to him being so close to Comey, Obama, and Clinton. Is there no objective unconnected lawyer or investigator in the entire country? Why did Rosenstein pick Mueller? I agree, too. It’s time for Sessions to take charge and clean house and “go on the offense.” Elections have consequences, or they’re supposed to. Why is it that when DemoncRATS are in charge, they get their way and when Republicans are in charge, DemoncRATS get their way? We need some indictments of the crimes committed by the Clintons and Obama and his peeps. Of course, it’s already been telegraphed in the media that Comey gave Clinton blanket immunity, so …

    • Well, this link that Zenway provided elsewhere answers part of the question.

  10. He didn’t give blanket immunity to cover this.
    From kindotcom
    world famous hacker
    Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom’s Seth Rich Announcement

    Here ya go:

    Carter May 21st, 2017 9:28 pm 2119 Comments
    Saturday, an anonymous person who works in Washington DC, alleged on 4Chan’s /pol/ subgroup that high-ranking current and former Democratic Party officials are terrified of the Seth Rich murder investigation.

    This comes after internet entrepreneur and hacker, Kim DotCom, admitted on Saturday that he was part of an operation along with Seth Rich to get stolen DNC emails to Wikileaks.
    That’s called a witness
    It wasn’t the Russians.

    Kim DotCom and the late DNC operative Seth Rich

    The anonymous post released Saturday reads:

    “Anons, I work in D.C.

    I know for certain that the Seth Rich case has scared the shit out of certain high ranking current and former Democratic Party officials.

    This is the reason why they have backed away from impeachment talk. They know the smoking gun is out there, and they’re terrified you will find it, because when you do it will bring the entire DNC, along with a couple of very big name politicians.

    It appears that certain DNC thugs were not thorough enough when it came time to cover their tracks. Podesta saying he wanted to “make an example of the leaker” is a huge smoking gun.”

    In a follow up post, the anonymous individual wrote:

    “The behavior is near open panic. To even mention this name in D.C. Circles [sic] will bring you under automatic scrutiny. To even admit that you have knowledge of this story puts you in immediate danger.

    If there was no smoke there would be no fire. I have never, in my 20 years of working in D.C. Seen [sic] such a panicked reaction from anyone.

    I have strong reason to believe that the smoking gun in this case is out o [sic] the hands of the conspirators, and will be discovered by anon. I know for certain that Podesta is deeply concerned. He’s been receiving anonymous calls and emails from people saying they know the truth. Same with Hillary.”

    About Time!
    No it is not on b4itsnews, It’s on Drudge

  11. P S A

    Intellectual Froglegs

  12. The Budget.

  13. oops

    • Wow. Did he really say that? Funny how, for the left, it will be okay for Brennan, a flunky, to do but not okay for the President to do, even though he’s singularly authorized by the Constitution to do so. What these people seem to forget is that the “intelligence community” EXISTS SOLELY TO PROVIDE THE PRESIDENT WITH THE INFORMATION HE, THE PRESIDENT NEEDS, TO DO HIS JOB. They have it ass backwards–they think the President works for THEM!

  14. facebkwallflower

    Not relevant but I had never heard of papua new guinea before here at wtpotus and when the name pops up, I read.

    • That’s interesting. The only thing I remember about that area and WWII is from the movie Jaws, where Quint recounts how he was on a mission that delivered the bomb when his ship was sunk and they “went into the water” where there were plenty of sharks. Tinian is one island he mentioned. I didn’t know it was part of Papua New Guinea. Now all this took place before Barry was born, so I guess we won’t have to read any fake stories about how his grandfather carried him on his shoulders into the surf in Papua, where they watched that ship (or these planes) go down. 🙂

  15. This one will make you smile:

    Remember the muslim brothers and their relatives, who broke into the DemoncRAT Congressional computer network but inexplicably are being kept on and even defended by their victims, while they make hundreds of thousands of dollars at jobs that shouldn’t pay that much?

    “Five Capitol Hill technology aides told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group that members of Congress have displayed an inexplicable and intense loyalty towards the suspects who police say victimized them. The baffled aides wonder if the suspects are blackmailing representatives based on the contents of their emails and files, to which they had full access.

    “I don’t know what they have, but they have something on someone. It’s been months at this point” with no arrests, said Pat Sowers, who has managed IT for several House offices for 12 years. “Something is rotten in Denmark.”

    A manager at a tech-services company that works with Democratic House offices said he approached congressional offices, offering their services at one-fourth the price of Awan and his Pakistani brothers, but the members declined. At the time, he couldn’t understand why his offers were rejected but now he suspects the Awans exerted some type of leverage over members.

    “There’s no question about it: If I was accused of a tenth of what these guys are accused of, they’d take me out in handcuffs that same day, and I’d never work again,” he said. …”

    Well, it’s probably for the same reason that nothing ever happens to the Clintons. They’ve been gathering data on people for decades. Remember those FBI files? One can only imagine what’s on Hillary’s private server.

  16. National ….^^^^^ SETH RICH ….

    Kim Dotcom Releases Statement on Seth Rich






      • Excellent summary.

      • She links to this which makes one’s head spin. Remember?

        “An anonymous adviser to Bernie Sanders has alleged that the recent data breach of Clinton voter data was a false-flag attack staged by the DNC.

        Controversy erupted last week after it emerged that the National Data Director for the Sanders campaign, Josh Uretsky, accessed compromised voter data belonging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. NGP VAN, the company that works closely with the DNC to manage voter data for both the Clinton and Sanders campaigns suffered a software bug related to Clinton’s data, which was taken advantage of by Uretsky. He was promptly fired by the Sanders campaign once his alleged transgression had been revealed.

        Now, in explosive claims, an unnamed Sanders adviser has alleged to Yahoo News that Uretsky was recommended to the Sanders campaign by the DNC themselves.

        According to the adviser, Uretsky was personally recommended to them by the DNC’s National Data Director, as well as a former COO of NGP VAN.

        “I mean here we are being attacked for the behavior of an individual, which we ultimately fired” the unnamed Sanders adviser told Yahoo News. “[I]t’s just amazing to me that this… individual that actually caused this trouble in our campaign was recommended by these guys.”

        “It’s not as if we conjured this guy Josh from thin air.” …”

        SO IF the hacker was actually planted into the Sanders campaign and told TO “hack” the DNC and Hillary’s voter database, was this an elaborate false flag to DISCREDIT BERNIE? (Pay attention to the inexplicable droppings of the firewall at various times to ALLOW access!) The “hacker” was an OBAMA supporter. The NAME would seem to be RUSSIAN, wouldn’t you say?

        It sounds like a plan. A plan devised to discredit Bernie, since the DNC RECOMMENDED this Obama supporter who then hacked, supposedly, Hillary’s database. But imagine another plan: Plant a DEMONCRAT (Flynn) into the Trump campaign and then make sure he has suspicious looking connections to Russians. Ya think? I began to think along these lines as soon as I read that Flynn is not a Republican but IS A DEMOCRAT.

      • How long will this guy still work for Trump?

        “Even more alarming than that, though, is the Swamp campaign of presidential sabotage at home, with ginned-up stories designed to destablize the Trump White House. Remember, they start from within. Indeed, the lone source named by Post is Thomas P. Bossert, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, formerly an advisor to Bush 43 and late of the internationalist/globalist Atlantic Council. It is Bossert who thought it was a good idea to call up the directors of the CIA and the NSA, and the rest is Swamp History. …”

        Bossert. Remember the name.

        What does Trump think, if he does think? “Thomas P. “Tom” Bossert (born c. 1975) is an American lawyer and Republican White House staffer, currently serving President Donald Trump as Homeland Security Advisor. Immediately before, he was fellow at the Atlantic Council and prior to that he served as Deputy Homeland Security Advisor to President George W. Bush. …”

        Atlantic Council: A GLOBALIST organization. This is the guy who tipped off the IC who then, in turn, conveniently leaked Trump’s words to the media.

    • Wonder what’s up with all of that, huh? It’s said that Donna Brazile actually called Rich family about the private investigator to ask him to lay off the investigation (Rich’s family HIRED HIM) and that the investigator is wondering how the hell the DNC even KNEW about him and his investigation (apparently somebody at the police dept. told them). The media is tamping it down and they’re using bots to push the false meme that this is “fake news.”

      Isn’t it funny how CNN writes that “no real evidence” has been presented to support claims that Rich was the DNC leaker BUT even though there’s NO EVIDENCE AT ALL of collusion between Trump’s people and the Russians to rig the election, CNN continues to push THAT fake “conspiracy theory?”

    • Contrary to what Comey testified to, Brennan says HE personally briefed Congress on this so-called Russian interference investigation back in Aug./Sept. 2016. When Comey testified more recently to Congress, he admitted that he, contrary to the rules, didn’t brief Congress on the FBI “counterintelligence” investigation until very recently. So what is it? Conservative Treehouse’s take on this is that Brennan threw Comey under the bus and made him responsible for the POLITICAL NARRATIVE invented by the Clinton/Obama minions to damage President Trump. iow, Brennan did the briefing of the intelligence facts and then turned it all over to Comey, who then did the investigation that morphed into a political witch hunt against Trump, which Comey did NOT apprise Congress about. Brennan testified that nobody in the intelligence community was interfered with by Trump or told to stop investigating and that he’s unaware of any attempt by Trump to try to conscript anybody from the intelligence community to push back against the political witch hunt collusion angle.

  17. Welcome to Brussels. 😀


    Melania is Catholic. People are saying, and it seems to be true, that she looks like Sophia Loren in that mantilla.

  19. Word of the day: Potica. (Poh-teet-sah, so it does sort of sound like pizza.)

    Yum. The Pope asked Melania what she feeds her hubby. Potica? She said yes. If so, he’s lucky because that stuff is delish! Recipe:

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