Tag Archives: transgenderism

Thank You, Dave!

Comedian Dave Chappelle is not only funny but he’s also got particular insight into the female psyche. At least this female’s psyche.

I’ve been saying for a long time that much of the transgender “movement” is offensive to women but that nobody seems to care when this particular historically oppressed group (women) are offended.

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Explaining Obama’s Fixation on Transgender “Folks”

Barry’s Nanny, Evie. He/She is on the Left.

The Obama Administration is bound and determined to normalize transgenderism in the United States. Thus, recent orders to schools and colleges across the country, warning of sanctions and potential lawsuits if the institutions do not “accommodate” transgender students by allowing them to invade, among other places, the dormitories, locker rooms, restrooms, and even the sports teams of the opposite sex. The order, in the form of “guidance,” begins with a friendly salutation: “Dear Colleague.”

It may as well read:”Dear Comrade.”

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The Pope and Rhetorical Affirmation

President_Barack_Obama_with_Pope_Francis_at_the_Vatican,_March_27,_2014 - CopyA person seeking rhetorical affirmation asks a question, usually in a sarcastic manner, to which the obvious answer must be yes. Familiar examples abound:

Does a bear sh*t in the woods?

Is the sun hot?

Is the ocean salty?

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