GOP Convention Week – Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho!

©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2012


Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho,
Obama’s Got to Go!



Tampa’s the place to be this week and all of the excitement centers around the GOP Convention. Those that arrive are set up to do battle, complete the GOP Platform, pray that Hurricane Issac changes course, and nominate the two candidates, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, to lead the Republican party to victory in November.

The time-honored tradition is that the opposition not attend each others conventions.  Time honored meaning respectfully cease and desist protesting or attending the oppositions events while they are in session.   The Obama we know doesn’t give a hoot about laws, rules, or traditions. How do we know?  Well, from observing him for 3 1/2 years and because he is sending Michelle to Tampa to represent the asses err donkeys.  They needed someone to bring up the rear and Michelle was chosen.

Joe Biden cancelled his appearance in Tampa at the end of last week in fear of hurricanes or fear of being further branded for his idiotic behavior not befitting a vice president.   Nah, scratch that thought …  anything goes with this regime.    If it is a classy event, it isn’t sponsored by the DemoncRats. Those from the Left like ’em dirty, carrying knapsacks, doing drugs, and taking leaks on cars, tires, street signs, or lamp posts. They do like to define their territory!  Tacky and disgusting wardrobes are a must, and sleeping bags a requirement.  The uglier the better!    I do think they have roving drummers and chanters who get shipped from one state to another to bring attention to themselves (as if these whack jobs aren’t noticed by their appearance and odor, and it isn’t Chanel folks.).

The Obama camp doesn’t want to give the GOP a time to shine so their tentacled organizations have plans to disrupt, invade, take over, and harass participants in whatever manner they have chosen.  The Democrat’s allies, such as OWS Tampa, Black Panthers, unions, rebranded ACORN members, anarchists, communists, socialists and other Ismistas plan to do their best to bring about chaos and interrupt proceedings in Tampa.   They have their agendas, outlines, talking and shouting points, prepared signs, weapons, video cameras, twitter feeds, and costumes readied.

No doubt the Soros paid crowds will be in attendance to fake some assault videos. They’ll have actors in police uniforms beat up on a “victim” so their  dramatized antics can get some prime time.   You can be sure that all the radical groups are invited to attend and raise hell like all juveniles do.  It’s a “fun for OWS”  kind of event.

The biased media have their convention areas and hotel war rooms set up to deliver as much propaganda as they can. No doubt their talking points and entire articles have already been created, and all they need do is change a title and add their by lines to their prepared articles.  For them it is a week of vacation.  Really, how long does it take to type a new title and hit send on a computer!

Like you, I am looking forward to hearing positive and inspiring speeches this week.  It is estimated that over 50 million people will view speeches presented by selected speakers.  We definitely need a lift after 4 years of dealing with the most corrupt, divisive, depressing, and lawless administration in our nation’s history.  As  we’ve heard it said, “We have no where to go but up!”  We do need some R & R!

We are going to bounce the lying, usurping, squatter who is using the name of Obama on his big floppy ears come November! True patriotic Americans are going to see to that! Yes indeed, we’re sending him and his family packin’! They can go back to the home they don’t own in Chicago  and take all their commie friends with them. You can be sure as shootin’ that those anti-Americans will go back to their sewers and pray they aren’t arrested when the White House changes hands. Their cover has been blown, their agenda exposed, and the thugs will be scurrying like rats.

The next two months will be exciting as the Right ramps up their attacks on Obama and Biden! The best part is that the attacks will be truthful not manufactured.   The GOP has plenty of ammunition to use and we can be sure it will be.

The Emptiest Suit has  earned his label of TWAP! That is the only award that is a genuine win for Obama! He wins it hands down!  Of course, Jimmy Carter is thrilled that his title as the worst president in the United States will be removed once Obama is defeated in a GOP landslide. (Don’t be believing those rigged polls that are showing this is an even race! Think Chick Fil-A!) Jimmy’s position will be going up a notch when former presidents are evaluated for their accomplishments. In fact, I heard he will be having a huge party to celebrate the step-up and will send everyone home with peanuts to feed the thundering Elephants.  Meanwhile, Obama will be relegated to the bottom of the donkey dung heap!  With Obama it will be a quick evaluation.  (His accomplishments will  probably be as short as his resume – not the embellished one.)

Just an observation, I haven’t heard a thing about a presidential library being erected in the One’s  honor.  (Yes, I know using honor in the same sentence with Obama is a stretch!).  What the heck would they showcase there anyway? Will they have some empty boxes where documents used to be, or a china plate with his face emblazoned on it? How about showcasing one or a dozen of those leftover mugs with his fraudulent birth certificate on them.  It would be a pretty pathetic showing don’t you think?  This might be a case of  “If we build it, no one comes.”

Here I am just prattling on as I envision the moving vans in front of the White House. I’d like to be there cheering those movers on. Yeah, those con men that occupied our White House will be getting a real ‘move on’.   Is the antique furniture nailed to the floor?  Or did Hillary and Bill already take all of it?   Oh heck, let them have the Christmas bulbs with Mao on them and get that Socialist  rug out of the Oval office!  Do wrap up that Chinese flag that they hung over the U.S.  flag at the White House too.    They may need it where they are going.  They mustn’t forget that kneeling rug that he keeps hidden under his desk.   Additionally, do let them load up those hundreds of  photos featuring the  narcissist Barack  that line the entire hall way.   You are familiar with the photos he had taken with all of the dignitaries, like the NFL team, Stevie Wonder, and  George Clooney, etc.  Aren’t you?  By the way, did anyone ever see a framed photo of Stanley Ann or his dad (whoever he is)  on his desk?  You’re right, why would he keep photos of people he didn’t even know.

The Romneys won’t want a photo of Barack on any wall when they move in.  We can be assured that Mitt won’t be walking up to a photo of Barack when he has a problem and think “What would Barack do?”

Personally,  I will be so relieved to never see Obama’s face again.   I don’t want to check which ears he’s wearing, where his mole has moved to on his face,  observe his hair color,  check out his scars, or view his hand size changes.  I don’t want to check out his teeth or watch him give the finger to people he doesn’t like.    And I will be ecstatic to never see those ads featuring his signature colors in light blue, dark blue and red with the Muslim crescent sign that adorn every web page.   My happiest moment will be when I no longer hear hissssssss voice!  That time is coming Folks!  We’ll be doing a little jig! (Is that racist?)

My television has taken a beating during the last 4 years.   I am very lucky that the screen is still in tact.  As I  watched TV,  if his face appeared, inevitably I would throw something or walk up to slap him while cussing.   Truly,  I am amazed at the words that came from my mouth.  You’d think I’d been a sailor!  It will be a tremendous relief when I don’t have to use Windex on a daily basis to remove my hateful  spittle from the screen.  How about you?

Onward and Upward R & R! 


This is where we will be posting information about the Convention throughout the week. The other open threads are for unrelated news.  Praying that Issac makes a turn!  


Photo Source:


141 responses to “GOP Convention Week – Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho!

  1. Republican Convention Schedule Day by Day

    Officials with the Republican National Convention have cut virtually all of the activities scheduled for Monday and compressed what was to be a four-day convention to three days, running Tuesday through Thursday.

    Monday — 2 p.m.

    RNC Chairman Reince Priebus will call the convention to order and start a “debt clock,” before announcing a recess.

  2. I was freaked out the other day when I went to go read the musings of the day and saw you had been shut down. I am glad it was only a false trigger. You girls make a huge difference! Even if I don’t always have the time to comment, I still stay informed through you!

  3. Convention Will Give Romney Big Bounce! = Dick Morris
    Au gust 26

    This convention gives Romney the chance to climb out from under all the Obama negatives that have been heaped upon him.

    The convention speeches will be great no doubt, but I’m waiting for the utter hilarity that is sure to ensue with the Pres. and VP debates. Biden and Obama have to be quaking in their boots for those!

    Mitt Romney needs to put Obama on the spot about his birth certificate, his college records, and his failed Job growth. He has the opportunity to put the win in the bag because millions of people will be watching and waiting for him to ask about these issues and Obama’s response will be a key to the success of the conventions for both parties.

    • Is Dick a convert? A birther? It sure would be great if Mitt handles this in a debate! Even though the GOP doesn’t want to touch the issue, the American people want it brought out into the open. Would love to see Obama put on the spot and try to wangle out of answering using a joke. Perhaps he would talk about plastering it on his forehead again, or change the subject. Just the sheer mention of it would bring the crowd to its feet and have the leftist hosts speechless.

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        And the crowd says: amen. Or to use the vernacular of the day: Just. Do. It. (sorry. sure Nike is a left leaning company) Regardless, Just do it, Mitt!

  4. The Left is very good at keeping track of this information for us because they want to destroy anyone who dares bring up the eligibility issue or the BC. They did leave out Sheriff Joe who won’t be speaking to the entire convention but he will be talking to West coast delegates. Also I read this morning that Trump won’t be speaking, nor will Gov. Jindal who is staying in LA because of the hurricane. Did we know all of these are considered birthers?

    This is from Think Progress.
    7 Birthers Speaking At The Republican Convention
    August 25.
    1. Donald Trump. The famed billionaire/birther king Donald Trump has been the most vociferous — and most closely connected to Romney — person alleging that the President wasn’t born in the United States. [No he won’t be speaking. I guess there will be no surprise!]

    2. Actress Janine Turner. The Northern Exposure star who has her own conservative radio show wrote a long screed titled “Reasoning ‘Kenyan Born.’” In it, she complains that anyone who questions the president’s citizenship is deemed a racist: “If this were a legal case in court, book bio stating that Obama was ‘born in Kenya’ would be taken into consideration.”

    3. Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens. During a town hall captured on video (at 3:5), Olens said, “You know the state of Hawaii says he’s produced a certified birth certificate… so on one hand I have to trust the state of Hawaii follows the laws. On the other hand it would be nice for the President to say, here it is, I have a copy.”

    4. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. On one radio appearance during Huckabee’s bid for president, the former governor said, “I would love to know more . What I know is troubling enough.” He later walked back the statement.

    5. Florida Gov. Rick Scott. In 2010, the Orlando Sentinel reported than an audience member at one of Scott’s campaign events asked “what he would do about President Obama’s ‘birth certificate’ and whether he could legally appear on the 2012 ballot in Florida.” Scott responded, “I’ll have to look into it.”

    6. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA). The Vice-Chairman of the House Republican Conference once told reporters “Oh, I’d like to see the documents.”

    7. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Jindal was willing to sign a “birther” bill into law. It would have required all presidential candidates to release their birth certificate in order to qualify for a spot on the state’s ballot.

  5. Okay. Our friend SueK sent this to me. You may have heard it. If you haven’t, it’s so good. Wish these guys could play at the RNC. The group is called The Voters, and they have a new CD out called Electile Dysfunction. The song is Blame it on Bush.


  6. I’m sorry, I probably posted that in the wrong place because it isn’t open thread.

  7. Anarchists To Disrupt GOP Convention
    August 27, 2012 Snip

    Anarchists are gearing up to make their anger at Republicans very visible even as solid barriers around the convention perimeter are being put in place. Take Action Training, Street Medic Bridge Training, and Movement Lawyering 101 have all taken place in the run up to tomorrow’s Republican National Convention in Tampa. “The entire system in which we’re currently living is rooted in greed and power” appears on the RESISTRNC website.

    “Exploitation and oppression are stitched into the fabric of our society,” say organizers who feel affinity with the Arab Spring and Occupy Movements which Barack Obama favors.

  8. Exclusive: SEAL Ad to Excoriate Obama for Bowing to Foreign Leaders
    August 27, 2012 Snip

    The controversial super PAC Special Operations for America, led by former Navy SEALs, is set to release a blistering new ad against President Obama Tuesday at the Republican National Convention.

    The ad, titled “Bow to Nobody,” depicts Navy SEALs in combat situations; it then proclaims that they fight so that America will not have to bow to anybody.

    Then the punch line: the infamous photo of Obama bowing to the Saudi king.

    Ryan Zinke, the former Navy SEAL who started the super PAC, spoke exclusively with Breitbart News today. “The ad itself accurately portrays where this President is,” said Zinke. “It accurately portrays his core belief that America should not lead. This president is shaping America to be one of the followers, to relinquish our role as a world leader. I didn’t fight 23 years as a Navy SEAL to watch America bow to anybody.”<

  9. Rosemary Woodhouse

    Make this go viral, peeps. It should be played at the convention!

    Blame It On Bush / The Voters

    • That’s about what I said. I posted it too.

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        So sorry, kitty! I obviously forgot where I first saw it! That’s when you know it’s time for a break! Again, my apologies!

        Anyway, I truly hope it DOES go viral. Great find, kittty!

  10. Donald Trump knows something. It’s getting weird, and he can’t hardly contain himself. Go to Obama Release Your Records. I don’t want to break in on this subject, so I won’t post it. These guys, meaning Donald and whoever, know something. Reckon Donald knows what Sheriff Joe knows? Might get interesting to say the least. It was something that Donald couldn’t apparently release until “they” said so. Whoever “they” are.

  11. It Begins Today!

    GOP Tuesday Schedule
    TUESDAY — 2 p.m. EST

    RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
    Color Guard Knights of Columbus
    Pledge of Allegiance by former Govs. Tim Babcock of Montana, and Tom

    Hogan of Florida
    National Anthem sung by Philip Alongi
    Invocation by Rabbi Meir Soloveichik

    Opening procedural steps, appointment of convention committees
    Welcoming remarks, and House and Senate candidates and RNC auxiliaries
    RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
    RNC Co-Chairman Sharon Day
    Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, D-Fla.
    William Harris, convention chief executive officer
    Al Austin, chairman of Tampa Bay host committee

    Republican congressional candidates

    State Del. Barbara Comstock, R-Va.
    Rep. Tim Griffin, R-Ark.
    Republican Senate candidates
    Republican National Committee auxiliaries
    Consideration of convention committee reports
    RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
    Mike Duncan, chairman, Committee on Credentials
    Zoraida Fonalledas, chairwoman, Committee on Permanent Organization
    House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, convention permanent chairman

    Official Convention Photograph
    Committee on Rules Chairman John Sununu
    Committee on Resolutions Chairman Gov. Bob McDonnell, R-Va.
    Committee on Resolutions Co-Chairman Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D.
    Committee on Resolutions Co-Chairman Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.

    Roll call for nomination of president of the United States
    Roll call for nomination of vice president of the United States

    — 6:40 p.m. Recess

    7 p.m. Reconvene

    Remarks by House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio
    Remarks by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
    Video and remarks by Utah congressional candidate and Mayor Mia Love, R-Saratoga Spring.
    Remarks by Janine Turner

    Remarks by former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa.
    Remarks by Host, U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash.

    8 p.m.

    Remarks by U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., accompanied by Jack Gilchrist
    Remarks by Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio
    Remarks by Gov. Mary Fallin, R-Okla.
    Remarks by Gov. Bob McDonnell, R-Va., accompanied by Bev Gray
    Remarks by Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis.

    9 p.m.

    Remarks by Gov. Brian Sandoval, R-Nev.
    Remarks by Sher Valenzuela
    Remarks by Republican Senate candidate Ted Cruz of Texas
    Remarks by Artur Davis
    Remarks by Gov. Nikki Haley, R-S.C.

    10 p.m.

    Remarks by Luce’ Vela Fortuño
    Remarks by Ann Romney
    Remarks by Gov. Chris Christie,

    Benediction by Sammy Rodriguez

  12. “Newt Gingrich Obliterates Race-Baiter & Birther Chris Matthews At RNC Convention”

  13. The question is whether they are letting trump speak up on the most important issue in our nation’s history because they really will want something done about it, or they just want our vote so they can stab us in the back with the biggest knife ever made after the election and they don’t need us anymore.
    I think i already know but i won’t say. Come to your own conclusion.

    • In Sarasota, Donald Trump stirs birther pot, urges gloves-off campaign
      By Emily Schultheis, POLITICO
      August 27, 2012

      Speaking to more than 1,000 people, he added that being a successful businessman is one of Romney’s biggest strengths — and that Democrats will continue to use it to clobber him until November. “I’ve always heard that if you’re a great, successful person, you can’t run (for office),” he said. “And I see how hard they go against Mitt and me.”

      Romney and Paul Ryan, Trump said, must be equally rough with the Obama team to win the election. “I hope that they’re tough as hell and mean as hell and fight fire with fire,” he said.

      Trump told reporters before the event that he was planning to return to New York on Sunday night, but that what happened to his RNC involvement was “totally up to” convention organizers. “Well, I had a big role tomorrow night. You know what happened tomorrow night. So it’s now up to them. … It’s totally up to them, whatever they like,” he said. “They gave me a big role and I was looking forward — I was actually going to Tampa right after this, right after this dinner, but now I probably will be going back to New York.” Asked to elaborate on what the “big surprise” was supposed to be, Trump just said it was a “very big thing.”

    • I have had some similar thoughts (trying not to entertain them) as I distinctly remember Soros as having said Obama or Romney, it doesn’t matter to me. Keep praying.

  14. The Convention is Beginning – The Presentation of the Colors! What a wonderful start. Unity is returning, I feel it.

  15. Vulgar is the apt description. What a demented idea. Who wants to be associated with this type behavior? Who was around to see their display? Hopefully no children. Trash, pure trash.

    Leftist Group Dresses in Vagina Costumes to Protest RNC (CONTENT WARNING)
    August 28, 2012

    A classic move for radical leftists with no class. Here we see pro-abortion advocates protesting at the RNC convention… wearing vagina costumes. Several demonstrators from the feminist group Code Pink wore frilly pink costumes while others adorned with cardboard cutouts resembling the sexual organ were milling about Sunday looking for Republicans.

  16. This was played at the RNC today. How fantastic is this! Keep it up! The US doesn’t bow to any other nation! Patriots and Americans will unite watching this if they missed it in the news. Watching Obama bow was like watching the scum like Bill Ayers stomp on our flag, or having the WH fly the Chinese Communist flag over the US flag.

    SEAL Ad Excoriates Obama For ‘Bowing’ To Foreign Leaders

  17. The delegates are casting their votes nominating the next president of the United States. The delegates are casting their votes in alphabetical order of the states. 1,144 votes are needed for Mitt to win.

    • Did anyone hear about Maine’s delegation not allowed in the convention and tossed aside?… that Romney picked his own delegates? I happened on this under this article
      Has anyone verified this foundation. They seem conservative. There are never any comments at all…suggesting possibly a new blog? I don’t know what to think. Comments?

  18. 5:50 pm EST Mitt Romney Officially wins Republican Presidential Nomination!

  19. Rosemary Woodhouse

    President Romney and Vice President Ryan, Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
    Oh dear God, please come back and we won’t turn out backs on you again. May America see her greatest days yet, although admittedly, it will take quite sometime to recoup all we’ve lost under Zero, and, to be honest, (although I think he was an infinitely better president, Bush. Why? Because the bank “unraveling” was under the aegis of his Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson which, if the media didn’t pillory him enough, surely put the proverbial nail in the coffin of any (R) that ran (not that McCain is a real Republican, either. Just sayin’.

    And again, kittykat, I apologize for re-posting your post. I honestly forgot where I first saw it. There are indeed times when it’s prudent to step away from the keyboard. Clearly, this was one of those times! 🙂 And I’m not big on multiple apologies. I apologize once, and hope it’s accepted. But I felt this warranted an additional apology in case you hadn’t seen the first.

    • It happens Rosemary, no big deal. We try to catch the duplicates and usually state where it was previously posted in the duplicate comment. We missed it.

    • It’s okay, Rosemary, no big deal at all. I just wanted people to hear it. They have a website at:

      • Rosemary Woodhouse

        Thanks, Bridgette and kitty! I spread it as far and wide as I was able and it’s garnered very positive feedback (except, obviously, from the handful of moronic Marxists I’ve known). All I have to say is I like country music… a degree. It’s nice to hear another genre of protest music (although this song has a “bit” of country to it.

        BTW, I love Chris Christi! Yes, I know some tie him to CAIR, but I believe his speech tonight could have been his Zero DNC address moment- without the lies and baggage! And Ann Romney….a total class act! Mitt just needs to “loosen up” a bit”. May God be with us!

  20. FOX News – is streaming live the RNC Convention.

    Glenn Beck’s GBTV has been officially renamed TheBlaze TV. TheBlaze TV’s coverage at the RNC (which begans tonight at 7pm ET exclusively for TheBlaze TV Plus subscribers).

    It is on C Span.

    See tonight’s schedule of speakers above at

    Bridgette | August 28, 2012 at 4:08 am

    GOP Convention Week – Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho!

  21. Thank you for the info! I did see the listing.

  22. Ted Cruz, TX Senate Candidate (beat incumbent Dewhurst) is speaking about what started as a national movement that was a shared love of liberty – he hasn’t said the Tea Party – but he was elected because of the Tea Party.

  23. Artur Davis, former black AL Democrat is speaking. He left the DemoncRats and switched to the Republican Party. He thanked the Republicans for accepting him. He said those who voted for Obama should have known when they saw those Greek columns because we know how that ended! Yet they were led with their hearts.

    The Democrats usually have a theme at their convention about the legendary people in their party, now they should name it “Now you are just somebody we used to know”. That was one of his examples of how much the Democratic Party has changed.

    As a former Democrat, he gave a great speech about the perils of staying with the Democrats.

  24. A sad farewell to the U.S. Constitution
    Exclusive: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley calls GOP treasonous for eligibility inaction
    Published: 2 hours ago

    The U.S. Constitution was a magnificent document. In that long, hot Philadelphia summer, your Founding Fathers thoughtfully debated the instrument of your freedom – a document that inspires all of us who no longer live in the knowledge that the only people who can impose laws or taxes upon us are those whom we have elected.

    In today’s Europe, we are ruled by faceless Kommissars elected by none, accountable to none, removable by none. By contrast, the United States is still, in Walt Whitman’s memorable phrase, “the athletic democracy.” Or, rather, it was.

    For your governing class has cravenly abandoned the Constitution. Faced with one of the most flagrant and persisting breaches of that great charter of freedom in your nation’s history, they totter fightless from the field.

    This is what your Constitution says: “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

    No ifs. No buts. This is the ancient and sensible ius soli: you are a citizen of the nation on whose soil you were born. Not born here? Go and play president somewhere else.

  25. Ann Romney “I make you this solemn commitment,

    • She really gave a great speech. I like her a lot.

    • What a contrast to the one who famously said she was only proud of her country when her husband was nominated.

      Ann Romney was loveable, passionate, and sincere. She spoke from her heart and her eyes twinkled as she spoke. She was reaching out to all women no matter their title; grandma, mother, sister, stay at home moms, or girlfriends. I had tears in my eyes at certain times during her speech. I don’t know what she said specifically that caused my tears. Perhaps I felt real hope for us or I saw the end of the Ismistas is drawing nearer. Perhaps the future isn’t so bleak after all.

      I don’t see Ann making a spectacle of herself on some playground where she is swinging her hips while trying to work a hula hoop, or having an exercise session in the West Wing to put on You tube. Nor do I see her dressing in upholstery fabrics or wearing belts under her bust. She will never embarrass the US like the squatters have. You can’t buy class. But one certainly can recognize it.

    • Ann Romney: Mitt is the Man Who Can Fix America
      Tuesday, 28 Aug 2012 Snip

      “This man will not fail. This man will not let us down,” Mrs. Romney said in a prime-time speech that sounded at times like a heart-to-heart talk among women and at times like a testimonial to her husband’s little-known softer side.

      “It’s the moms who always have to work harder, to make everything right,” she said. And she vouched firmly for her husband, who lags behind Obama in surveys among women voters: “You can trust Mitt. He loves America.”

      “I read somewhere that Mitt and I have a “storybook marriage. Well, in the storybooks I read, there were never long, long, rainy winter afternoons in a house with five boys screaming at once,” she said. “A storybook marriage? No, not at all. What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage,” …

  26. I sent an email and told Congressman Tom Coburn the same thing months ago. The email simply said “TRAITORS ALL OF YOU” and had attached to it a link to the texts of the 8 times congress tried to amend the Constitution and Failed. We have a congress full of traitors. The new members of congress who were not part of this FRAUD need to get off their bu$$s and do something. TEA PARTY wake up! Term limits for all members of congress needs to be at the top of any party’s ticket. I challenge each of you to send a similar email to your representatives.

  27. I just saw Ann Romneys speech. LOVE HER !!!

  28. the most amazing and HUGE rainbow was in the sky over southern california at about 7:30pm PST. I mean it went across the entire horizon of the eastern sky. the sun was low in the west. on the west side the clouds looked like a ring of fire. it was amazing. On the eve of the [new] opening night of the GOP convention…a promise??

    • I say, Yes! Signs from Heaven.

      Mitt: “Our greatest days are ahead!

      • Genesis 9:12-17

        And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

        17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”

  29. Chris Christie “We have never been the victims of destiny, we have been the masters of our own.”

  30. We all needed this week to rejuvenate and listen to normal people speaking the truth about ourselves and our country!

    If you find transcriptions of speeches made by any of the speakers, please post them. There were so many good lines that should be repeated over and over.

  31. The man giving the prayer before the convention adjourned,Sammy Rodriguez, said “God is not done with America and America is not done with God.

    MRS. AMERICA………………
    lets see if it works 4 me?

  33. What a GREAT night….WOW!!!!!! It was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!
    We helped…. we did our God giving jobs…. pats on all our BACKS!
    where is Miri?

  34. Artur Davis was AMAZING!!!

    • His is one of the speeches that we need transcribed. I loved it when he was speaking to Democrats and Independents that he believed were listening. I think he told them to watch the DNC Convention and ask themselves, are you like them?

    • Ex-Democrat Artur Davis: Obama has lost his ‘halo’
      August 28

      TAMPA—Former congressman Artur Davis—once a Democratic rising star, now a Republican weapon—accused President Barack Obama late Tuesday of bamboozling voters four years ago with “flowery words” and charged that the incumbent has lost the “halo” his supporters thought he had in 2008.

      “America is a land of second chances, and I gather in this close race you have room for the estimated 6 million of us who know we got it wrong in 2008 and who want to fix it,” Davis told delegates to the Republican National Convention.
      “May it be said of this time in our history:
      2008 to 2011: Lesson Learned.
      2012: Mistake Corrected.

      • Artur Davis is one I most wanted to hear and I missed him. When was he on last night? I had already listened to about on hour of interviews with him and felt he would be a great bridge for the Democrats to come on over to the other side . Sounds like his speech may have been just that.

      • Artur Davis: “America’s the Land of Second Chances”

      • Artur Davis’s speech was amazing, I watched his and Ann Romney’s speech’s for a second time on you tube even! I read that Artur Davis knew Obama at Harvard, and was one of the first too support Obama in his presidential bid in 08. So too see Artur Davis do a 180 degree turn on the Demorat’s and Obama speaks volumes.

        I love this –

        2008 to 2011: Lesson Learned.
        2012: Mistake Corrected.

        Perfect bumper stickers!

        • Artur Davis: The Best Speech of the Night

          August 29, 2012


          RUSH: Four years ago, Artur Davis was the first congressman outside Illinois to endorse Obama. He delivered a nominating speech at the Democrat convention in Denver that nominated Barack Obama. Now, four years ago later, Artur Davis shows up at the Republican convention. Mia Love was great and Ann Romney was great, don’t misunderstand. But I think this speech that Artur Davis delivered last night was just a home run. I only have three excerpts, three sound bites of it, but they are enough to get the point across.

          Here’s Artur Davis saying that Obama is a mistake that has to be fixed..


    ulsterman whi comments on day one of convention…Ann Romney – best speech by any candidate’s spouse ever.

  36. After listening to Artur, who still has Democrat genetics in his blood, he appears to me to be a once Democrat with a brain and integrity. This is what the Republican party must tap into,to recognize the similarities in the parties and what’s best for the country. I never thought Colin Powell had the integrity that this guy seems so far to have. If you can find Artur’s interviews prior to the convention, they are worth listening to. They are on Utube vids , several of them of about 3-6 minutes, in a procession of about and hour and a half.

  37. Fact Checking the GOP Speakers
    By Meghan McCarthy, Katy O’Donnell and Sara Sorcher
    Updated: August 29, 2012 | 12:28 a.m.

    The economy and budget were top issues in many of the speeches at the Republican convention on Tuesday. Speakers from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who delivered the keynote address, to Democrat-turned-Republican Artur Davis criticized President Obama for presiding over rising debt and deficits and accused him of seeking to expand the role of government in the economy. Here is a look at some of the statements and how firmly they are grounded in fact.

  38. Communist-regime type controlled news/censorship? MSNBC racists? You be the judge –

    MSNBC cuts every speech made by a minority from RNC speech coverage

    MSNBC wants you to think the Republican Party hates minorities. So much so that the liberal news network cut minority speeches from it’s convention coverage.

    When popular Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, took the stage, MSNBC cut away from the Republican National Convention and the Hispanic Republican from Texas’ speech.

    MSNBC stayed on commercial through former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis’ speech, as well. Davis, who recently became a Republican, is black.

    Then, when Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno’s wife Luce’ Vela Fortuño took the stage minutes later, MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews opted to talk over the First Lady’s speech.

    And Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval? Noticeably missing from MSNBC, too.

    Mia Love, a black candidate for Congress in Utah, was also ignored by MSNBC.

    Will MSNBC conveniently manage not to show Governor Luis Fortuno’s speech tomorrow (Wednesday night) as well?

    • I hope they are called out by other networks! How blatant can they be! They don’t want their viewers to know that the Republicans are a diverse group. After all, that is who the Left panders to and they are the ones who are kept as victims. If you are ignorant, illiterate, on drugs, homeless, illegal, or a minority they want you! But it is just for your vote. They could care less about you as long as you will vote for them. They will give you cash or food for that vote, and will even get you out of your house and transport you to the voting booth. They will make empty promises upon promises, but after delivering what they want, be it one vote or 10, you won’t be any better off than you are. But they’ll be back to find you when the next election comes around and it will be a repeat performance. Then once again, exit stage left.

      • Well said Bridgette. As predicted, instead of covering the speech given by Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuno, MSNBC set up Jan Brewer.

        But yet MSNBC televised Condoleezza Rice’s speech. I’m sure it was because they knew ahead of time Condoleezza was going to “implored Republicans to champion a “compassionate” immigration policy”. I can only hope Romney does not plan on giving Rice a position in his cabinet.

        • THIS (below) was Condoleezza Rice’s statement –

          We must continue to welcome the world’s most ambitious people to be a part of us. In that way, we stay young and optimistic and determined. We need immigration laws that protect our borders, meet our economic needs, and yet show that we are a compassionate nation of immigrants.

          Can I say I am a little more than ashamed at myself? I had missed Condoleezza ‘s speech and I have just now had the time to watch her speech. The way her statement had been expressed to me by again someone who I thought was a reliable source ended up being explained to me in a way that Rice was compassionate to open boarders.

          I only am to blame for not checking the facts and before posting on hear say. I just want to say – I am sooo sorry, to my fellow patriots and above all to Condoleezza. Her speech was AMAZING, one of the best, an amazing woman to say the least.

          As my daddy would say, okay now go get me a switch off the pomegranate tree! 😦

          • No need for any switch. You have pomegranate trees? I’m jealous! I agree in theory with what Rice said about immigration. And yes, with our birth rate being so low, we will need new citizens from somewhere. But not those who broke into our country illegally. NOPE. Those who came here LEGALLY and through the current process that SHOULD protect the US taxpayer and skim off the “cream of the crop” not the dregs like Mexican gang members and the poorest of the poor uneducated masses that other countries WANT to dump on us so WE support them via our overly generous “safety net” that’s SUPPOSED to be for citizens. I am adamantly AGAINST EVER giving amnesty and ESPECIALLY citizenship to anyone who came here illegally. Especially when there are PhDs sitting in other countries, waiting to come here the right way. I don’t like her unspoken premise that unless we get immigrants, We the People, we AMERICANS, won’t remain “young and optimistic and determined.” We HAVE immigration laws that protect our borders. What we DON’T HAVE is a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND A POTUS THAT ENFORCES THE LAW. Instead, we have a potus who IGNORES AND FLOUTS THE LAW AND “PROSECUTES” ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER WHO TRIES TO HONOR HIS OATH TO FOLLOW THE LAWS FAITHFULLY. I also don’t accept the unspoken premise that if we DON’T welcome [illegal] aliens eventually, we’re not “compassionate”. The USA has ALWAYS been the MOST COMPASSIONATE NATION in the world with regard to immigration. What does Mexico do? It locks up, imprisons, and then DEPORTS illegal aliens. See if they don’t. Do they give them bilingual education? No. Do they allow them to protest the Mexican government? No. Do they give them all the benefits that their own “safety net” supplies to their citizens? No. Do they allow illegal aliens to go to college? No. Do they allow them to VOTE? Hell no. (And on a related note, if it’s not been reported already, a 3-judge appeals court tossed the Texas voter ID law, so it will NOT be in effect in November, no matter the final outcome, which should be that it’s totally legal. As the SCOTUS seems to have already ruled.)

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