Clinton’s New Catchphrase

U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton gestures from the stage at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver

Hillary Clinton, trying to sound clever, rolled out a new catchphrase yesterday:

Don’t let a friend vote Trump.

With this phrase, she inadvertently exposed all that’s wrong with the progressive mind.

More so than ever, progressives increasingly resemble Orwellian fascists. In a fascist society,

people are not allowed to disagree.

Hillary  Clinton’s supporters, especially those on college campuses, have taken that philosophy to heart. We saw it recently when a student of South Asian ancestry was handed a draconian punishment by the student government for daring to state on social media that, in her opinion,

all lives matter.

Seems rather obvious, but in the mindset that prevails among progressives these days, stating that all lives matter is a microaggression towards blacks, an imaginary insult, of the highest order that must be punished thoroughly, lest it be repeated.

An example must be made, after all!

So what does Hillary’s new catchphrase reveal to us? If you support her, then:

It’s your duty to police your friends’ political thoughts and activities, just like it’s on you to protect them if they try, for example, to drive drunk. You must protect them from themselves.

Not only that, you’re ordered by Hillary to “don’t let” your friends vote for Trump. How is this accomplished?

Bully your friends. Use peer pressure. Brigade them. Shame them. Whatever it takes. By any means necessary.

Subtext being that you know better, Hillary knows better, and your friends have no right to independent thought.

Hive mentality. Conformity. Orwellian!

In Hillary’s world, goodthinkers like her supporters have the job, the duty, actually, to keep their friends in line, on the progressive plantation. Again, by any means necessary.

All rules are moot now, with the rise of Trump, just as progressive  journalists (a yuge majority) are now free to be biased because they’re working for the greater good. You see?

No doubt Hillary and the speechwriters who came up with this new phrase thought it was amazingly clever. Too cute by half because it reveals their mindset–the progressive FASCISTIC mindset.

We can do better.  Vote for Trump. The future of our country and the Supreme Court depends upon it.

It’s our only choice, at this point.


156 responses to “Clinton’s New Catchphrase

  1. A big Little Treasure

    US Constitution

    • Wow. I don’t remember hearing about that one. I’m sure all the journalists laughed at his “joke”, too.

      Read a story today. From the story:

      “Trump is still stumbling on the stump. His latest unforced mishap: an off-hand remark that critics quickly slammed as a suggestion that gun-rights backers should take a literal shot at Hillary Clinton should she win the White House. …”

      Now, you’d think that someone who writes for a living and claims to be a journalist would be familiar with the English language. “Literal shot” means that Trump ACTUALLY SAID that people should “take a shot at” her. Of course, he said NOTHING OF THE KIND. The word “shot” was not in his speech.

      What they’re doing is twisting themselves into knots to FIND a threat in the “penumbra” of his speech and THERE’S NOTHING THERE. You know that. I know that. Anybody who heard him or read the ENTIRE SPEECH or at least the paragraphs around what he said about Clinton appointing SCOTUS judges knows that (but they omit the full context and edit it to make it appear like their interpretation is correct, counting on low-information people to not go looking for the full speech. And they probably won’t.)

      The “sad day” Trump predicted was IF HILLARY BECAME PRESIDENT AND TRIED TO APPOINT LOCKSTEP PROGRESSIVE JUDGES TO DO AWAY WITH OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. The only thing that might stand between her judges and OUR CONSTITUTION is THE PEOPLE. Whatever the SCOUTS “decides”, We the People can STILL TAKE BACK OUR CONSTITUTION by having Congress pass laws that unequivocally reaffirm our rights and/or by passing Constitutional amendments that spell it out crystal clear. However, as we know, the liberals twist the English language so I doubt it’s even possible, at this point, to write a law that even they will say says what it says.

      The thing is: That story was written by THREE journalists, with FIVE OTHERS “contributing!” It passed EDITORS, too. So there’s NO EFFING WAY that they did NOT know that they were LYING when they wrote that Trump suggested a “literal shot” at Clinton. They KNOW what “literal” means: “Complete, true, and accurate.” Trump didn’t even suggest a FIGURATIVE shot. They choose to LIE because not only are they covering him in a biased fashion but they’re, as Sarah Palin alleged in 2012, “JUST MAKING THINGS UP!” Why? Because they think they MUST defeat him, by any means necessary. They even admit it:

      Howard Kurtz made no bones about what they’re doing:

      “Liberal investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald recently told Slate that “the U.S. media is essentially 100 percent united, vehemently, against Trump, and preventing him from being elected president”—and, given his views, he has no problem with that. …”

      “Don’t let a friend vote Trump.” SAME SONG, SECOND VERSE. We the People don’t factor into their mathematics. They’re FASCISTS.



      “Friends of Shawn Lucas, the attorney who was found unconscious on his bathroom floor after serving the DNC with a lawsuit, are reportedly “freaked out” by the strange circumstances surrounding his death.

      Lucas appeared in a video in which he served papers relating to a lawsuit against the DNC alleging that then DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz “rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton”. …”

      Probably planning the same tactics for November.

    • They’re a city run almost totally by blacks. Police Dept., too, and yet we’re supposed to believe it’s a RACIST (against BLACKS) city!

  2. With HILL’S …. new Hair STYLE …. that DUDE was just

  3. ~ Steve Turner • ….. ^^^^ can WTP get a up-date on them

    Another “PACKED” high school Gym holding the massive crowd
    of 127 adults & 203 children!

  4. ^^^ & isn’t it Strange that the same Mainstream Media that Dragged
    Mr. Trump through the Mud for suggesting Mrs. Khan stood silent due
    to Islamic rules & traditions, didn’t once Mention that Mr. Khan spoke & wrote about his support for Sharia Law, & its trumping Constitutional law? While Mr. Kahn excoriated Mr. Trump about his knowledge of the Constitution, wouldn’t it have been Fair for the Media to question Mr. Kahn about HIS well-documented opinions supporting …..Sharia Law over man-made laws, i.e. the Constitution.
    And since I haven’t been able to substantiate it, ……..

    I won’t even go into the Allegations about the $375,000 Deposit $$$$$
    the Clinton Foundation made into Mr. Kahn’s law firm’s account …..
    on August 1st. …..????? O’…. interesting!

    • Tonight, hubby was watching NBC news. They promised election coverage. I told him they’d have a puff piece on Hillary. Every idea of hers is great. They’d push any negative thing she said about Trump. Then, I said, when they got to Trump, all they would “report” is negative allegations about his non-existent latest faux pas. I was so correct. They didn’t even let Trump speak but TOLD US, in their own twisted way, what he said after giving Hillary 5 times the coverage! They’re so predictable.

    Build the wall.
    Enforce the law.
    Deport illegal immigrants.
    End sanctuary cities.
    End anchor babies.
    Slap a moratorium on muslim immigration.
    Cut the taxes.
    Cut the spending.
    Cut the regulations.
    Cut the government.
    Cut the debt.
    Cut the EPA.
    Repeal ObamaCare.
    Get the feds out and allow health insurance to be sold over state lines.
    Send education back to states.
    Get a handle on trade.
    Make trade deals in our own best interests.
    Bring back capital.
    Bring back manufacturing.
    Bring back jobs.
    Strengthen the economy.
    Defend the second amendment.
    Defend religious freedom.
    Appoint constitutional conservative judges.
    Rebuild our military.
    Bomb ISIS (and take their oil).
    End political correctness.
    Redo the horrid Iran deal.
    Take a serious look at NATO.
    Require our allies to pay more for their defense
    Take the media head-on.
    Take the liberals head-on.
    All of the above on a shoestring budget compared to most of the 16 competitors he’s defeated (after they spent 100’s of millions of donor bucks).
    No PACs.
    No big donors.
    Rebuild the Reagan Coalition and attract blue collar workers by making America first again on manufacturing, trade, secure borders, economy and jobs, jobs, jobs!

    Make America Great Again!

    • You were in moderation limbo because you spelled your name wrong. 🙂 Zemway instead of Zenway. Word Press is very “literal”. Ha, ha!

  6. DR. DEAD .. ….WOW! … HILLARY so the DEVIL has ARRIVED!


    • They’re going after Assange big time now. Supposedly going to “interview” him in Ecuador, when previously this wasn’t allowed. They want to extradite him to Sweden (is it? for the sex allegation?) but people fear that’s a prelude to whisking him to the USA for trial on treason/espionage/whatever. So, in any case, he’s been relatively safe and secure but now UNDER THREAT. So, is it “keep quiet” or else? Is that what’s going to happen in the “interview,” somewhat like the “interview” Bill delivered on the tarmac to Ms. Lynch? So this is supposed to be a coincidence? His lawyer mysteriously dead and then suddenly after years they get to “interview” him, right at the time he’s making hay with the Clinton information?


    • TRY clicking EACH FRAME ^^^^ HOW DARE THEY & WE….
      ALLOW this 2 CONTINUE…. IT’S … 2 CRUEL … & SAD SAD
      watch her “BOYS” run 2 her beckon call 2 keep that JOB DUDES!

    NO U CUNT ….B ….the first prez. nor ….OUR 1st lady!
    No matter how U TRY 2 H I D E …them DAMAGED GOODS!
    the FAT LADY ….has SUNG!!! BIG TIME!… IT’S 2 HUGE!


  10. ~ JusticeVegas •
    Obama’s DOJ would be Investigating now If some Christians made offending remarks to Muslims outside of a Mosque. Obama’s DOJ is a joke.

    worse than a joke. Enabling the Caliphate
    He is the leader of the caliphate.
    And yet, amerika does not get it. Still asleep.

  11. another ….CON ….Bern Sand ….4 SURE UN-REAL
    1% er’s …. BERNIE? is that U ? + comments….

  12. Daisy ATTACK Ad 1964 Presidential ELECTION

    • facebkwallflower

      Wow. That is really chilling and so over the top gruesome compared to taday’s ads.

      • hey, facebkwallflower ^^^ ….. NOT REALLY ….I THINK NOT!
        You just have NOT seen the Real BLOODY CLAWS come
        …. OUT YET! THEY WILL …. O’ they will….
        glad 2 see you here also…

  13. Famous “Daisy” Attack Ad ^^^^^ from 1964 Presidential Election
    Attack Ads are Nothing New. They can date as far back as the founding
    of America & sooner.
    In this one Lyndon B. Johnson’s message to voters about Barry Goldwater:
    If you vote for Him little girls ….. are gonna get Nuked. !!!!!

  14. PAST the POINT of NO RE-TURN & the T kids KILL LEGAL HILL

  15. U- OK …Keep talking …you handle it …were not going any-where



      • ~ Janus •
        The other day, someone posted a link to a site of a supposed interview with an insider DNC person who admitted that Hillary is unfit–both mentally & physically–to run for President. He even intimated that the Hillary campaign is furiously trying to find a way to get the debates ….. Canceled because of Real Risk of …..a Hillary Melt – Down…. O’ ???

        I pray to God Almighty she does meltdown on LIVE TV so that no one
        can Spin, Defend, Hide or Manipulate what Millions of people SEE with their own two EYES, & HEAR with their own two ears.

        ~ PreparedPatriot Janus •
        And on the screens of hundreds of millions of TVs, computers, &
        mobile devices will be the words some of us remember from television
        50 & more years ago:
        Blank screen, plain white letters:
        “We’re sorry, we are experiencing technical difficulty, please stand by.”
        Thus end-eth the debate.

        ~love pitbulls Janus •
        Trust me her brainless voters would still vote for her.

    • Gosh. Wouldn’t it be fun to root through HER email? Now we know what numbers NEVER to call. Who’d want to speak to a-holes, anyway?

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