Did he learn it from . . .? And a new Open Thread.

I’m just sayin’!

109 responses to “Did he learn it from . . .? And a new Open Thread.

  1. http://dailycaller.com/2010/06/25/across-street-from-the-white-house-coffee-and-a-chat-with-lobbyists/

    In order to avoid having their names in the WH visitor’s log, the administration meets with the lobbying asshats in a coffeeshop across the street! You can’t make this stuff up.

  2. Who are these idiots rioting in Canada ? Hooligans ?

    • They even smashed in Starbucks ? Starbucks ?
      So stupid. Bad day to want a Frap ! So sad. Poor Starbucks. Sorry, I guess it is obvious I love them…They want less government but act like rabid baboons ? Are they paid thugs ? Oh, this is how you go about getting positive change right ?
      Really unbelievable.

        • From above :

          By Elizabeth Williamson
          Holed up with seven other global leaders in the woods of Muskoka, Canada, President Barack Obama gave the White House press corps the slip last night.

          The president is attending the G-8 and G-20 summits with his global counterparts this weekend. The G-8 began yesterday in Muskoka in Huntsville, Ont., and ends today. The G-20 is in Toronto, about 150 miles away, and starts this afternoon.

          Last night, the White House sent the press corps — which by agreement stays close to the president in order to report on any incident — back to Toronto, leaving the president 150 miles behind. In the wee hours of this morning, the crew of a dozen or so reporters and photographers in the press corps got back on a bus and returned to Muskoka for the day’s events.

          It is highly unusual for the president to shun his permanent media detail that way, particularly at a high-profile event in a remote location. One White House aide speculated that it was due to scarce accommodations in Muskoka — which is a resort area. But Mr. Obama, who’s been quite vocal in his disdain for the press at times, has blown off his press corps in the past. The White House Correspondents’ Association complained to press secretary Robert Gibbs recently when the president left the White House on a Saturday, avoided the waiting press corps, and attended his daughter’s soccer game in Northwest D.C. This is a far more significant offense than that one, and is likely to draw another complaint.

    • Who are they?

      Don’t all the RED FLAGS give them away?

      They are Communist Revolutionaries.

      See my post: The Democratic Socialist Communist Web

  3. Wonder who he was secretly meeting with this time?

  4. A staffer for Senator Claire McCaskill likens those who oppose Obamacare to Hitler’s violent, Nazi brownshirts.

    She apologizes (privately) and claims the man has been “disciplined.” I’ll bet.


    Of course, NO lamestream media coverage of THIS outrage. We wouldn’t want the people to know what kind of people McCaskill hangs with, nor what they think of We the People. My gosh, if we knew the truth, she wouldn’t be able to fool some of the people, some of the time.

    After all, McCaskill is an A-number one Obot, but pretends otherwise. She was a major spokesperson for That One during the 2008 campaign. But she has to fool the people in order to keep her office. In fact, they’re already running puffy pro-Claire campaign ads, even though she’s not even up for re-election this year.

    • Miri, Will you dig up her bio ? I do not know anything about her except hearing the name. She sounds interesting…

      • Oh, my gosh, Renee. She’s something else. We’ve discussed her before. Some really interesting things. Like her first husband mysteriously murdered in 2005. Murder STILL not solved. Current husband made a killing in nursing homes (no pun intended). Here’s her Wiki page:


        Doesn’t use either married name. The second husband, I believe, pretends to be a Republican. She pretends to be a small town girl. If she’s really Catholic, she’s a cafeteria Catholic because, like Pelosi and the Kennedys, she supports abortion and embryonic stem cell research. She was a major self-promoter as MO auditor. That gives her a lot in common with Obama, since he’s perfected the art of self promotion.

        It’s enough for me to know how ardently she supported Obama. He used her a lot when he saw how she can “handle” the lamestream media. It helped him in the Midwest, especially after the raw deal they handed to Hillary. Claire helped to bring women back into the fold. (The unthinking, non-PUMA ones, I mean). For that alone, I don’t like her.

        Bridgette and I did a lot of research on her first husband, back when we were all discussing some of the other unsolved politically associated murders.

        Exposito. That was his name. He was murdered the December before she ran for and got elected to the Senate. Case remains unsolved. Drugs were possibly involved. Or so the story goes. Bridgette may remember more about it than I do, offhand. I wish I were more organized with the results of my research.

  5. From:CW

    “14. Moonbeam Says:

    June 25th, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    We have precious little time, I fear. Here are my thoughts…


    Russian Navy in San Francisco.. at the ready.

    Mexican Troops..at the ready

    U.N. Troops gather..at the ready


    Methane and Martial Law in the Gulf of Mexico ..at the ready

    The Perfect Storm”

  6. Marty Didier // June 27, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    Citizenwells said: & already should have enough on BO for his removal.”

    Maybe there is enough but wait there is so much more to surface that you’ll throw away what you have for the new stuff! The hardest part to deal with will be believing what you learn!

    Marty Didier
    Northbrook, IL

    • Thank you for that, Renee. I knew that Christian women and children, seeking refuge inside churches, had been burned alive by Odinga’s supporters. That’s the first video I’ve seen where media actually covered it.

  7. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0610/39067.html

    About Robert Byrd being sick and how they need his vote to pass their asshat financial reform. However, if he’s dead, then a newly appointed Dem can take his place and vote in lockstep with the Dems on whatever their messiah commands.

    When I read this article, somehow I knew that Byrd would be dead.

    Sorry to read about his death, but really, is anyone surprised?

    It’s a sad state of affairs that upon first hearing that someone’s sick or had an accident, one must wonder if it’s a natural event or a manufactured one.

    Wasn’t Byrd surprisingly opposed to Obama on something dear to Obama’s heart? I can’t remember what that issue was, but I remember thinking that when the time comes for a vote on it, dollars to donuts, Byrd will be gone, one way or the other.

    Am I too cynical? With Obama, nothing surprises me, anymore.

    May Senator Byrd rest in peace.

  8. Here it is:


    Senator Byrd opposed Obama swiping power from the legislative branch through his numerous czars.

    From the article:
    In a letter to Obama on Wednesday, Byrd complained about Obama’s decision to create White House offices on health reform, urban affairs policy, and energy and climate change. Byrd said such positions “can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances. At the worst, White House staff have taken direction and control of programmatic areas that are the statutory responsibility of Senate-confirmed officials.”

    While it’s rare for Byrd to criticize a president in his own party, Byrd is a stern constitutional scholar who has always stood up for the legislative branch in its role in checking the power of the White House. Byrd no longer holds the powerful Appropriations chairmanship, so his criticism does not carry as much weight these days. Byrd repeatedly clashed with the Bush administration over executive power, and it appears that he’s not limiting his criticism to Republican administrations.

    Byrd also wants Obama to limit claims of executive privilege while also ensuring that the White House czars don’t have authority over Cabinet officers confirmed by the Senate.

    • Exactly Miri, great find. Obama’s way to avoid the legislative branch is completely violating the Constitution appointing Czars. In the Constitution there are specific powers given to each branch of the government appointing czars is not one of them. Czars will generally make policy and, if approval is lacking, the president will sign an executive order to implement it. It’s a complete subversion of the Constitution and Byrd made this very clear.

      • The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. – James Madison, Federalist No. 47

  9. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2010/06/filling-sen-robert-c-byrds-sen.html?hpid=topnews

    “Had Byrd lived another week, the issue would have clearly been moot, since it would have been less than 2 1/2 years until the end of his term.”

    So, according to WV law, they should hold an election. But does anybody think they will? An election might mean someone other than a Democrat will win. Count on them to find a way to ignore this law, too. After all, they ignore the Constitution, with regard to eligibility.

  10. How did Obama handle the AZ border problem? He sent his entourage to speak today with Gov. Brewer. They are now allowing 524 – read that again…524 national guard troops to serve for a total of 120 days. Remember Mc Cain asked for 6,000 troops. They will stagger the time they are there. Gov. Brewer is upset and for good reason. She said Obama sent $325 Million to Mexico yet are spending $135 million for one of the US States to handle the border problem.

    There should be a You tube video to see shortly where she is being talked to after the 1 1/2 hour meeting. The Gov. is visibly upset.

  11. Kagan’s thinking? Supreme court is to be less “traditional and constitution minded” and more progressively activist minded.


  12. Inouye succeeds Byrd as Senate president pro-tempore
    Washington Post ^ | June 28 | Paul Kane

    Posted on Tuesday, June 29, 2010 12:41:14 AM by PghBaldy

    Following the death of Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), the most senior member of the Senate, will be sworn in as president pro-tempore of the Senate, placing him third in the line of succession to become president.

    Inouye will be formally sworn in once the chamber opens for business Monday, at 2 p.m. EDT, in a service just steps away from the long-time desk of Inouye’s close friend, Byrd, who died at 3 a.m. Monday. Staff have already draped a black mohair cloth over Byrd’s desk, placing white roses atop it, a standard symbol of mourning when a senator dies while in office.

    (Excerpt) Read more at voices.washingtonpost.com …


  13. Supreme Court to hear Arizona immigration law challenge
    Reuters US Edition ^ | Monday, June 28, 2010 | James Vicini

    Posted on Monday, June 28, 2010 6:01:30 PM by Star Traveler

    (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court said on Monday it would hear a legal challenge by business, civil rights and immigration groups to an Arizona law that punishes employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

    The nation’s highest court agreed to decide whether the 2007 state law infringed on federal immigration powers and should be struck down.

    The law at issue in the case is different from the strict new Arizona immigration law passed earlier this year and criticized by President Barack Obama that requires the police to determine the immigration status of any person suspected of being in the country illegally.

    But the Supreme Court’s eventual decision in the case, depending on how the justices rule, could end up affecting the pending legal challenges to the new law as well.

    (Excerpt) Read more at reuters.com …


  14. He did it again. Oh, he’s so clever. He flipped off Boehner in Racine:


    Isn’t it wonderful that we have a juvenile in the WH? How effing embarassing he must be to the Democrat party. No wonder the Clintons are beginning to toss him under the bus.

    • I saw that on TV..and I wondered if I was seeing things.. you proved I wasn’t. His disrespect for everyone is so apparent. I don’t think the Democrats are embarrassed by him as they are like him..and think it is funny.

      Sewer rats…and especially president X.

      Never one for the Clinton’s, but I am cheering them on to for letting those tread marks run over him. Remember it was Bill that suggested prior to the election that Obama might not be constitutionally eligible to run. To bad they didn’t further that statement and make it a headline, instead they went along.

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